The first episodes are from Genesis. Since Feb 2021 we began an exciting daily commentary in the the book of Acts since it is certain that almost all major theological errors within the church arise by a misapplication, or a misuse, of the book of Acts. If the book is taken in its proper light, it is an invaluable tool for understanding what God is doing in the redemptive narrative in human history. If it is taken incorrectly, failed doctrine, and even heretical ideas, will arise (and consistently have arisen) within the church. Let us consider the book of Acts in its proper light. In doing so, these errors in thinking and theology will be avoided. The book of Acts is comprised of 28 chapters of 1007 verses (as in the NKJV). Therefore, a daily evaluation of Acts, one verse per day, will take approximately 2.76 years to complete.

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Acts 21:36

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023

Tuesday Nov 14, 2023

Tuesday, 14 November 2023
For the multitude of the people followed after, crying out, “Away with him!” Acts 21:36
In the previous verse, the violence of the mob necessitated that Paul be carried by the Roman cohort that had arrested him. To explain the matter further, Luke next says, “For the multitude of the people followed after.”
The angry mob, as so often happens, was unwilling to allow the soldiers to do their duties unhindered. Once Paul was arrested, one would think the people would be satisfied and leave him to the Romans to be dealt with. However, they were so worked up that they were determined to follow, attempting to get their hands on him. As they went, they were “crying out, ‘Away with him!’”
The word translated as “away” is airo. It means to lift up, take off, or remove. Our modern word aero, such as in an aerodrome, finds its root here. It is the same word, in the same angry voice, that was used in Luke 23:18 and John 19:15. For example, it says in Luke 23:18 –
“And they all cried out at once, saying, ‘Away with this Man, and release to us Barabbas.’”
The same word will be used in Acts 22:22, where its full intent and sense will be clearly given –
“And they listened to him until this word, and then they raised their voices and said, ‘Away with such a fellow from the earth, for he is not fit to live!’”
The intent for Jesus as He stood before Israel at Passover, and for Paul now in Acts, is that these crowds wanted them killed.
Life application: The same sentiment has been brought against faithful believers innumerable times over the past two thousand years. Today, it is a common event to see people demanding that Christians be executed for supposed crimes against Islam. Even when the person has done nothing wrong, false charges of blasphemy are conjured up by the rabid accusers.
This is becoming much more common in the West as well. Marxist groups are becoming more and more unfriendly to Christianity. Churches are targeted, politicians on the left cry out untrue accusations, and schools are filled with people who literally hate the idea of Christianity being proclaimed.
These things will never get better. The world is on a course against God, and it is the Bible that properly reveals who He is and how He has displayed Himself in human history. Because of this, the nations hate Israel as well. It isn’t that Israel is right with God, but that God has covenanted with them as a nation. If Israel could be destroyed, then it would prove that the Bible was not truly the word of God.
It is understood from the Bible that Israel will not be right with God until they come to Jesus. Therefore, even Jews hate the complete message of Scripture as revealed in the New Testament. It is why so many Jewish people actively work against Christianity.
Any attack against you simply because you are a faithful Christian, or against your faith because it is biblically based, is an attack against the God who has saved you and who has revealed Himself in Scripture as having done so. Expect this, and do not be surprised as these things occur.
Lord God Almighty, we know that it is in Your power to simply eradicate all the evil in the world today. We also know that You have not done so yet because You have a plan that is greater than our short existence. So, Lord, help us to be patient in our waiting upon You. Should trials come, give us the strength and wisdom to handle them appropriately. To Your glory, we pray. Amen.

Acts 21:35

Monday Nov 13, 2023

Monday Nov 13, 2023

Monday, 13 November 2023
When he reached the stairs, he had to be carried by the soldiers because of the violence of the mob.  Acts 21:35
A literal rendering would be, “And when he came upon the stairs, it happened he was carried by the soldiers because of the violence of the crowd” (CG).
In the previous verse, it noted that the commander of the soldiers couldn’t determine what Paul had done, if anything, because of the yelling of the crowd. Therefore, he commanded that Paul be taken into the barracks where things could be sorted out. Now, the action continues, saying, “And when he came upon the stairs.”
This takes the reader back to verse 32. The Roman soldiers were said to have run down to the tumult, indicating from a higher area. Now, Paul was being conducted back to that place. As they arrived at the stairs to ascend to the barracks, it next says, “it happened he was carried by the soldiers.”
It doesn’t yet say why this is the case. There would only be one of two reasonable explanations for it. The first would be that Paul was purposefully hindering their ascent, refusing to comply with being taken voluntarily. The second would be because of external pressures bearing down on them. The latter is the case. As it says, “because of the violence of the crowd.”
Luke’s description takes us mentally right into the account. The soldiers literally picked him up by his legs and started carrying him up the stairs because the people were pressed in against them.
The more they were pressed, the more the crowd would reach in, trying to get Paul. With the soldiers busy caring for him, they were unable to fend off the people. Luke uses a word to indicate suddenness, sumbainó – literally, “it happened.”
According to Vincent’s Word Studies, “The verb means, literally, to come together; hence, of a coincidence of events. It is designedly introduced here to express more vividly the fact of the peculiar emergency and the peril of Paul’s situation.”
What this means is that while they were on the flat portion of the temple mount, the guards could easily encircle Paul and have their hands ready at their weapons. However, as they arrived at the ascent, the cohort was unable to fully protect him and the raving crowds pressed in, taking advantage of the confined situation to tear at him.
Life application: Like so many things that occur in life, there are times that our guard is let down. For the Romans surrounding Paul, it was an unavoidable event that they could not fully encircle him due to the layout of the surroundings. At times, we may be exhausted, not paying attention, distracted, etc.
At such times, we may let our guard down unintentionally. It is at such times that others may take advantage of the situation and try to trip us up. Likewise, the devil wants nothing more than to have the people of the Lord ineffective in their lives. When we are busily engaged in matters of life, he will come to rob and steal our testimony.
Therefore, even when we are off guard, we need to be on guard. In other words, the old adage, “When you least expect it, expect it,” applies to believers. We need to always have a subroutine running in the back of our minds to be cautious, wise, and discerning about the world around us.
To hone such skills means to purposefully think about one’s surroundings at all times, until it becomes second nature. A bodyguard is taught to be alert at all times. He scans close by and off into the distance. His job is to protect. Ours is too. But our protection is to be directed to our maintaining a good testimony, no matter what challenges we face. Let us endeavor to do so, considering that we represent the Lord at all times.
Glorious Lord God, You have given us salvation and a new direction in life. Please be with us and help us to always reflect a proper attitude that is honoring You. May our guard be up, and may our lives be alert and ready at all times to stop the attacks that suddenly arise against us. To Your glory, we pray. Amen.

Acts 21:34

Sunday Nov 12, 2023

Sunday Nov 12, 2023

Sunday, 12 November 2023
And some among the multitude cried one thing and some another.So when he could not ascertain the truth because of the tumult, he commanded him to be taken into the barracks. Acts 21:34
In the previous verse, the commander came forward and seized Paul, asking what he had done. With that, it now says, “And some among the multitude cried one thing and some another.”
Notice the similarity to what occurred in Ephesus –
“Some therefore cried one thing and some another, for the assembly was confused, and most of them did not know why they had come together.” Acts 19:32
The same disarray that was found among Gentiles was to be found among Jews as well. There was a disturbance, and few of the people knew why they were there. They simply were there to join in the melee and participate in a big event.
And more, those who did know were probably on the outskirts of the fray, egging on the useful idiots who really had no idea why they were there at all. This type of thing continues to this day. People in a mob are easily stirred into a frenzy. And more, they are easily swayed by a quietly spoken suggestion in the ear of one who is antsy to take out his life’s frustrations in such a setting.
The word translated as “cried” is used only by Luke in the New Testament. He uses it at the crucifixion in Luke 23:21 and three times in Acts. It is derived from two words signifying “upon” and “to give forth a sound.” Thayer’s Greek Lexicon notes that it signifies to call out, followed by direct discourse.
One can see the people hollering something out, looking for attention. That is then followed up with words that the speaker hopes will have an effect on the commander. But with probably dozens of people yelling at the same time, it would make determining the matter impossible. Because of this, Luke next records, “So when he could not ascertain the truth.”
If there were calls from various factions, all trying to defend their actions and to place the blame on Paul – but without actually knowing what he had done – the facts would be nearly impossible to determine. Because of this, and “because of the tumult” the commander would get nowhere. The obvious best course of action would be to get the truth of what occurred from the person who was being pummeled.
This could be obtained in various ways, but it was certain that Rome would ultimately get its answers. Therefore, “he commanded him to be taken into the barracks.”
Thayer’s Greek Lexicon notes that the word translated as barracks is actually one that signifies interpolation or insertion, such as “into a discourse of matters foreign to the subject in hand.”
In other words, the area is Jerusalem, a Jewish city in the land of Israel, and yet, there are foreign barracks tossed into the mix. This doesn’t match the Jewishness of the general layout of the city. One can think of a US Air Base located in the greater Tokyo area. It is something foreign to the Japanese and city-like nature of the surroundings. Of this word, Vincent’s Word Studies provides necessary detail –
“The main tower had a smaller tower at each corner, the one at the southeastern corner being the largest and overlooking the temple. In this tower were the quarters of the soldiers. The word is derived from the verb παρεμβάλλω [paremballo], to put in beside, used in military language of distributing auxiliaries among regular troops and, generally, of drawing up in battle-order. Hence the noun means, a body drawn up in battle-array, and passes thence into the meaning of an encampment, soldiers' quarters, barracks. In Hebrews 11:34, it occurs in the earlier sense of an army; and in Hebrews 13:11, Hebrews 13:13; Revelation 20:9, in the sense of an encampment. In grammatical phraseology it signifies a parenthesis, according to its original sense of insertion or interpolation.”
Life application: What happens in this account is no different than riots all around the world on any given day. People show up at events and quickly become followers of whoever seems to be in the know. They act out, trying to be a part of something big going on around them, maybe to gain status or notoriety from their conduct.
Unfortunately, that is not what will normally occur. Instead, the evil machinations of those who start the ruckus are usually obscured enough to keep them out of the picture while still controlling the events.
Today, with surveillance cameras everywhere, such cunning people can be identified. For example, during riots in Washington DC, a city with cameras everywhere, a review of the recordings will reveal people actually giving orders to others to act. At the same time, they remain out of the main focus of the rioting. Their care is not for immediate attention, but to have their greater purposes brought about.
When those who are directed to act are arrested or shot, it means nothing to those who instigated the matter. The damage is done, and the cause has been brought forth, permanently changing the course and structure of the society.
For this reason, it is important to not be caught in the middle of religious, cultural, or political gatherings without being fully aware of one’s surroundings. Real harm is intended for people who start out with good intentions but who get caught up in events beyond themselves. Evil agendas are well planned, carefully monitored, and will rarely reveal themselves, except in how they ultimately gain control from such situations.
Lord God, we have lives to live, and we enjoy participating in the things that occur around us, joining in societal events. But we ask You to help us always to be cautious and circumspect in how we enter into gatherings, knowing that as Christians we can easily be targeted simply because we love Jesus. Help us to bring glory to You and to not be caught up in things that could diminish His great name in others’ eyes. Amen.

Acts 21:33

Saturday Nov 11, 2023

Saturday Nov 11, 2023

Saturday, 11 November 2023
Then the commander came near and took him, and commanded him to be bound with two chains; and he asked who he was and what he had done. Acts 21:33
More precisely, the Greek reads, “Then, having drawn near, the commander seized him and commanded to be bound with two chains, and inquired who he might be and what he had done” (CG).
In the previous verse, the commander took soldiers and centurions and ran down to the unruly mob beating Paul. When they saw these Romans coming, the mob stopped beating him. Now, the action continues, saying, “Then, having drawn near.”
With the power and authority of Rome, they came through the unruly mob and approached Paul. Once there, it says, “the commander seized him.”
It is a bold move showing the caliber of the man. This chiliarch, taking full command of the situation, simply came forward and personally seized Paul from their grasp. Being the commander of a thousand men, he could have delegated this to anyone below him. But one can see the air of authority in him through this action. He personally seized him “and commanded to be bound with two chains.”
These words are the fulfillment of the prophecy by Agabus in Acts 21:11 –
“When he had come to us, he took Paul’s belt, bound his own hands and feet, and said, ‘Thus says the Holy Spirit, “So shall the Jews at Jerusalem bind the man who owns this belt, and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.”’”
As he prophesied, so it came to pass. However, the Jews only passively bound him through their actions. The Romans formally bound him. The two chains, if to be taken literally from the words of Agabus, were placed with one chain on his hands and the other on his feet.
Luke’s specificity in these details concerning “two chains” is probably to indicate this. Being bound in this way would imply that they thought he was a hardened criminal, and this appears to be the sense as indicated in the coming words of verse 38. For now, it next says, “and inquired who he might be and what he had done.”
It is an obvious thing to do, even if the responses he received may not be the truth of the matter, he had to begin somewhere. As will be seen, the confusion of the situation will not be determined until later.’
Life application: The boldness of the commander walking into the midst of the fray and seizing Paul reveals a person confident in his position and authority. One can even imagine the Jews around Paul dividing and stepping back as he approached. He is the one who wielded the power, and he was unconcerned about what anyone around him may do.
This is a confident act, but it could have ended badly for him. One in the crowd, or even Paul himself, may have had a knife and struck out at him. But he was confident enough that such an occurrence was unlikely. This man was not a believer in Christ, and yet he didn’t fear the situation around him. He was a man with hope only in this life, but he was confident in his actions.
Unlike him, we have a hope that goes beyond this earthly life. Despite this, how willing are we to simply step forward and act? People are going to be separated from God for all eternity, and yet we act peevishly in our sharing of the gospel. We worry we might offend. We worry that we will look silly. We fret over not being able to properly convey what needs to be said.
One thing is for sure, if we don’t try, we won’t convey anything at all. Let us be bold and confident that our words and actions can have an effect on those we meet. Go forward and speak! People need Jesus. Let us be bold in our desire to share the wonderful message of Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father, be with us and direct us according to Your wisdom. Help us as we go out into the world each day and boldly find others that we can talk to about what You have done through the giving of Your Son for us. May we not fail to speak! Help us in this, O God. Amen.

Acts 21:32

Friday Nov 10, 2023

Friday Nov 10, 2023

Friday, 10 November 2023
He immediately took soldiers and centurions, and ran down to them. And when they saw the commander and the soldiers, they stopped beating Paul. Acts 21:32
The words are more literally rendered, “Who, immediately, having taken soldiers and centurions, ran down upon them. And having seen the commander and the soldiers, stopped beating Paul” (CG).
In the previous verse, it noted the commander of the cohort heard that all of Jerusalem was in an uproar. Now, referring to this commander, it says, “Who, immediately.”
This man was responsible for keeping peace and security within his area of jurisdiction. If he failed to act with absolute alacrity, things could get out of hand within moments. If it did, there would be investigations and possibly being relieved of his rank and/or position. Therefore, without delay, he arose from whatever he was doing, “having taken soldiers and centurions.”
Without even bothering to go see what was occurring, the first thing he did was to instinctively get a number of men assigned under him. By the time he had gone to see the disturbance and then returned, it might be too late. Therefore, he grabbed an overwhelming force and headed out.
Centurions were leaders over one hundred men. Therefore, this gives the sense that many soldiers were immediately dispatched. If there was more than one centurion, as the plural implies, then there were at least two hundred soldiers, maybe more.
They were prepared for whatever could happen by bringing a large show of force. And it worked. It next says they “ran down upon them.”
The sense is lost with the NKJV, which says, “ran down to them.” First, Luke uses a word found only here, katatrechó. The word gives the sense of running down from a higher point to a lower point. As they were in the tower, they descended.
Second, the word epi, or upon, is used. It was as if the soldiers were poured from on high, descending upon the masses below, flooding them. With that, Luke next says, “And having seen the commander and the soldiers.”
Those who were the perpetrators of the confrontation realized that they were being flooded with soldiers who were well-ranked and set for battle. There was obviously only one thing they could do at this point. And so, they “stopped beating Paul.”
As soon as the folks pounding on Paul saw the overwhelming flood of soldiers descending upon them, they restrained their fists lest they be taken in for rioting and assault. Of this, Matthew Poole marvelously notes, “The fear of man caused them to forbear what the fear of God could not.”
With that, the commander would have to evaluate the situation and take the path that would lead the most quickly to restoration of peace.
Life application: It has previously been argued during this Acts commentary checking a variety of translations is profitable for finding out the true sense of what is being conveyed. In this verse, and speaking of the commander, it says, “Who, immediately, having taken soldiers and centurions.”
Here, the word exautés is used. It is derived from ek, from or out of, and autos, a word used for a third-person pronoun such as he, she, it, etc. In the case of exautés, the explanation of the second word is given by James Strong, saying it is “the genitive case singular feminine of autos (hora being understood).” The word hora that Strong’s says is implied means a time period, such as an hour.
Why does this matter? It is because Smith’s Literal Translation uniquely says, “Who having taken out of it the soldiers and centurions.” In other words, instead of “immediately,” he says, “out of it.” The obvious question is, “Out of what?” The answer is determined from the previous verse, “Out of the cohort.”
Why would Smith’s say this? It is because the word translated as cohort is genitive, feminine, singular. This is exactly what the form of autos is in the word exautés. Hence, Smith’s determined that Luke’s reference is to the cohort and not to the amount of time in which the commander acted. Considering this, look at the two translations again –
“Who, immediately, having taken soldiers and centurions.” CG
“Who having taken out of it [the cohort] the soldiers and centurions.” SLT
Which is correct? They are both possible, and just because Smith’s is unique among translations, it does not mean he is wrong. As for the word exautés, it is used five other times in the New Testament. Each time it is used, it implies time. As such, the conservative view would be this is referring to time as well.
Hence, the CG translation followed this translation for consistency. However, this does not mean that this is what was on Luke’s mind. It would have been foolish for the commander to do anything but act with promptness. But there have been many fools in the world. Maybe he was just scared to go alone and called men out of the cohort.
As you can see, there is a chance that the translation may be one thing or another. Translating this verse one way or another will make absolutely no change in theology. But it demonstrates to us that we should not be so bullheaded as to demand that the Bible we are using is correct and all others are to be tossed in the fire. Rather, let us consider this wonderfully precious word, giving it our attention and careful consideration all our days.
O God, You who have given us Your word, help us to be careful and meticulous in how we consider what You have given to us in the pages of Scripture. May we be studious and lovingly consider each word that comes forth to us as we read. What a precious and beautiful gift of love this word is! Thank You for Your superior word. Amen.

Acts 21:31

Thursday Nov 09, 2023

Thursday Nov 09, 2023

Thursday, 9 November 2023
Now as they were seeking to kill him, news came to the commander of the garrison that all Jerusalem was in an uproar. Acts 21:31
In the previous verse, the city was disturbed, and the people ran together, seizing Paul, and dragging him out of the temple. With that, it next says, “Now as they were seeking to kill him.”
As is typical with crowds that have been stirred up, people will often act in a manner that they would not act in when alone. In this case, they have been riled up to the point that they are ready to kill Paul.
As will be seen, though, once Paul has a chance to defend himself, they will quiet down and listen to him. This means that at this time they actually have no idea why they are doing what they are doing. They are bent on killing him based on whatever rumor met their ears, whether true or not. While this was going on, “news came to the commander of the garrison.”
The word translated as garrison is better translated as a cohort or band. A garrison is the place where men are gathered. This man’s position refers to the gathering of the men rather than the place of their gathering. He is the commander of a unit of men stationed in Jerusalem.
The Greek designation of the commander is a chiliarch, meaning the captain of one thousand men. Such a cohort is one-sixth of a legion, which equates to six thousand men. This cohort was stationed in the castle Antonia which was on the north side of the temple. It is referred to in Matthew 27:65, 66; John 18:12; and Acts 5:26.
As for the word translated as news, it is the Greek word phasis. It is found only here in the New Testament. It speaks of the disclosure of a secret crime. In other words, an unlawful act was occurring because the Jews had no right to put anyone to death, especially in a mob scene.
However, by beating him to death in a mob, they could avoid having accusations against any individual for murder. It was a planned way of executing him that would leave a body but no available suspects. However, during the time of a feast, the Romans would be on a higher state of alert because of the multitudes of people flocking to Jerusalem.
As for the news he received, it was “that all Jerusalem was in an uproar.” Chaos had broken out because of the situation. In such a case, it could only get worse without immediate crowd control. Otherwise, people would be hurt, factions within the crowd would arise, and more chaos and destruction would occur. This is the exact reason why so many men were stationed in Jerusalem.
The city was a hotbed of activity. The religious, cultural, and political views of the Jews were set against any authority being established over them. Unless very strict controls were placed over the people, especially during the annual pilgrim feasts, things could get out of hand quickly. From there, a general uprising could easily spread throughout the land.
Life application: The best thing to do when in a crowded situation is to mind your own business. If people start getting out of hand, finding a quick avenue of escape is then the preferred option. Once the camera comes out and people start recording, it means things are getting out of hand. Instead of watching, which can be done on the evening news or YouTube later, ducking out and getting away from the mob is prudent.
This is even more important today, where governments are actively looking for reasons to arrest people of conservative, Christian values. There is a “guilt by association” attitude for anyone who is in such an area, even if they are just watching. This is perfectly evident when murderous thugs on the left are actually apprehended for severe crimes but are then released without charges within a few hours.
The world is devolving into wickedness, and it is the wicked who will be given the free pass when such times arise. Be on your guard and get away from crowds that are getting agitated. That is your best option in today’s world.
Lord God, give us wisdom and discernment in how to conduct our affairs when we are gathered in large settings. Help us to pay attention to what is going on around us and to be ready to act quickly if things get out of control. Above all, Lord, keep us from getting ourselves into situations where we might bring reproach on the name of Jesus. May it be so, O Lord. Amen.

Acts 21:30

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023

Wednesday, 8 November 2023
And all the city was disturbed; and the people ran together, seized Paul, and dragged him out of the temple; and immediately the doors were shut. Acts 21:30
More literally, the verse reads, “And the whole city was moved. And there was a rallying of the people. And, having seized Paul, they dragged him outside the temple, and immediately the doors were shut” (CG).
In the previous verse, it mentioned that the people erroneously believed Trophimus the Ephesian was brought into the temple by Paul. Because of this, it next says, “And the whole city was moved.”
When the accusatory words of these Jews, as stated in verse 28, were heard, it would have been greeted with the same horror as the defilement of any closely held religious or national icon among any given people. The entire city would have gone into an uproar, just as it did when accusations were leveled against Paul while in Ephesus at the Temple of Artemis. 
One can see the entire throng beginning to move in unison as if rushing at a rock concert or political gathering, hurrying to participate in the surrounding events. This then led naturally to the next event, where Luke records, “And there was a rallying of the people.”
Here is a word found only here in Scripture, sundromé. It is a noun signifying “a rushing together,” or literally “a concourse.” Saying “a rallying” gets the intent across because the accompanying words indicate that it was a riotous rallying.
As the crowd was moved, it was impelled toward the source of the events. All rallied to where the finger of the accusing Jews was pointed, meaning Paul. He is the focus of the rallying that has occurred. The violent actions of that are seen as the words continue, saying, “And, having seized Paul, they dragged him outside the temple.”
With a bloodthirsty lust, they grabbed Paul and dragged him out of the temple, supposing it was his actions that had brought defilement to their holy site. It is obvious that they intended to kill him. However, they didn't want to do so in the temple and further defile it with his blood.
Instead, they would do it outside. Further, to make sure that there could not be any further defilement, it next says, “and immediately the doors were shut.”
This would have been a hurried act by the priests to keep anyone else from coming in. These doors would have been the gates between the holy place and the Court of the Gentiles. Access to the temple was thus cut off from any but the priests. But no matter what would happen to Paul, because of the actions of the riotous mob, the good news of Revelation 21 would await him if this moment were to be his last –
“But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. 23 The city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is its light. 24 And the nations of those who are saved shall walk in its light, and the kings of the earth bring their glory and honor into it. 25 Its gates shall not be shut at all by day (there shall be no night there). 26 And they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it. 27 But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.” Revelation 21:22-27
Life application: In the world today, there are innumerable edifices that claim to be the focus of religious life for adherents of whatever religion is espoused. Judaism has synagogues, Islam has mosques, and Hinduism has temples. The Roman Catholic Church has churches spread out around the world, but the main focus of their religious life is found at the Vatican. Someday, Israel will again have a temple that will be considered the ultimate symbol of their faith.
These are locations where people meet and attend to their religious affairs. But despite being physical locations, this is shadow over substance. The true substance of rightly directed worship of God is not found in a building but in a Person. As Revelation 21:22 says, “the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple.”
Jesus implied this in His words to the woman at the well in John 4 –
“Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22 You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. 23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:21-24
True and proper worship of God can occur anywhere and at any time. It is found in honoring God through the provision He has given to allow us to once again fellowship with Him, meaning the Person of Jesus Christ. Only Jesus can atone for our sin, which separates us from God.
In this act of atonement, our prayers can be heard, our praises can be accepted, and our fellowship is restored. Don’t worry about a building or a location when you need to pour your heart out to God. Instead, cry out to Him through Jesus. In this, your words will be heard.
Lord God Almighty, how thankful we are for Jesus, who has made our calls to You possible. When we cry in anguish through Him, You will receive them and send comfort. When our hearts are overfilled with joy, and we extol You through Him, You will hear and be pleased. And when we have a need, You will attend to it according to Your wisdom because of Jesus. Yes, thank You for Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 

Acts 21:29

Tuesday Nov 07, 2023

Tuesday Nov 07, 2023

Tuesday, 7 November 2023
(For they had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the city, whom they supposed that Paul had brought into the temple.) Acts 21:29
In the previous verse, the Jews from Asia had leveled various charges against Paul. The last of those charges was, in their words, that “he also brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place.” As a note of explanation from Luke the next words are provided, saying, “For they had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the city.”
This would be the same Trophimus noted in Acts 20:4 and who will be referred to in 2 Timothy 4:20. Though he has not been mentioned since Acts 20:4, he had been a member of the missionary party continuously referred to since then. He and any other Gentiles, including Luke, had clearly been welcomed into the houses of the Jews mentioned in Acts 21:4, 21:7, and 21:8.
Because of his many interactions with Paul and the others, Trophimus would have been at least visually known to these Asian Jews, being from Ephesus himself. Having seen him together with Paul, they assumed that he was Paul’s sidekick, to be taken everywhere he went, including the temple. That is seen in the words, “whom they supposed that Paul had brought into the temple.”
This seems to confirm the idea mentioned in verse 28 concerning them already having been speaking against Paul to others in the city. They knew he was there, and they were determined to get him in one way or another. They were using the presence of Trophimus as a pretext to bring charges against Paul.
It never says they saw him bring Trophimus into the temple, only that they supposed he brought him into it. To make such a serious charge against him without actual proof meant that they did not care about the truth at all.
Life application: Israel was set apart as the people of the Lord. They were to refrain from becoming defiled and thus bringing defilement into the Lord’s presence, among whom they dwelt. However, throughout the Old Testament, they are continuously noted as defiling themselves.
The only thing that actually deemed them as holy was the Lord Himself. In Isaiah 65, speaking first of the Gentiles who sought the Lord, and who are then contrasted to the people of Israel, Isaiah calls out the word of the Lord –
“I was sought by those who did not ask for Me;I was found by those who did not seek Me.I said, ‘Here I am, here I am,’To a nation that was not called by My name.2 I have stretched out My hands all day long to a rebellious people,Who walk in a way that is not good,According to their own thoughts;3 A people who provoke Me to anger continually to My face;Who sacrifice in gardens,And burn incense on altars of brick;4 Who sit among the graves,And spend the night in the tombs;Who eat swine’s flesh,And the broth of abominable things is in their vessels;5 Who say, ‘Keep to yourself,Do not come near me,For I am holier than you!’These are smoke in My nostrils,A fire that burns all the day.” Isaiah 65:1-5
Paul cites a portion of these words of in Romans 10, contrasting the Gentiles who had received Christ to the people of Israel who had rejected Him –
“But Isaiah is very bold and says:
‘I was found by those who did not seek Me;I was made manifest to those who did not ask for Me.’
21 But to Israel he says:
‘All day long I have stretched out My handsTo a disobedient and contrary people.’” Romans 10:20, 21
Israel, not believing Gentiles, stands as defiled before the Lord. Why? The reason is that none of us are holy except because of the Lord who purifies us. Israel’s holiness was positional, not actual. They, however, did not live out their positional state by backing it up with holy actions. When Christ came, He offered holiness to those who would, by faith, trust in Him.
Israel as a nation failed to do this. On the other hand, the Gentiles readily accepted the message, they were granted God’s righteousness, and they are deemed holy and set apart to Him. This continues to this day. Those, whether Jews or Gentiles, who come to God through Jesus are reckoned as holy. Israel, as a nation, remains in a state of defilement. Be sure to grasp this. Until they, as a nation, call out to Jesus, they remain – as Paul says in Romans 9:26 – not His people.
Israel is God’s people in the sense that there is a future for them under the Messiah. But they are not at this time His people as regards being set apart as holy. It is Jesus who makes the distinction. No Jew who has rejected Jesus is saved, nor is he holy. This is important to remember so that we do not fall into error concerning the state of Israel at this time.
Lord God, help us to clearly understand what You are doing in the stream of redemptive history at this time. You are calling forth a people unto Yourself out of all nations of the earth through simple faith in Your offering of Jesus, the Messiah of Israel and the Christ of the nations. May we proclaim this message loudly and clearly so that none are deceived about their relationship with You. All people need Jesus. Help us to get this word out! Amen.

Acts 21:28

Monday Nov 06, 2023

Monday Nov 06, 2023

Monday, 6 November 2023
crying out, “Men of Israel, help! This is the man who teaches all men everywhere against the people, the law, and this place; and furthermore he also brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place.” Acts 21:28
A more literal rendering would be, “crying out, ‘Men, Israelites, help!’ This is the man, teaching all everywhere against the people, and the law, and this place. And also, Greeks he brought into the temple and defiled this holy place” (CG).
In the last verse, Jews from Asia, seeing Paul in the temple, stirred up the crowds and laid hands on him. With that, they were also “crying out, ‘Men, Israelites, help!’”
Their goal was to solidify their position by appealing to the crowd as fellow Israelites. The implication is that even if Paul were a Jew, he didn’t measure up as a citizen of the nation. This is because of their coming words. He was, to them, essentially, a traitor. They were Israel, but this person was a friend of Gentiles. That is seen in their next words, “This is the man, teaching all everywhere against the people.”
The words “This is the man” imply that they had already informed people about him and maybe even warned them to keep an eye out for him if he came. They had failed to quiet him in their own land, and now they thought to do so while on pilgrimage in Jerusalem, where the crowds would be easier to manipulate from a sense of national and religious pride.
 And this is exactly how they have come against him, making accusations that he was both unpatriotic and apostate. But more, they next appeal to the main source of their national identity, saying, “and the law.”
They were all of Israel, but it was the law that set them apart as the people of the Lord. Moses was their great lawgiver, and their national leadership was based upon that, as is testified to in both testaments of Scripture. For example, Jesus said –
“Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to His disciples, 2 saying: ‘The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do.’” Matthew 23:1-3
Because of Moses, the people were under those who administered the Law of Moses. This was understood just as the US Constitution is what guides and governs the law of the United States. The law was the basis for Israel’s religious, political, and cultural life. Along with their words concerning the law, they next bring in the edifice that is intimately tied to the religious administration of that law, saying, “and this place.”
It is referring to the temple itself. They accused him, incorrectly, of having defiled the temple. The word for “defiled” is koinoó. It literally means “to make common.” As the temple was considered holy, they claim his actions had defiled it by making it common. In such an instance, there would be a need to ritually cleanse the temple.
They were acting as if Paul was a contaminant that needed to be eradicated so that he would not affect the people, violate the law, or cause defilement to the temple. But more, they continue with untrue words, saying, “And also, Greeks he brought into the temple and defiled this holy place.”
The meaning of this will be explained in the coming verse. For now, Vincent's Word Studies provides the following on this –
“The Jews evidently meant to create the impression that Paul had introduced Gentiles into the inner court, which was restricted to the Jews. The temple proper was on the highest of a series of terraces which rose from the outer court, or Court of the Gentiles. In this outer court any stranger might worship. Between this and the terraces was a balustrade of stone, with columns at intervals, on which Greek and Latin inscriptions warned all Gentiles against advancing farther on pain of death. Beyond this balustrade rose a flight of fourteen steps to the first platform, on which was the Court of the Women, surrounded by a wall. In this court were the treasury, and various chambers, in one of which the Nazarites performed their vows. It was here that the Asiatic Jews discovered Paul.”
Life application: It must be remembered that the reason these people were riled up against Paul was ultimately because of one word: Gentile. There were innumerable Jews who didn’t adhere to Moses, they practiced sorcery, lied, cheated, made idols, etc., thus failing to adhere to the Law of Moses. These are seen in both testaments of Scripture.
Of such infractions, there was normally little or no response to their conduct. But once Paul, commissioned by Jesus as an apostle to the Gentiles, came on the scene, things never went well for him. And the One he proclaimed became completely disdained in their eyes. How could Jesus be the Messiah when He accepted Gentiles?
But this is exactly what Isaiah proclaimed –
“Indeed He says,‘It is too small a thing that You should be My ServantTo raise up the tribes of Jacob,And to restore the preserved ones of Israel;I will also give You as a light to the Gentiles,That You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth.’” Isaiah 49:6
To this day in Israel, Jews can become Muslims, Buddhists, or pretty much any other religion they choose. They can even be atheists. And yet, they are accepted as Jews. But when a Jew converts and accepts Jesus as his Messiah, he is ostracized by much of the society.
Take time today to pray for those Jews who are willing to openly proclaim the Name above all names, Jesus. And pray that their testimony to their own people will be effective in changing hearts and minds. Israel needs Jesus. Until they call out to Him, bad times will continue to plague them.
Heavenly Father, there is a great deal of animus and even hatred towards You among the people of Israel. This is multiplied when the name Jesus is proclaimed. Help us to be willing to witness to this stubborn and rebellious group so that hearts and minds will be softened and converted. May it be so to Your glory. Amen.

Acts 21:27

Sunday Nov 05, 2023

Sunday Nov 05, 2023

Sunday, 5 November 2023
Now when the seven days were almost ended, the Jews from Asia, seeing him in the temple, stirred up the whole crowd and laid hands on him, Acts 21:27
The previous verse saw Paul being purified according to the temple rites and announcing the expiration of the days of purification. Continuing the narrative, it next says, “Now when the seven days were almost ended.”
This makes it certain that the seven-day duration of the previous verse began with Paul’s purification and that the offering would be made at the end of that period. From verse 24:11, in relation to the timeline of events, it appears that this was about the fifth day. There, it says, “because you may ascertain that it is no more than twelve days since I went up to Jerusalem to worship.” It is right about this time, as these seven days were almost complete, that it then notes, “the Jews from Asia.”
At that time, Jews from Asia, meaning Jews who had been in the same locations that Paul had evangelized – and who had probably stirred things up against him previously – saw him in the temple. As it is the time of a pilgrim feast, it was a time when many Jews came to Jerusalem to meet old friends, share in cultural fellowship, and – above all – worship the Lord as instructed in the law. Of these Asian Jews in relation to Paul, it next says, “seeing him in the temple.”
Paul was still in the time of purification. Therefore, it was natural that he would be in the temple. It is because of this, and their unwillingness to determine the facts, that they will accost him. It is ironic that the very place where he was under rites of purification was to be the place which they accused him of defiling.
Instead of perceiving the truth of the matter, they simply relied on their memories of his past actions in Asia and began the attack. As it next says, they “stirred up the whole crowd.”
The verb indicates pouring things together so that they are mixed. Hence, they were confusing the situation in the minds of the people. It is a term found among medical writings of the time and which Luke would have probably used often in his own work. One can think of a doctor pouring various liquids together to form a particular medicine.As the verb is imperfect, it means that they began to stir up the crowd, and they continued to stir it up, getting the multitudes into a mass hysteria over Paul. Because of the crowd and the confusion that was brought upon them, it next says the crowd “laid hands on him.”
The meaning is that they were ready to commit physical harm against him at any moment. Once again, Paul has found himself in a dangerous situation from the agitations of his own people. It was, as he says in 2 Corinthians 11:26 “in perils of my own countrymen.” The message of the gospel was rejected by the nation. But hatred for that message came into its strongest focus because it is a message available to the Gentiles.
The idea of Jesus’ incarnation and sacrificial death for the sins of Israel could only mean that Israel was a nation of sinners. But more, it meant that the Law of Moses was incapable of correcting this situation. This notion was unconscionable to them. But more, that the same sacrifice of Jesus extended to Gentiles, who were not even a part of what God had been doing (or so they thought), was inexcusable to them. Paul was the herald of this message, and they wanted him eradicated because of it.
Life application: At the outbreak of hostilities between Israel and Gaza in October 2023, a Jewish “rabbi” Chaim Richman, was being interviewed and said to the interviewer, “You guys are worshiping one Jew, that’s a mistake. You should be worshiping every single one of us because we all die for your sins every single day. And that’s exactly what’s going on here. We’re all God’s firstborn and we’re dying for your sins right now.”
This is the attitude of the Jewish people that attacked Paul, and it has permeated their society to this day. They cannot accept that it is they who need forgiveness of sin, not only individually but as a nation.
Until one comes to Christ, whether Jew or Gentile, there is a mental disconnect between one’s state as a sinner and the infinite holiness of God. This is why people grade themselves on a bell curve when asked why they should be allowed to go to heaven. A common answer is, “Well, I’m not as bad as...” or “Well, I’m a good guy.”
Such evaluations make oneself the acceptable standard of goodness, a standard that sets the bar for God’s decision. This is what Chaim Richman has done in relation to Israel. He has openly avowed that Israel is the standard of God’s holiness, that they alone have met it, and they are, therefore, to be worshiped as a people. All others are to be subject to them, not because of who God is in relation to them, but who they are in relation to God.
Rather, there can be only one standard of holiness: God alone. The incarnation of Jesus Christ means that Jesus is God come in human form. He, therefore, is the standard – the bar – by which all men will be judged. One will stand in relation to Him and be condemned or saved, and the only way to be saved is by faith that He is the offering for the sin of man.
This is the message of the Bible. We must come to God through Jesus, and when we do so, God’s infinite perfection – His righteousness, holiness, etc., is imputed to us. Without this, we are condemned already. Let us hail God, who has brought us back to Himself through Jesus!
Glorious God Almighty! Praises to You forever and ever because of what You have done. You are worthy of all our honor and praise simply because You are our Creator. How much more should we glorify You because You are our Redeemer! Thank You for Jesus Christ, who has made this possible. Praises to You, O God. Amen.

Acts 21:26

Saturday Nov 04, 2023

Saturday Nov 04, 2023

Saturday, 4 November 2023
Then Paul took the men, and the next day, having been purified with them, entered the temple to announce the expiration of the days of purification, at which time an offering should be made for each one of them. Acts 21:26
The Greek is more literally translated as, “Then Paul, having taken the men on the following day – having been purified with them – entered into the temple, declaring the fulfillment of the days of the purification, until which was offered the offering for each one of them” (CG).
In the previous verse, James repeated the requirements expected of Gentiles concerning their walk before the Lord. Now, in contrast to that, the hoped-for completion of the rites of the Nazirite previously discussed for the four men who had taken such a vow is noted. Paul included himself in these rites, thus identifying with them. That is noted, beginning with, “Then Paul, having taken the men on the following day.”
The word “them” is referring to the four men described by James in verse 23. Paul took the advice of James and the other elders and took these men on the very next day, “having been purified with them.”
Fully complying with James’ advice, he took the men and went through the mandatory rites of purification with them. This was in accordance with the law, and the period would be seven days. When those days were met, an offering was to be made for each individual. That is stated in the next words, saying he “entered into the temple, declaring the fulfillment of the days of the purification.”
Of this, Charles Ellicott says, “The process lasted, as the next verse shows, for seven days, which were probably reckoned from the completion of the thirty days, or other term, of the vow itself. St. Paul, having made himself the representative of the Nazarite company, had to give, in their name, the formal notice to the priests, who were to be ready for the sacrifices when the seven days had expired. Seven days was, it will be noted, the ordinary period for the more solemn purifications (Exodus 29:37; Leviticus 12:2; Leviticus 13:6; Numbers 12:14; Numbers 19:14, et al.).”
Ellicott may be correct. There is nothing in the rites of the Nazirite to specify a seven-day period being required. However, if Paul was to be the representative for these men, a seven-day period might have been expected for purification purposes. No matter what, this was obviously a custom expected by the priests. Therefore, it next says, “until which was offered the offering for each one of them.”
The words “until which” could have various meanings. The Pulpit commentary says –
“Meyer makes ‘until’ depend upon ‘the fulfillment of the days,’ so as to define that fulfillment as not taking place till the offering was offered. Wieseler makes ‘until’ depend upon ‘he entered into the temple,’ with the idea supplied, ‘and remained there,’ or ‘came there daily;’ supposing that it was the custom for Nazarites to finish up their time of separation by passing the last seven days, or at least being present daily, in ‘the court of the women, where was the apartment appropriated to the Nazarites.’”
What seems logical based on the previous words, “having taken the men on the following day,” is that the rest of the days are future, not past. If it was past, it seems likely that Luke’s words would have been more precise concerning those seven days. Therefore, in these words, it is probably that Paul is declaring that the rites of purification had been administered, he was representing the four men, and after the necessary interval, he would make the offering for them.
Life application: The book of Hebrews says –
“For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect. 2 For then would they not have ceased to be offered? For the worshipers, once purified, would have had no more consciousness of sins. 3 But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins every year. 4 For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats could take away sins.” Hebrews 10:1-4
The point of those words is that the rites and rituals of the temple were only outward, fleshly ordinances, a term used in Hebrews 9:10. They actually didn’t cleanse anything but were external rites that could never change the true nature of a person, making him permanently acceptable to God.
However, Christ, because of His complete cleansing of those who come to Him, makes us wholly and eternally acceptable to God. This is reflected in the words –
“‘This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them,’ 17 then He adds, ‘Their sins and their lawless deeds I will remember no more.’ 18 Now where there is remission of these, there is no longer an offering for sin.” Hebrews 10:16-18
In saying, “there is no longer an offering for sin,” it means that Christ’s work is a one-time and for all-time cleansing. No other offering for sin is acceptable, nor is it needed. As this is so, then why would anyone want to go back to the external, temporary, and futile rites and rituals of the Mosaic Covenant?
Jesus Christ purifies those who come to Him once and forever! Rejoice in that and be confident in your salvation and eternal cleansing. Take time today to read Hebrews 10:1-25. Think about what is being said there. Hold fast to faith in Christ as your hope. It is the sweet spot in what God offers to the people of the world.
Heavenly Father, it is beyond imagination to think about what You have done through the giving of Jesus. You have brought us back to Yourself, completely and perfectly, through His sacrificial offering. We rejoice in You and thank You. Praises be to You forever and ever! Amen.

Acts 21:25

Friday Nov 03, 2023

Friday Nov 03, 2023

Friday, 3 November 2023
“But concerning the Gentiles who believe, we have written and decided that they should observe no such thing, except that they should keep themselves from things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality.” Acts 21:25
Paul was just told that he should consider going with four men who were completing their vows and to participate in their purification rites according to the law, also paying their expenses. That was intended to show all who saw that the things they heard about him were untrue and that he also walked in an orderly manner and kept the law.
With that remembered, James once again upholds the edict of the Jerusalem council. By doing so, he is determined that the Gentiles are to be considered acceptable to the Jews in the church regardless of their nature. Therefore, he begins with, “But concerning the Gentiles who believe.”
James has set a line between the Jews and Gentiles. The Jews are doing their thing, but what they were doing was not to be imposed on the Gentiles. The thing the Jews were doing is what he just said, they “kept the law.” On the other hand, he says, “we have written and decided.”
This refers to the formal edict published by the Jerusalem Council based upon the judgment rendered there. That explicitly said “that they should observe no such thing, except...”
In other words, they were not bound to any restriction, law, precept, custom, or tradition of the Jewish nation, nor to the Law of Moses. They were given complete freedom to live out their lives in the manner of their culture, laws, customs, traditions, diets, holidays, etc. All of this was to be without any question of impropriety in the minds of the Jewish believers.
However, the word “except” is given to introduce four points agreed on by the council that the Gentiles should avoid. And even those four things were not given as laws, but as hoped-for recommendations as evidenced by the words of their letter which said, “If you keep yourselves from these, you will do well” (Acts 15:29).
James next repeats the four recommended prohibitions, beginning with “that they should keep themselves from things offered to idols.” The word “should” is not in the original, even if it is implied. It more literally says, “to watch themselves from that sacrificed to idols” (SLT).
In Acts 15, it was clear that this doesn’t merely mean practicing idolatry, but abstaining from anything that is connected to the service of idols, such as partaking in sacrifices and offerings, etc. James does not go into the depth of the Law of Moses concerning this. Rather, it is a general statement set forth as a guideline for right living among believers. His words distance the decision of the council from the weight of the law in his words.
 He next says, “from blood.” The words form a general statement concerning a matter that is carefully detailed in the law. It is stated many times and in exacting ways concerning what was to be done with the blood. James’ decision completely separates the matter from the Law of Moses. But its main intent was surely to have the people consider why they were drinking blood in the first place. Several reasons were surely behind the decision.
One is that drinking blood was, and even today in some cultures is, intended to assimilate the power of the one whose blood was being drunk into the person drinking. Another reason is related to idolatry, where the blood of an animal that was sacrificed was consumed by the offeror as a way of fellowshipping with their god or gods.
Also, the shedding of blood has almost universally been considered a means of atoning for sin. This is seen in cultures around the world. But Christ’s blood is the only effectual sacrifice for the atonement of sin. This then is an object lesson concerning the nature of Christ’s sacrifice as much as anything else.
James next says, “from things strangled.” The Greek simply reads “and strangled.” The Greek word is pniktos, and this is its last use in Scripture. It signifies something killed without letting the blood out. Vincent’s Word Studies extends the thought to animals killed in snares. This is an inference, but it is probably the case.
The laws within the Law of Moses are detailed and explicit on how to treat the blood of animals sacrificed or simply slaughtered for meat. James, once again, gives a general statement concerning the matter, completely distancing the decision from the Law of Moses. With that, he finishes the thought with, “and from sexual immorality.”
The word in Greek is porneia. It signifies “selling off (surrendering) of sexual purity, promiscuity of any (every) type” (HELPS Word Studies). Quite often, it is associated with idolatry. James gives this general word, never mentioning the very strict laws associated with such things as set forth in the law of Moses. As such, it was another clear indication that the Law of Moses had no bearing on the decision.
In Acts 15, James said, “to abstain from things polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood.”
In Acts 21, he says, “except that they should keep themselves from things offered to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality.”
His words, though being in a different order, are essentially the same. These were the only restrictions placed upon the Gentiles, and they are clearly only recommended prohibitions.
Life application: The words of James, repeated from Acts 15, are not words of law. If they were, then the Gentiles would be under their own set law, and grace would be excluded. But Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles, has clearly indicated this is not the case in his epistles. These are recommendations given for a set purpose, which is to not cause conflict between the Jews that believe and the believing Gentiles they would encounter.
The Jews eventually stopped observing the Law of Moses as well, it being impossible to observe without a standing temple. Even if believing Jews continue to observe various aspects of the law as cultural customs, they are not under the Law of Moses any longer. That is made explicit in the book of Hebrews.
It was during the time that the temple was standing, a time when observing the law was culturally mandatory, that believing Jews continued to observe Moses. Paul includes himself when he confirms this in Romans –
“For sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under law but under grace. 15 What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not!” Romans 6:14, 15
The law is not grace. But believers are under grace, not law. Therefore, even if Paul observed Moses for set purposes that have been seen in Acts and in his epistles, he also did not observe Moses for set purposes as well. He did these things to win people to Christ. Do not let anyone steal you from the proper path. Your salvation is not dependent on what you do or do not do. It is dependent on your faith in what Christ has done, nothing else.
Glorious Lord God, today we rejoice in You and in Your goodness toward us through the giving of Your Son for our sins. He has freed us from the bonds of the law and set us on a path of grace. May we be all the more willing to please You in our walk of faith and holiness because of this wonderful blessing that rests upon us! Amen.

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