The first episodes are from Genesis. Since Feb 2021 we began an exciting daily commentary in the the book of Acts since it is certain that almost all major theological errors within the church arise by a misapplication, or a misuse, of the book of Acts. If the book is taken in its proper light, it is an invaluable tool for understanding what God is doing in the redemptive narrative in human history. If it is taken incorrectly, failed doctrine, and even heretical ideas, will arise (and consistently have arisen) within the church. Let us consider the book of Acts in its proper light. In doing so, these errors in thinking and theology will be avoided. The book of Acts is comprised of 28 chapters of 1007 verses (as in the NKJV). Therefore, a daily evaluation of Acts, one verse per day, will take approximately 2.76 years to complete.

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Acts 9:43

Saturday Aug 27, 2022

Saturday Aug 27, 2022

Saturday, 27 August 2022
So it was that he stayed many days in Joppa with Simon, a tanner. Acts 9:43
This is now the last verse of Chapter 9. The previous verse noted the extent that the miracle of raising Tabitha had gone, saying that it had “gone throughout all Joppa.” With that, it now says, “So it was that he stayed many days in Joppa.”
The meaning of “many days” is impossible to determine. It could have been weeks, months, or even years. The same expression was seen in verse 9:23 and it was a period of around three years. It is simply an indeterminate amount of time that means Peter stayed and conducted his affairs.
During this time, one can imagine Peter evangelizing those who had not received Jesus, providing doctrine and actual accounts of the work of Jesus, and performing or assisting in baptisms of those who had come to faith in the Lord. These and other things would have eventually led to this location becoming a hub for the word to go out. It is at this location that Jonah attempted to escape from the Lord, and as ships came in and went out, there was always the chance of the word being conveyed to those who were on them. While there in Joppa, it says that Peter stayed “with Simon, a tanner.”
It is the same name as Peter, who is “Simon Peter.” The Greek word translated as tanner is burseus. It will be seen three times in Acts 9 and 10, all associated with this person. In Chapter 10, it will note that his house is “by the sea.” Having a tannery meant a lot of refuse that needed disposal. Being by a flowing river or the sea would be an ideal spot. Further, the salt water of the sea would assist in the treatment process.
As for the job itself, being a tanner, the man would carry around an odor with him. If the tanning was accomplished on site, the whole place would have a really bad stench tied to it. Records of the Jews show that it was considered a lowly, contemptible profession.
The job itself cannot be equated, as some scholars do, with a job that was impure according to the law. That would be dependent on the types of hides he tanned (e.g., see Leviticus 5:2), the way they were obtained, and so on. None of these things are mentioned, and so any such thought would have to be inferred. In the law, the use of hides is explicitly noted –
“And the priest who offers anyone’s burnt offering, that priest shall have for himself the skin of the burnt offering which he has offered.” Leviticus 7:8
Further, the hides of animals were used in the construction of the Tabernacle of Meeting, and they are noted as coverings for people in the Bible, such as John being “clothed in camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist” (Matthew 3:4). These and other references show that being a tanner may have been a stinky, lowly profession, but it was not necessarily something that caused defilement. It was a part of the normal lives of people within the society.
The fact that Peter is with this person, however, does appear to bear on what will transpire in Acts 10. Peter was a Jew who was raised under the law. He saw the law completed in Christ, but he did not yet understand the full extent of what that meant or the scope of its effects. He understood that the legalistic and societal judgments of the Jews were obstacles to interpersonal relationships. He certainly remembered Jesus eating with tax collectors and sinners, and he was willing to live with a person who was considered contemptible to many. But that is only a step forward toward what he will next learn.
Life application: There are plenty of jobs people do that others might look down on. Treating wastewater might come to mind – “Eeeew, who would want to do that?” Cleaning public toilets would for sure be something many would not dare to do – “Yuuuuck, I’m glad I don’t have to do that!” Picking up trash and cigarette butts probably doesn’t seem too appealing to the folks who are coming into the local store to get their morning coffee – “Egad, I’m glad I’m not him. Off to the office, I go.”
Each of these jobs may seem rather unappealing, but someone must do them. One thing is for sure, if the wastewater doesn’t get properly treated in the nation for one week, the incidents of disease would begin to multiply and would quickly get out of hand. If the public bathrooms were never cleaned, people would be reticent to even go out, lest they had a need to use one! And if things weren’t picked up around the local shops and malls, they would quickly begin to look like third-world nations, or maybe San Francisco or some other liberal city. Rats would quickly move in, and from there disease could easily start to spread.
The people that do these things perform hugely important functions that others look down on with contempt. But without their efforts, society would quickly begin to collapse. When you drive down the road and smirk at the guy blowing off a parking lot, remember that your lawn also needs to be mowed and your drive needs to be blown off. Simon was a tanner and yet Peter stayed with him. Maybe you can spend some time with people you think you’re better than. You might find out that they are, in many ways, above you. A little humility in life goes a long way.
Lord God, there are innumerable jobs to keep a society going. Some don’t pay so well. Some are stinky or dirty. Some are hot and miserable to be accomplished. But each person that does his job is someone who was created in Your image. If he is a believer, then he is way ahead of the richest and most powerful person who has not come to Christ. Help us to make right judgments about the people we see and come into contact with each day. Yes, help us with this. Amen.

Acts 9:42

Friday Aug 26, 2022

Friday Aug 26, 2022

Friday, 26 August 2022
And it became known throughout all Joppa, and many believed on the Lord. Acts 9:42
Over the past verses, the death and raising of Tabitha have been recorded. The last verse said that Peter “presented her alive.” With that noted, the main purpose of her being brought back to life is given. As it says, “And it became known throughout all Joppa.”
The restoration of her life was not, first and foremost, to bring happiness to those who had experienced loss. Nor was it so that she could continue doing good works for the people of Joppa. It was also not to relieve her of the state of death. Paul’s words concerning that state have already been noted where he says that to depart and be with Christ “is far better” (Philippians 1:23).
Rather, the miracle was primarily for people to hear about it and then to accept that the Lord had accomplished it. And that is what occurred. As it next says, “and many believed on the Lord.” Rather than “in the Lord,” Luke says, “on (or upon) the Lord.” He, Jesus, is the object of the belief. Thayer’s Greek Lexicon identifies this as “a direction toward a person or thing, ‘after verbs of trusting and hoping.’”
The people have looked to Jesus and placed their trust in Him based on their knowledge concerning the miracle that has been accomplished. Any other reason for Tabitha’s raising is secondary to this. But more in their trusting of Jesus, the Father is then glorified. In John 12, Jesus said –
“Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? ‘Father, save Me from this hour? But for this purpose I came to this hour. 28 Father, glorify Your name.’Then a voice came from heaven, saying, ‘I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.’” John 12:27, 28
A main purpose of Christ’s coming was to bring glory to God. The Father acknowledged this and said He had glorified His name, and He would do it again. That then follows with Jesus’ words to the apostles –
“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. 13 And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” John 14:12-14
And this is now what has occurred. The people heard of what Peter had done in the name of Jesus (this is not explicitly stated but it is implied because of Peter’s prayer) and they believed on the Lord. In believing in Jesus, the Father is glorified in the Son.
Life application: What has come about in Christ Jesus, both during His ministry and in the acts of the apostles in His name, is satisfying to God. Everything about the exaltation of Christ was by the design, and with the approval, of God. Christ Jesus’ preeminence in all things was God’s intent from the very beginning.
Jesus Christ is the means by which God receives glory in all things. Jesus is the Word, the Creator. God receives glory through His creative acts. Jesus Christ is the incarnate Word, the Redeemer. God receives glory through His redemptive acts. And so on. Such things about God are revealed to us through Christ Jesus. He is the focal point for us to understand God, fully and completely. Further, it is through Jesus Christ that God will ceaselessly and endlessly reveal Himself to us.
Those who believe that they are “good with God” but who do not have Jesus Christ are as far from God as the greatest sinner. Jesus Christ is the One to heal the fracture between God and man. The Bible has been given to provide us with a written record of what God has done in and through Christ. The miracle of Tabitha’s raising is a testament to God’s approval of Jesus. Jesus is the means by which God receives glory. Have faith in Jesus Christ, and God will be pleased with you.
And more, read the Bible from this perspective. Remember, it is the word that is telling us about Jesus. Cherish this word and look for Jesus in it. When you do, God is pleased that you are doing so.
Lord God, how precious it is to know that by faith in Jesus we are pleasing to You. In Him is reconciliation, forgiveness of sins, and eternal hope. Thank You for Jesus Christ our Lord who makes these things possible. Yes, thank You for Jesus. Amen.  

Acts 9:41

Thursday Aug 25, 2022

Thursday Aug 25, 2022

Thursday, 25 August 2022
Then he gave her his hand and lifted her up; and when he had called the saints and widows, he presented her alive. Acts 9:41
The previous verse detailed the restoration of life to Tabitha (Dorcas). With that having occurred, it next says of Peter, “Then he gave her his hand.” The verb is an aorist participle, saying, “And having given her his hand.”
It is speculated that this is noted because up until this time nothing has been said of physical contact between the two. If there was, Peter would have been ceremonially defiled according to Jewish law. That is found in Numbers 19:11, which says, “He who touches the dead body of anyone shall be unclean seven days.”
This is unlikely because it also says in Numbers 19:14, “This is the law when a man dies in a tent: All who come into the tent and all who are in the tent shall be unclean seven days.” The tent in that passage is to be equated to an enclosed area which is just where Tabitha’s body had been laid. The prophets of the Old Testament also went into the dead in the same manner as Peter, and they had physical contact with them while dead. That is seen in 1 Kings 17 (Elijah) and 2 Kings 4 (Elisha). But more to the point, in Christ, the types of defilement that are seen under the law are fulfilled and the law is set aside.
Regardless of this, Peter extended his hand to her. In doing so, he “lifted her up.” The order of events was different when Jesus restored life to the twelve-year-old girl. In Luke 8, it says –
“But He put them all outside, took her by the hand and called, saying, ‘Little girl, arise.’ 55 Then her spirit returned, and she arose immediately. And He commanded that she be given something to eat. 56 And her parents were astonished, but He charged them to tell no one what had happened.” Luke 8: 54-56
Jesus first took the hand of the girl. He then directed her to arise. Peter directed her to arise and then took her hand. The difference is possibly because the life itself flowed from the Lord to the little girl whereas this is to show that the life of Tabitha was restored through Jesus and not from Peter. Only after her restoration does he take her hand to help her up. Next, it says, “and when he had called the saints and widows.”
The distinction between saints and widows is certainly not intended to mean the widows were not believers, but that they are the ones who were most affected by the charitable deeds of Tabitha. She tended to those who were unable to support themselves and were dependent on others for their needs. Having noted this, it is to these previously mournful souls that Peter “presented her alive.”
The miracle had been wrought, Tabitha was restored to those who had been mourning her loss, and the joy of her presence was probably accompanied by a great amount of praising the Lord for His tender mercies upon them all.
Life application: There are many people who say they believe in Jesus and yet they don’t accept the early Genesis account as literal history. This generally extends to Genesis 11 where they begin to accept it as true and literal as if God suddenly started telling us the truth about what was happening at that time.
There are people that say they are believers and yet they do not accept the idea of predictive prophecy. In other words, the prophecies in the Bible that are fulfilled were written after they occurred.
There are people who claim to be Christians, but they dismiss the miracles, healings, and raising of the dead as fabricated stories.
A lot of these categories overlap too, meaning it is the same group of people in two or even all three of the categories. Some only fall into one of them. But all of them show a lack of faith in God, and they do not accept the “Jesus” who is presented in Scripture. Jesus held to the absolute authority and truthfulness of the Genesis account including the story of man’s creation (Mark 10:6), the killing of Abel (Luke 11:51), the flood of Noah (Matthew 24:37, 38), and so on.
Jesus refers to prophecies that were written long before His coming, and which were either fulfilled in His coming (such as Luke 4:18) or that would be fulfilled in the future (such as Mark 13:14). The number of such prophecies is rather extensive.
And more, Jesus is said to have performed miracles, healings, and the raising of the dead. After His ascension, these continued on through the apostles who were empowered by the Lord to do so, such as in the raising of Tabitha in Acts 9.
Although it is possible to be saved and hold to these erroneous views, it is both illogical and contradictory to do so. And to then teach these things to others will lead to the presentation of a false Jesus and thus a false gospel.
Where is your faith? If you cannot trust the word that tells of Jesus, you are not demonstrating faith in the Jesus who is presented in Scripture. Have faith, accept the word, and trust that what is presented is literal and truthful.
Lord God, help us in our times of unbelief or in our failure to accept Your word as it is given.  May we stand approved before You as those who trust that Your word is literal, and it is true. Help us in this, O God. Amen.

Acts 9:40

Wednesday Aug 24, 2022

Wednesday Aug 24, 2022

Wednesday, 24 August 2022
But Peter put them all out, and knelt down and prayed. And turning to the body he said, “Tabitha, arise.” And she opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter she sat up. Acts 9:40
The previous verse spoke of the widows weeping and showing to Peter the tunics and garments that Tabitha (Dorcas) had made. With that, the words of this verse are given. The NKJV does not do a great job with the verbs, so Young’s translation will be used. It says –
“And Peter having put them all forth without, having bowed the knees, did pray, and having turned unto the body said, 'Tabitha, arise;' and she opened her eyes, and having seen Peter, she sat up.”
With that noted, it says, “And Peter having put them all forth without.” Peter excused those who were in the room in order to have his full attention devoted to the matter at hand. Jesus did this with the young girl as is recorded in Matthew 9:25, but we see in Mark 5 that the parents, Peter, James, and John were with Him. This is also confirmed in Luke 8. In this case now, however, Peter is alone. From there, it says, “having bowed the knees.”
After having solitude, he takes a position of humility before the Lord. There is no arrogance or pretentiousness in him. Rather, he is as one who is seeking the Lord from the heart and in a state of reverence. With that, it says he “did pray.” In the account of the girl from the gospels, Jesus simply spoke forth His words, and the girl was raised. In John 11, at the raising of Lazarus, Jesus prayed to the Father, but it was an open prayer intended to be heard for others to perceive and understand the intimacy that exists between the Father and the Son as well as the authority that the Son possessed.
Peter yielded himself to God through prayer, not claiming any authority of his own. With that, it next records, “and having turned unto the body said, ‘Tabitha, arise.’” Though recorded in Greek, these would have been the same words as spoken by Jesus in Mark 5. He said, “Talitha cumi,” meaning, “Little girl, arise.” Peter would surely have spoken Aramaic and said, “Tabitha, cumi.” The closeness of the words is remarkable but coincidental. Next, after Peter’s spoken words, it says, “and she opened her eyes.”
As dead people do not open their eyes, the miracle that was hoped for has been realized. She is brought back to life by the power of God and through the petition of Peter. With that noted, the verse finishes with, “and having seen Peter, she sat up.”
Not only was she brought back to life, but she was also brought back to a state of vigor that allowed her to rise up on her own. The power of God is realized in the miracle.
Life application: Peter’s words, “Tabitha, arise,” were words of confidence. This is the same person who asked to come out to the Lord on the raging waters of the Sea of Galilee. There it said –
“So He said, ‘Come.’ And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. 30 But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, ‘Lord, save me!’” Matthew 14:29, 30
Peter took his eyes off the Lord and looked at the dangers surrounding him. His faith faltered, and he began to sink. In this account, Peter removed the distractions of the women and their sadness and focused on the Lord through prayer.
We can, and should, learn from this. Hebrews 12:2 implores us to fix our eyes on Jesus. If we don’t do this, we will be ineffective in what we determine to do as believers because we will always be distracted by the things of the world. When our eyes are set on Jesus, our attention is likewise going to be set on Him. And when that is the case, our priorities and our determination will be properly focused. May we consider this all the days of our lives. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus!
Lord God, even the most confident of us are just one step away from sinking among the raging waves of life if we don’t keep our eyes on Jesus. But with Him as our focus, we can be confident that the path we are taking is correct, and that it will lead to the right and proper end. What happens along the way is temporary and will pass, but the goal on which we focus – Jesus our Lord – is eternal joy in His presence. Help us to remember this all our days. Amen.

Acts 9:39

Tuesday Aug 23, 2022

Tuesday Aug 23, 2022

Tuesday, 23 August 2022
Then Peter arose and went with them. When he had come, they brought him to the upper room. And all the widows stood by him weeping, showing the tunics and garments which Dorcas had made while she was with them. Acts 9:39
In the previous verse, the saints in Joppa sent two men to Peter in Lydda imploring him to come with them to Joppa. Now, that continues with, “Then Peter arose.” It is a present participle. The Greek reads, “Then Peter, having arisen.” 
The narrative Luke presents brings the reader into it, carefully allowing it to unfold as it is being read. Peter was willing to go with them. Therefore, in having arisen, he “went with them.” His willingness to go with them would have alleviated any unnecessary delays as they could take him directly to the location without the possibility of him getting lost on the way or in the city.
As for the journey, it would not have been too long because the cities were near one another. The current driving distance is 16 miles. Assuming they had animals, it would be a few hours of riding at most. Even walking at a normal pace takes about 4 hours to go that distance. Luke next records, “When he had come, they brought him to the upper room.”
There is a sense of urgency here. Nothing is said about stopping to have a meal, wash their feet, or any of the other things that normally would occur after traveling 15+ miles. Instead, Luke notes that he is immediately brought to where Tabitha had been laid. Next, whether they were already in the room or whether they came up with him, it notes, “And all the widows stood by him weeping.”
Tabitha had been a faithful soul and a caring provider to many. That alone would have endeared her to others. Her death would have been a source of loss to anyone who was close and shared in her life. But these women were also the source of her good deeds. This is seen in the next words. They were “showing the tunics and garments.”
It is improbable that they carried up a display of the things she had made. Rather, it appears that they were showing her works as they wore them. In essence, “She made these just for me.” This is implied in the Greek which is in the middle voice. The middle voice is used to denote that the subject is both an agent of the action and somehow concerned with it. In other words, these ladies were most probably modeling the garments for Peter to understand the greatness of the efforts put forth by Tabitha.
The types of clothing noted by Luke include the chitón, which is a garment worn close to the skin. It could be an undergarment, a shirt, a coat, and so on. The second is the himation. This is a garment worn over the chitón, such as a robe. It would often be made of wool, having openings for the head and arms. It would be a more loosely fitting garment. Of these, Luke notes that they were clothes “which Dorcas had made while she was with them.”
The word translated as “which” means “as many as,” and the verb is imperfect. It gives the sense of it being a continuous habit of making. It’s not just that she made them for these ladies, but she went out of her way to make them anytime a need arose. A literal translation of this last clause would be “as many as Dorcas was making while she was with them” (YLT).
The care she had for those she tended to is evident in all that is documented about her by Luke.
Life application: Paul was torn between departing and being with the Lord and staying to minister to others –
“But if I live on in the flesh, this will mean fruit from my labor; yet what I shall choose I cannot tell. 23 For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better. 24 Nevertheless to remain in the flesh is more needful for you.”  Philippians 1:22-24
Tabitha (Dorcas) obviously was one of the saints and was therefore free from this body of death. However, those behind certainly wanted her back. Paul notes that her state with Christ would have been “far better” if she did not come back. And yet, that was the desire of those who had lost her.
Elsewhere, Paul says, “But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope.” Death is a part of the human existence. Until the rapture people will continue to die. The mourning we experience as believers is one of personal loss, not one of permanent loss.
If we can remember this, our times of loss should at the same time include a sense of joy for the one who has departed. Jesus Christ came to provide us with hope. To understand this more fully, take time today to read the account of the death of Lazarus in John 11. There, we see the surety of our hope because of who Jesus is.
In Christ is victory over death. If we can remember this and keep it with us at all times, it should help us in two major ways. The first is to spur us on to a more perfect desire to tell the unsaved about Jesus and to keep them in prayer for their hearts and eyes to be opened. The second is that when death enters into our sphere of life, if it is a believer who has died, we can have confidence that they are now in a “far better” state than remaining with us.
Heavenly Father, help us to be attentive to the terminal state of existence that we as humans live in. May we carefully remember that our days are short and that without Jesus, there is no hope for those who depart this life. Give us hearts that are caring about this so that we will not be negligent in our responsibilities concerning the good news of Jesus. Amen. 

Acts 9:38

Monday Aug 22, 2022

Monday Aug 22, 2022

Monday, 22 August 2022
And since Lydda was near Joppa, and the disciples had heard that Peter was there, they sent two men to him, imploring him not to delay in coming to them. Acts 9:38
In the previous verse, Tabitha is said to have died. With that remembered, Luke next records, “And since Lydda was near Joppa.” The verb is a present participle, “And Lydda being near Joppa.” Luke is describing the narrative as if it is ongoing. Understanding that, he continues with, “and the disciples had heard that Peter was there.” Again, the verbs are present tense, “and the disciples having heard that Peter is there.”
Tabitha has died, it is understood that Peter is in Lydda and Lydda is not that far away. Luke is weaving his words together to join his reader in the narrative as it continues. The sadness of the situation, the loss that has been experienced, and the immediate pressing nature of the situation is highlighted by the use of his words.
Because of this state, Luke next records, “they sent two men to him.” Many scholars tie in the coming internment with the urgency of the request while, at the same time, denying that Peter was being called for the purpose of a hoped-for miracle. In other words, an example of the reasoning is that Peter’s presence was needed “to comfort those that were concerned in the great loss of so good a woman” (Matthew Poole).
If this was the case, it would hardly matter if Tabitha was buried or not. Comfort can be provided if a body is above ground or in the grave. It is obvious that they have hope that Peter can, in fact, appeal to the Lord for a miracle. It would make no sense to rush Peter to Joppa unless this was the possible outcome. But the next words give just that sense of urgency, saying they were “imploring him not to delay in coming to them.”
The verse ahead will clearly show that Tabitha was not someone Peter knew well, if at all. And yet, he is being summoned to come quickly. However, just a few verses ago, it said –
“And Peter said to him, ‘Aeneas, Jesus the Christ heals you. Arise and make your bed.’ Then he arose immediately. 35 So all who dwelt at Lydda and Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord.” Acts 9:34, 35
The word had gone out all around the surrounding area that Peter had accomplished this miracle. It was understood from Jesus’ ministry that He had not only healed but that He had also raised the dead. The anticipation is that Jesus, through the apostleship of Peter, might again perform such a miracle.
Life application: Luke’s words are meticulously recorded to show an ongoing narrative, one thing often leading to the next. This is certainly the case here. The final note concerning the healing of Aeneas going out in a great manner was provided for just this reason, meaning it was intended to lead into the next section of the narrative.
Likewise, if you come to the end of this passage about Tabitha and look it over, you will see a connection to the next section. This is not uncommon in Scripture and such clues show that what is being detailed is not a haphazardly recorded account, but a purposeful compilation intended to lead us through the narrative to a more perfect understanding of what God has done in order to establish His church.
Pay attention to such cues because they will help provide a clearer sense of why things are occurring at the times they occur. Acts is a vital part of God’s word, even if it is not prescribing things for us to do. It is showing us that God’s hand was with His church as it began, and thus we can know that His hand continues with His church today.
The miracles, for example, helped establish a sense of surety within the church until the word was written. Those same miracles can provide us with the exact same sense of surety now that the word has been received.
Lord God, we can look to the wonderful things You have done for Your people in the past as are recorded in Your word. Now, we can have faith that what is provided there is true and reliable, and we can have confidence in the future concerning Your guiding hand being with us. Thank You for the surety Your word provides us as we continue forward in time, awaiting the fulfillment of all the things it promises are yet ahead. Amen.

Acts 9:37

Sunday Aug 21, 2022

Sunday Aug 21, 2022

Sunday, 21 August 2022
But it happened in those days that she became sick and died. When they had washed her, they laid her in an upper room. Acts 9:37
The verse now is speaking of Tabitha (Dorcas) of the previous verse. It noted that she was full of good works and charitable deeds. Luke now continues with, “But it happened in those days.”
Without going ahead, “those days” means that it was during the time that Peter was in the vicinity. The narrative was focused on him and Aeneas. What is happening now is to be assumed (and later made explicit) that this is during that time period “that she became sick.”
Luke, a physician, doesn’t give any specifics. This shows that no determination was made how this happened. Otherwise, he would have given his usual careful observations. Rather, he gives the main point that some malady had overtaken her. She was “sick and died.”
Her death is given as a recorded fact. There is no reason to assume anything other than this occurred. Those who argue that this was a swoon or the like do so against the plainly stated facts. Further, to argue for this when they were not present is to argue that the account is factual and simply needs to be tweaked to allow for their own presuppositions and biases concerning the matter.
Further, it is the height of arrogance to make a claim about the narrative that is contrary to what is plainly stated when they were not there. Being dead is a state that is not hard to determine, and people have identified it for all of human history. If there are exceptions where a misdiagnosis was made, the burden of proof is on the one making the claim to prove it. As this cannot be done, the record of her death must stand as it is written. With that in mind, it next says, “When they had washed her.”
This was a traditional part of the burial process. It is a demonstration of care and respect for the person’s memory as she is prepared for her final internment. Matthew Poole says, “They washed the dead, and anointed them, to fit them for their burying, and especially to show their hope of the resurrection; which some think St. Paul alludes unto, 1 Corinthians 15:29.”
This is actually an important point. Matthew Poole’s note about anointing the dead is correct, but nothing is said of that here. It is actually a clue that they have a hope that has not yet been expressed in the account. That will be seen in the coming verses.
People tend to the corpses of their dead all over the world. It may be there is a sense of hope in an afterlife (such as the Egyptians) or for some other reason but including 1 Corinthians 15:29 is not correct. That is not at all the intent of Paul’s words. He clearly says in the same passage “that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption” (1 Corinthians 15:50).
The bodies that believers now possess are destined to return to the dust of the earth, just as the early Genesis account tells us. When Daniel was told that many of those who sleep in the dust will be raised, it confirms this. The bodies that we now possess will not be the bodies we will possess at the resurrection. The washing of Tabitha was a note of respect and a point of closure for those left behind. With that noted, the verse ends with “they laid her in an upper room.”
This would be out of sight of any who came by the house except for those who would purposefully go up to view her one last time. The custom in the Middle East was to always bury a person as quickly as possible, usually within the same day. Any chance to pay one’s last respects would have to come within that short timeframe.
Life application: Unless the rapture happens, we are all going to die physically. This is a part of the way things are at this time. There is not a moment of guarantee that when we wake up in the morning, we will be alive by evening. And there is no guarantee that going to bed will be followed by getting up the next morning.
We must be prepared, right now, to meet our Maker. As Jesus is the One who makes reconciliation with Him possible, it is our responsibility to receive His offer of peace and reconciliation now. And more, it is our responsibility to tell others about what God has offered. Our date with death’s destiny is assured. When it will come is known to God alone. Let us be wise and be prepared for that day and let us prepare others – as best as we can – for that day as well.
Lord God, thank You that because of Jesus Christ, we have the sure, certain, and blessed promise of the resurrection to eternal life that You have promised to all those who believe. May we be responsible to tell others about this joy that we possess while we have the time. Prompt us in this, O God. Amen.

Acts 9:36

Saturday Aug 20, 2022

Saturday Aug 20, 2022

Saturday, 20 August 2022
At Joppa there was a certain disciple named Tabitha, which is translated Dorcas. This woman was full of good works and charitable deeds which she did. Acts 9:36
While Peter was still in Lydda, Luke now brings a new development into the narrative at a new location, beginning with, “At Joppa.”
Joppa (Hebrew: Yafo) is a port city found four times in the Old Testament and ten in the new. The name comes from yaphah, to be fair or beautiful, and so it means Beautiful. It is the city from which Jonah went in order to obtain a ship going to Tarshish. For the city today, Wikipedia says of this location –
“Jaffa, in Hebrew Yafo (Hebrew: יָפוֹ, Yāfō (help·info)) and in Arabic Yafa (Arabic: يَافَا) and also called Japho or Joppa, the southern and oldest part of Tel Aviv-Yafo, is an ancient port city in Israel. Jaffa is known for its association with the biblical stories of Jonah, Solomon and Saint Peter as well as the mythological story of Andromeda and Perseus, and later for its oranges. Today, Jaffa is one of Israel's mixed cities, with approximately 37% of the city being Arab.”
Today, the population of Joppa is about 46,000. It is in this location that Luke continues, saying, “there was a certain disciple named Tabitha.” This is an Aramaic name coming from a word meaning “gazelle.” Hence, her name means “Gazelle.” Of her, Luke next says, “which is translated Dorcas.”
Dorcas (Greek Dorkas) means the same thing, Gazelle. That comes from a Greek word meaning “to see clearly,” because the gazelle is an animal with bright, large eyes. Having two names is not uncommon in the Bible. In her case, being in Joppa which was a port town, there would be many Greek-speaking people. Therefore, to accommodate both, she was probably known by either her Aramaic name (the language of Israel at the time) or by her Greek name (the standard language of trade and commerce in the Roman Empire at the time). Of her, Luke next says, “This woman was full of good works.”
The meaning is obvious, but Charles Ellicott gives insight into Luke’s writing style by saying this of her –
“The form of the expression may be noticed as characteristic of St. Luke, and his favourite formula for conveying the thought of a quality being possessed in the highest degree possible. So we have ‘full of leprosy’ in Luke 5:12, ‘full of grace’ and ‘full of faith’ in Acts 6:5; Acts 6:8. (Comp. also Acts 13:10; Acts 19:28.)”
In the case of Tabitha, Luke uses the word agathos to describe her works. It is a common word signifying that which is intrinsically good. It is what finds its origin in what is provided by God, and it finds its empowerment from Him. For example, Jesus speaks of a tree that bears “good fruit.” One can see the root of the modern name Agatha in it.
Along with this, Luke continues, saying of her, “and charitable deeds which she did.” The verb is imperfect showing that her good deeds were ongoing – “which she was doing.” It wasn’t that she was known for something good that she had done, but she was known for her constant doing of good things. The Greek word used to describe these good deeds signifies beneficence or alms. They were deeds of charity that defined her as a person who was doing what she did without any strings attached.
Life application: Luke is careful to refer to Tabitha in two ways: full of good works and charitable deeds. One can be full of good works that are self-serving, and one can be full of charitable deeds that are sloppy or not well thought out. However, when one does good things and is charitable as well, it shows a person who is careful, methodical, and who is generous simply because it is his or her nature.
The Bible’s inclusion of this description of Tabitha tells us that her conduct was right in the eyes of Luke, but it also tells us that it is right in the eyes of God who inspired Luke to write these things. She was being evaluated and the record of her life has been documented.
Likewise, we are also being evaluated, and the attitude and conduct we put forth are being remembered. Someday, we will have our life and actions judged –
“Now if anyone builds on this foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, 13 each one’s work will become clear; for the Day will declare it, because it will be revealed by fire; and the fire will test each one’s work, of what sort it is. 14 If anyone’s work which he has built on it endures, he will receive a reward. 15 If anyone’s work is burned, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire.” 1 Corinthians 3:12-15
“Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him. 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.” 2 Corinthians 5:9, 10
If our purpose for doing things is amiss, our rewards will be diminished. And if the quality of our works is shoddy, the same will be true. Let us strive with our hearts set on the Lord in order to perform well and to produce that which is exemplary. In this, the Lord will be pleased and will return to each of us a full reward.
Heavenly Father, help us to be faithful and careful stewards of the time and talents You have given to us. And Lord, we are flesh and bone. Give us strength to meet our desire to perform and give us the inner drive to meet the strength You have provided. May there be a full display of careful attention to our deeds and actions before You. Amen.

Acts 9:35

Friday Aug 19, 2022

Friday Aug 19, 2022

Friday, 19 August 2022
So all who dwelt at Lydda and Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord.
 Acts 9:35
The previous verse told of the healing of Aeneas by Peter. Because of that, Luke now records, “So all who dwelt at Lydda and Sharon.”
The Greek has an article before “Sharon.” It is “the Sharon.” It refers to a larger district. The name Lydda has already been explained. Sharon (Greek: Sarón) is found only here in the New Testament, but it comes from Sharon, a location named seven times in the Old Testament. It comes from yashar – to be straight, level, or right. Hence, Sharon means “Plain.” Even in the Old Testament, the name is often prefixed by an article, “the Sharon.” Therefore, it refers to “the Plain.” Wikipedia says of the location today –
“The Sharon plain (Hebrew: השרון HaSharon Arabic: سهل شارون Sahel Sharon) is the central section of the Israeli coastal plain. The plain lies between the Mediterranean Sea to the west and the Samarian Hills, 15 km (9.3 mi) to the east. It stretches from Nahal Taninim, a stream marking the southern end of Mount Carmel in the north, to the Yarkon River in the south, at the northern limit of Tel Aviv, over a total of about 90 km (56 mi). The level of the Sharon plain is connected to the level of the Mediterranean Sea by the Sharon Escarpment.”
It is good to know this because it means that what had happened to Aeneas has impacted not just people in a couple small towns, but in a vast area. It is those dwelling in Lydda and the Sharon who “saw him and turned to the Lord.”
The meaning is obvious. The people saw the man, they understood the miracle, and they became believers in Jesus as the Messiah. What may be the case for such a large area to be impacted in this way is that the people of the plain traveled through Lydda for selling goods and shopping on the coast or for some other reason. As they did, they would see the man who had previously been paralyzed and would want to know what happened.
With that, the explanation of his healing would be carried back to those living in the plain area, describing the miracle and telling others that it was Jesus who had accomplished it. Despite the large area, this is not unlikely. The people of the plain would have things they grew and needed to sell and so traveling through various towns with their agricultural products would be the obvious thing to do.
Life application: From small to great things. The Lord accomplished a miracle through Peter in healing a bedridden man. This was in a town that is hardly mentioned in the Old Testament except in a minimal way. In the New Testament, it is simply a village that Peter is passing through where some believers obviously lived.
Those believers would probably have told others about Jesus after their conversion, maybe at the time of the coming of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2, or at some other annual feast in Jerusalem. But with Peter’s arrival and the healing of Aeneas, there would now be something to back up what these people had been saying all along. The miracle provided proof of what these believers already knew to be true.
And so with a single healing in a small town, an entire district hears and believes. Aeneas didn’t need to do anything but be healed. The others simply needed to tell what they believed. With the change in Aeneas, the gospel message has been confirmed.
Today, if there has been a change in your life, or someone else’s life that you know of, that single conversion can be used to confirm the power of the gospel to many. “He was a drug addict and now he is the finest employee I have ever had!” “She was a real run around, but then she met Jesus. What a change in her!”
And even if your conversion wasn’t as noticeable as this, it is still a change that can be told to others. God can take your witness and grow it into a great harvest. But people need to hear about it in order for that to happen. Let the world know that the gospel has power and that this power is proven in your own life.
Lord God, how marvelous was the day when we realized what Christ had done for us. Thank You for the wonderful change that has taken place. We were on the way to condemnation, and then came Jesus! Now, we have a hope of eternal joy in Your presence. Thank You, O God, for Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Acts 9:34

Thursday Aug 18, 2022

Thursday Aug 18, 2022

Thursday, 18 August 2022
And Peter said to him, “Aeneas, Jesus the Christ heals you. Arise and make your bed.” Then he arose immediately. Acts 9:34
The previous verse told of Aeneas who was bedridden for eight years, being paralyzed. Now, Luke continues with, “And Peter said to him.” Nothing has been said about this man being a believer. Rather, all it said was that Peter “came down to the saints in Lydda” in verse 32. Without any definitive answer to this either way, it continues with the words of Peter, saying, “Aeneas, Jesus the Christ heals you.”
Peter addresses him by name and then notes the Source of the healing. It is “Jesus the Christ.” The article is appropriately rendered here. Jesus (Hebrew: Yeshua) was not an uncommon name at the time in Israel. Therefore, to definitively identify Him, Peter calls Him “the Christ,” meaning “the Messiah.”
This is not unlike the account in Acts 3 where the man lame from birth was healed –
“Then Peter said, ‘Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.’ 7 And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.” Acts 3:6, 7
Notice the differences though. In Chapter 3, Peter called him Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Being in Jerusalem, it would have been well known that Jesus of Nazareth was believed to be the Messiah by many. Therefore, to ensure that He was definitively identified, the place He was known to herald from was given. Here, that is unnecessary as someone in Lod would probably have no idea about where Jesus was identified with.
Instead, He is called Jesus the Christ. Secondly, nothing is said of Peter grabbing him and helping him up. The man had been bedridden for eight years, not his whole life. So, Peter knew that he would know what it was like to be strengthened in his legs and to walk. Therefore, he simply gives the command, saying, “Arise and make your bed.”
The command for healing has been given, and a command to prove the healing and its long-term effects is stated. The idea is that not only is Aeneas healed, but that the bed was no longer needed except for times of sleeping. Hence it is to be folded up and taken away as a testament to the event. With that stated, it next says, “Then he arose immediately.”
Aeneas must have felt the strength return to his legs and so without a moment of hesitation, he arose. It can be assumed that he immediately took care of his bed as directed and was happy to do so.
Life application: Nothing about the mental state of Aeneas is given. This is unlike what is recorded concerning the healing by Paul in Acts 14. There it says, “Paul, observing him intently and seeing that he had faith to be healed, 10 said with a loud voice, ‘Stand up straight on your feet!’ And he leaped and walked” (Acts 14:9, 10).
The information concerning Aeneas was already supplied in the previous verse where it says of Peter, “There he found a certain man named Aeneas.” The indication is that something transpired between the two because, in this verse, Peter called him by name. Both men were at least prepared to be healed by the words of Peter or Paul.
What can be certain, however, is that if Aeneas was coming to faith, that faith came in full upon his healing. But what if Peter never was called to heal him? What if he left and Aeneas remained upon his bed? Would his state be something that proved God didn’t care? The answer is, “No.”
The healing of our physical bodies is a great thing. This is why we go to doctors. But a person who is permanently disabled is loved by God in the same way as someone who is whole. What God desires is a right heart within. 
God is often glorified through sickness. Our weaknesses and failings allow us to rely on His grace. Also, our testimony of patience in suffering can actually lead people to want to know why we have such faith.
Such things as these are found in Scripture and they show us that sickness, oppression, and even torture or death can be used by God for His glory. It is our faith in His hand upon our lives that He is most pleased with. In the end, we shall receive a reward for this. As believers, we have a sure hope in Jesus Christ. Our faith in Him will receive its reward in due time. And so, let us be people of faith.
Lord God, help us to accept suffering, affliction, trials, and the like with grace. And we know already, because Your word tells us it is so, that Your grace is sufficient for us. We can live with a thorn in our flesh, but it will never be something that can remove Your hand of grace from upon us. Thank You that we are secure in Christ! Amen. 

Acts 9:33

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022

Wednesday Aug 17, 2022

Wednesday, 17 August 2022
There he found a certain man named Aeneas, who had been bedridden eight years and was paralyzed. Acts 9:33
The previous verse saw Peter going throughout the country and eventually came down to the saints who dwelt in Lydda. Now, Luke continues, saying, “There he found a certain man named Aeneas.”
This is all that is stated about the meeting between the two. He may have been in the streets, he may have been staying with a believer, or he may have been in a house where Peter stayed the night. He may not have been a believer at the time. If he was, Luke probably would have called him a brother. However, Luke may be simply tying him in with “the saints” of the previous verse. Despite this, it is certain that he has been told about Jesus already because, in the next verse, Peter will call him by name, implying they have already conversed.
The meaning of his name, Aeneas, is hard to pin down. It may be a Greek name, coming from the verb aineo, meaning to tell about or speak of. Or it may be from the adjective ainos, horrible. Charles Ellicott states –
“The Greek name (we note the shortened vowel Ænĕas of the later form of the word), perhaps, implies that he belonged to the Hellenistic section of the Church. Had the fame of Virgil’s poem made the name of the Trojan hero known even in the plains of Palestine?”
There is the possibility, however, that his name comes from the Hebrew noun 'ayin, fountain, or eye. With these various possibilities, it is unsure what the meaning of his name actually was, but it was likely tied to one of these roots. Therefore, the meaning may be Praise, Horrible, or Man of the Well (Fountain). Of him, Luke next says, “who had been bedridden.”
Rather, it is a present participle. He was “lying on his bed.” Luke continues to provide the narrative as if it is happening as if we are watching. The word translated as bed, krabattos, signifies the mattress of a poor man, showing that not only was he confined to a bed, but that he was financially ruined as well. And this had continued on for “eight years.”
As usual, Luke is very careful to provide the details in an exacting manner. The words are not unimportant because they discount any hint of deception as might otherwise be the case with a charlatan. This man had lain on a poor bed, unable to rise at all for eight years. Anyone who knew him or saw him would know this to be a fact. Luke then adds in a medical note, saying, “and was paralyzed.”
It is a word, paraluó, found twice in Luke, twice in Acts, and once in Hebrews 12 –
“Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, 13 and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed.” Hebrews 12:12, 13
It comes from two words signifying “to loose beside.” As such, it can mean either paralyzed or enfeebled. In this case, it is most likely paralyzed simply because he was bedridden for eight years, but it could be that he just couldn’t rise because he had permanently torn his quad muscle while on a vacation. As such, he just lay helpless. Whatever the reason, Luke’s description is sufficient to explain that the man was incapable of proper functioning.
Life application: The miracles of the Bible always have a reason. One is to bring glory to God. Another is to validate the ministry of the individual who is performing the healing. The miracles that are perfo rmed never have the purpose of enriching or making well-known and famous those performing them.
Further, there is no longer a need for such miracles because the Bible is written. It stands as the witness and testimony to the validation of the ministry of Jesus and those who were appointed by Him. As the Bible says that we live by faith and not by sight, that is an indication that those miracles that do happen now are miracles that require faith to believe.
In other words, we do not need faith to believe a true healing like Aeneas if we see it. We would have known him, seen his condition, and then seen his healing. We would, therefore, have no reason to disbelieve.
But if we have a person who is in need of healing and we pray for it and it occurs without a showy display by a charismatic preacher, we will have to have faith that it was our prayers that brought it about. As Hebrews says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”
Nobody should ever try to dismiss the miraculous. If God wants to heal, He can and He will. And this is what we are to pray for. But let us not get duped into the fake miracles, signs, and wonders of those who are looking to profit off of such things. Be wise, be circumspect, and be ready to pray for God’s hand to perform the miraculous. If it comes about, have faith that He heard your prayers and respond accordingly, thanking Him for His goodness.
Glorious God Almighty, thank You for the hope we possess in You because of the work of Jesus. We have a hope that You can and do heal in this life, but that You may not choose to do so for Your own reasons. But this life is short, and so we know that the true and everlasting healing lies not too far off. Someday, things will be perfect, and they will be so forever. May that day be soon! Amen.

Acts 9:32

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022

Tuesday, 16 August 2022
Now it came to pass, as Peter went through all parts of the country, that he also came down to the saints who dwelt in Lydda. Acts 9:32
The previous verse told of the peace and edification of the believers in Judea, Galilee, and Samaria. They were walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit while being multiplied. With that remembered, the narrative now returns again to Peter. “Now it came to pass, as Peter went through all parts of the country.”
Rather than “went,” the verb is a present participle. He was passing through all parts of the country. Luke is describing it as he is going. As for the traveling itself, it can be inferred that this is what the apostles did, both from the previous verse where the content and expanding nature of the church were noted as well as from Galatians 1 where Paul noted that he only saw Peter and James the Lord’s brother.
The inference to be made is that the apostles traveled about Israel strengthening the churches and instructing them while using Jerusalem as their home base. Peter is now doing this, carrying his knowledge of the Lord throughout the land. During this trip, it next says “that he also came down to the saints who dwelt in Lydda.”
Of this town, Albert Barnes (1798-1870) notes the following –
“This town was situated on the road from Jerusalem to Caesarea Philippi. It was about 10 or 12 miles southeast from Joppa, and belonged to the tribe of Ephraim. It was called by the Greeks Diospolis, or city of Jupiter, probably because a temple was at some period erected to Jupiter in that city. It is now so entirely ruined as to be a miserable village. Since the Crusades, it has been called by the Christians George, on account of its having been the scene of the martyrdom of a saint of that name. Tradition says that in this city the Emperor Justinian erected a church.”
Today, Lod is considered a part of the Central District of Israel, being situated between the lower Shephelah on the east and the coastal plain on the west. In 2019, it had a population of a bit more than 77,000. It is a mixed city with about 30% Arabs. It is a major junction for roads and railways.
As for its biblical history, it appears four times in the Old Testament. Each reference is without any great specificity. Its name is defined by Jones’ Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names as “Contention.” It is at this place that Peter has made a stop during his travels.
Life application: In Lod, Israel today there is a Greek Orthodox church. The closest Messianic synagogues noted on the map are in Tel Aviv. This means that the message of Jesus is sorely needed there. While you’re praying for the lost, be sure to pray for those in Israel. There they are, right in the middle of the land of the Bible, and yet the knowledge of Jesus is severely lacking.
The traditional orthodox churches are pretty much all rites and rituals, but there is generally little concern for, or even an understanding of, the gospel. Messianic synagogues are growing in Israel, but the Arab churches appear to be in a bit of decline. On the brighter side, there are Messianic believers that put out great music in Hebrew and there is a radio station that broadcasts from Israel.
With the internet available pretty much everywhere, there is access to sermons, studies, and music. Direct your prayers for the Lord to bring about those seemingly chance occurrences where a finger will push a wrong button and click on something Christian-related. Pray that something even as cumbersome as a flat tire or an accident might lead to someone meeting a believer who is willing to share his faith.
Just like in the other countries of the world, people in Israel need to hear about Jesus. Pray that the Lord will open those doors and bring the word to many.
Lord God, today we lift up the people in Israel – Jews and Gentiles alike. We pray that they will be curious about the biblical history of where they are and that they will seek out and find Jesus as they look. Make this the day where many wonderful meetings through time and circumstance will bring this about. According to Your wisdom, we pray. Amen.

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