The first episodes are from Genesis. Since Feb 2021 we began an exciting daily commentary in the the book of Acts since it is certain that almost all major theological errors within the church arise by a misapplication, or a misuse, of the book of Acts. If the book is taken in its proper light, it is an invaluable tool for understanding what God is doing in the redemptive narrative in human history. If it is taken incorrectly, failed doctrine, and even heretical ideas, will arise (and consistently have arisen) within the church. Let us consider the book of Acts in its proper light. In doing so, these errors in thinking and theology will be avoided. The book of Acts is comprised of 28 chapters of 1007 verses (as in the NKJV). Therefore, a daily evaluation of Acts, one verse per day, will take approximately 2.76 years to complete.

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Acts 17:3

Wednesday May 24, 2023

Wednesday May 24, 2023

Wednesday, 24 May 2023
explaining and demonstrating that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead, and saying, “This Jesus whom I preach to you is the Christ.” Acts 17:3
The translation is more closely rendered, “opening and presenting that the Christ must suffer and rise from the dead, and that this is the Christ – Jesus, whom I proclaim to you” (CG). This will be used to evaluate the verse.
The previous verse noted that Paul spent three Sabbaths in the synagogue of Thessalonica reasoning with them from the Scriptures. That included “opening.”
The word translated as “opening” is used for the last time in the Bible. It signifies to open fully. It can be a literal opening, such as the opening of the womb in Luke 2:23, but its uses in Scripture are more directed toward perception. Its other uses include the opening (restoration) of the ears and tongue of a man in Mark 7:34; the spiritual opening of the eyes in Luke 24:31; the opening of Scripture for understanding in Luke 24:45; the opening of the heavens for Stephen’s spiritual discernment in Acts 7:56; and the opening of Lydia’s heart in Acts 16:1.
The meaning here is certainly to be taken in the sense of spiritual discernment as in Luke 24:45, which says, “And He opened their understanding, that they might comprehend the Scriptures.” In this case, however, it doesn’t mean that these men will believe what Paul presents, but he is taking Scripture and he is opening it for their understanding, if they will believe. In this, he was opening “and presenting.”
This Greek word comes from two words signifying “beside” and “lay.” The idea is to set forth, set before, demonstrate, present, and so on. Paul is taking the Scriptures and drawing out the intended meaning and presenting it before his hearers, demonstrating “that the Christ must suffer.”
This was obvious and needed proof for his case because of his knowledge of who the Christ is. The Jewish idea of the Christ, meaning the Messiah, was a champion before God. He was to be a man to lead the people, free them from oppression, and set them above the nations. All of these things are true, but the manner in which they were to come about, and the order of events in how they would come to pass, was obscured and misunderstood by them.
In the case of the true Messiah, He was to first suffer “and rise from the dead.” The people anticipated a Messiah, but they misunderstood what the purpose of the Messiah was to be because they misidentified what their major shortcoming before God was, meaning the issue of sin.
They assumed that the provisions within the law made them acceptable before God because they never considered the temporary and instructive nature of the law. They considered it as a means to an end, not a steppingstone to a fuller and more complete relationship with God.
Therefore, Paul had to go back to the basics concerning what Scripture was saying, then explain the role of the Messiah in His suffering and resurrection. When One came and fulfilled these roles, they would then know “that this is the Christ.”
Their Scriptures clearly anticipated that the Messiah would experience these things. The Psalms, the prophets, and the writings all hinted at this. Some of it was in pictures or typology. Some of it was poetic in nature. Some of it was allegorical. But it all was there and had to be dealt with. This is what Paul opened and presented to the synagogue. And this was all fulfilled in one Man. As he says, “Jesus, whom I proclaim to you.”
The New Testament fills in much of the relevant detail concerning Jesus. Where He was born, what tribe He was from, His descent from David, and so forth. However, those things were not yet written down, or they had at least not yet been widely distributed if they were written down. Paul could make such claims to the people, but it would not be as effective as conveying to them what was explicitly known.
That is why it says that he focused on the suffering and resurrection of Jesus. Those things were right in their own Scriptures and the people would have heard at least this much concerning Jesus. Paul could add the other details during his discourse, but the main presentation would have been on the role of the Messiah as fulfilled by Jesus.
The claims had been made based on events they would have heard of, they fit what Scripture said, and Paul opened those Scriptures to them so that the two could be harmonized in the minds of those in Thessalonica.
Life application: Today, we have the full record of what transpired in the life of Jesus along with the details of His genealogy, place of birth, and so forth. There is nothing wrong with using these things in an evangelistic presentation. However, the gospel focuses on the problem and its solution. The problem is sin. The solution to that is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
We can type up long lists of fulfilled prophecies and give numerical calculations about what the chances are of any one person fulfilling them. But these things cannot bring a person to salvation. If those things are never mentioned, a person can still be saved through a simple understanding that he is not right before God and that God has taken the necessary steps to resolve the matter.
Don’t get sidetracked in your zeal to convince others about Jesus. It is good to have all of the impressive facts and figures about Scripture to help convince people about the surety that Jesus is the fulfillment of it. But one must be presented with the main problem and its solution during the presentation or the presentation is a failure. Always share the gospel when explaining who Jesus is.
Lord God, may we be precise when talking to others about their need for Jesus. There is a problem in us, sin, and there is a resolution to that problem which is found in the giving of Your Son for us. May we never exclude this most important aspect of man’s need and of what You have done about it when telling others about Jesus. Amen.

Acts 17:2

Tuesday May 23, 2023

Tuesday May 23, 2023

Tuesday, 23 May 2023
Then Paul, as his custom was, went in to them, and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures, Acts 17:2
The previous verse noted that Paul and Silas had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia and had arrived at Thessalonica, noting that there was a synagogue of the Jews there. Now, the narrative continues with, “Then Paul, as his custom was.”
Rather, the verb is a perfect participle. Though a little clunky, it more rightly reads, “And Paul, as customized.” He was habitual in this regard, always following the same pattern which was that he “went in to them.”
As seen elsewhere, such as in Acts 13 and 14, Paul made it his habit to go into the synagogue of whatever city he traveled to. Being a rabbi, he would be respected for his training and sought after concerning his knowledge. This is no different than visiting pastors in churches today. They may be tested to check their doctrine, asked specific questions about various matters, and even asked to say a word at times. As for Paul in Thessalonica, it next says, “and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them.”
Paul’s reasoning would be concerning Christ Jesus. He certainly took the time to carefully show all the key details concerning what the ministry of the Messiah would be. The word translated as “reasoned” is dialegomai. It comes from dia, through, and legó, to say. According to HELPS Word Studies, it “is the process of giving and receiving information with someone to reach deeper understanding – a "going back-and-forth" of thoughts and ideas so people can better know the Lord (His word, will).”
As for these reasonings, it was just not something made up in his own head or that was passed down from other rabbis as tradition. Rather, he reasoned with them “from the Scriptures.” As Scripture is inspired by God, it is the ultimate source for people to know the Lord. Many of the things prophesied about the Messiah can only be clearly understood after the coming of Jesus. Even today, those who reject Jesus cannot clearly understand what is being conveyed concerning the role of the Messiah.
Thus, one may carefully reason from Scripture, aligning what it says with what Jesus has done. In this type of exchange of thoughts, if a person is willing to accept what is presented, there will be the illumination of Scripture so that it is properly understood. This is what Paul strove to do over those three Sabbaths at the synagogue in Thessalonica.
Life application: Paul took his time and reasoned from the Scriptures in order to bring understanding to those he spoke with. One cannot reasonably reason from Scriptures if those Scriptures are manipulated. It is the job of a translator to do what? Yes, you in the third row. Correct! The job of a translator is to translate.
In the case of the verb of this verse, often translated as “his custom was,” which is a noun and a verb, a verbal form was used to get a clearer sense, “And Paul, as customized.” The meaning here is not that much different and anyone would get the sense of what was being said from either translation. However, can you see any marked and purposeful change between these versions of Acts 17:2 -
According to his usual practice, Sha’ul went in; and on three Shabbats he gave them drashes from the Tanakh, (CJB)
And as he did bekvius (regularly), Rav Sha’ul joined their minyan, and on shloshah Shabbatot, he gave them drashot from the Kitvei HaKodesh, (OJB)
And according to his practice, Sha’ul went in unto them, and for three Shabbathoth was reasoning with them from the Scriptures. (Hallelujah Scriptures)
Then Paul, as his custom was, went in to them, and for three Sabbaths reasoned with them from the Scriptures,
Some of the differences are the use of Jewish wording to convey the same idea, making it simpler for a Jewish person to understand. That is an acceptable way of making something more understandable for a target audience. Obviously, if a person was never Jewish, it would be pointless to try to learn all new terminology just to understand what the Bible is saying.
However, in all three of these Jewish Bibles, there is a purposeful manipulation of the name Paul. As noted above by the person in the third row, the job of a translator is to translate, not manipulate. Paul’s Hebrew name, Saul, is stated 21 times in Acts 1-12. In those same chapters, the name Paul is never stated. However, in Acts 13-28, the name Paul is mentioned 132 times, whereas Saul is mentioned twice and only as an explanation of past events.
There is a reason for this that is completely obliterated by these manipulated Bibles. To change the name Paul to Saul as they have done is to change Scripture. As noted above, one cannot reasonably reason from Scriptures if those Scriptures are manipulated. God has revealed the redemptive narrative in His word. This includes the renaming of Saul to Paul.
When people with a set and perverse agenda purposefully twist what He has presented, it undermines the very intent of what God has put forth. The changing of Paul’s name is not an irrelevant issue. It is a key and central point of doctrine when rightly studied and understood. Further, combining a study of the uses of Peter’s name in relation to Paul’s name gives an even deeper understanding of what God is presenting. These things can no longer be rightly understood, studied, and discussed when the Scriptures have been so thoroughly distorted.
Don’t get caught up in the “Hebrew Hype” that all things Jewish are better than what has been presented for the past two thousand years. God has given us His word. When it is translated, the translator is to translate, not manipulate. Pay heed to this. Study to show yourself approved. And don’t get sidetracked by those who purposefully try to sway you away from what is proper.
Heavenly Father, Your word is far too precious to be marginalized, twisted, manipulated, trifled with, or distorted. Keep us from unsound translations of it and keep us from unsound teachers of it. May we carefully and tenderly consider this precious and sacred word all our days. Amen.

Acts 17:1

Monday May 22, 2023

Monday May 22, 2023

Monday, 22 May 2023
Now when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they came to Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue of the Jews. Acts 17:1
As Acts 16 ended, Paul and Silas were noted as having departed from Philippi. It may be that Timothy or others accompanied them, but this is unstated. With their departure, Acts 17 now begins, saying, “Now when they had passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia.”
Of these two cities, Albert Barnes notes the following –
Amphipolis - This was the capital of the eastern province of Macedonia. It was originally a colony of the Athenians, but under the Romans it was made the capital of that part of Macedonia. It was near to Thrace, and was situated not far from the mouth of the river Strymon, which flowed around the city, and thus occasioned its name, around the city. ... The position of Amphipolis is one of the most important in Greece. It stands in a pass which Traverses the mountains bordering the Strymonic Gulf, and it commands the only easy communication from the coast of that gulf into the great Macedonian plains, which extend, for 60 miles, from beyond Meleniko to Philippi. The ancient name of the place was ‘Nine Ways,’ from the great number of Thracian and Macedonian roads which met at this point. The Athenians saw the importance of the position, and established a colony there, which they called Amphipolis, because the river surrounded it.
Apollonia - This city was situated between Amphipolis and Thessalonica, and was formerly much celebrated for its trade.
After having passed through these two cities, it next says that “they came to Thessalonica.” Again, Albert Barnes provides a description for us to consider –
“This was a seaport of the second part of Macedonia. It is situated at the head of the Bay Thermaicus. It was made the capital of the second division of Macedonia by Aemilius Paulus, when he divided the country into four districts. It was formerly called Therma, but afterward received the name of Thessalonica, either from Cassander, in honor of his wife Thessalonica, the daughter of Philip, or in honor of a victory which Philip obtained over the armies of Thessaly. It was inhabited by Greeks, Romans, and Jews. It is now called Saloniki, and, from its situation, must always be a place of commercial importance. It is situated on the inner bend of the Thermaic Gulf, halfway between the Adriatic and the Hellespont, on the sea margin of a vast plain, watered by several rivers, and was evidently designed for a commercial emporium.”
Of Thessalonica, it says, “where there was a synagogue of the Jews.” The account doesn’t say why the two passed through the other two cities without stopping, but it could be that there was no synagogue. This even seems likely because, in the text used by the NKJV, there is an article before the word synagogue, thus it is “the synagogue.” Thus, it would explain why they simply passed through the other two cities.
However, it may be that the two arrived in Thessalonica on a Friday and decided to attend the synagogue on a Saturday. Without knowing why this city was chosen, only speculation can be made.
As for the distances between the cities, it was about 33 miles from Philippi to Amphipolis. It was then about 30 miles from Amphipolis to Apollonia. From there, it was about 37 miles from Apollonia to Thessalonica. Each is about one day’s journey, and so it could be that this is how they went, arriving at Thessalonica late on the third day. It is only speculation, but the distances make this a possibility. If so, the journey was in three parts and so it is recorded as such.
Life application: The difficulties and trials of Philippi are behind the missionaries. They may have wondered why things happened as they did, but later understanding came to them. Paul explains this in his first letter to those at Thessalonica –
“For you yourselves know, brethren, that our coming to you was not in vain. 2 But even after we had suffered before and were spitefully treated at Philippi, as you know, we were bold in our God to speak to you the gospel of God in much conflict.” 1 Thessalonians 2:1, 2
Those in Thessalonica had been evangelized because Paul and Silas had been treated shamefully at Philippi. What was certainly considered evil to them turned out for good for those at Thessalonica. And Paul would certainly not trade a single stripe on his back once he realized how things turned out. Each new convert was seen to be worth the troubles they had faced. And with a church up and running at Philippi, things were moving forward for them as well.
Trust that God’s plan is unfolding as it should. Despite the enormous trials we may face, He is not unaware of them, nor is He not caring about them. Our patience and trust will be rewarded someday. God will not leave anything unremembered. So, stand fast in Him and in the surety that you are just where He wants you.
Lord God, how good it is to know that You have it all under control. For sure, we can trust this and be confident that what You have purposed will come about. As glory is said to be ahead of us, why should we be overwhelmed with the troubles of today. Help us to keep an eternal perspective as we live out our lives. Amen.

Acts 16:40

Sunday May 21, 2023

Sunday May 21, 2023

Sunday, 21 May 2023
So they went out of the prison and entered the house of Lydia; and when they had seen the brethren, they encouraged them and departed. Acts 16:40
Note: This translation will be used for the analysis: “And having gone forth from the prison, they came to Lydia, and having seen them, they exhorted the brothers and departed” (CG).
Paul and Silas had been asked to depart from the city by the magistrates. In response to that, it now says, “And having gone forth from the prison, they came to Lydia.” The meaning is that they came to Lydia’s house. The reason for going to Lydia’s house goes back to verse 16:15. There, she implored the men to stay with her and they were persuaded to do so. Upon arriving there, it says, “and having seen them.”
The meaning is that Paul and Silas saw the others who had accompanied them. Lydia and others may have been there as well. The words are not specific, but it at a minimum means the brothers. That is seen in the next words where it says that “they exhorted the brothers and departed.”
Luke returns to the third person here. Thus, it means that Paul and Silas exhorted the brothers, and they left without Luke joining them. From the account, it can be inferred that Luke stayed in Philippi. He will be with them again in Acts 20.
As for Timothy, it is uncertain what he did at this time. He may have remained in Philippi and then met up with Paul and Silas in Berea, or he may have gone with Paul and Silas to their next stop of Thessalonica, simply not being mentioned while there. Either way, he will specifically be noted as with Paul and Silas in Berea in verse 17:14.
Life application: Luke appears to have stayed in Philippi, making it his home base for evangelism. As he was not considered a part of the trouble that arose with the magistrates, he was a good candidate to remain there and work with the church. This is speculation, but the next time he will be mentioned, it will be connected with Philippi, so this is a good guess.
The Lord is working things out according to a plan that is far greater than any single person. What we may see as an unhappy occasion may turn out to be a more effective chance to evangelize. This is certainly the case now. Paul and Silas will depart and head to their next location. There, a church will be established. With brothers already established in Philippi, there will be a greater chance for further evangelism there. There will also be the chance to grow in the faith there as well.
Don’t look at setbacks as events that are out of control. It may be true from our perspective, but it never will be from God’s. Trust that. You are a part of something that is bigger than you, and God is working out His plans accordingly.
O God, there are times when it feels like our wheels are spinning and we are not getting any traction at all. At such times, help us to focus on the bigger picture. Your word is going out around the world and churches are faithfully teaching it. Our lack of progress does not mean that the whole world has stopped. And so, may we pray for the others as we await our forward movement once again. Amen.

Acts 16:39

Saturday May 20, 2023

Saturday May 20, 2023

Saturday, 20 May 2023
Then they came and pleaded with them and brought them out, and asked them to depart from the city. Acts 16:39
The NKJV does not properly translate the verbs. For this verse, the following will be used – “And having come, they consoled them, and having brought them out, they were asking them to go out from the city” (CG).
With the demand by Paul in verse 16:27 having been communicated to the magistrates to come and usher Paul and Silas out of the prison personally, it now says, “And having come, they consoled them.”
The word translated as consoled has a wide variety of significations, and so the context will determine what is said. Various translations say besought, pleaded, apologized, placated, appeased, appealed, etc. One can put themselves in the place of these magistrates to consider what occurred.
They certainly did not want to come to the prison, but under the circumstances, they really had no choice. They had violated the rights of Roman citizens and could have been held liable for what had transpired. Despite the utterly humiliating state they found themselves in, they came to the prison and probably fell all over themselves with apologies, reassurances, promises of restitution, or whatever else would come to the minds of people in such a situation. Hence, they were trying to console or placate Paul and Silas.
With that noted, it next says, “and having brought them out, they were asking them to go out from the city.” The main reason for this request would probably be to allow the magistrates to save face. One can see them having placated Paul and Silas enough to not bring charges against them.
With such a promise they would realize that everyone else would find out if Paul and Barnabas stayed. They would be humiliated and may lose their jobs simply because word would eventually get around. One can imagine the magistrates saying, “Please, just go. We don’t want any more trouble.”
Along with this, but still tied into it, would be the thought that there could be more trouble stirred up if some of the mob came across Paul and Silas. Still not knowing Paul and Silas were Romans, more trouble could arise from their taunts or actions. This would eventually necessitate the intervention of the magistrates. At that time, the truth would come out and things would devolve for the magistrates from that point on. Therefore, getting these two to depart would be the happiest resolution for them.
Life application: Paul and Silas had to decide what was the best course of action to take. They could have stirred up the masses and gotten the magistrates in trouble, but who would that have helped?
They had converts in the city, including the jailor who was probably standing right there listening to the entire conversation. He would evaluate his own walk with the Lord by the actions of Paul and Silas.
In being gracious to their persecutors, he would learn to be gracious in his own actions. He would probably be more willing to speak about Jesus as well. Instead of fighting for his own gain in life, he would learn a valuable lesson about priorities.
Paul and Silas could come back at any point and there were others from their group who could stay and continue the work. Each thing had to be considered and weighed out accordingly. We too should look at the whole situation when something arises and consider what will bring the glory to God while maintaining or strengthening the faith of those who are involved. Let us consider this as we go forth each day.
Lord God, give us wisdom in our dealings with others. May we always strive to find the right balance in our actions so that people will see that we are people of integrity and who are rightly directed to follow You as we continue on life’s path. May it be so, O God. Amen.

Acts 16:38

Friday May 19, 2023

Friday May 19, 2023

Friday, 19 May 2023
And the officers told these words to the magistrates, and they were afraid when they heard that they were Romans. Acts 16:38
In the previous verse, Paul refused the notion that he and Silas were to be released secretly. Rather, he demanded that the magistrates come and personally release them. Luke now continues with, “And the officers told these words to the magistrates.”
A different word is translated as “words” here than in verse 16:36. There it was logos, the expression of a thought to the jailor – “let those men go.” Now, the word rhéma is used. It signifies an utterance or saying. Paul had thoroughly conveyed the situation in verse 16:37 and the sayings which he spoke forth have been transmitted to the magistrates by those who received them – “they have beaten us openly, uncondemned Romans, and have thrown us into prison.”
It is those sayings that were carried back to the magistrates by those who were sent. This is now the second and last use of the word rhabdouchos, or rod-bearer, in Scripture. They were sent to tell Paul and Silas they could leave. With Paul’s refusal, they have carried their report back to the magistrates. Upon hearing these sayings, it next says of the magistrates that “they were afraid.”
Rather than Paul and Silas, it is the city’s magistrates who are the offenders. They were now liable for what had occurred under their direction and authority. This certainly came as an enormous shock to them “when they heard that they were Romans.”
It probably never dawned on them to even stop and ask. A complaint was made against them, noting that they were Jews. Further, the one complaining said that these Jews were teaching “customs which are not lawful for us, being Romans.” A contrast was made between “these Jews” and “us Romans” by the accusers. And so, without doing what they should have done, they shamefully treated Paul and Silas, Roman citizens.
Life application: If you are in a position of authority, the best thing to do is to try to seek out the details of a matter clearly and precisely. Sometimes, something seemingly convincing may not be that way at all. To assume without verification can lead to all kinds of trouble. Enmity between friends can arise. Divisions in the church may crop up. Jobs can be lost. One might become legally liable for making such a hasty and incorrect decision.
It is best to step back from a matter, do a careful check of the relevant details, and then act. Keep this in mind. Things that may seem small or unimportant may carry more weight than you realize.
Lord God, help us to use wisdom in how we interact with others, especially when there may be a point of conflict or trouble that arises. A little bit of due diligence can go a long way, so help us to remember this and apply it to our daily lives. Give us discernment and right thinking in this, O God. Amen.

Acts 16:37

Thursday May 18, 2023

Thursday May 18, 2023

Thursday, 18 May 2023
But Paul said to them, “They have beaten us openly, uncondemned Romans, and have thrown us into prison. And now do they put us out secretly? No indeed! Let them come themselves and get us out.” Acts 16:37
In the previous verse, the jailor told Paul that the magistrates had sent word to let them go. With that, Luke now records, “But Paul said to them.”
As noted in the comments of the previous verse, the rod bearers were obviously with the jailor when he gave them the news of their release because the address is now in the plural. Paul is speaking to the jailor and the rod bearers. In his response, he says, “They have beaten us openly, uncondemned Romans.” The word “openly” is more appropriately translated as “publicly.” They were shamed before other citizens and even non-citizens in a manner that was considered wholly intolerable to the laws of Rome.
Of this, Charles Ellicott says –
“By the Lex Porcia (B.C. 247), Roman citizens were exempted from degrading punishment, such as that of scourging. It was the heaviest of all the charges brought by Cicero against Verres, the Governor of Sicily, that he had broken this law.”
As Paul uses the plural, us, it indicates that Silas was also a Roman. It would be wholly inappropriate to speak the plural in this manner if it were not so. How Silas obtained his citizenship is unknown. However, in Acts 22:28 we find that Paul was born a Roman citizen. That carried an exceptional mark. Others became citizens in various ways, but to be born a Roman meant that his father was a citizen before him as well.
In having beaten Paul and Silas, three extremely serious charges could be raised. The first is that it was a violation of Roman law to do so. Second, Paul notes that they were beaten publicly. Third, and certainly most egregiously, they had been disgraced in this manner without any trial having been held. They were stripped of their clothing while at the same time, they were stripped of their rights as Romans. Further, along with these disgraces, Paul says, “and have thrown us into prison.”
Vincent’s Word Studies, citing a scholar named Hackett, says “that almost every word in this reply contains a distinct allegation. It would be difficult to find or frame a sentence superior to it in point of energetic brevity.” Paul’s noting of their being thrown into prison carries with it the cumulation of all the injustices explicitly stated along with those that went unstated.
They would have been deprived of food. They would not have been properly treated regarding the wounds they received. They were bound like animals in the filth of a Roman cell. These and other injustices would have all come together in their incarceration, heaping up guilt upon those who had allowed the events to occur. Because of this, Paul now contrasts the word “openly” by saying, “And now do they put us out secretly?”
The magistrates had violated the law in an open and disgraceful manner. No matter what reason they had for releasing them from prison so early in the morning, it certainly carried with it a desire to secretly hide away what had occurred. Paul was adamantly not going to allow that to happen. Thus, he says, “No indeed!”
Throughout the ages, the same idea has been communicated in various abrupt but poignant ways. In modern English, we might say, “No way Jose,” “I think not,” or “Not gonna happen.” The succinct nature of the words provides its own emphasis. Such is the case with Paul’s words. With that uttered, he next says, “Let them come themselves and get us out.”
Of this demand of Paul, Albert Barnes provides five valid points to consider –
(1) Because they had been illegally imprisoned, and the injustice of the magistrates should be acknowledged.
(2) because the Roman laws had been violated, and the majesty of the Roman people insulted, and honor should be done to the laws.
(3) because injustice had been done to Paul and Silas, and they had a right to demand just treatment and protection.
(4) because such a public act on the part of the magistrates would strengthen the young converts, and show them that the apostles were not guilty of a violation of the laws.
(5) because it would tend to the honor and to the furtherance of religion. It would be a public acknowledgement of their innocence, and would go far toward lending to them the sanction of the laws as religious teachers.
Life application: As noted in the previous verse, it is ridiculous for Christians to not use the rights allowed to them within their society when they are unfairly treated. For example, Christians are expected to pay taxes. Taxes are used for the various social and legal protections provided by the law. Christians are required to conform to the laws, rules, regulations, and statutes of the land in which they live. These things are imposed on all citizens of a nation to ensure things run smoothly and to ensure people are treated fairly while also being held accountable when they do not conform to the standards of society.
To submit to such things as these, but then not use those same rights and benefits when it is opportune to do so – such as in voting – is, frankly, foolish. If a citizen will be directed in these things by whoever is elected to office, but he is unwilling to vote when he has the right to do so, it means that he may be setting himself up to lose the very protections that he is granted.
This is the state of the United States today. Those on the left are actively working to take away the rights of citizens in general and those of Christians in particular. And yet, weak-kneed, unthinking Christians fail to use their rights and to exercise their responsibilities within the nation they live. When those rights are taken away from them, they will only have themselves to blame. Paul would find their peevishness and absurd self-piety appalling, as is evidenced by his remarks recorded in Acts 16:37.
Heavenly Father, may we use right thinking concerning our lives within our society. If we fail to do so, we will be overcome by tragedy when we find we have squandered our responsibilities and lost our rights as citizens of the nations in which we live. Help us not to be reckoned as peevish examples of folly and foolishness. Amen.

Acts 16:36

Wednesday May 17, 2023

Wednesday May 17, 2023

Wednesday, 17 May 2023
So the keeper of the prison reported these words to Paul, saying, “The magistrates have sent to let you go. Now therefore depart, and go in peace.” Acts 16:36
In the previous verse, the magistrates sent the rod bearers, telling them to release Paul and Silas. With that, it now says, “So the keeper of the prison reported these words to Paul.” The word translated as “keeper of the prison” is the same as that translated as jailor in verse 16:27. This is referring to the same man who was baptized by Paul.
It seems that Paul and Silas were returned to the prison cell prior to anyone arriving in the morning, probably to keep the jailor out of hot water with the authorities for having people who should be in prison not kept there.
Once he had received the permission to release the men, he carried those words with him to Paul, saying, “The magistrates have sent to let you go.” This is per their instructions as just conveyed to him by the rod bearers. With that, he adds his own words of encouragement, “Now therefore depart, and go in peace.”
Rather, the verb being an aorist participle, reads, “Now, having gone out, depart in peace.” The words mean that the men are in the prison. The jailor is telling them that once they have left the jail, they are free to go without any further requirements, such as reporting to the magistrates in the agora for a hearing. This was obviously done in the presence of the rod bearers because of what occurs in the coming verses.
The events of the previous day have been considered as settled and the matter is over in the minds of the magistrates.
Life application: In such a situation as occurred with Paul and Silas, what would you do with the news that you were to now be released?
The answer is surely dependent on many factors. If you are in a foreign land that is unsympathetic to the plight of foreigners, the best thing to do would be to accept the beating without making any fuss and to then get out of the prison as quickly as possible, not making any waves.
If you were in an area where your title, position, or standing within the community allowed it, you might consider speaking to someone about the treatment you had received. If you were in your own country bearing the rights of a citizen and your rights were violated, you may want to take even stronger action.
Paul will respond according to his own situation in the coming verse, and there is nothing wrong with the avenue he will pursue. Likewise, it is never wrong to pursue what is proper if your rights have been violated. Too often, Christians misuse Scripture and peevishly act as if they should never stand against injustice. Others claim it is inappropriate to vote, as if that is mixing in affairs of the state by people who are “citizens” of heaven.
That is a ridiculous stand. It is certain those same people pay taxes, apply for driver’s licenses, and register their newborns according to the laws of the land in which they live. The old adage, “Don’t be so heavenly minded that you are no earthly good” is appropriate. The rights of Paul and Silas have been violated. Wait and see how they respond to their release as Luke details it in the words ahead.
Lord God, You have placed us in the world to interact with the world. We are born into various countries with certain rights and responsibilities within those countries. Why would we not use those rights to further Your kingdom? Your word provides abundant evidence that this is just what we are to do. So, Lord, help us to fulfill our responsibilities as citizens of the land in which we live while also fulfilling our responsibilities to You. Amen.

Acts 16:35

Tuesday May 16, 2023

Tuesday May 16, 2023

Monday, 15 May 2023
Now when he had brought them into his house, he set food before them; and he rejoiced, having believed in God with all his household. Acts 16:34
In the previous verse, the jailor washed the wounds of Paul and Silas and then he and his family were baptized. With that, it now says, “Now when he had brought them into his house.” 
More precisely, it reads, “brought up.” From wherever the baptism took place, they ascended to his house. As noted in the previous verse, it appears that the jailor and his family took Paul and Silas to a bathhouse or some other place where they normally bathed. With that complete, he then brought them up to his house. There, and now reassured of their state before God, it says “he set food before them.”
The Greek reads, “he set before [them] a table.” This would have been the first meal Paul and Silas had eaten in quite a while and it would have been a joy to partake of for several reasons.
The delight of being out of prison and properly tended to physically would have been a relief. Also, having food after such a long and tedious day would have been invigorating. But mostly, they would have been filled with praise to God for the acceptance of the gospel by the jailor and his household. Whatever was set before them would have been more enjoyable than that of a meal prepared for a king. Along with that, it next says, “and he rejoiced.”
This is referring to the jailor. Considering that he had almost died by his own hand and apart from God only a short time earlier, he would be renewed not only in spirit, but in his heart and soul as well. Life had taken on a completely new direction, an eternity-changing direction, for him. Of him, it next says, “having believed in God with all his household.”
The word translated as “with all his household” is found only here in the New Testament. However, it is found in the Greek translation of Exodus 1:1 and is also seen in other ancient writings. Being an adverb, there is no single English word that matches the intent. Further, it is more rightly united with the verb “rejoiced.” It is the final verb that explains the reason for the joy. The order of the Greek is, “and rejoiced all-householdly, having believed God.”
The verb translated as “having believed” is a perfect participle in the singular masculine. Thus, some translations assume this is only speaking of the jailor saying, “he having believed in God.” But this is incorrect. The word “household” is a masculine word. Thus, it is referring to the entire household in the singular.
The importance of this is that it totally refutes the idea of salvation coming to those of the house through the jailor’s faith alone. Rather, each person in the household believed. Further, it negates any hint of infant baptism having been conducted. Each person individually believed and was then baptized.
As such, though these verses are descriptive, they continue to settle doctrine based on what is normative. Each person must individually believe in Jesus to be saved. Likewise, each person who believes in Jesus should then be baptized as an outward demonstration of the inner faith that has come about.
Life application: The book of Acts is a descriptive account of what has occurred. For the most part, it does not prescribe anything for us to apply to our lives. However, at times it does develop a normative pattern concerning what occurred. Every person in Acts who believes is subsequently baptized.
But even without this normative pattern, it is a command of the Lord that baptism be conducted. Somehow, the cult of hyperdispensationalism has entered the church and it has caused real damage to sound doctrine within the faith. It inappropriately divides the gospel. It also results in disobedience to the Lord’s direct command to baptize.
Be on guard against these people. Hold fast to what is sound and easily discernible from Scripture. Such unhealthy doctrine will only lead you away from a happy and proper relationship with the Lord Jesus.
Glorious Lord God, may we be willing to follow up our faith in Jesus with obedience to His command concerning baptism. May we not get pulled astray by unsound teachings such as relying on infant baptism for our security in salvation or refusing baptism after salvation. Rather, may we be confident in our doctrine and willing to follow through with our responsibilities in our faith. Amen.

Acts 16:34

Monday May 15, 2023

Monday May 15, 2023

Monday, 15 May 2023
Now when he had brought them into his house, he set food before them; and he rejoiced, having believed in God with all his household. Acts 16:34
In the previous verse, the jailor washed the wounds of Paul and Silas and then he and his family were baptized. With that, it now says, “Now when he had brought them into his house.” 
More precisely, it reads, “brought up.” From wherever the baptism took place, they ascended to his house. As noted in the previous verse, it appears that the jailor and his family took Paul and Silas to a bathhouse or some other place where they normally bathed. With that complete, he then brought them up to his house. There, and now reassured of their state before God, it says “he set food before them.”
The Greek reads, “he set before [them] a table.” This would have been the first meal Paul and Silas had eaten in quite a while and it would have been a joy to partake of for several reasons.
The delight of being out of prison and properly tended to physically would have been a relief. Also, having food after such a long and tedious day would have been invigorating. But mostly, they would have been filled with praise to God for the acceptance of the gospel by the jailor and his household. Whatever was set before them would have been more enjoyable than that of a meal prepared for a king. Along with that, it next says, “and he rejoiced.”
This is referring to the jailor. Considering that he had almost died by his own hand and apart from God only a short time earlier, he would be renewed not only in spirit, but in his heart and soul as well. Life had taken on a completely new direction, an eternity-changing direction, for him. Of him, it next says, “having believed in God with all his household.”
The word translated as “with all his household” is found only here in the New Testament. However, it is found in the Greek translation of Exodus 1:1 and is also seen in other ancient writings. Being an adverb, there is no single English word that matches the intent. Further, it is more rightly united with the verb “rejoiced.” It is the final verb that explains the reason for the joy. The order of the Greek is, “and rejoiced all-householdly, having believed God.”
The verb translated as “having believed” is a perfect participle in the singular masculine. Thus, some translations assume this is only speaking of the jailor saying, “he having believed in God.” But this is incorrect. The word “household” is a masculine word. Thus, it is referring to the entire household in the singular.
The importance of this is that it totally refutes the idea of salvation coming to those of the house through the jailor’s faith alone. Rather, each person in the household believed. Further, it negates any hint of infant baptism having been conducted. Each person individually believed and was then baptized.
As such, though these verses are descriptive, they continue to settle doctrine based on what is normative. Each person must individually believe in Jesus to be saved. Likewise, each person who believes in Jesus should then be baptized as an outward demonstration of the inner faith that has come about.
Life application: The book of Acts is a descriptive account of what has occurred. For the most part, it does not prescribe anything for us to apply to our lives. However, at times it does develop a normative pattern concerning what occurred. Every person in Acts who believes is subsequently baptized.
But even without this normative pattern, it is a command of the Lord that baptism be conducted. Somehow, the cult of hyperdispensationalism has entered the church and it has caused real damage to sound doctrine within the faith. It inappropriately divides the gospel. It also results in disobedience to the Lord’s direct command to baptize.
Be on guard against these people. Hold fast to what is sound and easily discernible from Scripture. Such unhealthy doctrine will only lead you away from a happy and proper relationship with the Lord Jesus.
Glorious Lord God, may we be willing to follow up our faith in Jesus with obedience to His command concerning baptism. May we not get pulled astray by unsound teachings such as relying on infant baptism for our security in salvation or refusing baptism after salvation. Rather, may we be confident in our doctrine and willing to follow through with our responsibilities in our faith. Amen.

Acts 16:33

Sunday May 14, 2023

Sunday May 14, 2023

Sunday, 14 May 2023
And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their stripes. And immediately he and all his family were baptized. Acts 16:33
The wording of the verse is more rightly rendered, “And having taken them in that hour of the night, he washed from the wounds, and he was baptized, and all his, immediately.” (CG)
This will be used for the evaluation. In the previous verse, it was noted that Paul and Silas spoke the word of the Lord to the jailor and to all who were in his house. With that complete, it next says, “And having taken them in that hour of the night...”
Remembering that it was “at midnight” that the apostles were singing in the prison when the earthquake occurred, one can assume that this is now between 12:30 and 2:30 depending on how long the intervening events took place. There was absolutely no hesitation in getting from the prison to the house. Even if the jailor lived on the prison premises, he had rushed to the house and excitedly gathered everyone in the house together to hear the news about Jesus.
Only after telling them about the message of salvation, does it next say, “he washed from the wounds.” The word louó is used. It means to bathe the entire person. The meaning is that their bodies were covered in blood from their beating. He didn’t just tend to the wounds, but he cleaned them up from their wounds.
It is a tender act that must be rightly considered. They were met in the prison by the jailor who wanted to know how to be saved. He then brought them to his house and had them tell everyone the good news. After they had told them the good news, he – at the same hour of the night – treated their wounds. It is a kindhearted act of care upon those who only a short time earlier were considered enemies of the people and thus enemies of the state because it was a Roman colony. And yet, he now has called them lords and ministered to them in this fashion. With that, it next says, “and he was baptized, and all his, immediately.”
This is in obedience to the word of the Lord as given in Matthew 28:19 –
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...”
There was no delay in administering this rite, but it was conducted, as it says, immediately. Along with obedience to the word of the Lord, there are several other things to consider in what is said. The word translated as baptize signifies to submerge. The literal sense is to dip under the water, coming from baptó, to dye or dip. There is a full covering with the fluid.
Further, the entire household was baptized, but that will require the words of the next verse to fully understand. And more, nothing is said about where they were baptized. What seems likely is that the same place where the family normally took their baths was used for their place of baptism, possibly a public bath house nearby.
Understanding this, and it is speculation, Luke is telling these things for a reason. The jailor had just bathed Paul and Silas from their wounds, meaning, washing the blood off them. It then notes that immediately after this occurred, the next thing that happened was that they were baptized, probably in the same water that had just been used to cleanse Paul and Silas.
If the supposition is correct, and it appears to be so based on Luke’s record, one can see the beautiful exchange that has taken place. Using the same word, louó, just used for washing Paul and Silas, the author of Hebrews says this –
“Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, 21 and having a High Priest over the house of God, 22 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed [louó] with pure water.” Hebrews 10:19-22
Paul and Silas had been cleansed from their physical wounds that were received in the administration of their duties as missionaries. That is being set in apposition to the cleansing of the jailor and his household from their deeper wounds of sin and enmity with God. Paul and Silas were cleansed from their own blood; the others were baptized as a sign of being cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ. The specific order in which Luke records these events, summed up by the word parachréma, or immediately, appears to be his way of showing us the juxtaposition between the two events.
Life application: If you are being taken into the emergency room for surgery, it may be because your life is in danger. But if you are a Christian, this is only your physical life, which is going to end someday anyway. But those around you may have never heard the word concerning Jesus. They are going to die someday too, but without Jesus, there is no hope for them. So, if you can wait a moment for the surgery, wouldn’t it be the perfect time to say, “Stop for just a minute, I need to tell you about something more important than getting me to the operating table.”
This is basically what has happened in this verse from Acts. Paul and Silas were covered in their own blood and in need of care concerning their wounds. And yet, they first took the time to tell the others what they needed to know so that they could be saved. They gave their audience the true washing with pure water that they needed for their souls to be healed. Only after that did Paul and Silas receive their needed washing for their physical healing.
Let us consider this lesson and pay heed to what we are being told. The most important words of all must be conveyed for others to be saved. May we set our priorities and speak early and often about Jesus!
Glorious God, help us to rightly prioritize our thoughts, placing the important things first. And then, may we act on those things first as well. And the most important thing of all is for us to share the gospel. Give us the wisdom to speak while we can so that those who hear may be saved. To Your glory, we pray. Amen.

Acts 16:32

Saturday May 13, 2023

Saturday May 13, 2023

Saturday, 13 May 2023
Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house. Acts 16:32
In the previous verse, the instructions concerning salvation were presented to the ears of the jailor, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.” It was noted that this doesn’t mean that his household would be saved if he believed. Rather, it means that the opportunity is available to any in his household if they too believe. It is not something limited to the master of the house.
In confirmation of that thought, the next words are provided, saying, “Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house.” If, as is wrongly assumed by some, his salvation also meant the household’s salvation, there would be no need for the apostles to also speak to those in his house.
However, that is what took place. The message of Jesus was communicated to all of them. Those who would believe were then saved. As an advanced happy note, verse 34 will confirm that all his household believed. As for the words, “they spoke the word of the Lord to him,” the guard already knew that these men proclaimed the way of salvation. The fact that he came to them asking how he could be saved meant that he understood they knew the answer.
As noted at that time, it is probable that he had already heard some of their words concerning the Lord, maybe while they were talking to each other or maybe while talking to the other prisoners. Something gave him the knowledge that they proclaimed salvation. He may have disregarded it thinking, “Ha, they are the ones in prison.” However, because of their willingness to stay in the cell, even when it was opened by the earthquake, he realized that they were men of integrity.
Their actions had led to his reconsideration of the matter. Their conduct and words had now brought them out of prison and to his home. And their witness of the Lord Jesus had brought the message of salvation to him and his household.
Life application: One of the truly damaging rites of churches is that of infant baptism. It gives a false sense of security to the family concerning salvation. If you doubt this, talk to a dyed-in-the-wool Roman Catholic about their prospects of heaven. Inevitably, they will bring in the fact that they were baptized into the church, as if that somehow makes them pleasing to God.
The thinking permeates those of the church, and it is a point of hope and even seemingly hopeful surety that they possess eternal life. Unfortunately, it is a misdirected hope. Infant baptism is as effective in securing salvation as is giving a baby a bath in Epsom salts. It is a showy but meritless ritual that has no basis in biblical Christianity.
Infant baptism puts the cart before the horse and provides a false sense of security that is damaging to a true and heartfelt relationship with Jesus Christ. In the coming verses, the matter of salvation and what is to come after it will be seen.
Lord God, thank You for Your precious word that gives us the necessary information for us to know that we need to be saved, how that can come about, and what to do once we are saved. It is our vital instruction manual for our spiritual lives. And, above all, thank You for Jesus Christ who is the focal point of it all. Yes, thank You for Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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