The first episodes are from Genesis. Since Feb 2021 we began an exciting daily commentary in the the book of Acts since it is certain that almost all major theological errors within the church arise by a misapplication, or a misuse, of the book of Acts. If the book is taken in its proper light, it is an invaluable tool for understanding what God is doing in the redemptive narrative in human history. If it is taken incorrectly, failed doctrine, and even heretical ideas, will arise (and consistently have arisen) within the church. Let us consider the book of Acts in its proper light. In doing so, these errors in thinking and theology will be avoided. The book of Acts is comprised of 28 chapters of 1007 verses (as in the NKJV). Therefore, a daily evaluation of Acts, one verse per day, will take approximately 2.76 years to complete.

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Acts 18:20

Friday Jul 14, 2023

Friday Jul 14, 2023

Friday, 14 July 2023
When they asked him to stay a longer time with them, he did not consent, Acts 18:20
In the previous verse, Paul entered the synagogue at Ephesus and reasoned with the Jews. He must have had an initial positive effect on them because it next says, “When they asked him to stay a longer time with them.”
The verb is a present participle, “And they, asking for more time to remain with them.” This is not uncommon. When Paul would go to the synagogues, they usually did not reject him outright. Rather, they would have him return on subsequent Sabbaths, or they might even study with him daily. Curiosity about the Messiah, especially if He had come, would have been a topic of delight to the ears of those in attendance.
It is usually later that the Jews would start to argue against him. This would be after they observed Paul’s desire to evangelize the Gentiles while placing no burden on them concerning circumcision, law, etc. It is at this point that their heads would steam up and eventually their lids would blow. However, in this instance, their asking him to stay resulted in a negative response. As it next says, “he did not consent.”
The word translated as “consent” is found only here in the New Testament, epineuó. The word is, however, found in classical Greek medical literature. It is derived from epi (upon) and neuó (nod). Thus, it is to give assent or agree to. In this case, they got no agreeable nod to their request. The reason is coming in the next verse.
Life application: In Acts 16:6, it said, “Now when they had gone through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word in Asia.” Instead, the missionaries were called to Macedonia. Now, after so much time has lapsed, Paul has entered Asia and spoken forth his words about Jesus.
However, at this time, his words are cut short because of another pressing matter. Despite this, he will return and a great and effective ministry will arise. Eventually, a letter will be written to the church from Paul which is now known as the book of Ephesians. Also, Jesus will address this church in Revelation 2, using them as the example of the church that has left its first love. Despite this, they will have positive words spoken of them as well.
There may be times in your own life when you want to do something and you are hindered from doing it. And yet, later you get a foot in that door and are able to really start something great. Once this happens, you may look back and say, “If I had initial success in this, it would have ultimately failed because of this or that.” You couldn’t see it at that time, but later you are able to see why God’s timing was perfectly set forth for later success.
Remember this when you hit snags along the road of life. Just because you are frustrated from accomplishing something now, it doesn’t mean you have failed. It may be that the Lord is keeping you from failure. Be sure that if you are in Christ, He is looking out for your ultimate good. This is certain.
Lord God, how amazing it is to occasionally stop and evaluate life as it has gone by and to see those times that seemed so frustrating now seem like propitious moments where You have guided us away from disaster. We can’t see it, but You can. Help us to be people of faith who faithfully follow Your leading through this life that we are living. May we be willing to accept that You are guiding us according to Your wisdom. Amen.

Acts 18:19

Thursday Jul 13, 2023

Thursday Jul 13, 2023

Thursday, 13 July 2023
And he came to Ephesus, and left them there; but he himself entered the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews. Acts 18:19
In the previous verse, Paul left Corinth along with Priscilla and Aquila. While in Cenchrea, he cut his hair because of a vow. Leaving Cenchrea, which is the port from which they would have sailed, it next says, “And he came to Ephesus.”
Of this journey, the Pulpit Commentary states –
“No voyage across the AEgean was more frequently made than that between Corinth and Ephesus. They were the capitals of the two flourishing and peaceful provinces of Achaia and Asia, and the two great mercantile towns on opposite sides of the sea. (Howson, vol. 1:454).”
They also note that the voyage would take from ten to fifteen days. As for Ephesus, this is the first mention of it in Scripture. Abarim says that the name is derived from the Hittite name Apasa. That comes from appa, behind or after which is related to the Greek word epi, on or upon. They define the meaning as “Later Place,” or maybe “Place Very Much at the Back.” Their reasoning for this is that it is at the mouth of a river on the coast. Thus, it would be comparable to Land’s End or The Boondocks.
Of the city itself, Ellicott notes –
“It had been one of the early Greek colonies on the western coast of Asia Minor. It fell under the power of Alyattes, King of Lydia, and his successor, Croesus. It had from the first been celebrated for the worship of Artemis ... and her Temple, with its sacred image, and stately courts, and its hundreds of priests and priestesses of various grades, was visited by pilgrims of all nations. It was one of the cities in which East and West came into close contact with each other, and the religion of Greece assumed there a more Oriental character, and was fruitful in magic, and mysteries, and charms.”
As for the words, “And he came,” some translations say “they” instead of “he.” This would be because of the next clause, “and left them there.” As the focus is on Paul, saying “he” is probably the correct rendering. Regardless of this, after the arrival in Ephesus, one of two things occurred:
Paul left them at the arrival point and – as was his usual custom – he went seeking after his countrymen. If this is what the words are referring to, then the narrative continues with the next words, “but he himself entered the synagogue.”
The words “he left them there” are followed by a parenthetical set of verses that end in verse 21 – “And he came to Ephesus, and left them there ... And he sailed from Ephesus.”
Either way, the next thought in the narrative is his entering into the synagogue. Being an aorist participle, it properly reads, “And he himself, having entered into the synagogue.” Despite all the grief that he had repeatedly suffered from his own Jewish countrymen, one can see the desire he had to tell them of what he knew. One can almost sense the passion of the words he will later write to those in Rome –
“I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience also bearing me witness in the Holy Spirit, 2 that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart. 3 For I could wish that I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh.” Romans 9:1-3
It is because of this burning desire for them to know their Messiah that he sought them out. And so, having entered into the synagogue, it next says he “reasoned with the Jews.” The verb is not one of ongoing action, but that he went in and reasoned as in a transient act. The verses ahead will explain why he didn’t stay longer, but he at least made the effort to go in and make himself and his position known to these Jews.
Life application: If you are traveling, do you seek out a church to attend while you are in the area? Or, if your church has streaming online services, do you take advantage of attending with them even when you are traveling?
It’s hard to figure that anyone would take a vacation and say, “We are not going to church while we are on it,” but some people do this. If your priority is your vacation, your priorities are out of whack. You don’t need to go on a set day or a set time, but simply ignoring fellowshipping with others because you are vacationing speaks volumes about your priorities.
Do you eat while on vacation? If so, why? What is the purpose of eating? It is to be fed. While on vacation, go to church.
Heavenly Father, help us to always make church attendance a priority in our lives. Even if we have other things to do, this is one thing that we can do to honor and worship You, to learn about You, and to fellowship with others. May our priorities, which reflect the state of our hearts, be set on You. Amen.

Acts 18:18

Wednesday Jul 12, 2023

Wednesday Jul 12, 2023

Wednesday, 12 July 2023
So Paul still remained a good while. Then he took leave of the brethren and sailed for Syria, and Priscilla and Aquila were with him. He had his hair cut off at Cenchrea, for he had taken a vow. Acts 18:18
The words are more closely translated as, “Now Paul, having remained many days more, having taken leave of the brothers, sailed away to Syria – and with him Priscilla and Aquila – having shaved the head in Cenchrea, for he had a vow” (CG).
In the last verse, Sosthenes had taken a pounding from the Greeks, right in front of Gallio. With that remembered, it next says, “Now Paul, having remained many days more.”
The exact timeframe is left unstated, but one can get the sense of several months at least. With the matter concerning the accusation of the Jews resolved, along with the pounding Sosthenes received, the times were again favorable for Paul to work unhindered among the Greeks. However, eventually, the time came for him to leave, go to Israel, and then finally come to the church in Syrian Antioch. That departure from Corinth is seen in the continued words, “having taken leave of the brothers.”
Paul eventually had to extend his farewells to the brethren in Corinth. It must have been a difficult thing for him to do, having been there for such a long time, but he would also be pleased that he could leave them to run things on their own. Unfortunately, the context of 1 Corinthians is an epistle being sent to a highly dysfunctional church. However, at this time and under his watchful care, he was able to leave them and journey forth. In having taken his leave of them, it next says he “sailed away to Syria.”
As noted above, this was not a straight sail to Syria, but the final leg of this particular journey. With that, it notes, “and with him Priscilla and Aquila.” Priscilla is noted first. Four times they are seen together, including this verse, Romans 16:3, 1 Corinthians 16:19, 2 Timothy 4:19. She is mentioned first three times. There is speculation as to why this is, but no definitive answer is available. Despite this curiosity, it next says, “having saved the head in Cenchrea.”
The question that is raised among scholars is, “Who shaved his head?” The Greek is ambiguous enough to mean either Paul or Aquila. Aquila is the nearest antecedent and it would explain why he was mentioned after Priscilla. However, the context of the overall thought is focused on Paul. Because of this, the words are often taken as parenthetical. Despite this, some translations, such as the Latin Vulgate, say it is Aquila. The Syriac identifies it as Paul.
Either way, the shaving of the head was in Cenchrea. This was the port of Corinth. In other words, the shaving of the head is at the place of departure. Strong’s notes that the name Cenchrea is probably from kegchros, meaning millet. As for the act of shaving, it next says, “for he had a vow.”
This is surely not a Nazirite vow as found in Numbers 6, but rather something like what is mentioned by Josephus as ‘is customary for persons in any affliction, viz. to make a vow that, for thirty days previous to that on which they intend to offer sacrifice, they will abstain from wine and will shave off their hair’ (Pulpit Commentary).
What seems to be suggested is that the hair was cut as the result of having been safely delivered from the afflictions faced in Corinth. In other words, this is the fulfillment of a vow, not an act to initiate a vow. As Cenchrea was the town at the entrance to the haven belonging to Corinth, Paul (or possibly, but less likely, Aquila) was acknowledging the safe deliverance promised by the Lord. This is why “Cenchrea” and “vow” are specifically mentioned in the same thought.
Though not a Nazirite vow, the same process is seen. After the completion of the vow, the hair is cut off. If this was a Nazirite vow, the hair would have been cut off at the temple in Jerusalem and a set ritual would take place. Nothing of that is noted here or later concerning this vow. In other words, this cutting of the hair was an act of gratefulness to the Lord for something that had been vowed before, similar to what Jacob had said to the Lord in Genesis 28:20-22 –
“Then Jacob made a vow, saying, ‘If God will be with me, and keep me in this way that I am going, and give me bread to eat and clothing to put on, 21 so that I come back to my father’s house in peace, then the Lord shall be my God. 22 And this stone which I have set as a pillar shall be God’s house, and of all that You give me I will surely give a tenth to You.’”
As such, this is a vow of conscience, not a matter of law. The vow was uttered, and in thankfulness for the petition having been granted, the hair is cut.
Life application: The Old Testament has places where vows are spoken of and the necessity to fulfill them. For example –
“When you make a vow to the Lord your God, you shall not delay to pay it; for the Lord your God will surely require it of you, and it would be sin to you. 22 But if you abstain from vowing, it shall not be sin to you. 23 That which has gone from your lips you shall keep and perform, for you voluntarily vowed to the Lord your God what you have promised with your mouth.” Deuteronomy 23:21-23
The Psalms refer to vows being fulfilled by the one who made them. A valid question is, “Are Christians allowed to make vows?” Another question is, “Are Christians required to fulfill vows?” The answer to the first is, “Yes.” A person can make a vow between himself and God, himself and a friend, etc. But it must be considered that a vow is something that binds a person to what he has promised.
Borrowing money for a loan is a type of vow. “I am promising to pay back this money.” This vow is usually put into writing as a means of holding the person responsible. As for fulfilling vows. This becomes a lengthy subject depending on the context. If a person makes a vow prior to being saved that is contrary to Christian life, he obviously cannot perform that vow. “I vow to support the edicts and commands of the gang I have joined, up to and including killing our rival gang members.”
In Christ, a new direction must take place. However, if vows are made after becoming a Christian, and remembering that the idea of a “vow” extends to all aspects of our lives, such as marriage, borrowing money, being an employee, and so on, then we need to be responsible and fulfill our obligations in the capacity that we have promised.
This is more certain because Jesus, Paul, and James each refer to a Yes being a Yes and a No being a No. Paul’s is less specific, speaking of personal words and actions, but it is a precept that was understood concerning reliability. In other words, we are to be so trustworthy as followers of Christ that when we say Yes, it is a vow in and of itself. Honesty and integrity are to be the guides of our actions before God and men.
Lord God, may we be responsible followers of Jesus, fulfilling the words that come forth from our lips. We know that when we fail, we are forgiven, but help us to not fail in doing what we have promised. Help us in our daily walk to do so. Be glorified in our conduct, O God. Amen.

Acts 18:17

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023

Tuesday, 11 July 2023
Then all the Greeks took Sosthenes, the ruler of the synagogue, and beat him before the judgment seat. But Gallio took no notice of these things. Acts 18:17
Gallio just drove from his judgment seat those who made a petition against Paul. With that noted, it next says, “Then all the Greeks took Sosthenes.”
Some manuscripts do not say Greeks. Further, the verb is an aorist participle. So, it either says –
“And all the Greeks, having taken Sosthenes...”
“And all, having taken Sosthenes...”
It is not necessary to take this person as being the same Sosthenes mentioned in 1 Corinthians 1:1. It is not impossible that it is so, but if it is the same person, he would have had to have converted after the events that now take place. At this time, he is noted as “the ruler of the synagogue.”
The meaning is that either the Jews turned on their own synagogue ruler, which is hard to figure out why they would do this, or that the Greeks came against him for having brought a case forward against Paul when it was obvious he had done nothing wrong. The latter seems more likely and it is from this perspective that the words will be evaluated.
Paul had been in the area for a year and a half and he would have been known as a man of integrity and uprightness. He associated with the Gentiles, did not expect them to be circumcised or converted, and proclaimed the message of salvation to all freely.  On the other hand, the Jews distanced themselves from the people, expecting converts to become Jews. In seeing the Jews’ treatment of Paul, they took their ruler, “and beat him.”
The verb is imperfect. To give the sense of the action, “were beating him” or “began to beat him” would be preferable. The Greeks seized him and started pounding on him for his failed accusations against Paul. And this was done “before the judgment seat.”
Whether these Greeks were converts or not, and whether they knew Paul personally or not, it is evident that they were not fans of the Jews. Charges had been brought against Paul, the charges accused him of something that was untrue and that had nothing to do with Gallio’s jurisdiction, and the Greeks who witnessed the matter were miffed at what they had seen. But more, one gets the sense that Gallio was thoroughly fed up with them and their conduct.
The Greeks, seizing upon this, realized that nothing would be done if they beat Sosthenes up, even right in front of Gallio. This they did, but Luke next notes, “But Gallio took no notice of these things.” Again, the verb is imperfect, “And Gallio was not caring about these things.”
Although nothing is stated in the text about the reaction of the Jews to Gallio’s decision, because all people react to such things in their own way, it can be speculated that the Jews showed disdain for the ruling, even if they didn’t verbally state it. The Greeks, being fully aware of what transpired and probably seeing the negative attitude of the Jews after Gallio had decided, were moved to teach them a lesson. Gallio was indifferent to this and so Sosthenes got a pounding.
Life application: In Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 it says –
“I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich); and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.” Revelation 2:9
“Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie—indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you.” Revelation 3:9
The Bible says that all people are either under the dominion of the devil or they are under the rule of Christ. There are no other options. To this day, the Jews have rejected Jesus as a nation, even if there are individually believing Jews. Any synagogue that gathers in the world that is not one directed to Jesus is, by default, a synagogue of Satan. Those in attendance are no closer to God than a gathering of Hindus, Muslims, or Buddhists.
Jesus’ point is that those in synagogues who have not come to Him still claim that they are the true worshippers of God. They rely on Moses, the Talmud, Jewish tradition, etc., claiming that they have the true and proper worship of the Lord. But they have rejected Jesus and so He rejects them. He told them this explicitly –
“You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. 45 But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me. 46 Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell the truth, why do you not believe Me? 47 He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God.” John 8:44-47
Sosthenes got a good whooping in this life. And unless he later came to Jesus, he will bow before those he persecuted in the next. This will be true of all who have persecuted saved believers in Christ. When you read about those martyred for their faith, or if you are persecuted for your faith, know with all surety that those wrongs will be made right. Jesus will reward those who are His faithful, and He will repay those who have persecuted His own.
Lord God, we have a job to do while we are here. Urge us to talk to all who have not yet heard the good news of Jesus. Whether Jew or Gentile, if they have not accepted His gospel, they cannot be pleasing to You. May we be bold in telling others about what He has done and the gift of grace that is extended to all because of it. Help us to speak out while there is time. Amen.

Acts 18:16

Monday Jul 10, 2023

Monday Jul 10, 2023

Monday, 10 July 2023
And he drove them from the judgment seat. Acts 18:16
Gallio just completed his words to the Jews about their appeal against Paul. He wants nothing to do with it. Therefore, Luke next records, “And he drove them from the judgment seat.”
In this statement is a word found only here in Scripture, apelaunó. It is not found in the Greek Septuagint either, but it is used in the same manner as Luke uses it by the classical writers Demosthenes and Plutarch. The Pulpit Commentary says, “It implies the ignominious dismissal of the case, without its being even tried.”
Although we can’t know what the word fully implies, it was probably first accompanied by a curt note of dismissal –
“Now beat it or I’ll have you thrown out.”
That may have been followed by a warning from Gallio as well –
“And don’t bring this nonsense to me again or you’ll regret it.”
It may have even been accompanied by a nod to the lictors, indicating that they should come forward and escort the Jews out of the tribunal.
As for the judgment seat, it is, as seen elsewhere, the word béma. Again, the Pulpit Commentary gives a short description, saying it “was properly the ‘raised space,’ or ‘tribune,’ on which, in the case of a consul, proconsul, or praetor, the sella curulis was placed on which he sat and gave judgment. It was usually a kind of apse to the basilica. In Matthew 27:19; John 19:13, and, indeed, here and elsewhere, it seems to be used, generally, for the judgment-seat itself (see Acts 25:10).”
Life application: The case has been presented and the decision has been rendered. As has been the case, and as will be the case throughout Acts, Christianity is considered a religious expression derived from the faith of the Jews. It is not something different entirely but is so closely associated with their faith, based on the Law of Moses, that it was considered a legitimate religious expression under Roman rule.
This is important to remember. God has ensured, right in His word, that this is to be understood. It is thus a huge shame that so many within the church attempt to disassociate the church from the teachings of the Old Testament. This happens in varying degrees as well.
Some churches limit their focus solely on the New Testament. Some will take anything seemingly too Jewish in the New Testament and say it only applies to the Jews. An example of this is to say that the seven letters to the seven churches are written to end times Jews and not to the church. Their main argument is that the symbolism is all Jewish – lampstands, mentioning of synagogues, noting Balaam, etc.
The problem with such ideologies is that Jesus is Jewish. He came through the people of the Old Testament, He came under the law, and He came in fulfillment of their prophecies. Faith in Him cannot be ripped out of that context. When we see the lampstand, we see a foreshadowing of Jesus in typology.
The stories of the Old Testament, the implements of worship under the law, the sacrifices of the temple, etc., are all anticipatory of Him. To cut ourselves off from studying those things is to leave a complete void in our understanding of who He is and of what He has done.
This does not mean we are to return to the worship of the Mosaic Covenant, as others teach, but we are to know how things worked under it so that we can then understand Jesus’ fulfillment of those things. Be sound in your understanding of dispensational theology, be willing to study each of the dispensations, and while doing so, consider how each aspect of it points to the Person and work of Jesus.
The Bible, from beginning to end, is about Jesus. Cherish it and study it all the days of your life! In doing so, there is wonder and delight.
Lord God, what a wonderful treasure Your word is. Help us to understand it more fully with each reading through it. Fill us with the knowledge of Jesus that is so richly on display in its pages. Thank You for Your precious word! Amen.

Acts 18:15

Sunday Jul 09, 2023

Sunday Jul 09, 2023

Sunday, 9 July 2023
“But if it is a question of words and names and your own law, look to it yourselves; for I do not want to be a judge of such matters.” Acts 18:15
Gallio has just stated to the Jews that if the matter they had presented was something within his jurisdiction, he would put up with them. But he refused to be a judge of what they had brought forward. With that, he next says, “But if it is a question of words.”
Rather, it is singular – “But if it is a question concerning a word.” Paul preached a word concerning God. There was no reason for Gallio to get into semantics over how the Jewish faith was interpreted. He was not a religious scholar and had no care for listening to the two sides play Scripture tennis as they lobbed one verse or text across the court while the other lobbed a different one. Next, he says, “and names.”
It seems apparent that Gallio was aware of the Christian claim that Jesus is the Messiah of the Jews. If he had heard that, then he had heard counterclaims bandied about. “No! Jeremiah the prophet said...” or “But the prophet Zechariah said.” Each would claim a name from one of the prophets claiming the Messiah would be given a particular name. Maybe some Jews, as it is to this day, heralded a famous rabbi as the Messiah.
Gallio had heard enough to be completely uninterested in such squabbles. Next, he says, “and your own law.”
The Jews had come forward saying, “This fellow persuades men to worship God contrary to the law.” They were attempting to disassociate what Paul taught from their religion, thus making what Paul taught illicit under Roman law. But Gallio knew better and shoved Paul’s stand right back in their faces by saying “your own law.” He has clearly noted that what Paul is preaching was an extension of Judaism. Thus, it is thus a legitimate form of worship according to Roman law. With that, he next says, “look to it yourselves.”
Rather, the verb is future, “you will see to it yourselves.” In other words, “This is not going to be addressed here. I know you will continue to bicker over this, and so you will see to it after you depart, but not now.”
He has no doubt based on his past experiences with the Jews and their whining about Jesus that he is not going to give them any foothold in his court. They will do what they are going to do, but they are not going to do it with his court’s concurrence. This will be exactingly seen in just two verses. For now, he next says, “for I do not want to be a judge of such matters.”
The Greek is emphatic, placing the word “judge” at the beginning of the statement, “Judge I of these not intend to be.” The matter is not within the jurisdiction of his seat, even if he could wade into it to try to help resolve it. Rather, they were on their own and would have to deal with it accordingly. It is a wise move because this is how Pilate got boxed in during the trial of Jesus. Gallio completely removes himself from such a possibility.
Life application: In the church, it is as common as bristles on a brush for people to argue over the true name of Jesus. They will adamantly condemn others for saying “Jesus” and then argue whatever name they think He should be called – Yeshua, Yahshuah, Yehoshua, etc. ad nauseam, as if that is the point and purpose of their faith.
But the Lord is both the Messiah of the Jews and the Christ of the Gentiles. A person named Charlie will be called Karl by Germans, Carlos by Hispanics, Chuckles by his close friend, and Chahdee by Asians who have difficulty with the whole “r” and “l” thing. Only a Charlie-dolt would be upset about the variety of names he is called, as long as he is called on time for dinner.
Jesus will not be unhappy with you if you use the name suited to your language. He is the One who divided the languages in the first place. Don’t get caught up in the ridiculous. Rather, honor the Lord with your life and He will be pleased with that. And, by the way, the correct Hebrew name is Yeshua.
Jesus, precious Lord Jesus, thank You for being the Savior of all mankind. May we honor You with our lives and bless You with our lips in whatever language You have given to us. Be glorified in our love and devotion to You, O exalted One! Amen.

Acts 18:14

Saturday Jul 08, 2023

Saturday Jul 08, 2023

Saturday, 8 July 2023
And when Paul was about to open his mouth, Gallio said to the Jews, “If it were a matter of wrongdoing or wicked crimes, O Jews, there would be reason why I should bear with you. Acts 18:14
Paul has been taken before the judgment seat of Gallio and has been accused of persuading men to worship God contrary to the law. With their accusation stated, it next says, “And when Paul was about to open his mouth.”
It is a present participle, more correctly reading, “And Paul, being about to open the mouth.” The meaning is that Paul was just about to speak in defense of himself. However, without even being given the opportunity to get a word out, it next says, “Gallio said to the Jews.”
The obvious meaning is that what they have stated to him either first needs clarification, more information, that he is uninterested in what has been presented, or some other similar idea. The charge against Paul is insufficiently addressed for him to even allow Paul to speak. With that initial address complete, he next says to them, “If it were a matter of wrongdoing or wicked crimes, O Jews.”
There is a stress that is left out of the translation. It more rightly says, “If, indeed, it were a matter of wrongdoing or wicked crimes, O Jews.” It isn’t that he doesn’t care about being thorough in his job, and it isn’t that he doesn’t care about their complaint because they are Jews. Rather, he doesn’t care about their complaint because it has nothing to do with his jurisdiction.
The word translated as “wrongdoing,” adikéma, is introduced here. It speaks of a matter doing evil, committing iniquity, doing wrong, etc. This wrongdoing can be a crime in a society or it can be an offense against God, such as in Revelation 18:5 where Babylon’s iniquities are remembered by God.
The second word, translated as “crimes,” is found only here in Scripture as well as in classical Greek, rhadiourgéma. It comes from rhadios, meaning easy or reckless, and ergon, work or a deed. Thus, it is to work recklessly. Added to it is the word wicked. Hence, it would be an action of wickedness that is recklessly worked out. One can think of thugs on the street who are skilled at doing wrong.
Gallio has noted that such things are within his purview. He then bolsters that by saying, “there would be reason why I should bear with you.” One gets the sense of Gallio being impatient with the Jews over such a petty matter, and it is probable that this was not his first encounter with their whining. They had made themselves intolerable to him and he was fed up with it. This seems likely based on what lies ahead in the narrative.
Life application: Gallio rightly placed the matter back on the Jews where it belonged. They were bringing a matter forward that was obviously between them and Paul and had no bearing on civil matters.
In the church, such things are to be handled by the church. This is explicitly stated in Scripture. If a matter arises between believers that needs mediation, it is to be handled by a body of believers. This extends even to civil matters. Paul explains this in 1 Corinthians 6:1-7. Take time to read those verses and consider what they say.
If you are wronged by a fellow believer, Paul says that it would be better to accept the wrong or let yourself be cheated than to take such matters before unbelievers. Before doing anything rashly, consider the words of Scripture and take your actions in accord with what is recorded there.
Lord God, give us wisdom in how we handle our interactions with other believers. May we do our very best to faithfully uphold the sanctity and sacredness of Your word at all times. May our actions not bring the name of Jesus into disrepute. Help us with this. May our actions always glorify You. Amen.

Acts 18:13

Friday Jul 07, 2023

Friday Jul 07, 2023

Friday, 7 July 2023
saying, “This fellow persuades men to worship God contrary to the law.” Acts 18:13
In the previous verse, the Jews had stood against Paul and brought him to the judgment seat of Gallio. Their words are now given, “saying, ‘This fellow persuades men.’”
The word translated as persuades is found only here in Scripture, anapeitho. It gives the sense of inciting, as if Paul is forming his own insurrection by teaching something that stirs up others. That incitement is then defined by them as “to worship God.”
This is the main subject of the incitement. It is not the worship of God itself, however, that they are up in arms about. Rather, it is the manner of doctrine by which Paul taught others to worship God. To fully define his supposed inappropriate worship, they next say, “contrary to the law.”
This is not directly speaking of the Law of Moses. Rather, Gallio is a Roman proconsul. Thus, the Jews are trying to say that Paul’s doctrine is not in accord with Roman law. The worship of God through the Law of Moses was accepted as religio licita by Rome; it was considered acceptable under Roman Law.
The Jews, however, are saying that what Paul is teaching is not in accord with their law and therefore it is not in accord with Roman law. Hence, it must be religio illicita, meaning an illegitimate religious expression.
In other words, Judaism is the overall umbrella for worship by the Jews. Under that umbrella, there were many sects, such as the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Essenes, etc. However, Paul was a Christian – a Christ follower. The Jews were attempting to disassociate this sect from the protection of the overall umbrella approved for the Jews. In doing so, the faith would be considered an unapproved form of worship by Rome, and thus “contrary to the law.”
Life application: What does it mean to be a true Jew? Paul explains it in Romans 2 –
“For circumcision is indeed profitable if you keep the law; but if you are a breaker of the law, your circumcision has become uncircumcision. 26 Therefore, if an uncircumcised man keeps the righteous requirements of the law, will not his uncircumcision be counted as circumcision? 27 And will not the physically uncircumcised, if he fulfills the law, judge you who, even with your written code and circumcision, are a transgressor of the law? 28 For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; 29 but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose praise is not from men but from God.” Romans 2:25-29
A true Jew is a Jew who is not merely circumcised in the flesh, but who is also circumcised in the heart, by the Spirit, through faith in Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, replacement theologians take Paul’s words and say, “We are circumcised in the heart and therefore we are true Jews.” This is a fallacy known as a category mistake.
A Gentile who believes rightly in Jesus is, in fact, circumcised in the heart. But this does not make him a Jew. He remains a Gentile. Paul never speaks of Gentiles as anything but Gentiles. He refers to Jews as Jews. This goes back to Romans 2:17 where he specifically begins to address the Jew. Paul is making a theological point about what it means to be a true Jew, not what it means for a Gentile to become a Jew through faith in Jesus.
Keep the categorical boxes straight. In so doing, you will not look ridiculous when making an absurd claim that you are something you are not. If you are a Gentile, you are a Gentile. Live with it.
Glorious God, thank You that because of faith in Jesus, each of us is precious in Your sight, whether we are Jews or Gentiles, men or women, rich or poor, or any other such earthly division. If we have called out by faith, accepting the gospel of Jesus, we are pleasing to You. What an honor and a blessing to be Your children because of that. Thank You, O God Amen.

Acts 18:12

Thursday Jul 06, 2023

Thursday Jul 06, 2023

Thursday, 6 July 2023
When Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, the Jews with one accord rose up against Paul and brought him to the judgment seat, Acts 18:12
The previous verse noted that Paul continued in Corinth for a year and six months, teaching the word of God among the people. Now, it says, “When Gallio was proconsul of Achaia.”
Rather, the verb is a present participle, “And Gallio being proconsul of Achaia.” Gallio is described by Albert Barnes –
“Gallio, who was now deputy of it, was brother to L. Annaeus Seneca, the famous philosopher, who was preceptor to Nero; his name at first was M. Annaeus Novatus, but being adopted by L. Junius Gallio, he took the name of the family. According to his brother's account of him (s), he was a very modest man, of a sweet disposition, and greatly beloved; and Statius (t) calls him Dulcem Gallionem, "the sweet Gallio", mild and gentle in his speech, as Quintilian says.”
Luke notes that at this time he was the proconsul of Achaia. This is the first mention of Achaia in Scripture. It was a Roman province that consisted almost completely of Greece. Ellicott says, “This word, in its largest sense, comprehended the whole of Greece. Achaia proper, however, was a province of which Corinth was the capital. It embraced that part of Greece lying between Thessaly and the southern part of the Peloponnesus.”
During Gallio’s time as proconsul, Luke notes that “the Jews with one accord rose up.” The action described is from a word found only here in Scripture, katephistemi. It is a word that is also not found in the Greek Old Testament nor in any ancient Greek writers. It gives the sense of standing against another. Older Bibles incorrectly say “insurrection.” However, an insurrection is against a ruling body, not a guy you disagree with. As it next notes, “against Paul.”
As has been the case several times in Acts, the Jews’ jealousy at Paul’s success, and their inability to refute his words concerning the coming of Messiah, had them all steamed up. A similar event occurred in Daniel 6 where the governors and satraps rose up against Daniel, thronging king Darius. As for Paul, remembering that his letters to those in Thessalonica were written during his time in Greece, one can see the bitterness that had arisen between the two parties in his first letter to them –
“For you, brethren, became imitators of the churches of God which are in Judea in Christ Jesus. For you also suffered the same things from your own countrymen, just as they did from the Judeans, 15 who killed both the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they do not please God and are contrary to all men, 16 forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they may be saved, so as always to fill up the measure of their sins; but wrath has come upon them to the uttermost.” 1 Thessalonians 2:14, 20
The greater number of Jews had rejected the message of Jesus being the Messiah while the Gentiles had openly embraced it in ever-increasing numbers. What the Jews had been unable to do for many years with established synagogues, Paul had done in a short amount of time. And more, Paul did not mandate any type of conversion to Judaism. Rather he openly preached against it. This infuriated them. Because of this, they stood against him “and brought him to the judgment seat.”
The meaning is to the bema seat of Gallio. They probably did this because he was new and hoped that his inexperience in this position would work on their behalf. They had surely concocted a charge against him concerning his diversion from Jewish law. Where their teaching was accepted as a legitimate expression of the Roman-approved religions, they wanted what Paul was teaching to be cut off as illegitimate.
Life application: What happened to Paul in his day is what is coming about again in our own time. The proper expression of worship concerning Jesus is derived from obedience to Scripture. However, churches around the world are actually of the attitude that those who hold to Scripture are the problem.
For example, everything homosexual and perverted is becoming the norm in major denominations. And yet, there is no provision for such things in Scripture. Despite this, these apostate bodies are actively accusing those who hold to Scripture of being the ones who are intolerant and aberrant concerning proper Christian values.
Eventually, this will become so pervasive that these greater bodies will openly come against those who faithfully adhere to the word and attempt to have them cut off from being considered Christian entities. The unholy tide is rushing in their favor, and so this is not mere speculation, but rather a logical conclusion concerning what lies ahead. Be prepared to stand on your faith from a biblical perspective. It may cost you dearly, but heck, it is well worth it in the long run.
Heavenly Father, the time has arrived when what You have set forth in Your word concerning our conduct is no longer being tolerated. It seems inevitable that those who hold to what You expect of us will be increasingly persecuted for their faith. So, Lord, be with us and give us the strength to endure whatever comes against us. Help us in our weak state to be strong in You. Amen.

Acts 18:11

Wednesday Jul 05, 2023

Wednesday Jul 05, 2023

Wednesday, 5 July 2023
And he continued there a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them. Acts 18:11
The last two verses detailed Paul’s vision of the Lord. He was informed that he was to keep on speaking and he was given reassurance that all would be ok. With that, it now says, “And he continued there.” The word is kathizó. It literally means “to sit down.” Figuratively then, it gives the sense of dwelling, remaining, abiding, etc.  It corresponds to the Hebrew word yashav which carries the same general meanings.
It is as if he sat in the overseer's chair, monitoring, leading, and teaching the church. The Geneva Bible says that in former times the bishop’s seat was named from this. It shows that Paul not only dwelt there, but he ‘rested’ there. Instead of being depressed, anxious, or fearful, he was now in a relaxed state.
He understood that God was working in a new direction that did not have to be either exclusively Jewish or even have a majority of Jews. Rather, he was now accustomed to the fact that Gentiles were taking the predominant role in the church. This content state of “sitting down” is next said to be for “a year and six months.”
A year and a half allowed for the church to get established and for doctrine to begin to set in. This also allowed for the establishment of sister churches in the area. There is another church close by, in Cenchrea, that is mentioned in Romans 16 where it says –
“I commend to you Phoebe our sister, who is a servant of the church in Cenchrea, 2 that you may receive her in the Lord in a manner worthy of the saints, and assist her in whatever business she has need of you; for indeed she has been a helper of many and of myself also.” Romans 16:1, 2
It is also implied in 2 Corinthians 1:1 as well, where it says, “To the church of God which is at Corinth, with all the saints who are in all Achaia.” Cenchrea is in Achaia. It is during his time in Greece that Paul wrote his epistles to those in Thessalonica as well. Thus, they are the earliest dated letters found in the New Testament.
This year-and-a-half lasted until the next verse where things were no longer so restful. That will be described in verses 12-17. Then, in verse 18 it will say, “So Paul still remained a good while.” In other words, Paul’s total time at Corinth was actually longer than a year and six months. The only place that he is recorded as staying at longer is in Ephesus which Acts 20:31 says was for a period of three years.
During this first year and a half, it next says that he was “teaching the word of God among them.” Paul not only evangelized and started churches in the area, but he took careful time to instruct the new believers in the word of God. He also had Crispus, the synagogue ruler, which surely would have been a real help for the long-term health of the church.
Life application: The church at Corinth became a highly dysfunctional church after Paul’s departure. There was a lot of division along with many other problems. It’s hard to imagine that not being the case without the epistles to refer to. They help remind, correct, admonish, and encourage us today.
Without those, it would be easy to divide up over pet peeves, misremember what was said, etc. Now, however, we have the epistles. When problems arise, it is generally because the epistles are either ignored or they are misinterpreted or intentionally misused. All members of the church should be familiar with them. Reading from Romans to Philemon, which are Paul’s named epistles, only takes a very short time. Even a slow reader can read them in no time at all.
From there, they should be read again at least a couple of times a year. If the pastor is competent, he should be referring to them constantly in his writings or in his Bible studies and sermons. The more they are referred to, the more familiar the congregants will be with what is in them. When conflicts in doctrine arise, they should be referred to and any disputes should be laid out for consideration.
The problem with such things is not that there is insufficient information in the word to direct the church. The problem is that the word is neglected or mishandled. Keep studying the word, keep referring to it, and be aware of what it says. God has given it to us to keep the church healthy and away from those who would take the church down unfriendly avenues.
Glorious Lord God, may we make the Bible a priority in our lives. In holding it close to our daily lives, referring to it, considering it, carefully analyzing it, and cherishing it, we will avoid many pitfalls in our walk with You. Help us to be diligent in our pursuit of Your precious and sacred word. Amen.

Acts 18:10

Tuesday Jul 04, 2023

Tuesday Jul 04, 2023

Tuesday, 4 July 2023
“for I am with you, and no one will attack you to hurt you; for I have many people in this city.” Acts 18:10
The Lord has come to Paul in a vision at night and told him to not be afraid, but to speak and not keep silent. His words now continue with, “for I am with you.”
The words are especially emphatic, “For I AM with you.” There is absolute assurance that Jesus is with Paul and will be with him. As noted in the previous verse, this is said in support of what was said there: Do not be afraid / for I am with you. The Lord acknowledges that he is with Paul and that his efforts will not lead to disappointment or harm. The Lord next explains to Paul how he knows he will be safe, saying, “and no one will attack you to hurt you.”
The meaning is correct, but it more literally says, “and no one will set upon you to harm you.” The Lord already knows, in advance, that Paul will not be molested while evangelizing and teaching. With this understood, the Lord next says, “for I have many people in this city.”
The Greek literally reads, “for people are to me many.” This then is not an explanation of how Paul knows he will be safe, as if those people will protect him. Rather, they are words supporting the words of the previous verse: Speak / for I have many people in this city.
In other words, these are not only people who have been saved, but people that the Lord knows will be saved. Paul is not to be disheartened over having a minimal effect in his evangelistic efforts, especially toward his Jewish brethren. Instead, he is to be certain that his words will be welcomed by the Gentiles and there will be a great harvest.
Concerning these words, Albert Barnes rightly contrasts Paul’s efforts in Athens with those in Corinth. He also gives several other well-thought-out points to consider –
We may learn from this:
(1) That God has a purpose in regard to the salvation of sinners.
(2) that that purpose is so fixed in the mind of God that he can say that those in relation to whom it is formed are his.
(3) this is the ground of encouragement to the ministers of the gospel. Had God no purpose to save sinners, they could have no hope in their work.
(4) this plan may have reference to the most frivolous, the most guilty, and the most abandoned, and ministers should not be deterred by the amount or the degree of wickedness from attempting to save them.
(5) there may be more hope of success among a dissolute and profligate population, than among proud, cold, and skeptical philosophers. Paul had little success in philosophic Athens; he had great success in dissolute Corinth. There is often more hope of converting a man openly dissolute and abandoned, than one who prides himself on his philosophy, and is confident in his own wisdom.
Life application: Looking at the first ten verses of the chapter, the despondency of Paul, leading to the need for the vision of the Lord, can be seen.
Paul departed from Athens and went to Corinth.
He stayed with Aquila and Priscilla and worked, thus he had to support himself.
He reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath and persuaded both Jews and Greeks. Unlike in Berea, there was only a weekly, not a daily, interest in searching Scripture.
Only when Silas and Timothy came from Macedonia was Paul finally compelled to testify that Jesus is the Christ.
They opposed him and blasphemed.
Paul set up next to the synagogue and Crispus and his household believed, but with the opposition to the message, the synagogue would remain unavailable to him.
A harvest among the Greeks was coming about, but Paul certainly mourned over his “countrymen according to the flesh” (Romans 9:1-3).
Jesus came and informed him that there was a great harvest to be expected in the city. The implication is that the transition from Jew to Gentile was increasing and this was to be expected. It would be the direction of the church henceforth.
Paul was expending himself in a city of pagans after having left a city filled with idolatry and empty philosophy. His own people of the flesh had all but rejected his efforts of evangelism. Those few converts from his class and ethnic group were slow in coming. But he had himself required a divine visitation in order to be converted and so he shouldn't be surprised by the lack of converts. He must have been concerned about the direction of how things were going. But the Lord came and assured him that what was taking place was exactly as he should expect.
Even though Jesus had told him he was to go to the nations (the Gentiles), Paul always went to the synagogues first, but the increasing disdain for his message surely affected him. However, knowing Jesus’ words, he was discovering that what was transpiring was the new norm. God’s plan extended beyond anything he had anticipated.
The influx of Gentiles was now understood to be a long-term proposition. With this knowledge becoming solidified in him, he will continue to become more effective and much bolder in his ministry. The church being built was according to the Lord’s plan and therefore his efforts were worthwhile and not a waste of time or energy.
Lord God, we can learn so much from studying and contemplating Your word. When we may feel ineffective and our efforts for You seem to be gathering little attention or bearing little fruit, You are there, using them according to Your wisdom. Help us to continue with our tasks, even if they seem small or unimportant. If they are done for You, we know that You will use them in the most effective way. Thank You that Your word reveals this. Amen.

Acts 18:9

Monday Jul 03, 2023

Monday Jul 03, 2023

Monday, 3 July 2023
Now the Lord spoke to Paul in the night by a vision, “Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; Acts 18:9
In the last verse, Paul spoke, people believed, and then they were baptized. With that, it next says, “Now the Lord spoke to Paul.”
This is something that has occurred and will continue to occur in Acts. Sometimes it is the Lord personally appearing, and sometimes it is through a messenger. It has happened to others, such as Stephen, Peter, and Cornelius. At the time of his conversion in Acts 9, the Lord appeared to Paul. In Acts 16:9, Paul had a vision of a man from Macedonia calling for them to come and help them. Now, it specifically says that the Lord spoke to Paul “in the night.”
This is the same as the vision from the man of Macedonia. It was specifically recorded as being at night. Likewise, this time it is also “by a vision,” or more literally, “through a vision.” It can only be speculated just what is being conveyed here, but it is the same word used several times already in Acts. Strong’s defines it as “something gazed at, i.e. A spectacle (especially supernatural).”
The Lord appeared to Paul in a recognizable way where he knew it was Him. In His appearing, He then said, “Do not be afraid.” The deduction is that the Lord said this because Paul was afraid and he needed to be reassured that he would bring about the effect the Lord intended. This is answered in the next verse: Do not be afraid / for I am with you.
The obvious question would be, “Afraid of what?” The answer is addressed in the next words where the Lord says, “but speak.” The word is a present imperative. It is a command to speak. Translations vary, but the intent is understood – be speaking, continue speaking, speak out, etc. Paul may have thought that the converts he had were all that would come about and from this point on, there would be little fruit.
The city was pagan and filled with idolatry and immorality. He might have thought he was insufficient to the task of any further evangelization. However, the Lord is instructing him to speak. This is also answered in the next verse: Speak / for I have many people in this city. Paul is being reassured that his words will meet the Lord’s intended effect. This appears to be what Paul is referring to in 1 Corinthians –
“And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. 2 For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. 3 I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. 4 And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, 5 that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 2:1-5
Paul admits his weakness, fear, and trembling. He obviously felt insufficient to carry on the task set before him. He again admits that this is the case in his second letter to them, asking the question for all to consider –
“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. 15 For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. 16 To the one we are the aroma of death leading to death, and to the other the aroma of life leading to life. And who is sufficient for these things? 17 For we are not, as so many, peddling the word of God; but as of sincerity, but as from God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ.” 2 Corinthians 2:14-17
In those words, Paul asks the question rhetorically as a way of showing the immense responsibility laid upon the one who shares the gospel message. It is a two-edged sword that will lead some to life and some to death. The words when transmitted will lead to either eternal life or eternal damnation.
Who would take such a responsibility lightly? Who would even be willing to speak such words, knowing what the result could be? Paul implies here that it is the grace of God alone which enabled him to pronounce the eternal destiny-deciding words. He felt insufficient, but the Lord bolstered his confidence with this night vision. Continuing His words, He says to Paul, “and do not keep silent.”
Not only was he commanded to speak but he is exhorted to not be silent. One can speak and then take a break, but the Lord tells Paul to do otherwise. He is to both speak and not stop speaking. His words will be effective and the Lord will be with him in the process.
Life application: Today, we do not need such a vision from the Lord. The Bible is complete. The trepidation Paul experienced is something that others may experience. A missionary goes off to Thailand, for example. Upon arrival, the question may be, “How can I be effective in the task set before me?” If that person has read the account of Paul in Acts, he will know that if the Lord is with him, exactly what is intended by Him will come about.
The very words recorded in Acts and the epistles are given to remind us that such fear is unfounded. It is because these things are recorded there that we should not expect visions from the Lord. He has sufficiently demonstrated that His plans are being worked out. Because we have the Bible, we can know that even in our insufficiency, the Lord’s guiding hand is with us and it is fully sufficient to get the job done.
Lord God, because we have Your word, everything we need to proceed in life is documented and available to us. Nothing is lacking for us to accomplish what is set before us except to read and know what the word says. If we apply its contents to our own walk before You, we will be set for every challenge. Thank You for Your precious word. Amen.

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