The first episodes are from Genesis. Since Feb 2021 we began an exciting daily commentary in the the book of Acts since it is certain that almost all major theological errors within the church arise by a misapplication, or a misuse, of the book of Acts. If the book is taken in its proper light, it is an invaluable tool for understanding what God is doing in the redemptive narrative in human history. If it is taken incorrectly, failed doctrine, and even heretical ideas, will arise (and consistently have arisen) within the church. Let us consider the book of Acts in its proper light. In doing so, these errors in thinking and theology will be avoided. The book of Acts is comprised of 28 chapters of 1007 verses (as in the NKJV). Therefore, a daily evaluation of Acts, one verse per day, will take approximately 2.76 years to complete.

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Acts 26:25

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024

Wednesday, 10 April 2024
But he said, “I am not mad, most noble Festus, but speak the words of truth and reason. Acts 26:25
A more literal translation is, “And he says, ‘I am not maniacizing, most excellent Felix. But I declare words of truth and sanity.’”
In the previous verse, Festus blurted out, “You are maniacizing Paul! Your great letters turn you to mania.” The meaning is that Paul was basically bonkers and that too much studying had driven him nuts. Now, Paul responds accordingly. Luke notes that with the words “And he says, ‘I am not maniacizing.’”
Paul returns the same word to Festus that he had just used, mainomai. It is the verbal form of mania. With that, he adds, “most excellent Felix.”
Instead of a sharp response like he gave to the High Priest in Acts 23:3, he gives the title of honor which Festus bore. He also did this to Felix in Acts 24:3. The word, kratistos, translated as “most excellent,” is also the same as that found in Acts 23:26 in the introduction of the letter from Claudius Lysias to Felix.
It is an adjective coming from kratos, a word signifying might, strength, dominion, power, etc. Thus, it literally means “strongest.” This is its last use in Scripture. After having respectfully disagreed, he next says, “But I declare words of truth and sanity.”
Paul turns the thought around. Instead of being insane, he claims that what he has said is true and sane. The second word, translated as “sanity,” is sóphrosuné. This is the first of three times it will be used in the New Testament. The other two uses are in 1 Timothy 2:9 & 2:15. It is derived from sóphrón, temperate, sober-minded, self-controlled, etc. It specifically means “soundness of mind, i.e. (literally) sanity or (figuratively) self-control -- soberness, sobriety” (Strong’s).
While Festus has accused Paul of being bonkers, Paul says that his words are well-minded. Unfortunately, an insane person will normally not know that he is insane. And a person who is deluded will not know his own delusion. This is certainly so in religious matters.
However, Paul’s simple response is also not the response of a lunatic or a deluded person. Instead, a person who is deluded will normally not continue to handle the matter as Paul will in the verses to come.
It is to be noted, however, that a person who is passionate is often mistaken for a lunatic. Paul had an enormous zeal to stamp out Christianity. That was redirected to building up the faith. In the eyes of many, Martin Luther probably seemed to border on insanity, and yet, it was his passion that led him to research the truth. His passion was not misdirected, but properly placed. Paul is the same. In order to demonstrate this, he will next turn his argument to one who can substantiate the claims of Scripture, even if not their fulfillment.
Life application: Someone who had never been to a football game might think that some of the fans were nuts. At times, they might be right. But for the most part, the crazy attitude of the people can be attributed to a passion for the sport, their home team, and the desire to be the winners. That, along with letting go of the stresses of the work week might lead people to think that the stadium was filled with lunatics.
Understanding that zeal for something does not always indicate being crazy, how do people perceive you and your faith in Jesus? There are people who stand on street corners and annoyingly yell out about Jesus. It is true that their approach may be out of place, but it may be that they just can’t contain themselves and want to express their joy in the Lord in the only way they can think of.
How do you express your faith? Do people even know you have faith in Jesus? If not, why not? If people think you are nuts for believing in an unseen God who supposedly came in the flesh two thousand years ago, how much more nutty are they for believing in a universe that popped itself into existence?
When you discover that faith in Jesus is both rational and reasonable, you should be excited to defend that with others. This is because if it is the truth, then those people who do not yet believe are on their way to eternal separation from God. Without Jesus, they are lost. That should drive you to some extreme or another based on your makeup, but if it doesn’t affect your life towards them, there is probably a problem with you. Maybe you are nuts. Remind yourself daily: “Don’t be nuts. Share Jesus with someone!”
Glorious Lord God, help us to be more and more passionate about Jesus each day that we live. As we learn more, consider Him and His work, and think about what He has done for us personally, may it affect us greatly – changing us from peevish people to bold believers. Give us a renewed passion for Jesus each day. Hooray for Jesus! Amen.

Acts 26:24

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

Tuesday, 9 April 2024
Now as he thus made his defense, Festus said with a loud voice, “Paul, you are beside yourself! Much learning is driving you mad!” Acts 26:24
It is another verse that is rather difficult to translate directly. More literally, and with a newly coined word to get the sense, it reads, “And he, defending himself by these, Festus said with a loud voice, ‘You are maniacizing Paul! Your great letters turn you to mania.’”
Putting the previous verse with this one will provide clarity on the subject, “that passable, the Christ. That first from dead – resurrection – He is come to preach light to both our people and the Gentiles. And he, defending himself by these, Festus said with a loud voice, ‘You are maniacizing Paul! Your great letters turn you to mania.’”
Note: The word “maniacizing” didn’t exist until this translation was made. It is a present verbal form of maniac to match the Greek.
Paul was speaking of the human nature of Jesus the Christ, noting that He was passable or capable of suffering. In that human nature, he died but was the first to rise from the dead. It is this line of speaking that Luke refers to Paul with the words, “And he, defending himself by these.”
The meaning is that in the process of speaking out what would otherwise seem absolutely incredible, because it is beyond anyone’s common understanding, that he is interrupted. Luke notes that, “Festus said with a loud voice.”
In other words, Festus had been listening up to this point, probably enjoying Paul’s words, even if he wasn’t on the same page with him. But when Paul spoke concerning the resurrection from the dead, he could no longer contain himself and simply blurted out his next words, “You are maniacizing Paul!”
The words are those of an eyewitness testimony. Luke was probably there in attendance, but if he wasn’t, we can still imagine Paul and him laughing over the response of Festus as Paul brought the memory back to words.
If Luke was not present at the time, the animation of Paul’s words was still enough for Luke to perfectly describe the scene. As Festus is sitting in judgment, it seems almost ridiculous that he would burst out in the way he has. It would be just like a judge yelling at a defendant, “You’re nuts.”
Although he may think these things about people while sitting in judgment, it isn’t a common or expected type of reaction. It would even show that an unfavorable judgment could be the result, simply because of his own bias against Paul’s argument. Regardless of this, the words are blurted out, and the reason for them is given as well, “Your great letters turn you to mania.’”
The word translated as letters is gramma. It signifies that which is drawn or written down. Thus, a letter. We use the same term today when we say something like, “He is a man of many letters.” The same word is used in John 7:15 to speak of Jesus’ great learning as well. Here, it is in the neuter plural, and therefore it gives the idea of the cumulative body of writings which Paul studied.
Festus may have known that the Jews held fast to their sacred writings as no other people, even more so than the highly educated Greeks. The Greeks were in the habit of studying but also writing. The Jews claimed that what they read wasn’t their own writings, but the writings of God. Therefore, they were studiers first and foremost of that which they claimed was divine.
Festus may have known this, and his conclusion was that Paul had gone over the deep end in studying, finding things in the writings which he mentally converted into an obsession and then insanity. Paul had spoken the very words that these writings proclaimed (verses 22, 23), but Festus was unable to accept what he proclaimed.
Although his comments were limited, it is apparent that the words of 1 Corinthians 1:18-25 rang true in Festus’s case. What Paul saw as logical, reasonable, and fulfilled in the resurrection of Christ, Festus saw as both incredible and mentally unsound. He surely thought that Paul had, as it were, been overwhelmed through study.
It is of interest that Paul never makes an appeal to either Greek reason or intellect in this speech as he did in Acts 17:25. Instead, he has spoken only of what can be derived from Scripture and which would keep him legally within the confines of a sub-sect of Judaism (religio licita).
As a brain squiggle, the word translated as “mania” is from the noun mania. That is derived from the verb form also used in this verse and translated as “maniacizing.” It is only used here in the New Testament. It is, of course, the basis for our modern term “mania.”
Life application: There is a duality in the final acts of the finished work of Christ. There is the cross, and then there is the resurrection. Neither is a stand-alone act. The cross without the resurrection would be a pointless sacrifice. The resurrection is an unintelligible event unless it is preceded by the atoning death of Christ.
Sin is the problem. People are spiritually dead because of sin. People then physically die apart from Christ because that sin problem is not corrected. Christ was crucified, becoming an atoning sacrifice for the sins of man. But if Christ did not resurrect, it would mean that either He died in His own sin or that the sins of those He died for stuck to Him, tainting Him with their sin. Either way, the act would have been futile.
But because He had no sin, and because He was able to fully atone for the sins of others, their sin is removed from them forever. His body was the offering that made this possible. In Acts 2, Peter says of Jesus that “it was not possible that He should be held by” death. As the wages of sin is death, and as He had no sin, death could not hold Him. But more, because His perfection was fully sufficient to atone for our sin, death could not hold Him by that either.
Thus, it is an absolute proof that those who are saved will forever remain saved. In coming to Christ, our sin is once and forever immediately atoned for. There is no sin beyond the cleansing power of Jesus’ blood. To claim there would then be to claim that Jesus’ sacrifice was insufficient to purify. Such cannot be the case! All hail the glorious name of Jesus. Hooray for Jesus!
Lord God, we thank You for what occurred in the giving of Your Son for our sin. Jesus! It is all about Jesus. Forgive us for making our lives and thoughts about us. We are merely the recipients of the gracious work that You have accomplished through Jesus Christ our Lord! Amen.

Acts 26:23

Monday Apr 08, 2024

Monday Apr 08, 2024

Monday, 8 April 2024
“that the Christ would suffer, that He would be the first to rise from the dead, and would proclaim light to the Jewish people and to the Gentiles.” Acts 26:23
The words of Paul are very difficult to express literally. They read, “that passable, the Christ. That first from dead – resurrection – He is come to preach light to both our people and the Gentiles” (CG).
Paul had just noted that what he said was nothing other than those things that the prophets and Moses said would come. With that, he next says, “that passable, the Christ.”
The word to describe Christ is an adjective found only here in Scripture, pathétos. It signifies one destined to suffer. In other words, he was passible. Thayer’s says he was endued with the capacity of suffering, capable of feeling.
Paul clearly asserted in the previous verse that each of the points of doctrine that he was to convey to his hearers was to be found in the very Scriptures that Agrippa himself would be aware of.
That the Christ would suffer is found in numerous passages in the psalms, Isaiah, Daniel, Zechariah, etc. These things are often specifically stated. In type and in picture, they can be found throughout the writings of Moses and all the way throughout the rest of the Old Testament.
That the Christ was liable to suffer was something that was ignored by the Jews. They had only focused on His acts of conquest, triumph, and power. They looked at the Messiah as one that would fulfill all of the promises concerning restoration of the land to them, leading the nations, and so forth.
What they missed is that these very things are actually found through His suffering. First and foremost, His power is, in fact, shown forth in His weakness. This portion of His coming was to handle the sin problem in man. Only after that is taken care of can man be restored to God.
Having a nation of people whose sins are not atoned for to lead the nations would make no sense. But the Jews misunderstood this and thought that it was Moses and the sacrificial system that dealt with these things, being sufficient to make them acceptable to God. But those things only anticipated Christ’s more perfect work.
After His suffering, Paul next focuses on the resurrection. In both type and in explicit references, the Messiah is shown to not only suffer, but to rise. As he says, “That first from dead – resurrection.”
Paul’s words are succinct and precise. If the Messiah was to suffer and die an atoning death for the people, and yet He was also to rule forever as the Leader of the people, then either there is an absolute and irreconcilable disconnect between the two thoughts, or the Messiah would first die and then be raised to rule. This is seen in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Greek translation of Isaiah 53:11 – From the labor of His soul He shall see light.
The Masoretic Text, the Vulgate, and the Targums omit this section of the passage, but it is surely original. In type, the resurrection is seen in the lives of Isaac, Joseph, Benjamin, etc.
It should be noted that Christ was not the first to come back to life. Both Elijah and Elisha raised children. The widow’s son was raised by Jesus and then later Lazarus was as well. However, Jesus was the first who was resurrected to eternal life. The others were merely raised to restored life. According to Leviticus 18:5, His sinless perfection demanded that He must rise.
Paul next notes that it was out of Christ’s resurrection that “He is come to preach light to both our people and the Gentiles.”
The words are rather difficult to express in English and translations vary widely. However, the verbs, being present tense, are well expressed with the words “He is come to preach.”
It is the resurrection which brings light to those who sit in the shadow of death. All mankind knows that death awaits. It is a dark and futile life. It is an existence with no hope. However, with the coming of Christ, a new Light has dawned. Eternal life is promised to those who trust in Him, both Jew and Gentile.
As for the words “our people,” it simply says “people,” but the word “our” is implied in the word used, especially because Paul is speaking directly to Agrippa.
Life application: The timeline of Daniel 9 says that a certain number of years would pass and then, with seven years left in the given timeline, the Messiah would be cut off. The meaning is that He would die.
If the Messiah died, and there are seven more years to go before the restoration promised by God for Israel under the Messiah would take place, then it means, by default, that the Messiah must resurrect. There is no way around this. The Messiah cannot reign if He were to remain dead!
Therefore, there must be a reason why He would die. That reason is the key theological point to be found in Scripture. Sin. Sin must be dealt with first and foremost before restoration with God can come about. The law was introduced to demonstrate this. Only in the fulfillment of the law can man stand in a right relationship with God.
Without that, only darkness exists. But in the fulfillment of the law, the light is made manifest. As all people already bear Adam’s sin, then no person could fulfill the law and be right with God because Adam’s sin predates the law. Therefore, Christ came in sinless perfection. He then fulfilled the law. He now offers His sinless perfection to any who will simply believe. This is the Light which has come into the world. Believe that God has done it! Jesus has prevailed!
Lord God, thank You for the giving of Your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. How grateful we are to You for the promise and surety of total restoration and eternal life because of what You have done through Him. Praises to You, O God! Amen.

Acts 26:22

Sunday Apr 07, 2024

Sunday Apr 07, 2024

Sunday, 7 April 2024
“Therefore, having obtained help from God, to this day I stand, witnessing both to small and great, saying no other things than those which the prophets and Moses said would come— Acts 26:22
More literally, the words read, “Having obtained, therefore, help from God unto this day, I have stood, witnessing to small and great, saying nothing except what both the prophets and Moses spoke is coming to be” (CG).
Paul just noted that talking about what the Lord expects is the reason why the Jews seized him and tried to kill him. Now, he explains why he has been rescued from this, saying, “Having obtained, therefore, help from God unto this day.”
Despite the Jews trying to kill him, he has been rescued from them because God has been on his side. If this is so, then it means – by default – that God has not been on the side of the Jews. They had wronged him, but more, they were conducting their lives wrongly before God.
As for the word translated as “help,” it is epikouria. It is found only here in Scripture. It gives the idea of external help, but of one of greater ability or power to one of lesser ability or power. In this case, it is divine assistance being from God. Paul says that because of this external help, “I have stood.”
This isn’t speaking of his standing in the court but of his ability to continue with the task to which he was called. It is the same metaphor he uses numerous times elsewhere, such as –
“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.” Ephesians 6:11-13
Paul was firm and unwavering in his proclamation, standing because God was with him and, as he says, “witnessing to both small and great.”
These words show that Paul saw no distinction in any man after receiving his commission. To Christ, and therefore to him now, there was no Jew, Gentile, king, servant, male, female, wealthy, or poor, or any other distinction that would preclude him from sharing the gospel. Barnes states it this way –
“He passed by none because they were poor; and he was not deterred by the fear of the rich and the great from making known their sins and calling them to repentance. What an admirable illustration of the proper duties of a minister of the gospel!”
As for his witnessing, he next notes that he was “saying nothing except what both the prophets and Moses spoke is coming to be.”
This final clause shows Paul’s understanding that the doctrine of the Messiah was fully testified to in the Old Testament. Christ’s life, work, atoning death, etc. were all carefully detailed, starting from Moses and continuing through the prophets.
All of what Christ would come and do was carefully laid out in their writings. As such, Paul was simply testifying to what those written witnesses testified to. He used their own words for the message he proclaimed. All that Christ was set to do, and all that He did, was spoken of in advance. Because of this, Paul’s testimony was not his at all but God’s. He was speaking as God’s ambassador, something he explicitly states in his own writings, such as –
“Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God. 21 For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” 2 Corinthians 5:20, 21
Life application: If you are speaking accurately concerning the faith as it is recorded in Scripture, how can you not be bold in your proclamation? If you really believe that the Bible is the word of God, and if you are conveying the message of the Bible properly, you are simply explaining what God has already proclaimed. So why should you be distressed, peevish, concerned, etc., about what you are saying?
If someone takes offense at your words, they are taking offense at God’s word. There is no need to be belligerent in your approach, but there is also no shame in being imprisoned for your stand. God is right here with us. Therefore, He is right there with you in such an instance.
Just be sure that what you are saying is properly stated and in accord with His intent. And the only way to know that is not to listen to your preacher or teacher, accepting his words at face value. Rather, you must know the word well enough to accept or dismiss what you are being taught. Otherwise, you are not really proclaiming the truth of God’s word. In other words, “READ AND KNOW YOUR BIBLE.”
Glorious Lord God, people in many churches are taught erroneous doctrine, but they accept what they hear without checking. That is a sad testimony to their time in church. It is also a sad testimony to their willingness to know You properly. May we not be led astray in such ways. Rather, may we be willing to check what we are taught and hold fast only to that which matches what Your word states. Help us in this, O God. Amen.

Acts 26:21

Saturday Apr 06, 2024

Saturday Apr 06, 2024

Saturday, 6 April 2024
“For these reasons the Jews seized me in the temple and tried to kill me. Acts 26:21
A more literal translation is, “Because of these, the Jews, me – having seized – being in the temple, endeavored to kill” (CG).
To understand what Paul says in this verse, reviewing the previous two verses will help –
“Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision, 20 but declared first to those in Damascus and in Jerusalem, and throughout all the region of Judea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent, turn to God, and do works befitting repentance.” Remembering that, Paul next says, “Because of these.”
Because of Paul’s obedience to the heavenly vision by declaring to the Jews and then to the Gentiles that they should repent (meaning reconsider), turn to God, and do works befitting their reconsideration, he says, “the Jews, me – having seized.”
The truth is that the other apostles were still in Jerusalem and were telling the Jews throughout Israel to do the same things. However, they were not under the same scrutiny or threat that Paul was. Rather, the main brunt of the Jews’ animosity towards him was his going to the Gentiles. That is perfectly evidenced in his speech in Acts 22 –
“Then He said to me, ‘Depart, for I will send you far from here to the Gentiles.’22 And they listened to him until this word, and then they raised their voices and said, ‘Away with such a fellow from the earth, for he is not fit to live!’” Acts 22:21, 22
As with so many Jews to this day, there is a hatred of the notion that anyone but them is right with God. It is almost as if they feel God owes them salvation because of who they are. Paul understood that this was not at all the case. Everyone needs Jesus, and without Him, no person can be saved. As for the Jews having seized him, he continues, saying, “being in the temple.”
That was specifically noted in Acts 21. He was there to announce the expiration of his days of purification when he was to make an offering. While there, he was accused by the Jews who crying out –
“Men of Israel, help! This is the man who teaches all men everywhere against the people, the law, and this place; and furthermore he also brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place.” Acts 21:28
It was at that time that Paul notes that it was him they “endeavored to kill.” That is specifically recorded in Acts 21:36 where they were crying out “Away with him.” The meaning is that they wanted the world to be rid of him. Only the intervention of the Roman guards saved Paul from being beaten to death or torn to pieces by the rabid crowd.
In these words, is a verb found nowhere else in Scripture, peiraomai, meaning to try, attempt, endeavor, etc. It is from the noun peira, an attempt, trial, experiment, etc. It was because of the attempt of the Jews to kill Paul, something they had no legal right to do, that the Roman soldiers acted.
There are two distinct supposed sins that Paul was guilty of in the minds of the Jews. It is these that led to their desire to kill him. One was that he preached to the Gentiles. How dare he attempt to elevate them to the same level as the sacred people Israel!
The second and more direct issue was that he preached Jesus. They could not come to allow themselves to believe that a Nazarene who wasn’t a great and mighty defender of their cause was the Messiah. They had rejected Him, and they wanted nothing more to do with him.
As noted, however, the other apostles were still in Jerusalem and were living out their lives. Paul visited them while in Jerusalem. However, they were tolerated, though probably mocked by those who rejected Jesus. They may have taken abuse in other ways, but nothing is written concerning the utter opposition to their message that is said have come against Paul.
As for the Greek verb translated as “kill” in this verse, it is diacheirizomai. It is only used two times in the New Testament. The other time is in Acts 5:30 when describing the killing of Jesus. It is not without coincidence that these are the only two uses of this word. They killed Him and they wanted to kill His messenger.
Life application: The message of Jesus is one that offends. It has offended the Jews for two thousand years. It has offended kings, governors, presidents, and other world leaders. It has offended religious leaders from innumerable other religions. It offends those who are morally offensive in their being. And so forth. They killed Jesus, they tried to kill Paul, they have killed faithful believers all along, and now, once Christian nations are becoming increasingly hostile to the message of Jesus.
Because of this, it is not unlikely that if a bad actor gets enough power, he and those under his authority will try to kill their own citizens who hold fast to their faith in Christ Jesus. Think of it! The only possible way that man can be reconciled to God is not only rejected by many, but it is the reason for the killing of those who cling to Him.
Stand fast in your faith as so many have in the past. Don’t let the woes of this life weaken or shake the precious treasure of faith that you possess. Jesus will be there waiting for you if you are called to make the ultimate sacrifice for your faith.
Lord God, what an increasingly trying and difficult world we live in for believers. Help us to remain faithful to our faith in You. May we be willing to take whatever trials come our way with grace and acceptance. May we not waffle in or walk away from our faith. Help us in this, O God. Amen.

Acts 26:20

Friday Apr 05, 2024

Friday Apr 05, 2024

Friday, 5 April 2024
“but declared first to those in Damascus and in Jerusalem, and throughout all the region of Judea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent, turn to God, and do works befitting repentance. Acts 26:20
More literally, it reads, “but those in Damascus first and Jerusalem, and to all the region of Judea, and the Gentiles – I declared to reconsider and turn to God, practicing works worthy of reconsideration” (CG).
In the previous verse, Paul said to Agrippa that he was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. Having said that, he continues with a list of those he preached to and what his message was, saying, “but those in Damascus first.”
This is just what is recorded in Acts 9 –
“So when he had received food, he was strengthened. Then Saul spent some days with the disciples at Damascus.20 Immediately he preached the Christ in the synagogues, that He is the Son of God.” Acts 9:19, 20
From there, Paul next says, “and Jerusalem.” This is the next recorded location in Acts 9 that Paul went to after leaving Damascus. That is seen in Acts 9:26 with the words “And when Saul had come to Jerusalem.” From there, Paul next notes, “and to all the region of Judea.”
These words may not be chronological. In Galatians 1, he says –
“Afterward I went into the regions of Syria and Cilicia. 22 And I was unknown by face to the churches of Judea which were in Christ. 23 But they were hearing only, ‘He who formerly persecuted us now preaches the faith which he once tried to destroy.’ 24 And they glorified God in me.” Galatians 1:21-24
There are two separate clauses in the words, “(but those in Damascus first and Jerusalem), (and to all the region of Judea, and the Gentiles).” This then alleviates any supposed contradiction with Galatians 1:22 if it is not chronological.
However, as Jerusalem is within the area of Judea, his statement now may be included in Acts 9:28 where it says, “So he was with them at Jerusalem, coming in and going out.” If Paul went around the area outside of Jerusalem, then this would qualify. Or his words could be included in later trips through the area when returning from missionary journeys. Whatever the intent, he next says, “and the Gentiles.”
These words encompass the majority of Paul’s time recorded in Acts. It is also the substance of almost all of his epistles. First and foremost, Paul is the apostle to the Gentiles. This is explicitly stated in Romans 11:13, Galatians 2:8, 1 Timothy 2:7, and 2 Timothy 1:11.
Of these locations, Paul next describes what he did when at each, saying, “I declared to reconsider and turn to God.”
The word is metanoeó, usually translated as “repent.” However, the word repent is no longer used in that way by most people. Today, people thing of the word repent as being akin to “turn from sin” or some such thing. That is not at all what the word means. It signifies “to change the mind.” For a single word that carries the meaning, “reconsider” gets the point across.
Paul told those who he addressed, both Jew and Gentile to reconsider, meaning about their thinking concerning God and their relationship with Him. When they have so reconsidered this, meaning coming to Jesus who is God’s Messiah and path to salvation, they should then be “practicing works worthy of reconsideration.”
Here, Paul uses the noun form of the verb just used, metanoia. It means “a change of mind.” After reconsidering what one believes about God, he should then demonstrate his reconsideration by doing things that are worthy of what he has reconsidered. Those things are explained by Paul in his epistles.
Paul’s explanation to King Agrippa shows that he did exactly as the divine vision had instructed. If the vision was true, then he could not have done anything wrong and worthy of persecution, except by those who would reject the very mandates of God given in the vision. Which is exactly what the Jews did.
Life application: The verb translated as “declared” is in the imperfect tense (meaning it was an ongoing thing), and, unlike many translations, it comes after, not before, the list of those who Paul declared to. As you can see, it is located just prior to the word “reconsider.” This sums up his long and continuous activity of declaring his message.
Paul’s use of the word “reconsider” should be evaluated further. What does he mean? Is he saying that a work is involved in his gospel? Based on his consistent message in the epistles, the answer is obviously, “No.”
The word is defined by James Strong as, “change my mind, change the inner man (particularly with reference to acceptance of the will of God), repent.” HELPS Word Studies agrees, saying, “properly, ‘think differently after,’ ‘after a change of mind’; to repent (literally, ‘think differently afterwards’).” 
The idea of this as making some sort of active change in one’s life is not at all what this is speaking of. It is a mental assertion that one is out of favor with God and after hearing the message of the gospel, he will change his thinking about the path that he is on.
For a person who has heard of Jesus and rejected Him, it is to change his mind about Him being God’s path to salvation. For someone who has never heard of Jesus, his reconsideration is from whatever idea he had about God and a relationship with Him to acceptance of Christ and yielding to His will.
The obvious question is, “How can one yield to His will until after he has been told what His will is?” If His will is for us to have faith, turning to Christ from another belief, then salvation must precede any works. Yielding to His will for salvation requires hearing a salvation message and responding to it. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
Paul’s statement that man is saved by grace through faith must stand. If this is so then the words “practicing works worthy of reconsideration” are logically placed last in this thought. From there, the next logical question is, “What if he doesn’t do works befitting of reconsideration? Does this mean he could then become ‘unsaved?’”
If salvation is a gift and if the sealing of the Holy Spirit is a guarantee, then those things cannot be conditional upon performance. Rather, they are conditional upon knowledge, which comes through proper instruction concerning the gospel.
As for “practicing works worthy of reconsideration,” that can only then be accomplished by 1) knowledge, and 2) willingness to do what is expected. It is unreasonable to assume that anyone who had no discipleship would do what the Bible expects of him. How could he?
Further, every person who has received Christ is on a different level than every other person. This is why we have Bible studies, commentaries, etc. It is to learn doctrine. If we never do this, then we will never mature and do the works that Paul says we need to do, but this logically cannot bear on our salvation. Instead, it must fall into some other category of the workings of God. And it does, Paul explains that in 1 Corinthians 3:9-15 and 2 Corinthians 5:9-11.
Understanding this, if anyone ever tells you that you can’t be saved because you haven’t done this or that (Sabbath observance, baptism, eating the wrong foods, being circumcised, etc.), tell them to get out of whatever cult they are in. You are saved by grace through faith. Only after that, comes the practicing of deeds worthy of the change in you that took place. Those things are up to you as you work out your own salvation through faith.
Lord God, help us to carefully consider the meanings of words in Your word as they were originally intended to be understood. Over time, the meanings of our words may change, but the intent of the original word does not. So, help us to pay heed as we consider various translations and to discover why there are differences. When we find out which is correct, may we faithfully consider what You are saying from that proper context. Amen.

Acts 26:19

Thursday Apr 04, 2024

Thursday Apr 04, 2024

Thursday, 4 April 2024
“Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision, Acts 26:19
Paul just finished repeating the words of Jesus that he had received during the vision. With that, he next says, “Therefore, King Agrippa.”
Paul once again specifically addresses Agrippa as he did in verse 13. The word translated as “Therefore,” hothen, is derived from two words signifying “where” and “then.” The older English translations of “Wherefore” or “Whereupon” give a good sense of the intent. The meaning Paul is conveying is that he received this vision, and from that, he made his decision, saying, “I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.”
It is an astonishing set of words to be considered. Paul uses the verb ginomai, to become or come into being. The tense of the verb, being aorist, gives the sense of “I did not become disobedient.”
As Ellicott notes, “The language of the Apostle is significant in its bearing on the relations of God’s grace and man’s freedom. Even here, with the ‘vessel of election’ (Acts 9:15) ‘constrained’ by the love of Christ (2 Corinthians 5:14), there was the possibility of disobedience. There was an act of will in passing from the previous state of rebellion to that of obedience.”
It is another testimony to the doctrine of free will in man. Paul’s choice of words clearly signifies that he could have, in fact, been disobedient to the vision. However, his choice was to comply with what he had been told. In essence, his words can be turned around to say, “How could anyone find fault in me for being obedient to such a message!”
It is reflective of the words of Isaiah 6 –
“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying:‘Whom shall I send,And who will go for Us?’Then I said, ‘Here am I! Send me.’” Isaiah 6:8
The doctrine of free will in man is seen time and again in such callings. Moses and Jonah are great examples of this. Jeremiah is as well.
As for the word translated as “vision,” it is optasia. It refers to an actual vision as opposed to a dream or some other non-specific vision. It is used in Luke 1:22 and is frequent in the Greek translation of the book of Daniel.
Life application: The words of Paul in this verse confirm the doctrine known as synergism. It signifies that man has his part in the conversion process. However, that, in turn, does not mean that man has any part in the salvation process. These are two separate things that some try to shove into one box in an attempt to justify the incorrect doctrine of monergism.
Monergism teaches that man has no part in the conversion process and that God alone converts a person. For example, the idea of being born again from a monergistic teaching says that God chooses a person, God regenerates that person, allowing him to believe (he is born again), and from there, he believes and is saved. The teaching is utter rubbish.
Rather, the conversion process is based on the salvation process. Jesus did everything necessary for man to be saved, minus nothing. However, with that process complete, His work must then be appropriated by those who hear. They can mock, oppose, or blaspheme what they hear (see Acts 18:6), a free-will choice. They can contemplate and check out what they hear (as in Acts 17:20), a free-will choice. They can simply hear and believe (think of Cornelius in Acts 10), a free-will choice. Etc.
With the salvation process complete, man is hopefully provided the chance to believe in what He has done. This is why we share the gospel, send out missionaries, etc. Faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the word of God. If the doctrine of monergism was correct, none of this would be necessary. In fact, it would be a pointless waste of time. God’s will cannot be thwarted. But the process must be carried out –
“But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 9 The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.” 2 Peter 3:8, 9
God truly wants all to change their minds about Him. But He does not change it for them. Rather, He asks those who believe the message to get about the business of sharing the gospel. Only through that avenue will others be saved. So, get about sharing the gospel.
Heavenly Father, help us to take Your word in its proper light. When we are presented with a doctrine that is incorrect, may You help us to identify it, contemplate why it is so, and then turn from it to that which is correct. We are asking for Your guiding hand to be with us so that we will be properly trained followers of You. Amen.

Acts 26:18

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024

Wednesday, 3 April 2024
“to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in Me.’ Acts 26:18
Though clunky, a literal translation would be, “to open their eyes – the turned – from darkness to light, and the authority of Satan unto God. They received forgiveness of sins and a lot among those having been sanctified – the faith in Me” (CG).
The previous verse is provided with the addition of the ongoing words of this verse, “...delivering you from the people and the Gentiles to whom now I send you, to open their eyes.” “Their eyes” is thus referring to those to whom the Lord is sending Paul. Of them, and in particular the Gentiles to whom his main ministry was directed, the Lord next says, “the turned – from darkness to light.”
Paul is to be the vehicle by which this change was to come about. The people of the world without Christ are in darkness. It is a state from which they could not bring themselves. There is no ability to discern the mystery of the gospel apart from it being specially revealed to a person. This was to become Paul’s ministry.
And he was the perfect person to accomplish this. He was a living metaphor of these words. He was spiritually blind and he was made physically blind as well. However, he was brought into the light of Christ, and he was healed of his physical darkness at the same time. He was blind, but now he saw. He could fully empathize with those he ministered to because of this.
As for the change in a person who receives this light, Jesus continues His words, saying, “and the authority of Satan unto God.”
The thoughts are completely tied together. If one is of Satan, he is blind, he is without light, and he is under the authority of Satan, not of God. This is seen from the first pages of Scripture, and it carries through in the words of Jesus and the apostles. It even goes through the book of Revelation until Satan is finally cast into the Lake of Fire.
John, in his first epistle, sums this thought up –
“He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil. 9 Whoever has been born of God does not sin, for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God.” 1 John 3:8, 9
Sin is the problem. Violating law is what brings about the imputation of sin. The devil uses law to lure man to fall into sin. However, once a person turns to God through Jesus Christ, he is brought into the light, his eyes are opened, and he can see. In God there is no darkness, one who is in Christ is also, therefore, no longer in darkness.
As noted, this theme follows from the earliest pages of the Bible to the very last pages. It literally permeates Scripture. As for those who are so turned, Paul continues, saying, “They received forgiveness of sins.”
Some translations make this clause subjunctive, “that they may receive.” Others make it a cause-and-effect type of thing, “for their receiving.” However, the verb is aorist. They have had their eyes opened, they have been brought into the light, and they have moved from the authority of the devil to that of God. Hence, they have received forgiveness of sins. With that, it next says, “and a lot.”
In the opening of the eyes and the turning to God from Satan, there is then forgiveness of sins. In turn, there is then a lot, meaning an inheritance, for them. An inheritance is something granted by another. In the case of those who come to Christ, it means salvation, eternal life, and a heavenly hope. This is all to be obtained by simple faith in Christ’s complete work. Paul explains this in Ephesians 1 –
“In Him you also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also, having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, to the praise of His glory.” Ephesians 1:13, 14
This lot, or inheritance, is next said to be “among those having been sanctified.” It is as sure of a pronouncement of eternal salvation as any found in Scripture. The verb is a perfect participle, an accomplished fact wrought by the act of faith.
A perfect participle indicates something that occurred in the past and which has continuing results at the time it is being referred to. As this is a statement of fact, it is something that can be conveyed at any time into the future. It thus speaks of eternal salvation. Understanding this, Paul then notes what brought this about, meaning how it was appropriated, saying, “the faith in Me.”
That is wholly consistent with his words of Ephesians 1 noted above. Those who have believed are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise. God Himself seals that person as an absolute guarantee. It is something to be collected by the one to whom the guarantee is given. God has promised and it will come to pass.
This is what Paul was called to do. He was to go out into the Gentile world, even with the knowledge that harm would face him. He had a mission and a calling which was under the authority of God through Christ.
As this was so, then his mission could not be thwarted by any power on earth. The fact that he was standing there on trial then could only be considered a part of the plan in which he was called to participate. Either these words concerning Paul are true, or they are not. If they are, then all of the fighting against Paul’s doctrine by so many in the modern world is simply a fight against the Lord Himself.
Life application: When properly considered, the words of this verse, which are perfectly in accord with the rest of Scripture, clear up a lot of really bad doctrine. They show that the law has no part in one’s salvation. No works are required to be saved or to continue to be saved.
They show that all people are separated from God when they do not have Jesus Christ. Either one is under the authority of the devil, or he belongs to God because of Christ. The words also tell us (based on the previous verses) that one must be presented with the gospel and a response must be made, believing what was heard.
Once belief occurs, the person is saved, eternally. These and other points of doctrine are clearly presented in what Paul has said in just a few words to those who listened to him. It is our duty to consider what Scripture is telling us and to accept it at face value. People need Jesus. Without him, they are lost.
Does this affect you or move your soul? You may be the only person who will ever have the opportunity to clearly explain the gospel to them. Be about it while you can. Tomorrow may be too late.
Lord God, Your gospel is clearly presented in Scripture so that we can know what to tell others. Help us to convey the life-changing message clearly and responsibility to those we come in contact with. May we be willing to do this so that they can have the same hope of eternal life that we now possess. Amen.

Acts 26:17

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024

Tuesday, 2 April 2024
‘I will deliver you from the Jewish people, as well as from the Gentiles, to whom I now send you, Acts 26:17
More literally it reads, “delivering you from the people and the Gentiles to whom now I send you” (CG).
Paul just explained his calling to those of the court in which he stood, noting that he had been called as a minister and a witness concerning his calling. He now continues that thought. Taken together, they read, “But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you, delivering you from the people and the Gentiles to whom now I send you.”
The words “delivering you from the people” refer to the Jewish people. That is inserted by the NKJV for clarity. However, simply saying “the people” is a way of specifically identifying them. The fact that they are mentioned indicates that he knew, right from the mouth of the Lord, that he would, in fact, be persecuted by them.
However, the Lord also let him know that he would be delivered from them. The trials which had been held against him were proofs of this very fact. Along with them, it next says, “and the Gentiles.”
The implication is that he would be likewise persecuted by them, exactly as has occurred throughout all of his time recorded in Acts.
Albert Barnes notes that “As the opposition of the Jews arose mainly from the fact that he had gone among the Gentiles, it was important to bring this part of his commission into full view before Agrippa, and to show that the same Saviour who had miraculously converted him had commanded him to go and preach to them.”
Paul’s words are carefully selected to show the substance of his commission and the Source of it, meaning Jesus. It is this ministry to the Jews and Gentiles that Jesus next says, “to whom now I send you.”
In some manuscripts, there is an emphasis in his words where the “I” is in the emphatic position, “to whom I, I send you.” If that is the correct reading, it is the same words used by Jesus, egō apostellō, “I, I send” that is seen in Matthew 10 when Jesus selected and commissioned the original apostles –
“Behold, I send [egō apostellō] you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”
For Paul, he now recounts his own calling. The voice from heaven was sending him out with a promise of deliverance. The purpose of the marvelous commission is to be found in the next verse.
Life application: Paul’s opening words to those in Galatia say –
“Paul, an apostle (not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father who raised Him from the dead), 2 and all the brethren who are with me,
To the churches of Galatia:
3 Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, 4 who gave Himself for our sins, that He might deliver us from this present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, 5 to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.” Galatians 1:1-5
Paul was commissioned to minister to both the Jews and the Gentiles, but his primary mission was to the Gentiles. Jesus said that He would deliver Paul from both. But the fact is that the people he ministered needed to be delivered from the Jews as well.
It is the main purpose of the book of Galatians, meaning holding to the grace of God in Christ and not being suckered into law observance by the Judaizers. They had come to Christ, having never observed the law. They were given the Spirit and were saved. But along came the Judaizers who told them that they now needed to be circumcised and observe Moses.
In doing so, they would be setting aside the grace that originally saved them. It would mean they were obligated to the law and grace no longer was of any value to them. Their lives and actions would no longer be acceptable to God. At the Bema of Christ, all they could expect is judgment with no rewards, only loss.
Unfortunately, this infection has crept into the church time and again throughout the church age in various ways. Anytime someone falls back on the law for personal merit before God, he sets aside God’s grace. With Israel called back to the land, everything Jewish has suddenly become popular with many in the church.
This is fine to an extent. But along with this fascination of what God is now doing in the people of Israel after two millennia comes a renewed call to law observance. The church that has carried the banner of God’s grace in Christ has been duped, once again, into the heresy of the Judaizers.
Be on guard for this. God’s grace is not for sale. God’s grace cannot be earned. God’s grace requires faith that He has done it all. Trust in this and do not allow yourself to be brought under the yoke of slavery to the law that got Israel into the position it has been in for eons. Rest in Jesus, revel in the grace He provides, and be appreciative to God for His tender mercies to His people through the finished, final, and forever work of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Lord God, thank You for Your wonderful love, mercy, and grace that has been so marvelously revealed in the coming of Jesus. The burdens are lifted. We do not have to earn Your favor and we no longer have a fear of death. Praise You, O God, for what You have done. Amen.

Acts 26:16

Monday Apr 01, 2024

Monday Apr 01, 2024

Monday, 1 April 2024
“But rise and stand on your feet; for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you. Acts 26:16
In the previous verse, Paul had asked the question, “Who are You, Lord.” Jesus then responded, “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.” Now, with Paul’s mind certainly overwhelmed with that thought, probably in absolute terror concerning what disaster must surely be coming upon him, Jesus continues, saying, “But rise and stand on your feet.”
The words which Paul conveys in this verse are much fuller in the sense of the commission during this divine visitation than were recorded in either Acts 9 or Acts 22. Paul is carefully orchestrating his words because of the audience that surrounds him. With that, he continues the Lord’s words to him, saying, “for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you.”
What Paul is saying is more of a condensed form of the first vision along with the words given to him through Ananias as well as from the trance that he referred to in Acts 22:17-21.
He is giving his report of the overall account in this manner in order to show that he was, in fact, chosen and designated to take the actions he had taken. As for the word that he uses here for “minister,” is the same as that which he used when speaking of himself in 1 Corinthians 4:1, there translated as “servant” –
“Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God.”
It signifies an attendant, an underling, or a servant. HELPS Word Studies says of this word, “properly, a rower (a crewman on a boat), an ‘under-rower’ who mans the oars on a lower deck; (figuratively) a subordinate executing official orders, i.e. operating under direct (specific) orders.”
Paul was appointed as Christ’s underling to carry the message of the gospel to all those he would encounter. At this time, it was to a gathering of royals and high officials.
Life application: Paul’s words convey what happened, even if they are condensed from several events that took place over time. As he is in a court setting, he needed to get to the point concerning his calling as well as his commission. Therefore, he began with the initial vision and then added information to that which was based on his original calling.
Depending on the forum in which you are standing, it may be appropriate to keep your words short and direct. If you are given a time limit, it is good that you stick to it. It is nice to be heard about a matter that is important to you, but it is also good to be brief and concise.
If you are given a time limit and you go beyond it to any measure at all, each word you speak will be taken in a different light than you intend. People will normally begin to shut your words out and no longer care about what you have to say. This is because you have shown a disdain for their time or the rules by which you were asked to speak.
Let your words be carefully chosen but few in number. In this, you will generally have the greatest impact concerning what you are trying to relay to others.
Lord God, help us to be direct and to the point in our conversations. May this especially be so when we share the gospel. Otherwise, the very people we desire to convert may eventually get worn out from our overzealous words and begin to tune us out. Help us to know when to speak, what to speak, and when to conclude so that we have the greatest chance of touching their lives with our words. Help us in this, O God. Amen.

Acts 26:15

Sunday Mar 31, 2024

Sunday Mar 31, 2024

Sunday, 31 March 2024
“So I said, ‘Who are You, Lord?’ And He said, ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. Acts 26:15
In the previous verse, Paul relayed that in his encounter with Jesus, the Lord had asked him why he was persecuting Him. He then said that it was hard to kick against goads. With that, Paul next says, “So I said, ‘Who are You, Lord?’”
Paul wasn’t grasping the situation. There was a light brighter than the sun gleaming all around him and those with him. From there the voice of someone speaking. This Person, who was obviously not overwhelmed by the light as Paul and the others had been, asked him a direct question, the answer to which should have been obvious.
But certainly because of cognitive dissonance, he could not get himself to accept the obvious. And so, he must have tried to think of every possible option other than it being Jesus whom he was persecuting. While his mind certainly raced with wonder about who it was that he had been persecuting, the response came with Jesus’ answer, “And He said, ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.’”
The content of these words, when compared to Acts 22:8, reveals a few differences, but the major one between the two is that in 22:8, it said, “I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting.” Here, the words, “... of Nazareth” are left off.
The probable reason is because the jurisdiction of Herod’s reign included Nazareth. That is known from Luke 23:7. Paul probably withheld this detail from the conversation to keep from offending Herod, especially before an entire council who could then snicker at the situation.
The incredible thing for Paul is that he had been on his way to continue his attack against Jesus’ followers, but now he was being addressed by the very Person he was working to eradicate from the minds of the people. Jesus was no longer a dead false preacher to him. Instead, He had suddenly become the risen Lord. The thought must have been terrifying.
Life application: When we gather as congregants of a church, we are doing so because there is a church, a body of people who belong to the Lord. Our gathering implies that we have a reason to do so, which is to remember, celebrate, worship, and learn about the One we are gathering together for.
Jesus isn’t just a thought or a concept that should keep us living rightly. Rather, He is the One who prevailed over death. He is the Lord God. Our time in church meetings shouldn’t be a time of simply learning how to live properly by getting away from wrong living. Our time should be a heartfelt appreciation for what God has done for us in the giving of Christ.
Remember this. Don’t let your thoughts about Jesus get misdirected from the fact that He is ever present with you. In Him you live and move and have your being because He is God. Let your life be a continuous stream of conscious understanding that He is with you. He is there in the trials and in the good times. He is as close to you in intimacy as you allow Him to be. Consider this and live in intimate fellowship with Him from moment to moment.
Lord God, may You be the Lord of our lives at all times. You are there when we gather as a church, but You are also there when we are alone on a walk. There is never a time You are not with us. Help us to remember this and to always have faith that You are with us. In this, may we live our lives accordingly and to Your glory. Amen.

Acts 26:14

Saturday Mar 30, 2024

Saturday Mar 30, 2024

Saturday, 30 March 2024
“And when we all had fallen to the ground, I heard a voice speaking to me and saying in the Hebrew language, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads.’ Acts 26:14
In the previous verse, Paul told the king about the light from heaven, brighter than the sun, that was shining around him and those with him. He continues next with, “And when we all had fallen to the ground.”
Again, Paul gives a bit more detail than in the past. He says that not only he fell to the ground, but those with him did as well. This was not stated by Luke in Acts 9, and Paul left it out of his words to those of Israel gathered before him in Acts 22.
Apparently, the light was so overwhelming that they were simply stunned by it to the point of bringing them to the ground. From there, he next says, “I heard a voice speaking to me and saying in the Hebrew language.”
Paul specifically identifies the voice as being in Hebrew. This was unnecessary in Acts 9 and Acts 22. However, Paul is addressing a room filled with various people, all of whom would have spoken Greek, along with any other language they knew. Therefore, Paul continues with the words spoken to him, saying, “‘Saul, Saul.”
The spelling of the name of Saul in both Acts 9 and Acts 22 indicated a Hebrew, not a Greek, address. The Hebrew is SAOUL, the Greek is SAULOS. There was no need for him to tell the audience this in Acts 22 as they were Jews who listened to the account.
However, it may be that he specifically addresses the council with the words “in the Hebrew language” to let the non-Hebrews know that it was the Jewish Lord who spoke to him, thus definitively identifying to them that the Messiah is, in fact, Jewish.
Further, this is one of the many proofs that the NT was written not in Aramaic or Hebrew, but in Greek. If not, then this, and each other such instance, is a non-scriptural addition. In this case, it is the spelling of the name that indicates this to us. Of the words spoken by the voice to him, he next says, “why are you persecuting Me?”
Again, as in the past, the voice asks, “Why are you persecuting Me?” In fact, Paul had persecuted Christians. Therefore, an attack against the body is an attack against the head. Paul’s efforts were only hurting himself as the voice then tells him with the words, “It is hard for you to kick against the goads.”
Rather, the Greek is less specific, saying, “Hard for you to kick against goads.” It is an exact repeat of Acts 9:5, and it is how a Hebrew would speak, normally using less definitive wording than a Greek to express the same thought. Of kicking against the goads, the scholars at Cambridge describe that action – 
“The figure is from an ox, being driven on in his work. When restive or lazy, the driver pricks him, and in ignorance of the consequences, he kicks back, and so gets another wound. The words would imply that God had been guiding Saul towards the true light for some time before, and that this zeal for persecution was a resistance of the divine urging. It is not unusual for men who are moved to break away from old traditions at such times, by outward acts, to manifest even more zeal than before for their old opinions, as if in fear lest they should be thought to be falling away. This may have been Saul’s case, his kicking against the goads.”
According to Vincent's Word Studies, this metaphor concerning the goads is not found in Hebrew writing, but it was common among Greek and Roman writings.
Life application: As noted above, the words of Paul in this verse, as recorded by Luke, clearly indicate that the New Testament was first penned in Greek. Paul conveyed his name in Hebrew in the past, but he does so in Greek now for the benefit of the hearer. From there Luke clearly expresses the Greek form, something unnecessary in the previous accounts of this event.
Instances like this are found throughout the New Testament as well –
“‘Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,’ which is translated, ‘God with us.’” Matthew 1:23
“Then He took the child by the hand, and said to her, ‘Talitha, cumi,’ which is translated, ‘Little girl, I say to you, arise.’” Mark 5:41
Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda, having five porches. John 5:2
And they gathered them together to the place called in Hebrew, Armageddon. Revelation 16:16
These are just a few examples. If the words were not originally penned in Greek, but rather in Hebrew (or Aramaic), such explanations would not be necessary. And more, their inclusion now would mean that the words are not inspired.
This is important because we can see the transfer of the redemptive message away from only Israel to the entire world. But this was initiated long before the writing of the gospels when the Greek translation of the Old Testament was made. That is what is most commonly cited in the New Testament.
God was preparing the world for the message of the Messiah to go out in the most common language of the day, Greek. From there, it would then be translated into other languages. Some alphabets, such as the Cyrillic, were actually developed for the purpose of bringing Scripture to the people of the world.
Because of the work of Christian ministries, the Cyrillic alphabet is now used from Mongolia and Russia even to Ukraine and Serbia, along with many other nations. To this day, new written alphabets are being developed by people groups that do not have a written alphabet. This is being done to share the good news about Jesus.
From the Hebrew and Aramaic of the Old Testament to the Greek of the New, the whole world is being given this wonderful treasure we call the Holy Bible in their own languages. Thanks be to God for those who are going forth to make this possible!
Lord God Almighty, we lift up the missionaries who are sharing the good news of Jesus around the world. Give them wisdom and fortitude to continue on. May Your hand guide them and bless them each step of the way. To Your glory, we pray. Amen.

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