The first episodes are from Genesis. Since Feb 2021 we began an exciting daily commentary in the the book of Acts since it is certain that almost all major theological errors within the church arise by a misapplication, or a misuse, of the book of Acts. If the book is taken in its proper light, it is an invaluable tool for understanding what God is doing in the redemptive narrative in human history. If it is taken incorrectly, failed doctrine, and even heretical ideas, will arise (and consistently have arisen) within the church. Let us consider the book of Acts in its proper light. In doing so, these errors in thinking and theology will be avoided. The book of Acts is comprised of 28 chapters of 1007 verses (as in the NKJV). Therefore, a daily evaluation of Acts, one verse per day, will take approximately 2.76 years to complete.

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Acts 20:17

Monday Sep 18, 2023

Monday Sep 18, 2023

Monday, 18 September 2023
From Miletus he sent to Ephesus and called for the elders of the church. Acts 20:17
The verse should read, “And from Miletus, having sent to Ephesus, he called for the elders of the church” (CG).
The previous verse noted that Paul was in a rush to get to Jerusalem by the Day of Pentecost. Because of this, he decided to sail past Ephesus. Instead, they stopped at Miletus, a port a short distance beyond Ephesus. With their arrival, Luke next notes, “And from Miletus, having sent to Ephesus.”
The distance to Ephesus is estimated to be about thirty to forty miles from Miletus. It would take some time to travel that far and then an equal amount of time for the messenger to return with those of the church. It would be a 10-to-15-hour journey for a healthy person to walk that far at a normal pace. With donkeys, it would be a bit faster. With horses, it could be done even more quickly.
No matter what, there would be at least a day of travel, spending the night, and then another day of travel back to Miletus. In a best-case scenario, they would not continue their travels until at least the third day after arriving.
It would seem that such a long journey waiting for these people would be contrary to his plans to reach Jerusalem quickly. From this, it is obvious that he knew he would get bogged down in a personal visit to Ephesus. Many days of fellowshipping would be the minimum. Therefore, he reasoned that the time waiting for the church to come to him would still be less than that. This then is actually the more expedient way of handling the situation. Therefore, “he called for the elders of the church.”
In this verse, the elders who are summoned are designated by the Greek word presbuteros, an elder. However, in Acts 20:28, the word used to describe these same men will be episkopos, overseers. Because of this, it is obvious that the titles were synonymous. Their state was that of being elders, while their duties were that of overseeing the church.
Life application: Thinking about what is recorded here, it is rather amazing to consider. Paul has bypassed Ephesus, a good distance away, and then sent for the elders. It isn’t known if there was one or more churches in Ephesus. But even if there was only one, these men would have been called to drop everything they were doing and travel the long distance to Miletus on a moment’s notice.
Think of where you live and consider a location thirty miles away. Now imagine if someone came to you and said, “We need to leave right away and start walking to that place. Johnny Come Lately wants to see you and the other seven leaders of the church.”
This means a day of walking, a meeting, and then another day of walking back home. When looked at from this perspective, one can see how carefully Paul must have balanced things out concerning stopping at Ephesus or not. And more, consider the state of these men who were willing to drop everything and head to Miletus to see him.
Now, think about your own associations. Who would you be willing to do this for? Are the needs or desires of someone that important to you? Imagine if there is a natural disaster, maybe a hurricane, that has caused damage to a friend. Would you drop everything and say, “I’m going to help with this.” Let us be grateful to the Laborious Lee’s and Magnificent Mike’s who would do such a thing. Let us also consider if we too would be willing to do such in the time of other’s needs.
When the need arises, think about how you can meet it. In the case of Paul and the elders at Ephesus, the need arose, and it will be met in the verses ahead.
Lord God, help us to be attentive to the needs of others as they arise. May we be willing to extend our hand, if possible, to attend to the call or need of others. Thank You for those who willingly put forth of themselves in such moments. And above all, thank You for Jesus, who came to meet our greatest need, even while we were still sinners. Amen.

Acts 20:16

Sunday Sep 17, 2023

Sunday Sep 17, 2023

Sunday, 17 September 2023
For Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus, so that he would not have to spend time in Asia; for he was hurrying to be at Jerusalem, if possible, on the Day of Pentecost. Acts 20:16
In the last verse, the missionaries had left Mitylene and had wound their way as far as Miletus. Now, and from Miletus, Luke next records, “For Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus.”
It is a pluperfect verb. He had decided before getting on the ship that they would not stop there, and in having arrived further along the journey in Miletus, the matter was resolved. If he had stopped at Ephesus, it would inevitably have meant spending time there that he did not want to lose. Also, The KJV says “sail by” Ephesus. This is ambiguous. It could mean “sail to along the way” or “sail past.” The intent is the latter, as indicated by the Greek word parapleó. It is found only here in the New Testament. It signifies sailing near or past but without stopping. This was “so that he would not have to spend time in Asia.”
Both Miletus and Ephesus are in the region of Asia. But Miletus was a short distance past Ephesus on the way to Jerusalem. Not stopping in Ephesus via ship would avoid getting bogged down in a long visit but it would still allow them to meet with members of the church. Verse 17 will further explain this.
For now, Luke explains the matter using the word chronotribeó, translated as “spend time.” It is also only found here in the New Testament. It comes from two words: chronos, time, and tribos, a worn path, a road, or a highway. It indicates to delay or waste time.
If he had stopped at Ephesus, he would certainly have gotten caught in a significant delay which he did not want. Instead, Luke next says, “for he was hurrying to be at Jerusalem, if possible, on the Day of Pentecost.” Paul had his sights set on this and did not want to be deterred from it. Jerusalem is where the church began. Pentecost was both the timeframe when the law was received at Sinai, and it was also when the church began with the coming of the Holy Spirit upon believers.
He had left Philippi at Passover and this only gave him 50 days to travel the entire distance. He probably wanted to be at Jerusalem to celebrate the feast with the brethren there as a memorial. It was also because it was a good time to pass on the gift from the churches to them. Along with that, it was a good time to meet family and old friends who would be in town. Likewise, it would be a good time to evangelize many who had come for the feast and who were curious about the Way.
Life application: In Galatians 4:9-11, Paul writes –
“But now after you have known God, or rather are known by God, how is it that you turn again to the weak and beggarly elements, to which you desire again to be in bondage? 10 You observe days and months and seasons and years. 11 I am afraid for you, lest I have labored for you in vain.”
Also, in Colossians 2:16, 17 he writes –
“So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, 17 which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ.”
In both, he is alluding, among other things, to the Feasts of the Lord recorded in Leviticus 23, of which Pentecost was such a feast. Paul calls that bondage. He also says these things were mere shadows of the reality found in Christ. He says these things because they are a part of the Law of Moses, something that anticipated the work of Jesus and which were fulfilled by Him. Further, being Gentiles, the Galatians and Colossians had never been obligated to the law. The law was given to Israel alone.
Likewise, Paul had entered the New Covenant and was no longer bound by the Old. However, being a Jew, it was still a part of his culture. It was a time when the multitudes would gather and celebrate. There is no contradiction in Paul’s words and his actions. His intent to be in Jerusalem was not because the Law of Moses demanded it. It was because it was an opportune time for him to carry out many affairs.
Quite often, Hebrew Roots adherents and others will try to influence your thinking by noting that Paul was an observant Jew in all ways, including the Feasts of the Lord, the Sabbath, dietary restrictions, and so on. From that springboard, they will then attempt to impose on you the exact same bondage. Don’t be led astray by this false teaching.
The Law of Moses, of which the Gentiles were never under, was fulfilled and set aside in Christ. You are were never under it and you remain free from it, completely and entirely. Live out your life in Christ, understanding the grace that has been bestowed upon you. Don’t set that grace aside for the sake of false humility. The cross is sufficient to restore you to God. Don’t mar the grace of the cross.
Glorious Lord God, thank You for the freedom we possess in Christ. You sent Jesus to accomplish all things, and He did. What can we add to that? Rather, help us to live our lives in gratitude for what You have accomplished in Him. Be glorified as we praise You, O God, for the giving of Your Son to bring us back to You! Amen.

Acts 20:15

Saturday Sep 16, 2023

Saturday Sep 16, 2023

Saturday, 16 September 2023
We sailed from there, and the next day came opposite Chios. The following day we arrived at Samos and stayed at Trogyllium. The next day we came to Miletus. Acts 20:15
The words are difficult to directly translate, but they can be more closely rendered as, “And thence having sailed the following day, we arrived opposite Chios. And the other day, we cast-aside at Samos, and having remained in Trogyllium, the adjoining day we came to Miletus” (CG).
In the previous verse, Paul was taken aboard. They then sailed to Mitylene. Now, the voyage continues, saying, “And thence having sailed the following day.” Here and in the final clause, Luke will use present participles to describe the passing of time. This time, it is from the verb epiousa, or next. Being a present participle, “following” gives the needed sense. From one day leading to the next, they have gone from Mitylene where Luke next says, “we arrived opposite Chios.”
Chios is about halfway between Lesbos and Samos. It is an island about five miles off the coast. They would have sailed through this narrow straight but stopped on the eastern side for the night, opposite Chios on the mainland.
The name Chios is found only here. Its meaning is uncertain. Also, the word antikrus, or opposite, is also found only here. It means opposite, over against, or off when used in a nautical sense. Luke next says, “And the other day, we cast-aside at Samos.”
Using a different word, heteros, or “other,” Luke describes the next day’s travel where they neared Samos. This is an island south and east of Chios, also mentioned only this one time. Abarim says that most commentators state that the name means “high place” because it has Greece’s fifth highest place, being 1434 meters high.
The word translated as “cast-aside” is paraballó. It is also a unique word found only this once. It is directly translated as “cast aside.” In other words, they neared there, merely bringing the ship alongside the island. From there, they crossed over to Trogyllium. As it says, “and having remained in Trogyllium.”
This clause is not found in some manuscripts, rather simply noting the journey going from Samos to Miletus. However, it is likely Trogyllium was included in Luke’s original words. Trogyllium is “the rocky extremity of the ridge of Mycale, on the Ionian coast, between which and the southern extremity of Samos the channel is barely a mile wide” (Speaker's Commentary).
Of the name Trogyllium, Abarim says, “To an average Greek speaker, the name Trogyllium probably sounded like Place For Things To Nibble On or The Hole That Gobbles Up.” Of this location, Hastings Dictionary of the New Testament says –
“Trogyllium was a promontory formed by the western termination of Mt. Mycale, on the coast of Asia Minor, about equidistant from Ephesus and Miletus. It runs out into the sea just opposite the island of Samos, from which it is separated by a channel less than a mile wide (Strabo, XIV. i. 12, 13). Its present name is Santa Maria.”
Concerning which manuscript is right, Hastings continues, saying –
“This in itself is likely to have happened. ... The reason for their omission may have been either the mistaken idea in the mind of the copyists that the text located Trogyllium in Samos, or the difficulty of imagining two night-stoppages, one in the harbour of Samos and another at Trogyllium, which is only 4 or 5 miles from Samos. But a night spent at Samos is quite imaginary, for the nautical term παρεβάλομεν [parebalomen] does not mean ‘arrived at’ (Authorized Version) or ‘touched at’ (Revised Version). All that it implies is a crossing from one point to another; and, while Samos was merely sighted and passed, Trogyllium was the resting-place. An anchorage just to the east of the extreme point of Trogyllium now bears the name of ‘St. Paul’s Port.’”
With this understood, Luke finishes the verse with, “the adjoining day we came to Miletus.” Luke again uses a present participle, coming from the verb echó, to describe the day. It means to have, hold, or possess. In this case, “adjoining” gets the point across. The days adjoin. Thus, they hold together.
Miletus is further south and east of Trogyllium. It is on a large promontory in modern Turkey. The area they landed at is now called Gundogan. The name Miletus is from an uncertain origin. Thus, it is not known what it means.
Life application: As has been seen, Luke has used a variety of terms in this one verse to describe the travels. It is inexcusable to not at least attempt to translate them in a variety of ways so that the reader can get the flavor of what is being said. However, the Pulpit commentary says the following concerning the King James Version’s failure in this regard –
“The A.V., [meaning the King James Version] which often gives a varied English for the same Greek, has here for varying Greek given the same English [next] three times over.”
If translators are not going to at least attempt to rightly translate a verse, they shouldn’t be translating. The word is so rich and varied, and yet so much is lost when the necessary time and effort is not put into giving the flavor of what is being conveyed.For this reason, be sure not to get captivated by a single translation. Refer to several or many. Also, be sure to read commentaries on the things that pique your interest. You will get out of your studies what you put into them.
Thank You, O God, for the wonderful detail and delight that is found in Your precious word. May we be careful to attend to it daily, reading it, studying it, and cherishing its contents. In doing so, we will be blessed in so many ways. Yes, Lord, thank You for this marvelous word! Amen.

Acts 20:14

Friday Sep 15, 2023

Friday Sep 15, 2023

Friday, 15 September 2023
And when he met us at Assos, we took him on board and came to Mitylene. Acts 20:14
The Greek reads, “And when he met with us at Assos, having taken him up, we came to Mitylene” (CG).
In the previous verse, the missionaries were set to sail for Assos while Paul took the journey on foot. Now, Luke’s words continue with, “And when he met with us at Assos.”
Without any comment as to why the two parties traveled separately and without any details of their meeting up, other than that they met, it is apparent that it occurred as planned. It isn’t even sure which arrived first. The words simply indicate that they came together. With that, Luke next records, “having taken him up, we came to Mitylene.”
Paul got on board, and they departed. Their first stop is noted as Mitylene. This was, and still is, the capital of the island known as Lesbos. It is about 30 miles south of Assos and just off the west coast of Anatolia. The island is one of the largest in the Aegean Sea and is the seventh largest in the Mediterranean. Its total circumference is about 168 miles. As for the name of the location, Abarim says –
“The name Mitylene comes from the adjective μιτυλος (mitulos), which in turn is related to the familiar Latin word mutilus, from which comes our English verb ‘to mutilate.’ How and from what the Greek language derived our word μιτυλος (mitulos) isn't clear but from its sparse usages it appears that it was solely used in the meaning of hornless.”
This location, Hornless, is noted only this one time in the Bible.
Life application: Paul spent the entire last night at Troas talking to the disciples there. He then got up and walked the distance from Troas to Mitylene. As those on the ship met him there, it is apparent he didn’t sleep the entire time it took to meet up with them. It makes guessing why he determined to walk all the more curious.
It is, however, good to stop and consider such things because we can then evaluate our own paths that we decide to take. Paul may or may not have walked that particular area before, but he knew that Mitylene awaited him. It is good to set out on a new path at times, but there has to be a reason for doing so. There also needs to be a goal at the end that is expected. If not, you will be ambling blindly.
This doesn’t mean we at all control our steps. We may not make it till tomorrow morning. But if we do, we should at least have a plan for when we get there. In the meantime, we should include the Lord in the process. The words of James instruct us on this –
“Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit’; 14 whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. 15 Instead you ought to say, ‘If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that.’” James 4:13-15
Heavenly Father, direct our steps according to Your wisdom. We do have to plan them, but our plans are still at Your allowance. So, Lord, may the two be harmoniously put together through Your guiding hand. We look to You for each breath, so if it is Your will, may our plans be in accord with what You would have us do. Amen.

Acts 20:13

Thursday Sep 14, 2023

Thursday Sep 14, 2023

Thursday, 14 September 2023
Then we went ahead to the ship and sailed to Assos, there intending to take Paul on board; for so he had given orders, intending himself to go on foot. Acts 20:13
The words of the NKJV need help, “And we, having gone ahead to the ship, sailed to Assos, thence readying to take up Paul. For so he had arranged, readying himself to hike” (CG).
In the last verse, Eutychus was taken home alive, and the people were greatly comforted. With that noted, the journey for the missionaries from Troas was set to commence. Therefore, Luke next says, “And we.”
The “we” verses continue, showing that Luke is with the missionaries at this time. Everything recorded here would be from his first-person perspective. Understanding this, he next notes, “having gone ahead to the ship, sailed to Assos.”
The missionaries, inclusive of Luke, are departing by ship. The first leg of the journey is from Troas to Assos. Assos is about 20 miles south of Troas, but for those who sailed, it was about twice as far as they had to go around a cape. Of this location, Albert Barnes notes –
“There were several cities of this name. One was in Lycia; one in the territory of Eolis; one in Mysia; one in Lydia; and another in Epirus. The latter is the one intended here. It was between Troas and Mitylene. The distance to it from Troas by land was about 20 miles, while the voyage round Cape Lecture was nearly twice as far, and accordingly Paul chose to go to it on foot.”
Assos is only found here and in the next verse in the New Testament. The meaning is uncertain, but Abarim says the following –
“The name Assos may derive from a rarely used adverb ασσον (asson) and revel in the fact that it's Closer than some other place. Or it relates to the name of the local son and international hero king Assaracus, Number One and the patriarch of all things Rome.
Even in 1000 BC, when there was no Rome yet, the preference would probably have inclined toward Assaracus. Assos means Number One.”
Of this trip to Assos, Luke next records that they left by ship. Once they had arrived, the plan was “thence readying to take up Paul.”
Luke notes that while he and those with him would sail, they would be ready at their arrival point to take up Paul at that location. The meaning is obvious. Paul would travel another way to Assos. That is then explained by the next words, saying, “For so he had arranged, readying himself to hike.”
Rather than sail, Paul desired to go by land. Luke uses a word found only here in Scripture, pezeuó. It is ultimately derived from pous, meaning “foot.” Being a single verb in the present tense, the word “hike” suffices. A hike is something conducted on foot and is a little less arduous sounding than “trek” or “trudge” and a little more determined than “amble” or “saunter.”
Paul hiked to Assos. Quite a few reasons have been speculated as to why he did this. Some think he didn’t want to sail unless it was necessary. Others think that maybe he wanted to pray or contemplate life. Still, others suggest that he might have wanted to visit friends on the way. And yet, others think it might have been for health reasons. Maybe he wanted to race and see who would arrive at Troas first – the old competitive spirit and all. Only speculation can be made because Luke provides no further explanation.
Life application: The traveling noted by Luke as they sailed and Paul, as he walked, can be followed on google maps exactly. You can zoom in on even the minutest details, following along the ancient ports and paths that have been updated for modern shipping and automobiles. What is wonderful about doing this is that you can find assurance that what you are reading is reliable.
Luke didn’t just write a novel about the adventures of fictional characters. Instead, he has documented the exact movements of real people that really set out on these missionary journeys. If the locations, directions, time of travel, etc., are all reliable, why would anyone assume that the other details, such as the restoration of life to Eutychus are any less reliable?
It would make no sense to document the minutest details of one aspect of the narrative and then make up a bunch of fairytales about the other parts. Rather, we have a sure and sound word that is backed up by facts and eyewitness accounts. Let us not doubt the accuracy of what we read. Instead, let us be firm and confident in what is recorded. This is the word of God, and it is reliable.
Lord God, thank You that Your word is so reliable and verifiable. Because of this, we can know that when things are recorded that are difficult to grasp because of their miraculous nature, we can still have faith that they are true. Because of this, we can also know that what is detailed for the times ahead is also true. We have a sure and grounded hope because of this precious word! Amen.

Acts 20:12

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023

Wednesday Sep 13, 2023

Wednesday, 13 September 2023
And they brought the young man in alive, and they were not a little comforted. Acts 20:12
Rather, the words read, “And they brought the boy, living, and were comforted not a little” (CG).
In the previous verse, Luke detailed the actions of Paul after having restored Eutychus to life. This was to make a connection between his death and the death of the Lord as remembered in the Lord’s Supper. Through the Lord’s death, restoration of life is available. The words now are certainly inserted into the chronology of those events, probably at the same time as when Paul again went up to the third floor. Luke records, “And they brought the boy, living.”
Most translations use an adjective, alive. But the word is a present participle, thus highlighting the astonishing nature of what occurred. They brought him living. As for Eutychus, the word now used to describe him is pais. It signifies a child under training. Thus, he would have been a younger boy. He had his whole life ahead of him and yet he died during a church gathering.
It explains the use in verse 20:10 of the word thorubeo, being greatly disturbed or panicked. The people would have been horrified at the loss of such a young person. But because of the power of God present through the apostle, he was restored to life.
As for the word translated as “brought,” it generally indicates being led. Thus, he wasn't carried. Rather, he came in on his own power, fully healed and showing no worse for the wear. Because of that, it next says, “and were comforted not a little.”
This certainly would have gone beyond the comfort of not having to bury a young man, but the comfort of the assurance of life that is found in Jesus.
Life application: These people were given sight into the power of the Lord. We could say, “How blessed they were to have seen these things and to have personally experienced the ability of Jesus to restore that young man to life!” It would certainly have bolstered their faith in an amazing way.
However, Jesus says this –
“Jesus said to him, ‘Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.’” John 20:29
The people at Troas were given a blessing through the restoration of Eutychus to life. We are, however, given that exact same blessing if we believe the words of the Bible. We no longer need to have sight. The events recorded in Scripture confirm the power of the Lord to restore life. We can now have faith because of what is recorded there.
And more, we have the exact same blessing awaiting us that Eutychus received and that those with him beheld –
“For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.” 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18
The same word translated as “comfort” in 1 Thessalonians 4:18 is the word that is used of the state of those in Troas in Acts 20:12. Because we have the words of Scripture complete, we can be “comforted not a little” as we experience the loss of those around us and as we face our own mortality. The power of God in Christ Jesus is available to all who will simply believe. Death itself has no power over us as we await the coming fulfillment of the promises of God!
Glorious Lord God, we have comfort in our faith because it is grounded on the truth of what You have done in and through Jesus Christ our Lord. What more do we need to be assured and reassured of eternal life through Him? It is sufficient to carry us through this woeful life as we await the glorious life ahead. Hallelujah and Amen!

Acts 20:11

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023

Tuesday Sep 12, 2023

Tuesday, 12 September 2023
Now when he had come up, had broken bread and eaten, and talked a long while, even till daybreak, he departed. Acts 20:11
Luke uses a string of singular participles to connect the thoughts together – “And having gone up, and having broken bread, and having tasted, also at length having talked – until daylight – so he departed” (CG).
In the previous verse, Paul had gone down and embraced the dead Eutychus and then acknowledged that his life was in him. Now, with that behind them, it next says, “And having gone up.”
As noted, the verbs are singular. Everything focuses on the actions of Paul. Eutychus was restored to life. With that out of the way, Paul returned to the upper room. Immediately, Luke next notes, “and having broken bread.”
Some manuscripts include an article – “and having broken the bread.” It is probable that this is referring to the Lord’s Supper, or it could be the Agape feast that accompanied it. The idea of “breaking” bread is that of a single loaf (or loaves if a lot of people are present) which is passed around  and as pieces are broken off for each. With that stated, Luke next says, “and having tasted.”
Not only did Paul break off the bread for others, but he also had a taste of it himself. The word geuomai signifies to taste. It is the experiential part of eating or some other event. Jesus said in Matthew 16 –
“Assuredly, I say to you, there are some standing here who shall not taste death till they see the Son of Man coming in His kingdom.” Matthew 16:28
Likewise, it says this in 2 Peter, it says –
“Therefore, laying aside all malice, all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and all evil speaking, 2 as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby, 3 if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is gracious.” 2 Peter 2:1-3
Such examples show that Luke is focusing on the experience rather than the idea of filling one’s stomach. The probable reason for these words is because of what Paul would have said in the rite of the Lord’s Supper –
“For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you: that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; 24 and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, ‘Take, eat; this is My body which is broken for you; do this in remembrance of Me.’ 25 In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.’
26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.” 1 Corinthians 11:23-26
In other words, Eutychus had just tasted death, but because of Christ Jesus’ death, the restoration of his life was made possible. Therefore, the taking of the Lord’s supper would have taken on a much more poignant taste during this meal. They were proclaiming His “death until He comes.” Luke is quickly connecting the thoughts together to show an unbroken succession of events, all bearing on what just occurred. Now, he continues with, “also at length having talked – until daylight.”
The word for “talked” is not the same as verse 9 (“discoursing”). Instead, it indicates a conversation. This verse shows the man Paul as one who devoted every moment of his time to the people he was with, right up until the moment he had to depart. He was a tireless, selfless individual concerning the gospel and the fellowship. With the coming of daylight, it was necessary for him to go his way, and “so he departed.”
Verse 20:13 will show that Paul departed on foot to Assos. Meanwhile, the others would sail there and meet up with him. The reason for this goes unstated, but after an entire night, without any sleep to sustain him, he left Troas and began walking to Assos, a distance of about 21 miles as the crow flies. Taking the Roman road was a distance of about 31 miles. Thus, he would have taken at least two days to make the trip.
Life application: Luke has tied the bringing back to life of Eutychus in with the subsequent breaking of bread. It is his way of connecting the life found in Christ Jesus to that of the life in His people. In this case, it was to teach us that even death cannot hold a believer in Christ.
But more, it is to show a transition of the gospel from going to the Jews to it going to the Gentiles. In Acts 9, Peter was used to bring Tabitha (Dorcas) to life. Paul has now done the same for Eutychus. The various events, signs, and miracles accomplished by Peter for the Jews are also occurring through Paul for the Gentiles.
For both, we now have the written word that verifies these things took place. This is to assure us that the life that is found in Jesus is still available to us now. We may not have a miracle of the restoration of life after a calamity, but we can have the absolute assurance that we will be raised at the coming of the Lord, just as the Bible describes in 1 Corinthians 15 and 1 Thessalonians 4.
Let us hold fast to this truth as we experience our own times of loss. We are asked to trust the Lord and have faith that what His word presents is true and reliable.
Lord God, because of the death of Jesus, we can now have eternal life in Jesus. For those who have believed the gospel, it belongs to us by guarantee. Even if our mortal bodies die, we know that we shall rise again. The promise is sure, the matter is settled, and we SHALL RISE AGAIN! Thank You, O God, for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.

Acts 20:10

Monday Sep 11, 2023

Monday Sep 11, 2023

Monday, 11 September 2023
But Paul went down, fell on him, and embracing him said, “Do not trouble yourselves, for his life is in him.” Acts 20:10
The words more exactingly read, “And Paul, having descended, fell upon him and having embraced, said, ‘Be not agitated, for his life is in him’” (CG).
In the previous verse, Eutychus was overcome by sleep and fell out of the third-story window. He was taken up dead. However, it now says, “And Paul, having descended, fell upon him.”
It is certain that the people in the room that saw him fall shouted out and rushed down the stairs. These stairs are generally a staircase on the outside of the house. One after another, the people would have rushed down in a state of anxiety. As the line allowed, Paul would have joined in the descent.
At such a time, most people would be standing there looking at the corpse. Those who knew him well would begin to start moaning and wailing. The women would be crying. Paul, obviously feeling the power of the Spirit, fell upon Eutychus. Luke next notes, “and having embraced.”
There are similar accounts in 1 Kings 17 and 2 Kings 4. The prophets Elijah and Elisha both raised dead young men after physically joining to them. In Paul’s embracing of Eutychus, it next says that Paul stated, “Be not agitated, for his life is in him.”
The word translated as “agitated,” thorubeo, is used for the fifth and last time in the New Testament. It signifies to make an ado, disturb, agitate, etc. The idea here is certainly the tumult of sadness over death. The cries would increase, and some would shriek or cry out, “O God!” Paul’s words are given to silence this and to give them the comfort of knowing that all was ok. Welcome back, Eutychus.
“LIFE” application: The word “life” in this verse is from the Greek word psuché. This is the soul. There are three words in Greek that are used to describe the state of what is going on within a person.
The first, psuché, is the soul. It is that which exists from conception, and which is tied to the body. However, even if the body dies, the soul continues, albeit in an unnatural state.
The next is pneuma – wind, breath, or spirit. The Bible speaks of the Holy Spirit and the spirit of man. This is the rational soul or the mental disposition.
The third is the zóé, or life. This speaks of the vitality of the being, even plant life.
These three words correspond exactingly to the Hebrew words nephesh, ruakh, and khai.
In the case of Paul’s words, he literally says, “his soul is in him.” As the soul is the part that actually doesn’t die, saying “life” explains the matter clearly to us. His soul returned to his dead body. To understand this, Paul says this in 2 Corinthians –
“For we know that if our earthly house, this tent, is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. 2 For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed with our habitation which is from heaven, 3 if indeed, having been clothed, we shall not be found naked. 4 For we who are in this tent groan, being burdened, not because we want to be unclothed, but further clothed, that mortality may be swallowed up by life. 5 Now He who has prepared us for this very thing is God, who also has given us the Spirit as a guarantee.” 2 Corinthians 5:1-5
Paul, speaking of our physical bodies, here called “our earthly house,” notes that if a person is separated from this earthly body (it is destroyed), he is unclothed and naked. This was the state of Eutychus. His body was broken from the fall and his soul (psuché) had departed.
This is an unnatural state. The soul of man continues to exist, but the zóé, or vitality of the body, has ended. This is what happened to Eutychus. In the ending of his physical body’s zóé, the vehicle by which his soul went about could no longer sustain it. Therefore, his soul departed from the physical body. Unless the rapture happens first, this will happen to each of us. However, God has promised us, buyt giving His Spirit (His Pneuma) as a guarantee, that this will be corrected.
One can see that the Pneuma of God is connected not to the corruptible body but to the soul. We have been given a guarantee that our soul will be “further clothed.” The meaning is that we shall be given an eternal and incorruptible body. It is hard to figure out how people fail to understand what is being said here, but it is as common as pages in a book.
Our soul has been reconnected to God through an act of grace. At that moment, we are given His Spirit as a guarantee of our future redemption. The physical body no longer has any bearing on our eternal state. As it is in our physical bodies that we sin, and as we are no longer being imputed sin, then we are no longer under any sentence of condemnation. We have gone from death to life. It is an eternal decree of God. Salvation is, by default, something that is eternal.
Glorious God, thank You for having saved us by Your grace in Christ. But more, thank You that this is an eternal decree. We have been brought into the New Covenant. Even if we fail You, You will never fail us. And You have proved this by giving us Your Spirit. Thank You for the sure hope of eternal salvation. Yes, thank You, O God. Amen.

Acts 20:9

Sunday Sep 10, 2023

Sunday Sep 10, 2023

Sunday, 10 September 2023
And in a window sat a certain young man named Eutychus, who was sinking into a deep sleep. He was overcome by sleep; and as Paul continued speaking, he fell down from the third story and was taken up dead. Acts 20:9
The translation is more precisely rendered, “And a certain youth named Eutychus, sitting upon the window, deep sleep overpowering him – Paul discoursing on more – having been overpowered from the sleep, fell from the third story down, and was taken up dead” (CG).
The previous verse curiously noted that there were many lamps in the upper room where the church was gathered. One main reason for including that observation is now seen. Luke’s use of participles gives action to the events as they occur. His words begin with, “And a certain youth.”
The word “youth” signifies a young man, but it can extend to someone even forty years of age. He is a man in the prime of life. Luke next says, “named Eutychus.” The name comes from eu, well or good, and tuché, fortune or fate. Hence, his name means Well Fated. This Eutychus is “sitting upon the window.”
Luke uses a present participle. He is sitting there during the gathering. Vincent’s Word Studies says, “The windows of an Eastern house are closed with lattice-work, and usually reach down to the floor, resembling a door rather than a window. They open, for the most part, to the court, and not to the street, and are usually kept open on account of the heat.”
It is in this location that he is sitting “upon” the window, meaning directly upon the frame. But more, the use of the article before “window” implies it is the one (or main) window to the entire room. Certainly because of this, as will be explained, there was “deep sleep overpowering him.”
The word translated as overpowering, katapheró, is also a present participle. It is used for the first of four times, all in acts. It signifies to bear down, overpower, oppress, etc. Its second use will be in this verse as well. Being another present participle, Luke is drawing the reader into the narrative with one quick thought after another. Eutychus is sitting upon the window, and he is being overpowered by sleep.
With that, Luke provides the next words in another present participle to provide a reason for why he was being overpowered, saying, “Paul discoursing on more.”
The night is wearing on, Eutychus is sitting upon the window, there are many lamps in the room, all of which are burning, and Paul is talking on and on. Being in the window, he was in the spot where all of the heat and smoke of the “many lamps” would exhaust from the room. Breathing this in would make anyone sleepy, no matter how exciting the words of Paul. Thus, Luke switches to an aorist participle, saying, “having been overpowered from the sleep.”
It is the second use of katapheró. Eutychus was being overpowered, and then he is overpowered. He could not bear up with the long hours sitting directly in the spot where all of the lamp fumes, heat mixed with smoke, were exiting. And so, he “fell from the third story down.”
This is the only use of the word tristegon, or third story, in the Bible. It means that Eutychus probably fell somewhere about 18-25 feet, maybe a bit more if the window was elevated. Being asleep when he fell, he would have been unable to keep himself from damage. Rather, he would have plunked down in whatever form his body slumped over in. Therefore, Luke next notes, “and was taken up dead.”
Luke, being a competent physician, notes with all certainty that Eutychus had expired from the fall. Goodbye, Eutychus.
Life application: When something unusual is stated in Scripture, such as noting “many lamps” in the previous verse, there will be a reason for it. The reason may escape us. But in thinking through the times, situations, and circumstances of the event being described, we can usually come to a conclusion concerning the reason.
Further, there are two thousand years’ worth of commentary available to us. A simple search on the internet will bring up many of them. Be careful with such things because, quite often, the most sensational comments are the ones that are more commonly read. Because of this, they will come up first on internet searches. So be sure to read several commentaries. The initial one may be sensational, but it also may be wrong.
Take the time and effort necessary to find out the reason for things that you find curious. Quite often, you will discover that real human events are connected to real human circumstances. From there, and built upon that foundation, the miraculous will then come forth, such as what will next be stated by Luke in the ongoing narrative.
Heavenly Father, it is a treasure to search out Your word and to find out why things are stated there. The cultures described are different and the circumstances vary, but the human element remains the same. We can identify with what happened thousands of years ago because we are humans that You have created to know You and Your intents for us personally. Thank You for this precious word. Amen.

Acts 20:8

Saturday Sep 09, 2023

Saturday Sep 09, 2023

Saturday, 9 September 2023
There were many lamps in the upper room where they were gathered together. Acts 20:8
In the previous verse, it noted that the church in Troas had come together to break bread and that Paul, being ready to depart the next day, continued his message until midnight. With that remembered, it now says, “There were many lamps in the upper room.”
At first, it seems like something entirely superfluous to say. However, there are probably several reasons for Luke's inclusion of these words. The first was probably unintentional by him, but it shows the minuteness of the details.
The room was well lit, maybe more than usual, to mark the joyous nature of the first day of the week. It would show that the Christians met not in secrecy but in open fellowship.
Also, it would dispel the lie against the early church that Christians would turn out all the lights and proceed to commit all kinds of abominable acts. Also, the mentioning of it would explain what occurs in the coming verses.
As for noting that it is in the upper room, Charles Ellicott says –
“...the upper storey is often chosen for social or devotional purposes, partly as more removed from the noise of the street, partly as giving access to the roof of the house. Such a room in a good sized house might well hold two or three hundred people.”
It is in this large upper room “where they were gathered together.” In these words, some manuscripts say, “where we were gathered.” That would then be inclusive of Luke. Saying “we” would bolster the point about Luke’s careful attention to the details from a personal perspective, but even if the original is “they,” the note of many lamps would still probably have been told to Luke – even if he was not physically present – in order to explain what occurs in the ongoing narrative.
Life application: As has been explained previously in Acts, small differences in source Texts do not mean we do not have a sure word, as some claim. The argument in such a case would be that God failed to preserve His word. This is incorrect.
The original is contained in the manuscripts, even if scribes have made mistakes in various parts of it during the copying process. If there are 100 texts that say “how” and one that says “who,” and if the context demands “how,” then it is rather obvious the scribe had a moment of dyslexia, or he transposed the two letters by accident.
If a word is missing from a text and yet it is found in 72 others, it is likely the copyist missed the word without realizing it. Etc.
The original, however, remains within the enormous number of texts, lectionaries, and other ancient witnesses. But it must be searched out. There is nothing wrong with such a process. Rather, it confirms that God has given us His word, but He has allowed fallen, fallible man to transmit it throughout the ages, occasionally adding in an error that must then be weeded out by others.
Don’t ever feel we are lacking a sure word. The contents of Scripture contain the word of God because they are the word of God. Our errors in transmitting it do not change that.
Lord God, we know that Your word is sure because it tells us exactly what we need to know concerning our state before You, what You have done to correct it, and how we can then appropriate what You have done. No other religion comes even close to this. Rather, the message of Jesus is the resolution to man’s problem. Thank You for having sent Jesus to bring us back to Yourself. Amen.

Acts 20:7

Friday Sep 08, 2023

Friday Sep 08, 2023

Friday, 8 September 2023
Now on the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul, ready to depart the next day, spoke to them and continued his message until midnight. Acts 20:7
In the previous verse, it noted that Paul and Luke (indicated by the word “we”) joined the others at Troas, where they then stayed seven days. With that noted, Luke continues, saying, “Now on the first day of the week.”
The Greek reads, “In now the one of the sabbaths.” The cardinal numeral here is used for the ordinal. The word “sabbaths” is plural. This plural is used for the singular in imitation of the Hebrew form. The noun, sabbaths, is used after numerals in the signification of a week. In other words, the Sabbath is the last day of the week. The next day begins a new week which is day one of the week. Thus, the day is Sunday, even if it started on Saturday night.
This verse, along with 1 Corinthians 16:2, shows with certainty that the Lord's Day was already being observed at this early time in church history –
“On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I come.”
Of this day, Luke next records, “when the disciples came together to break bread.” The words are more precisely translated, “the disciples having been gathered together to break bread.” Like in Corinth, the people have gathered as an assembly. In Troas, this included 1) being on the first day, just as in Corinth, 2) gathering together, 3) breaking bread after that (see verse 11), 4) a sermon, and 5) long hours of contemplating God’s word.
This may have been Saturday night, which is the beginning of the first day of the week when reckoning by Jewish days. The breaking of bread is in accord with Paul’s words of 1 Corinthians 11. It is the observance of the Lord’s Supper. This would have been done along with a greater meal, an Agape or love feast, which is a regular meal along with fellowship. Next, Luke records, “Paul, ready to depart the next day.”
If this is Saturday night, meaning the beginning of the first day of the week, then Paul would depart on a Sunday. If this gathering began during the day on Sunday, then Paul would depart on a Monday. The reason for the confusion rests in the fact that the Jewish days begin in the evening at sundown. Thus, without knowing what time they gathered, it is unwise to be dogmatic.
At this meeting, Paul “spoke to them and continued his message until midnight.” The word translated as “spoke” is dialegomai. HELPS Word Studies says it signifies “through, from one side across to the other,” It contains the idea of “exercising ‘dialectical reasoning.’” Further, it notes, “This is the process of giving and receiving information with someone to reach deeper understanding – a ‘going back-and-forth’ of thoughts and ideas so people can better know the Lord (His word, will).” One can see that this is where our word “dialogue” comes from.
In other words, people were asking questions, and Paul was answering them. At times, Paul may have pulled out his parchments, referring to them to find the answer to a particular question.
The word translated as “continued” is found only here in Scripture, parateinó. It means to prolong. Paul obviously had a lot to say, and the people would then continue to question him as well. As a historical note, the Pulpit Commentary says –
“Justin Martyr, in his second Apology to Antoninus Plus (or Marcus Aurelius), of the Church assemblies in his day, not a hundred years after this time, is in exact agreement with it: - ‘On the day which is called Sunday, all (Christians) who dwell either in town or country come together to one place. The memoirs of the apostles and the writings of the prophets are read for a certain time, and then the president of the meeting, when the reader has stopped, makes a discourse, in which he instructs and exhorts the people to the imitation of the good deeds of which they have just heard. We then all rise up together, and address prayers (to God); and, when our prayers are ended, bread and wine and water are brought, and the president, to the best of his ability, offers up both prayers and thanksgivings, and the people assent, saying “Amen.” And then the distribution of the bread and wine, over which the thanksgivings have been offered, is made to all present, and all partake of it.’ He adds that the elements are carried to the absent by the deacons, and that collections are made for poor widows, and orphans, and sick, and prisoners.”
Life application: Regardless of whether these believers gathered on Saturday night after the Sabbath or at some point during the day on Sunday, the church was gathered on Sunday. The reason that the Sabbath is mentioned at all by Luke as a means of counting the days would be because Paul would have observed the Sabbath in order to not be an offense to Jews (1 Corinthians 9:20).
Luke, knowing this, is explaining things from the perspective of Paul’s conduct. However, Paul’s instruction to the church, not his personal habits, is what direct doctrine. Just because Paul may or may not have observed a Sabbath, that has no bearing on what he taught. Also, the words that he was set to travel the next day show that there were no restrictions concerning Sabbath observance transferred to the new day of worship, meaning Sunday.
Those who impose Sabbath standards for Saturday worship, or who move those Sabbath standards to Sundays, are not working in accord with our freedom in Christ, which Paul writes about in Romans 14:5, Galatians 4:10, or Colossians 2:16. The Sabbath belonged to the Jewish people alone. It was never transferred to the church, even if Jews in the church continue to conduct their weeks in accord with the Jewish weekly calendar.
Those who have come to Christ have entered the rest that the Sabbath only anticipated (Hebrews 4:3). Exercise your freedom in Christ and do not be led down a path of false piety and to the observance of things that were mere shadows of the substance that has come in Jesus.
Heavenly Father, we are grateful to you for the full, finished, final, and forever work of Jesus Christ. Now, and in Him, we have the freedom to worship You in spirit and in truth. May we hold fast to Him and cling to You through His completion of all things necessary to restore us to Your presence. Thank You, O God, for Jesus our Lord. Amen.

Acts 20:6

Thursday Sep 07, 2023

Thursday Sep 07, 2023

Thursday, 7 September 2023
But we sailed away from Philippi after the Days of Unleavened Bread, and in five days joined them at Troas, where we stayed seven days. Acts 20:6
In the previous verses, it noted that some of those traveling with Paul went ahead of him to Troas. However, Luke accompanied Paul by ship. That can be discerned from the next words, “But we.”
Luke includes himself in the narrative. He and Paul “sailed away from Philippi after the Days of Unleavened Bread.”
The word “Bread” should be italicized. The Greek simply gives the adjective azumos, not leavened. The timing shows that the span spent in Corinth was the winter months. The Feast of Unleavened Bread is in the spring. Having left that area and going through the area of Macedonia, they met up with Luke in Philippi. With Unleavened Bread complete, Luke obviously decided to join him on his trip and sailed with him. From there, it says, “and in five days joined them at Troas.”
The Greek reads “until five days.” It is a way of indicating the duration of the voyage between Philippi and Troas. In Acts 16, the same trip appears to have taken only three days. The reason for the longer trip could be either because there was a contrary wind as they traveled eastward, or it could be that they made a few more stops to offload and onload cargo.
Either way, Luke’s providing the specific timeframes shows his meticulous nature. He carefully records such things, providing details often not found in other narratives that he later compiled. Once having reached Troas, Luke next says, “where we stayed seven days.”
Although it is impossible to know for certain, it is generally accepted (and likely) that they stayed a full week to ensure they could participate in one week of fellowship together. This will be seen in the coming verse.
Life application: It is known from this verse that Paul observed the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Based on this, Judaizers are adamant that we too must observe the Feasts of the Lord. This is obviously wrong for several reasons.
First, Paul was a Jew. Gentiles are not Jews. Gentiles were never given the law, and Christ fulfilled the law, setting it aside through His work. As this is so, it makes as much sense as making a tennis puck to observe something never mandated and which is now obsolete.
Even Paul did not feel compelled to do such things any longer. He clearly indicates that we (including himself) are not under law but under grace. That is found in Romans 6:14, 15 –
“For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace.15 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not!”
Second, Paul clearly dismisses such observances in Colossians 2:16, 17 –
“So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new moon or sabbaths, 17 which are a shadow of things to come, but the substance is of Christ.”
Dietary laws, Sabbaths, and feast observances simply anticipated Christ. They have no substance but are mere shadows that anticipated Him.
Third, Paul explicitly explains what we are to do at Passover and Unleavened Bread in 1 Corinthians 5:6-8 –
“Your glorying is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? 7 Therefore purge out the old leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us. 8 Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.”
The words “let us keep the feast,” meaning the feast that Paul just got done observing, do not mean “observe as Israel observed.” Rather, he explains that the physical rites observed by Israel anticipated spiritual truths. He does this with the words, “not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.”
This is exactly what he meant in Colossians 2. The physical rites of Israel were mere shadows that pointed to spiritual truths. Keeping the feast for a week each year is replaced with living in sincerity and truth throughout the year. The feasts only anticipated our lives in Christ.
If this is so, then why did Paul observe the feast? The answer is found in 1 Corinthians 9 –
“For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more; 20 and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law; 21 to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but underlaw toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law; 22 to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. 23 Now this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I may be partaker of it with you.” 1 Corinthians 9:19-23
Paul’s actions were to bring people to Christ. If that meant observing a now obsolete fest, he was up to it. If it means having a super yummy pulled-pork sandwich at Demetrio’s Diner, he was up to it. Paul’s only goal was to have people come to Christ.
Don’t allow uneducated, legalistic people to ruin your walk with Christ through such silly notions as “It is pleasing to God to observe these points of the law.” If you must observe any point of the law, you must observe the entire law – perfectly. Choosing the law over the grace of Christ is a self-condemning act. You do not have the right to pick and choose which laws you will observe and which you will not. You have placed the entire burden of the law on your shoulders. Good luck with that.
Lord God Almighty, thank You for the grace which is found in Jesus Christ our Lord. Help us to never fall back on our own supposed deeds of personal righteousness, assuming that they can make us right before You. Instead, may we hold fast to what Jesus has done and live our lives from that perspective. Thank You for the freedom we have because of Your grace lavished upon us. Amen.

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