The first episodes are from Genesis. Since Feb 2021 we began an exciting daily commentary in the the book of Acts since it is certain that almost all major theological errors within the church arise by a misapplication, or a misuse, of the book of Acts. If the book is taken in its proper light, it is an invaluable tool for understanding what God is doing in the redemptive narrative in human history. If it is taken incorrectly, failed doctrine, and even heretical ideas, will arise (and consistently have arisen) within the church. Let us consider the book of Acts in its proper light. In doing so, these errors in thinking and theology will be avoided. The book of Acts is comprised of 28 chapters of 1007 verses (as in the NKJV). Therefore, a daily evaluation of Acts, one verse per day, will take approximately 2.76 years to complete.

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Acts 13:11

Thursday Dec 22, 2022

Thursday Dec 22, 2022

Thursday, 22 December 2022
“And now, indeed, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you shall be blind, not seeing the sun for a time.” And immediately a dark mist fell on him, and he went around seeking someone to lead him by the hand. Acts 13:11
Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, had just verbally come against Elymas. Now, to confirm that his words were those led by the Spirit, he will utter a divine punishment against him. That begins with, “And now, indeed, the hand of the Lord is upon you.”
The meaning is “the chastisement of the Lord.” Saying “The hand of the Lord” is a device known as anthropomorphism. It is ascribing human traits to the divine working of God. In this case, the word epi, or upon, is used. But the meaning of its use is derived from the context. In this case, it means that the Lord is as a foe to him. The word is used in this manner, for example, in Matthew 10:21 –
“Now brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death.”
This thought is expressed in the Old Testament where the hand of the Lord is upon a person for strengthening and power (such as Ezekiel 1:3), or it is against him indicating disaster is upon him (such as in Psalm 81:14). In the case of Elymas, the obvious meaning is that the Lord’s hand was set as a foe against him. And so, he will now be punished. That is indicated in the next words, “and you shall be blind.”
As noted before, the Holy Spirit is speaking through Paul and the punishment He determines is the same as that which came upon Paul when he was made blind for three days (Acts 9:9). So complete was Elymas’ blindness to be that it next says, “not seeing the sun.”
One can see a similarity to what occurred with Paul. It says in verse 9:3 that light shone around him from heaven. In verse 22:6, it notes that this great light came about noon. The meaning is that the light from heaven was more radiant than the sun itself. In this, the Lord alerted Paul to the error of his ways, blinding him.
Now, the same punishment has come upon Elymas, even if the manner in which it occurred is different. Paul simply spoke out the word to Elymas, but when he did, his words indicate that what occurs is a corrective punishment. This is seen in the continued proclamation, saying, “for a time.”
The meaning and intent of this is that the Lord, even in His judgment, has granted mercy. The punishment will not be permanent, and it is – like that of Paul’s blindness – intended to give Elymas the opportunity to view his conduct in a different manner and in hopes of him changing his mind about the life he has been leading. With that understood, it next says, “And immediately a dark mist fell on him.”
Rather, it is two separate nouns and more correctly reads, “and fell upon him mist and darkness.” The word translated as “mist” is achlus. It signifies a dimness of sight, as if a cataract. It is found in the writings of various classical poets and authors. At times, it is used metaphorically of a mist of the mind. Exactly what came upon Elymas is uncertain, but its effect was total, and it was also immediate, as it says, “and he went around seeking someone to lead him by the hand.”
These words reveal the suddenness and the scope of what occurred. Elymas had sought “to turn the proconsul away from the faith” (13:8). He acted as a guide on the path, leading Sergius Paulus in the direction he determined, but which was contrary to the straight ways of the Lord. Now, God had frustrated his efforts, causing him to be blind and unable to even direct himself. The contrast is stark and ironic.
Life application: Within the Bible itself certain claims about it are made in various ways and at various times. One of the most memorable is from Psalm 119:105 –
“Your word is a lamp to my feetAnd a light to my path.”
The sense is that our lives are like a journey. The way we go and the path we are on is confusing and dark. We cannot truly know if we are taking the right way or not without a guide. Parents teach their children, and the children learn from them. Schools educate young minds and form those minds in various ways. But the Bible alone can light up our path of life to reveal where we should place our spiritual feet. The path becomes knowable because of the words of Scripture.
Elymas did not follow the word of the Lord and his walk in life was confused, even if he thought he was walking properly. When the Holy Spirit spoke through Paul, the physical blindness that came upon him was simply a reflection of the spiritual blindness in which he existed. The punishment of the Lord was intended to show him this and bring him to the right path.
Nothing is stated as to whether Elymas came to the truth or not, but he was given the opportunity to hear the word and see its effective power spoken forth by Paul. And we too have such an opportunity. We can see the lives changed by the power of the word. Alcoholics become sober. Brawlers become gentle, kind souls. Adulterers find new love and faithfulness in their marriages.
These things testify to the power of the word. Let us consider it and cherish it all our days. It truly is the light and the lamp that we need to know the proper place where each step we make should be.
Glorious God, we thank You for Your word. It illuminates our path, and it leads us on our trek back to You. May we hold it close in our lives, thinking about it and applying it to our walk every moment. To Your glory, may it be so. Amen.

Acts 13:10

Wednesday Dec 21, 2022

Wednesday Dec 21, 2022

Wednesday, 21 December 2022
and said, “O full of all deceit and all fraud, you son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, will you not cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord? Acts 13:10
In the previous verse, Paul was preparing to speak to Elymas, looking intently at him. With that, it next says, “and said, “O full of all deceit and all fraud.”
Paul lays into Elymas with heavy words of accusation. Using the word “full” to begin the description is the same way we speak even today. It implies that there is no room for anything except that which a person is full of. In this case, it is first “all deceit.” The word signifies bait. In other words, Elymas used bait to hook his prey and thus deceive. Because of the use of this word, it means that Elymas wasn’t just one who deceives. But more, he is one who intentionally does so. Accompanying that, Paul adds in “all fraud.”
This is a word found only here in Scripture, rhadiourgia. The original sense was “ease in doing.” Therefore, it signifies recklessness because the person is always ready to turn and act, whether it is good or bad. In this case, it is in a highly negative way. Fraudulent intention defined his actions at all times. Because of this, Paul – under inspiration of the Spirit – calls out “you son of the devil.”
There is no article before “devil” in the original. Hence, he is the son of a devil. Remembering that Elymas is also known as Bar-Jesus, it is an ironic pun. Bar-Jesus means “Son of Salvation,” and yet the Spirit, through Paul, makes a complete and ironic contrast to that saying he is the son of a devil. The word diabolos [devil] is defined by HELPS Word Studies as “literally someone who ‘casts through,’ i.e., making charges that bring down (destroy).” Elymas brings destruction instead of salvation. And more, Paul speaks, saying, “you enemy of all righteousness.”
The words are based on the previous descriptions. As Elymas is “full of all deceit and all fraud,” then he can be filled with nothing else. As he is a “son of the devil,” then that is how his character is defined. In other words, in Hebrew thought, the term “son of” defines the nature of a person. In 2 Samuel 12:5, David uses the term, “son of death” to describe someone who has done a despicable thing –
“And the anger of David burneth against the man exceedingly, and he saith unto Nathan, 'Jehovah liveth, surely a son of death is the man who is doing this” (YLT). 
Likewise, Jesus called Judas a “son of perdition” in John 17:12 –
“While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name. Those whom You gave Me I have kept; and none of them is lost except the son of perdition, that the Scripture might be fulfilled.”
Using the term “son of” in these cases defines the very nature of the person. Saying that Elymas is a “son of the devil” defines his nature. Today, we would use the term “spawn of a devil,” or “spawn of Satan” to convey the same intent. Or, more specifically, we would say, “Like father, like son.” Because of his completely unholy character, Paul next says, “will you not cease perverting the straight ways of the Lord?”
It is an obvious reference to Isaiah 40 –
“The voice of one crying in the wilderness:‘Prepare the way of the Lord;Make straight in the desertA highway for our God.4 Every valley shall be exaltedAnd every mountain and hill brought low;The crooked places shall be made straightAnd the rough places smooth;5 The glory of the Lord shall be revealed,And all flesh shall see it together;For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.’” Isaiah 40:3-5
John proclaimed the coming Messiah and the straight ways of the Lord. Jesus came and revealed that straight path, but Elymas – by his word – caused those who would seek the Lord’s straight ways to turn from them, as the word diastrephó implies. It signifies to twist or turn thoroughly.
Life application: Remembering that Luke specifically said that Paul was filled with the Holy Spirit, this tells us that the words of Paul were carefully guided by the Spirit. Every one of them was given to describe the object of them (meaning Elymas) adequately and fully.
Today, we have the inspired word of God fully expressed to us in the pages of the Bible. In other words, what is recorded there can be described just as Paul was described – “filled with the Holy Spirit.” As this is so, every word in Scripture is given to tell us exactly what God wants us to see and to know in the areas it refers to. If we want to know what an unrighteous person is like, all we need to do is go to Scripture. If we want to know how the Bible anticipates the coming Messiah, Scripture will tell us.
If you want to know if you are pleasing to God or not, you will find out by going to Scripture. In examining it, we can find out if we are pleasing to God in the matter of salvation. Have we trusted the gospel alone, through faith? If so, then we have pleased God for salvation. From there, we can find out if we are pleasing to God in our salvation. Are we living according to what the epistles tell us in that regard? If so, then we will receive rewards. If not, then we will suffer loss, but we will not lose our salvation (1 Corinthians 3:15).
The Bible is God’s word to us. Let us consider it at all times and apply it to our walk before the Lord all our days.
O, Glorious God, You have breathed out Your word in a way that we can know exactly what to do so that we may be pleasing to You. Give us the wisdom to learn it and live by it all our days. To Your glory, we pray. Amen.

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022

This is the voice of a man who calls out: “Prepare in the desert the way for the Lord. Make the road in the dry lands straight for our God. Every valley should be raised up. Every mountain and hill should be made flat. The rough ground should be made level. The rugged ground should be made smooth. Then the glory of the Lord will be shown. All people together will see it. The Lord himself said these things.”   
Isaiah 40:3-5

Acts 13:9

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022

Tuesday Dec 20, 2022

Tuesday, 20 December 2022
Then Saul, who also is called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked intently at him Acts 13:9
The previous verse revealed the opposition of Elymas the sorcerer who was seeking to turn Sergius Paulus away from the faith. With that, it now says, “Then Saul, who also is called Paul.”
This is the first time that Saul is called Paul in Scripture. From this point on, it is the only name he will be called by apart from when citing past events in his life. As noted when Sergius Paulus was introduced in Acts 13:7, the name is the same for both. In Greek, it is Paulos. The name means Little. However, it is derived from pauó, signifying cause to cease, stop, finish, etc. Thus, it could refer to “the Stopper.”
Abarim Publications takes the similar-sounding Hebrew pa’a along with the connecting letter L (lamed) to form a name that sounds like Paul and defines it as “A Small Whisper That Propagates Into A Roaring Multitude.” Despite the name “Paul” originally being of Latin origin and not connected to the Hebrew, the name provided by Abarim well defines the effect Paul’s works have had on the world at large.
What appears to be likely is that the similarity between the name Saul and Paul was close enough that Saul decided to use this name henceforth. As such, it would be a bond of affiliation with Sergius Paulus and a memorial to the first recorded Gentile convert of his.
Some commentators disagree with this, noting that it was common for Jews to have two names (as has been seen repeatedly in Acts), but the fact is that he was called Saul up until this point and he is henceforth referred to as Paul.
This moment is a definitive moment in the life of Paul and this first recorded Gentile conversion serves as a point on which the Acts narrative clearly turns. That will become more perfectly evident in Acts 13:46, but the conversion of Sergius Paulus sets the tone for the future actions of Paul and his determined evangelization of the Gentiles.
As for Paul, it next says he was, “filled with the Holy Spirit.” Rather, it is an aorist participle in the passive voice – “having been filled with the Holy Spirit.” Luke is penning the account in a lively manner, showing the sequence of events as they had occurred. In this case, the events caused by Elymas were so distressing that Paul leaned wholly on the guidance of the Spirit. He opened himself up and allowed the Holy Spirit to direct him in what he would do.
With that noted, it next says that Paul “looked intently at him.” Rather, this is also an aorist participle, “having looked intently at him.” However, the voice changes from the passive (having been filled) to the active (having looked intently). Having opened himself up to the filling of the Spirit, he then prepares to engage Elymas.
Life application: It is a good time to be reminded that the filling of the Holy Spirit is a passive, not an active, occurrence. When Paul says, “be filled with the Spirit” in Ephesians 5:18, it is in the middle voice. This means that the subject (the one being filled) is both an agent of an action and somehow concerned with it.
A way to look at this would be for one to step out of the way concerning the matter and let the matter continue without active effort. One might say, “The books he writes sell themselves.” The person has written a marvelous novel, now the novel takes on its own ability to act. In the case of being filled with the Spirit, a person will know the power of God and receive the gospel. That will then lead to the reception of the Spirit.
However, in our lives, we may later rely on ourselves to get things done. But when the time comes for the Lord to lead, we step out of the way and allow Him to fill us and take the reins. In the case of the passive voice, such as is recorded with Paul above, he yielded himself and the Spirit filled him.
So how do we allow this? We do so through knowing the word, praising God, fellowshipping with others, etc. We have our part in the process. When prepared in this manner, we can then allow the Spirit to fill us and take the helm as we encounter the waves that buffet us. A wine glass will not fill itself. It must stand ready to receive the wine. The filling is externally accomplished. Be ready to receive by being in a position that the reception is possible.
Lord God, may we learn to step out of the way and allow Your Spirit to fill us at all times. Help us in this so that we will be vessels properly prepared for the purpose. May we know Your word, be in close fellowship with You, and allow ourselves to be filled with Your Spirit. To Your glory, we pray. Amen.

Acts 13:8

Monday Dec 19, 2022

Monday Dec 19, 2022

Monday, 19 December 2022
But Elymas the sorcerer (for so his name is translated) withstood them, seeking to turn the proconsul away from the faith. Acts 13:8
In the previous verse, Sergius Paulus called for Barnabas and Saul seeking to hear the word of God. With that remembered, it now begins with, “But Elymas the sorcerer (for so his name is translated).”
As has been seen, it is not uncommon for people to have more than one way to designate them. In the case of this man, he was “Son of Jesus,” but his given name is Elymas. Thus, his name would more fully be stated as “Elymas, the son of Jesus.” The name Elymas is hard to pin down, especially because it is a transliteration into Greek. Despite this, it may mean “Wise.” If so, he may have let his skills, abilities, and wisdom go to his head because of the meaning of the name. The thought might be, “I am Wise and hence I embody wisdom.” Concerning Barnabas and Saul and their message, it next says that Elymas “withstood them.”
The word gives the sense of opposition in a 180-degree contrary position. He was like a wall that refused to be moved. It was obvious that Sergius Paulus was highly affected by the word of God that was proclaimed and sat listening in rapt attention. In seeing this, it next notes that Elymas was “seeking to turn the proconsul away from the faith.”
Elymas could see that the influence of the word of God would diminish his own influence over Sergius Paulus. And so, as the two men spoke, he would inject his own words, “That’s balderdash!” “Barnabas, you don’t know what you’re talking about!” And so on. The word translated as “turn away” signifies a total corruption or twisting of something. He attempted to pervert the sound teaching of Barnabas and Saul hoping to maintain his control over the proconsul.
Life application: The tactic employed by Elymas is as common as aisles in a Walmart. If someone posts a theologically sound sermon or study on the internet, those who wish to draw attention to their own crummy doctrine will post an endless stream of negative comments in order to draw attention away from the word of God and towards themselves or their perverted doctrine.
This happens on live streaming as well. Right during a sermon, people will sign on and start bad-mouthing what is being presented. At times, however, it may be that the person who has signed on has a legitimate argument against the bad doctrine that is being presented. And so, how does one tell what is right and what is not?
The only way to do so is to READ AND KNOW THE BIBLE before such attacks come. It is so easy to be led astray by fine-sounding arguments when you are not already grounded in the word. Another thing to do is to watch out for fallacious thinking. But one cannot know what fallacies are being presented unless the fallacies are known. So, it is good to read up on them.
For example, someone may say, “Look at him, his appearance is terrible. Who would listen to him!” That is an immediate (and fallacious) appeal to the source. It doesn’t matter what someone looks like. He can be Chinese, shabby, wearing a top hat, or sitting in a bland room with nothing but a white background. What matters is the message and whether it is correct or not.
Be careful to know your Bible, understand fallacious arguments, and be prepared to defend why you believe what you hold to. These things are important, so be sure to spend the necessary time in knowing your subjects properly.
Lord God, thank You for leading us to teachers and preachers who rightly handle Your word. But Lord, we have to know Your word well enough to know that we are not being duped in the process. And so, we have our part to do as well. Give us the strong desire to know Your word, and then when You direct us to teachers, we will know when they are properly dividing it. Amen.

Acts 13:7

Sunday Dec 18, 2022

Sunday Dec 18, 2022

Sunday, 18 December 2022
who was with the proconsul, Sergius Paulus, an intelligent man. This man called for Barnabas and Saul and sought to hear the word of God. Acts 13:7
Previously Bar-Jesus the false prophet was noted. He is still the subject as this verse begins, saying, “who was with the proconsul.”
The word translated as proconsul, anthupatos, is introduced here. It essentially means “instead of the highest officer.” He stood as the highest official in place of the authority over him that remained in Rome. Of this position, Albert Barnes notes –
“The exact accuracy of Luke in this statement is worthy of special remark. In the time when Augustus united the world under his own power, the provinces were divided into two classes. Augustus found two names which were applied to public officers in existence, one of which was henceforward inseparably blended with the imperial dignity and with military command, and the other with the authority of the senate and its civil administration. The first of these names was "Praetor"; the other was ‘Consul.’ What is to be accounted for here is that the latter is the name given by Luke to Sergius Paulus, as if he derived his authority from the senate. The difficulty in the ease is this: that Augustus told the senate and the people of Rome that he would resign to them those provinces where soldiers were unnecessary to secure a peaceful administration, and that he would himself take the care and risk of the other provinces where the presence of the Roman legions would be necessary.”
In the verse, the word “who” refers to Bar-Jesus. The meaning is that he had the ear of the proconsul and was connected to his court. This proconsul’s name was “Sergius Paulus.” The Greek reads, Sergiō Paulō. The name Sergiō [Sergius] comes from Latin as does the second name, Paulos. This name, Paulos, is the same Greek as that of Paul, meaning “Little.” Concerning him, Vincent’s Word Studies notes –
“Di Cesnola relates the discovery at Soli, which, next to Salamis, was the most important city in the island, of a slab with a Greek inscription containing the name of Paulus, proconsul.”
Of this man, it says he was “an intelligent man.” The word translated as “intelligent” signifies understanding derived from correlating facts. In this case, he may have been intelligent, but he was also lacking discernment as is evident by the presence of Bar-Jesus. He had been beguiled by this charlatan and so his intelligence was being frustrated by him. However, he was also open to making comparisons, thus demonstrating wisdom. That is seen in the words, “This man called for Barnabas and Saul.”
The verb is an aorist participle, “having called for Barnabas and Saul.” The thought is preparing the reader for the next words. Somehow, the knowledge of these two became known to him. He heard that they were proclaiming the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews (verse 13:5) and was obviously curious about the report. This curiosity may have been heightened by the fact that Bar-Jesus attended to him, and he wanted to know if what these two had to say supported or refuted the prophecies he had heard. For whatever reason, he reached out to them “and sought to hear the word of God.”
It is highly unlikely he was looking to hear words of salvation. He had a false prophet handy who was certainly feeding him sensational words to keep him spellbound. It is probable that Bar-Jesus was not unlike the description of Simon in Acts 8 –
“But there was a certain man called Simon, who previously practiced sorcery in the city and astonished the people of Samaria, claiming that he was someone great, 10 to whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, ‘This man is the great power of God.’ 11 And they heeded him because he had astonished them with his sorceries for a long time.” Acts 8:9-11
It is likely that Sergius Paulus was probably anticipating more sensational doctrines, magic tricks, and prophecies. And so, he called for these two.
Life application: There is a difference between intelligence, wisdom, and faith. Each has its own place, but they are not always in harmony with one another. Intelligence is the ability to evaluate circumstances and come to conclusions. The matter may involve making money, building a clock, discerning how to sail the oceans, or whatever.
Intelligence takes the surrounding information and puts it together to make things happen so that the desired outcome is realized. For example, a person may have the intelligence to build a marvelous clock that will allow others to sail the oceans while being able to determine their position with perfect accuracy.
However, such a person may not have wisdom concerning his invention. He used his intelligence to make this amazing clock, but then he is duped into giving it to someone who takes the invention and gets rich off of it. He failed to use wisdom in how his intelligence had been employed.
Faith is an even higher aspect than either of these. Intelligence and wisdom will only get one so far, but faith – when it is properly directed – will lead to proper use of the intelligence as well as a right directing of the wisdom. This is what will be seen when Sergius Paulus faces the power of God in the verses ahead.
When you see people that are intelligent, it does not mean that they are wise. And when you see a man of wisdom, it does not mean he has properly directed faith in the employment of his wisdom. And y  et, there are people that are not intelligent but who have properly directed faith. They have demonstrated wisdom and have done so by directing it toward the true Source of where all logic and wisdom resides.
Pay heed to the people around you and evaluate them first and foremost based on their relationship with God as He has presented Himself in Scripture. In this, you will be able to discern who is truly the wisest of all.
Lord God, Your word tells us that not many wise according to the flesh have been called. It is the humble soul who realizes his lowly state before You, regardless of intelligence or wisdom, that You find pleasing. Help us to be people of faith, rightly directing everything we are to You. Only in that will our other qualities find their true purpose. Amen.

Acts 13:6

Saturday Dec 17, 2022

Saturday Dec 17, 2022

Saturday, 17 December 2022
Now when they had gone through the island to Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew whose name was Bar-Jesus, Acts 13:6
The last verse covered the arrival at, and evangelization of, Salamis on the island of Cyprus. Next, Luke’s words continue with, “Now when they had gone through the island to Paphos.”
The city of Paphos is first noted here. It will be seen only one more time, in verse 13:13. The meaning of its name is not certain. It is a maritime city located on the southwest coast of Cyprus, meaning they traveled the entire breadth of the island, eventually arriving there. Of this city, John Gill states –
“Paphus, a city on the sea coast, in the island of Cyprus, formerly famous for the sacred rites of Venus, and the verses of the poets; which fell by frequent earthquakes, and now only shows, by its ruins, what it formerly was: so Seneca (y) says, ... ‘how often has Paphus fell within itself?’ that is, by earthquakes: the ruins of many goodly churches and buildings are to be seen in it; and the walls of a strong, and almost impregnable tower, situated upon a hill in the middle of the city, supposed to be the habitation of Sergius Paulus; there is also shown, under a certain church, a prison divided into seven rooms, where they say Paul and Barnabas were imprisoned, for preaching the Gospel.”
While in Paphos, it next says, “they found a certain sorcerer.” The word translated as “sorcerer” is magos. It is the same word used to describe the Magi that came at the time of Jesus’ birth. The verb form of the word is used of Simon the Sorcerer in Acts 8:9 as well.
It is an astrologer and by implication a magician. The word finds its origin in Persia. The Old Testament term Rab-mag, found in Jeremiah 39:3 & 13 is its etymological root. Of this magos, it next records that he was “a false prophet.”
The word is pseudoprophétés. Jesus is cited five times in the synoptic gospel using this term. It will also be seen in 2 Peter, 1 John, and three times in Revelation. It means exactly as it is translated. This guy is a supposed prophet, but his prophecies were false. Next, it says of him that he was “a Jew.”
Being a Jew is not surprising. The designation simply identifies his line of descent, but it does not signify any connection to the God of Israel. This is true throughout the Old Testament where there were innumerable false prophets in the land.
Being of Israel, or being a Jew, in no way identifies a person as being faithful to God. In fact, when Jesus mentions the false prophets in the gospels, His words are spoken to Israel, thus identifying them as Jews as well. Concerning this false prophet, it next says, “whose name was Bar-Jesus.”
The word bar before the name signifies “son of.” It is the Aramaic equivalent of the Hebrew ben. Hence, his name is “son of Jesus.” At this time in Israel’s history, the name Jesus was a common one. Another example of this name is found in Colossians 4:11 where Paul writes of “Jesus who is called Justus.” Once Jesus the Messiah came, the name quickly stopped being used among the Jews.
Life application: It is a good time to review the source fallacy known as the genetic fallacy. This fallacy, also known as a source fallacy, fallacy of origins, or fallacy of virtue, “is a fallacy of irrelevance in which arguments or information are dismissed or validated based solely on their source of origin rather than their content. In other words, a claim is ignored or given credibility based on its source rather than the claim itself” (Wikipedia).
It has become as common as hearing barks in a dog kennel for people to ascribe some sort of special ability, talent, or especially spiritual or biblical insight to a person because he is Jewish. In other words, “Oh, he is a great Bible teacher. He is Jewish and understands Hebrew.”
This type of thinking is fallacious, and it is dangerous. It is the kind of thinking that probably landed this false prophet, Bar-Jesus, in the job he was in. It is the kind of thinking that has elevated various Bible teachers, who actually have no idea what they are talking about, to almost superstar status.
The fallacy also extends to preachers who are the sons of famous preachers – “He must really know his stuff; his dad is Superstar Stanley.” It extends to possessing a certain degree – “He has a doctorate in systematic theology. He must really know his stuff.” It extends to certain abilities – “He knows both Hebrew and Greek.” And so on.
These things do not necessarily equate to a knowledge of the Bible. Innumerable people in the pulpit have doctorates and yet they teach aberrant doctrines. Being trained in, or even fluent in, the biblical languages is great, but that does not equate to sound doctrine. Having a title, possessing a degree, or knowing a language does not mean a person is trustworthy in providing biblical instruction.
Remember this as you listen to teachers. Evaluate what they say based on how it aligns with Scripture. And guess what? You cannot do that if you do not know Scripture already. Do you want to avoid Bad Doctrine Drive? Do you want to stay off the Heresy Highway? Here is how you do it: Set your navigation device onto Bible Boulevard. Get on it and stay on it. Learn every detail of it. In this, you will do well.
O God, stir up in us the great desire to learn Your word. Help us to know it well enough that we will not get sent down wrong avenues of falsity by those who would attempt to exercise control over our spiritual lives. May we focus our eyes and our hearts on Jesus as we learn this precious word that reveals Him to us. Amen.

Acts 13:5

Friday Dec 16, 2022

Friday Dec 16, 2022

Friday, 16 December 2022
And when they arrived in Salamis, they preached the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews. They also had John as their assistant. Acts 13:5
Barnabas and Saul left Antioch, went down to Seleucia and from there sailed to Cyprus. Once there, it now says, “And when they arrived in Salamis.” This is the chief city on the Island. The name is believed to have possibly come from salos, meaning the tossing of the sea in a tempest.
The city itself is on the east end of the island. It is the nearest port on Cyprus from Seleucia. Once they arrived there, it next says that “they preached.” The word more correctly means “proclaimed.” Also, the verb is imperfect, signifying that they not only preached, but they continued to do so, they “were proclaiming” at the synagogues. This is why the Holy Spirit had sent them, and so this is what they did. And what they proclaimed was “the word of God.”
In other words, it doesn’t say specifically that they preached the gospel as in Acts 8:25. Rather, these men, being Jews were proclaiming the word of God. The reason for this was that their proclamation was “in the synagogues of the Jews.”
Barnabas and Saul went right to Scripture and from there proclaimed what they knew concerning how it pointed to Jesus, using the Jews’ own writings as the basis for what they spoke. The plural, synagogues, testifies to the large number of Jews on the island. In fact, Vincent’s Word Studies notes –
“Augustus, according to Josephus, made Herod the Great a present of half the revenue of the copper-mines of Cyprus, so that numerous Jewish families would be settled in the island. In the reign of Trajan [98-117AD], upon the breaking out of a Jewish insurrection, the whole island fell into the hands of the Jews, and became a rallying-point for the revolt. It is said that two hundred and forty thousand of the native population were sacrificed to the fury of the insurgents. When the rebellion was extinguished, the Jews were forbidden thenceforth, on pain of death, to set foot on the island.”
Because of the large number of Jews and the many synagogues they had built, one would think it would be a fertile field for the good news about Jesus. However, nothing is noted concerning bearing any fruit from their labors at this time. As for the ministry of these two men, it next says, “They also had John as their assistant.”
It was Barnabas and Paul who had been designated to conduct this missionary journey. For whatever reason, whether he was asked to come or whether he volunteered to go, John traveled with them and acted as an assistant to them.
Until verse 13, nothing more will be said of John or in what manner he helped these two men. He will depart from them in verse 13 but will join Barnabas on a second trip to Cyprus in Acts 15.
As for the effectiveness of this journey, it seems purposeful that Luke does not record any conversions by the Jews. Even if any were converted, the lack of such references highlights the fact that there was certainly not a widespread acceptance of the message. This will continue to be seen as events on the island continue to be chronicled by him.
Life application: Nothing is said about how long it was from the time of the arrival of Barnabas and Saul on the island until the time they first began proclaiming the word of God. Luke’s record simply goes directly from their arrival to their proclaiming the word.
These two certainly didn’t set up an office and start to hire helpers. They also didn’t open a storefront ministry. Instead, they went to the synagogues and started telling them what they knew. This is the implication we get from Luke’s direct and brief notes.
Sometimes churches get so detailed in developing ministries that they never become productive in the most important part of what should be done. It is fine to open a food bank or a clothing ministry in a poor area, but in doing this, it normally becomes the focus of attention. Instead of proclaiming Jesus, He only becomes a part of the ministry. And quite often, He is not even a major part of it.
The proclamation of the gospel needs to be brought forward as the main purpose of what is being done. If it is not, then the ministry has lost its focus. And so, from time to time, be sure to ask yourself, “Why am I doing this thing on Saturday morning?” Or maybe, “Why do I keep helping out at this store?” After asking this, remind yourself that the main purpose of what you are doing is to share the good news about Jesus.
Handing out breakfast will satisfy someone for a couple of hours. Selling a shirt to pay the rent at the charity store will keep the store selling more shirts. But these things must have the set and ongoing purpose of sharing Jesus, or they have missed the point of being started in the first place.
Glorious Heavenly Father, help us to keep our priorities rightly focused at all times. We may start a ministry with the intent of telling people about Jesus, but has that main purpose been lost in the business of keeping the ministry going? If so, help us to redirect our attention back to sharing the good news about Jesus. May this always be our heart’s desire. Amen.

Acts 13:4

Thursday Dec 15, 2022

Thursday Dec 15, 2022

Thursday, 15 December 2022
So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia, and from there they sailed to Cyprus. Acts 13:4
In the previous verse, those in Antioch fasted and prayed. They then laid “the hands on” Barnabas and Saul and sent them away. The narrative continues with, “So, being sent out.”
Rather, the participle is aorist. Also, there are two introductory conjunctions. It more correctly says, “They, indeed, therefore, having been sent out.”
Luke uses a word new to Scripture, ekpempó. It signifies to send out or send forth. This is just what occurred. They had been purposefully called to depart from one place and to go forth as directed. And this was, as Luke records, “by the Holy Spirit.”
As can be seen, it was not only that the Holy Spirit had called them (verse 2), but He also is directing them. Their movements are according to His will as He leads. Further, the written record set forth by Luke, which he was inspired to document, is a record of those movements and events also specifically directed by the Holy Spirit.
Everything about what we are reading is a carefully directed and documented set of events intended to show us God’s workings in the establishment and expansion of the church. It is also a clear and unambiguous record of why the focus of the gospel diverted away from the Jews and toward the Gentiles. Consider this as the chapter continues to unfold. For now, that record continues with their travels as “they went down to Seleucia.”
The name Seleucia comes from Seleukos, a Syrian king. The name is found only this once in Scripture but traveling through here appears to be implied again in Acts 14:26 and Acts 15:30, 39. Of the city, S.M. Christie notes –
“The seaport of Antioch from which it is 16 miles distant. It is situated 5 miles North of the mouth of the Orontes, in the northwestern corner of a fruitful plain at the base of Mt. Rhosus or Pieria, the modern Jebel Musa, a spur of the Amanus Range. Built by Seleucus Nicator (died 280 BC) it was one of the Syrian Tetrapolis, the others being Apameia, Laodicea and Antioch. The city was protected by nature on the mountain side, and, being strongly fortified on the South and West, was considered invulnerable and the key to Syria (Strabo 751; Polyb. v.58). It was taken, however, by Ptolemy Euergetes (1 Macc 11:8) and remained in his family till 219 BC, when it was recovered for the Seleucids by Antiochus the Great, who then richly adorned it. Captured again by Ptolemy Philometor in 146 BC, it remained for a short time in the hands of the Egyptians. Pompey made it a free city in 64 BC in return for its energy in resisting Tigranes (Pliny, NH, v.18), and it was then greatly improved by the Romans, so that in the 1st century AD it was in a most flourishing condition.”
As Seleucia is the port from which those at Antioch would head out, they first went there “and from there they sailed to Cyprus.”
Cyprus is a large island in the eastern Mediterranean and, due to its high mountains, is said to be close enough to the coast to be seen on a clear day. Used here is another new word in Scripture, apopleó. It literally signifies, “to sail away.” The word is only used by Luke. He will use it four times in Acts along with various other words that refer to sailing. In their sailing away from Seleucia, they sailed to Cyprus. Of this location, Howson says –
“Four reasons may have induced them to turn in first to this island: (1) Its nearness to the mainland; (2) It was the native place of Barnabas, and since the time when Andrew found his brother Simon, and brought him to Jesus, and ‘Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus,’ family ties had not been without effect on the progress of the Gospel. (3) It could not be unnatural to suppose that the truth would be welcomed in Cyprus when brought by Barnabas and his kinsman Mark, to their own connections or friends. The Jews were numerous in Salamis. By sailing to that city, they were following the track of the synagogues; and though their mission was chiefly to the Gentiles, their surest course for reaching them was through the proselytes and Hellenizing Jews. (4) Some of the Cypriotes were already Christians. Indeed, no one place out of Palestine, except Antioch, had been so honorably associated with the work of successful evangelization.”
His reasons are well stated except for the comments that “their mission was chiefly to the Gentiles.” That must be presupposed, and it is not borne out by the narrative. As of this point, nothing has been said of evangelizing the Gentiles. The only clue that it is so is what was stated at Paul’s calling in Acts 9 –
“But the Lord said to him, ‘Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel.’” Acts 9:15
But even these words include three categories. The reason for bearing the Lord’s name before Gentiles is not stated. Since the words of that verse, nothing about Paul evangelizing Gentiles has been noted. So far, he has only been seen having contact with Jews.
Life application: Interestingly, the Holy Spirit is mentioned four times in this chapter. The first time was in verse 2 where the calling of Barnabas and Saul was made. The next is verse 4 where they are being sent out. In verse 9, it says that Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, will rebuke a Jew who is with a high-ranking Roman official. The final time will be in verse 52 where it will note that the disciples, which includes Gentiles, are “filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.”
Watching how this chapter unfolds, and then continuing to watch how the rest of Acts unfolds, it becomes perfectly clear that we are being shown why there is a transition from the Jews to the Gentiles in the furtherance of the gospel. There will be great hostility by the Jews towards the notion that Jesus is their Messiah. On the contrary, there will be an opening of arms towards Him by the Gentiles.
This same state has continued for two thousand years. Only in the most recent of times has that begun to change. The past fifty years have seen a great increase in the number of Jews who have accepted that Jesus is their Messiah. But out of church history, that is an insignificant number. For the gospel to extend to all nations on earth, it was necessary for the Gentiles to spread it. God knew this and He has given us the book of Acts to show this transitional phase from Jew to Gentile. Paul is the key to its coming about.
Be attentive to this as Acts continues and you will more rightly understand why the Jewish nation, Israel, was not used for this purpose. And yet, God has not fully abandoned them. When the time is right, they will again become a central point of focus in carrying this spiritual banner that has for so long been carried by the Gentiles. That is something that is beginning to occur before our very eyes.
Lord God, Your infinite wisdom is so perfectly revealed in Your word. Every detail of redemptive history is seen to be under Your control. As this is so, we can know that the steps we take to share the gospel must also be fully known by You. That sure takes the pressure off us as we go forth, knowing that You already know those who will come to saving faith in Jesus. Help us to get out and to speak this message clearly so that our efforts will be fruitful. Yes, use us according to Your wisdom. Amen.

Acts 13:3

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022

Wednesday Dec 14, 2022

Wednesday, 14 December 2022
Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away. Acts 13:3
In the last verse, the Holy Spirit had instructed Barnabas and Saul to be separated for a particular work that He had called them to. With that remembered, the next words state, “Then, having fasted and prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them away.”
Rather, and more precisely, each of the first three verbs is an aorist participle. It should read, “Then having fasted, and having prayed, and having laid the hands on them, they sent them away” (CG). This will be the translation used for analysis. As such, it first notes of these prophets and teachers, “Then having fasted.”
Again, as with the previous verse, fasting by these men is noted. This must have been in addition to the fasting that was previously mentioned. In other words, this seems like all of them together held a special fast for this particular ordination. Combined with the fast itself it adds, “and having prayed.”
A special time of both fasting and prayer was held to seek the favor of the Lord, to acknowledge His will in what was taking place, and to unite all these men together in a closer bond. Of this, Albert Barnes states –
“The gospel had been preached to the Jews, to Cornelius, and to the Gentiles at Antioch. But there had been no solemn, public, and concerted plan of sending it to the Gentiles, or of appointing a mission to the pagan. It was a new event, and was full of danger and hardships. The primitive church felt the need of divine direction and aid in the great work.”
This follows from the assumption that this is specifically a Gentile evangelizing missionary journey. But as has been previously noted, there is nothing definitive yet to claim that the primary focus was for this purpose. Rather, the next verse will indicate just the opposite. It is not until verse 46 that it will definitively note proselytizing of the Gentiles.
Regardless of this, it next says, “and having laid the hands on them.”
Very few translations include the article before “hands,” saying something like, “and laid hands on them.” Though maybe a bit trifling, in this case, the article should be rendered. In both testaments, to lay hands on someone is often to be taken in a negative way –
“In those days, while Mordecai sat within the king’s gate, two of the king’s eunuchs, Bigthan and Teresh, doorkeepers, became furious and sought to lay hands on King Ahasuerus.” Esther 2:21
“Now when the chief priests and Pharisees heard His parables, they perceived that He was speaking of them. 46 But when they sought to lay hands on Him, they feared the multitudes, because they took Him for a prophet.” Matthew 21:45, 46
At other times, noting the laying on of hands is for the purpose of healing (see Matthew 9:18, etc.). Here, it is a specific rite that is being conducted, noted elsewhere as “the laying on of the hands” for the purpose of ordination –
“Do not neglect the gift that is in you, which was given to you by prophecy with the laying on of the hands of the eldership.” 1 Timothy 4:14
This is what is being conveyed. There has been a period of fasting, prayer, and the laying on of the hands. With that complete, “they sent them away.” The Spirit called, the favor of God has been petitioned, and the rite of acknowledging the consecration of these men has been made. This certainly included prayers for continued guidance, safety, and prosperity.  With those things settled, they were released to the leading of the Holy Spirit’s direction.
Life application: The words here are not prescriptive. In other words, they do not instruct us with the notion that each missionary selection should be conducted in the same manner. If that were so, we would expect that the Holy Spirit would first say, “Now separate to me Clint Peckinpah and Sam Eastwood for the work to which I have called them.”
That should not be expected, nor will it occur. In other words, to use Acts in a manner that prescribes something, the same events should take place as had taken place in Acts. As this is not the case, it is not logical that any of the other events must take place in the same manner either. And yet, it is right that missionaries, like deacons and elders, be carefully selected.
There should be a process by which the selection takes place, and then there should be an open acknowledgment of it having occurred. From there, it is right for churches to pray for the success of the missionaries. And “success” does not necessarily mean “coming back alive.” It means that the will of the Lord is served, in whatever manner He directs. His will should be the first and main focus of any such endeavor. If it is, then whatever occurs will be defined as a success.
For example, if a missionary goes forth and many people come to Jesus, but the missionary is arrested for drugs or for sexually exploiting a child, this was not a successful event. It is certain that not only were a few harmed by such a person’s actions.
On the other hand, if the missionary only leads one to Christ but faithfully serves the Lord in all ways, even dying in the process, this was a worthwhile cause. Such things must always be evaluated by how the Lord is glorified. And this should extend to all things in our lives. Let us always be God-conscious. In doing so, our lives will always be properly directed.
Lord God, please keep us from wandering away from You in our thoughts and actions. We are so very prone to this. And so, Lord, be with us and guide us all our days. Help our lives to be lived honorably before You, bringing glory, not shame, upon Your magnificent name. Amen.

Acts 13:2

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022

Tuesday Dec 13, 2022

Tuesday, 13 December 2022
As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Acts 13:2
Chapter 13 began with a note concerning the prophets and teachers at Antioch, naming each. The last one named Saul (who is Paul) will become the central point of focus concerning the ministry from this point on. Although still veiled, that begins to be revealed with the words of this verse which begins with, “As they ministered to the Lord.”
The verse begins with a conjunction. Also, the verb is a present participle. It rightly should read, “And as they were ministering to the Lord.” Here, the verb translated as “ministered,” leitourgeó, is introduced. It will be seen two more times, once in Romans and once in Hebrews.
It signifies being a public servant. Thus, by analogy, it signifies “to perform religious or charitable functions (worship, obey, relieve) – minister” (Strong’s). It is a word commonly used in the Greek translation of the Old Testament when referring to the work of the priests and the Levites. Its use in Hebrews 10:11 is specifically referring to the service of the Old Covenant priests. It is the basis for our now commonly used word “liturgy.” Along with serving in this capacity, it says they also “fasted.” 
Again, it is from a present participle. They “were fasting.” The word signifies abstaining from food, but the implication is that it is for religious reasons. It is during this time of ministration and fasting that “the Holy Spirit said.”
In other words, a message from God is conveyed to the men mentioned in verse 1. We are not told if one of them received this message and then passed it on to the others or if all received the same message. But the text is clear that God spoke to them for a specific purpose, saying, “Now separate to Me.”
In the Greek, there is an alliterative particle, dé, that is in the text, but which is ignored by most translations. It is intended to give emphasis or urgency to a statement. It is included to provide an underlying affirmation of the surrounding words. The Weymouth New Testament brilliantly translates these words as, “Set apart for Me, now at once.”
And this message, whether received by one or by all, is intended for all. The verb translated as “separate” is plural, “you all separate to me.” It is the same word, aphorizó, Paul uses to open his letter to the Romans (and elsewhere) –
“Paul, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated to the gospel of God.” Romans 1:1
The word itself comes from apo (away from) and horizó (to set boundaries). One can see the etymological root of the word “horizon” in this word. The holy spirit is directing the setting apart of “Barnabas and Saul.” In other words, they have been counted among the prophets and teachers of Antioch, but now they are being called for a special purpose, which is – as the Holy Spirit states – “for the work to which I have called them.”
Of these words, Cambridge says, “...we may perhaps be warranted in concluding that the whole course of this first great missionary journey was pointed out also by the Spirit. There is no notice of a deliberation in the Church about the best way for the Apostles to set forth.”
This is surely the case. The Holy Spirit has called, and so it can be expected that He will also direct. And this is just what is later seen on these missionary journeys, such as –
“Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia. 7 After they had come to Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit did not permit them. 8 So passing by Mysia, they came down to Troas. 9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night. A man of Macedonia stood and pleaded with him, saying, ,Come over to Macedonia and help us., 10 Now after he had seen the vision, immediately we sought to go to Macedonia, concluding that the Lord had called us to preach the gospel to them.” Acts 16:6-10
Though the specifics of the calling are not yet seen in this verse, when they are it must have been the greatest of comfort to these men that they were being sent out knowing that God had called and would, therefore, direct.
Life application: It is a common question for people to ask if fasting is required for believers. The answer must be, “No.” Though it is referred to in Scripture, and even though Jesus speaks of it as something that was commonly done, His words were to Israel, under the law. As such, those verses cannot be considered prescriptive for the church.
Likewise, in Acts, fasting is mentioned, but Acts is a descriptive account of what was occurring. It prescribes nothing. On the other hand, in the epistles – from where we are to derive our doctrine on such matters – fasting is never explicitly directed. It is mentioned once in 1 Corinthians 7:5, but it is not a prescription. Rather, it is an allowance.
The other two times fasting is mentioned are in 2 Corinthians 6:5 and 11:27. Both are involuntary fasts. Paul was forced to fast because of a lack of food. Other than these three references, fasting is never addressed, and it is certainly not prescribed. As this is true, any fast you conduct – for whatever reason – is between you and the Lord, between you and your doctor, or between you and your spouse (see 1 Corinthians 7:5).
If fasting is something that interests you, study up on it. A water diet, meaning a diet that consists of only drinking water for a set amount of time, is something that has benefitted many. The longest recorded water fast was by Angus Barbieri (1939 – 7 September 1990). He was a Scottish man who fasted for 382 days, from June 1965 to July 1966. He went from an immensely overweight and unhealthy person to a slimmed-down, healthy person in this manner. His fast, and many others, can be seen on YouTube or through general internet searches.
Study up on fasting, but: 1) It is not required according to a proper study of the New Testament. 2) It should never be mandated by a Christian leader. 3) If it is mandated by someone, you should consider not fellowshipping with that person any longer as this may lead to a form of tyrannical authoritarian leadership. 4) You will have to give up bacon. In the end, the plusses and minuses must be personally weighed.
Lord God, thank You for the freedoms we have in Christ. What a joy it is to know that we are sealed with Your Holy Spirit, and You are as close to us now as will ever be the case. Because of this, help us to open up to You, removing all walls and hindrances and learning to fellowship with You intimately all our days. Amen.

Acts 13:1

Monday Dec 12, 2022

Monday Dec 12, 2022

Monday, 12 December 2022
Now in the church that was at Antioch there were certain prophets and teachers: Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul. Acts 13:1
The previous verse ended Chapter 12 with Barnabas and Saul returning from Jerusalem and having taken along John Mark. With that, it now says, “Now in the church that was at Antioch.”
This is where Barnabas and Saul had been sent from and it is where they had now returned to. The detail provided here is setting up the narrative in a way that will henceforth highlight the ministry of Paul. To do that, there must be a separation of him from the main body to highlight what he will do. That begins to come about with the words that in Antioch “there were certain prophets and teachers.”
The words here indicate two classes. It may be that some prophets were also teachers, but they are two distinct offices. Paul notes this in 1 Corinthians 12 in a list there –
“Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually. 28 And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. 29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles? 30 Do all have gifts of healings? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret? 31 But earnestly desire the best gifts. And yet I show you a more excellent way.” 1 Corinthians 12:27-31
Of these two offices now noted in Acts, the individuals named are:
Barnabas. This is Barnabas who has already been seen several times and who traveled to Jerusalem with Saul and then returned with him.
Simeon who was called Niger. The name Niger is Latin, and it means “Black.” He is only mentioned here in Scripture, and it can be inferred that he was especially dark-skinned. The designation was probably given to him so that he would be distinguished from other people named Simeon. Being dark may mean that he had an African heritage, or it could simply be he was dark-skinned because of working outdoors as was the case with the Shulamite in the Song of Solomon –
“I am dark, but lovely,O daughters of Jerusalem,Like the tents of Kedar,Like the curtains of Solomon.6 Do not look upon me, because I am dark,Because the sun has tanned me.My mother’s sons were angry with me;They made me the keeper of the vineyards,But my own vineyard I have not kept.” Song of Solomon 1:5, 6
Lucius of Cyrene. Of this person, Vincent’s Word Studies states –
“Attempts have been made to identify him with Luke the evangelist; but the name Lucas is an abbreviation of Lucanus, and not of Lucius. It is worth noting, however, that, according to Herodotus (iii., 131), the physicians of Cyrene had the reputation of being the second best in Greece, those of Crotona being the best; and that Galen the physician says that Lucius was before him a distinguished physician in Tarsus of Cilicia. From this it has been conjectured that Luke was born and instructed in medicine in Cyrene, and left that place for Tarsus, where he made Paul's acquaintance, and was, perhaps, converted by him (Dr. Howard Crosby, "The New Testament, Old and New Version"). But, apart from the form of the name (see above), the mention of the evangelist's name here is not in accord with his usual practice, since he nowhere mentions his own name, either in the Gospel or in the Acts; and if the present passage were an exception, we should have expected to find his name last in the list of the worthies of Antioch. Of the five here named, four are known to be Jews; and therefore, probably, Lucius was also a Jew from Cyrene, where Jews are known to have abounded. Luke the evangelist, on the contrary, was a Gentile. Nothing certain can be inferred from Romans 16:21, where Lucius is enumerated by Paul among his kinsmen. If συγγενεῖς, kinsmen, means here, as is claimed by some, countrymen, it would prove Lucius to be a Jew; but the word is commonly used of relatives in the New Testament. In Romans 9:3, Paul applies the term to his fellow-countrymen, ‘my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh, who are Israelites.’”
There are other reasons for not accepting this person as being Luke. First, there are various “we” sections in Acts, meaning that the author is personally including himself in the narrative. The first such section begins in Acts 16:10. Such is not the case now in Acts 13. Second, and again, it has not been perfectly determined if Gentiles are even included in the church at Antioch at this point. And third, there is no note of Luke being either a teacher or a prophet elsewhere. He is noted as a doctor (physician), however, in Colossians 4:14. There, it says, “Luke the beloved physician and Demas greet you.”
Manaen. Of him, it says, “who had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch.” The word translated as “who had been brought up” is suntrophos. It is rendered by some as “foster-brother.” Others say, “close friend,” “member of the court,” “comrade,” and so on. The word comes from two roots signifying “together,” and “nurse.” Hence, he is a fellow nursling. As such, it can mean either a foster brother or something similar, such as being brought up in the same court.
Saul. This is Saul of Tarsus who will soon be almost exclusively known by his given name, Paul.
Life application: It is important to know the details of what is going on in the Bible. Seemingly small and irrelevant details, such as Luke being a Gentile, can make a large difference in the minds of those who read and teach the word.
For example, it has been argued that Luke must be a Jew because of what it says in Romans 3:2 where Paul notes that it is to the Jews that “were committed the oracles of God.”
This is what is known as a category mistake. Luke and Acts were not yet a part of the canon of Scripture. Paul was speaking of the Old Testament which pointed to Christ. It further means that they were entrusted with these oracles, not necessarily that they had all been written by Jews. Job was a Gentile, and he may (we do not know) have been the author of his book.
Regardless of Job, the New Testament is not the Old, and Paul’s words do not apply to what is being referred to in Romans 3:2. And yet, despite Paul’s clear and obvious words here, people will still make up false analyses concerning Luke to justify their presuppositions. This is a very bad way of handling the word of God.
Paul mentioned various Jews in Colossians 4 (above) noting that they were the only ones of the circumcision, or Jews, who were with him. One plus one will always equal two. In the case of Luke, because he was not a Jew, he was – by default – a Gentile. In ignoring this, a faulty sense of what God has done and is doing in the Bible will result. As such, we must hold close to the word, never abusing what it conveys because of a sense of pride or arrogance concerning something like “only the Jews brought us the word of God.”
If the Bible teaches that Luke was a Gentile, which it does, but you are stuck with a presupposition that he was a Jew (or a proselyte to Judaism), get over it. Luke was a Gentile.
Lord God, help us to accept what Your word teaches, and then to be obedient to it. It is too precious to be trifled with because we don’t agree with it in our own minds. Who are we to argue against what You have done. Help us to accept it as You have given it to us so that our doctrine will be pure. Amen.

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