The first episodes are from Genesis. Since Feb 2021 we began an exciting daily commentary in the the book of Acts since it is certain that almost all major theological errors within the church arise by a misapplication, or a misuse, of the book of Acts. If the book is taken in its proper light, it is an invaluable tool for understanding what God is doing in the redemptive narrative in human history. If it is taken incorrectly, failed doctrine, and even heretical ideas, will arise (and consistently have arisen) within the church. Let us consider the book of Acts in its proper light. In doing so, these errors in thinking and theology will be avoided. The book of Acts is comprised of 28 chapters of 1007 verses (as in the NKJV). Therefore, a daily evaluation of Acts, one verse per day, will take approximately 2.76 years to complete.
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday, 26 November 2023
So I answered, ‘Who are You, Lord?’ And He said to me, ‘I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are persecuting.’ Acts 22:8
Rather, the Greek reads, “And I answered, ‘Who are You, Lord?’ And He said to me, ‘I am Jesus the Nazarene, whom you are persecuting’” (CG).
In the previous verse, Paul had fallen to the ground and heard a voice asking, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” It next says, “And I answered, ‘Who are You, Lord?’”
Paul’s questioning of who the Presence is shows that even though he had all of the training of a master, he still didn't know who the Lord truly was. It is reminiscent of the story of Samuel in 1 Samuel 3 –
“And the Lord called Samuel again the third time. So he arose and went to Eli, and said, ‘Here I am, for you did call me.’
Then Eli perceived that the Lord had called the boy. 9 Therefore Eli said to Samuel, ‘Go, lie down; and it shall be, if He calls you, that you must say, “Speak, Lord, for Your servant hears.”’ So Samuel went and lay down in his place.
10 Now the Lord came and stood and called as at other times, ‘Samuel! Samuel!’
And Samuel answered, ‘Speak, for Your servant hears.’” 1 Samuel 3:8-10
Paul knew that this was a divine messenger, but he could not have imagined that Jesus was that divine messenger. His worldview and presuppositions about the law, the Messiah, etc., would not allow him to believe that his actions could possibly be responsible for the persecution of God’s appointed Messiah. However, that was about to change with the next words, “And He said to me, ‘I am Jesus the Nazarene.’”
The word Nazarene was not used by Luke in Chapter 9. However, Paul here indicates that this is the full title that was spoken to him. Luke’s words in Chapter 9 were focused more on the persecution and Paul’s stubborn inability to perceive the truth, instead recklessly pursuing a false direction –
“And he said, ‘Who are You, Lord?’Then the Lord said, ‘I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the goads.’”
Here, Paul first identifies the Source of the words from heaven because of the audience he is addressing. He carefully calls Jesus the Nazarene to ensure that the proper Jesus (Hebrew: Yeshua) was being identified for their understanding.
The name was not uncommon in Israel at the time. Identifying him this way would carefully elicit memories of the Man who had come and done so many miracles among the people, who had been crucified, and whose followers avowed that He had risen. Paul poignantly identifies himself with this same Jesus. With that, he completes Jesus’ words to him, saying, “whom you are persecuting.”
Paul doesn’t leave out the fact that he had been persecuting Jesus, but the proper Jesus had to first be identified. Matthew Poole describes the term Nazarene used here, saying “...that contemned (though not contemptible) name is owned by Christ from heaven, that they might not be ashamed when they were reproached by it on earth.”
Life application: The name Jesus is the name at which every person shall someday bow. All of humanity, from Adam until the last person born, will acknowledge Him –
“Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” Philippians 2:9-11
Isaiah, however, ascribes this honor to the Lord (Yehovah) –
“Look to Me, and be saved,All you ends of the earth!For I am God, and there is no other.23 I have sworn by Myself;The word has gone out of My mouth in righteousness,And shall not return,That to Me every knee shall bow,Every tongue shall take an oath.” Isaiah 45:22, 23
Paul directly cites Isaiah and applies what the Lord said through him to Jesus. Either Paul was a heretic and a blasphemer, or he is rightly claiming that Jesus is the Lord incarnate. The truth of Jesus’ deity cannot be missed if one truly searches it out. However, presuppositions and biases stand in the way. Paul was given a special grace by encountering the Lord personally.
We are likewise offered the grace of meeting Jesus personally through the now-completed pages of Scripture. Let us be wise and attend carefully to what we read. The choice is ours, just as it was for Paul. He responded properly –
“Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision, 20 but declared first to those in Damascus and in Jerusalem, and throughout all the region of Judea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent, turn to God, and do works befitting repentance.” Acts 26:19, 20
Paul was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. We are not to be disobedient to the testimony now set forth in the pages of the Bible. Believe and be saved, and then share this message with those you encounter, to the glory of God who saved you.
Lord God Almighty, thank You for the word that You have given us. It is the place where we can encounter You and find the truth of who You are. May we not be slack about our pursuit of You. Rather, fill us with the burning desire to know You more and more each day. To Your glory, we pray. Amen.
Saturday Nov 25, 2023
Saturday Nov 25, 2023
Saturday, 25 November 2023
“And I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?’ Acts 22:7
In the last verse, Paul was approaching Damascus when a gleaming light shone around him. Next, it says, “And I fell to the ground.”
The light overwhelmed him, and as happens at other points in Scripture where someone encounters the glory of God. Regardless of how He reveals Himself, it is a natural reaction to beholding His glory. An example of this is found in Peter’s encounter with Jesus –
“But Simon answered and said to Him, ‘Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.’ 6 And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. 7 So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink. 8 When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, ‘Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!’” Luke 5:5-8
This doesn’t mean that Peter recognized Jesus as God, but he did recognize the miracle as having come from God. Thus, Peter understood that Jesus had been a divinely appointed Messenger of the Lord. The miracle leveled him because he discerned his utterly contemptible nature before such greatness.
Paul is now overwhelmed in a different but comparable way. The glory of the risen Lord was too much for him to bear, and the event, likewise, leveled him. With that having occurred, it next says, “and heard a voice saying to me, ‘Saul, Saul.’”
The Greek Saoul, Saoul is transliterated from the Hebrew name Shaul, or Saul, meaning Asked For. Further, the call is personal, having been repeated twice as so often occurs in Scripture. It is a way of bearing verbal emphasis. Further, it is generally used in a way that demonstrates intimate familiarity. For example –
“So Israel took his journey with all that he had, and came to Beersheba, and offered sacrifices to the God of his father Isaac. 2 Then God spoke to Israel in the visions of the night, and said, ‘Jacob, Jacob!’
And he said, “Here I am.”
3 So He said, ‘I am God, the God of your father; do not fear to go down to Egypt, for I will make of you a great nation there. 4 I will go down with you to Egypt, and I will also surely bring you up again; and Joseph will put his hand on your eyes.’” Genesis 46:1-4
The Lord was emphatically calling Jacob, intimately identifying with him, and demonstrating that He knew what would come to pass. In this, He was reassuring Jacob concerning the future, the events of which were completely within the control of His capable hands.
As for the encounter between Jesus and Saul, the words continue, saying, “why are you persecuting Me?”
The accusation is personal as well – “Why are you persecuting ME?” An attack against believers is an attack against Christ Himself. If the church is “in Christ,” then it is “in” Christ! Of interest is that the noun “voice” is in a different case than in verse 9.
The same is true with Acts 9:4 and Acts 9:7. The reason is certainly to show that the others heard a sound, but it was not speech to them. The Lord was only speaking to Paul.
Life application: In Isaiah 66, it says –
“Thus says the Lord:‘Heaven is My throne,And earth is My footstool.Where is the house that you will build Me?And where is the place of My rest?2 For all those things My hand has made,And all those things exist,’Says the Lord.‘But on this one will I look:On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit,And who trembles at My word.’” Isaiah 66:1, 2
The word of God, meaning the Holy Bible, reveals who God is. It speaks forth His intentions for the people of the world. God says that He looks favorably upon the one who trembles at this word. Does this reflect your state before God?
It is certain that you cannot tremble at a word you don’t read. Nor can you tremble at a word that you read in which you are looking for personal earthly gain. But this is how much of the church treats the word because this is what they have been taught about the word.
You might be looking to get rich, and so you look to the Bible as a talisman to make that happen. There is no trembling and reverent fear in this. There is only the expectation that the Great ATM in the sky will be paying out in the days ahead.
The word of God is supposed to appeal to our souls, convict us of our sins, reveal to us His greatness, demonstrate our need for His mercy and grace, etc. These things are what we should find when we open the word and look into it. Let us consider this as we reflect upon this sacred and precious word.
Glorious Lord God, we stand in awe of Your splendor and majesty. We thank You for the grace and kindness You have shown to us, even in our fallen state. And we thank You that because of Jesus, we are now reconciled to You for all eternity. Be glorified in our praises to You, O God. Amen.
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Friday Nov 24, 2023
Friday, 24 November 2023
“Now it happened, as I journeyed and came near Damascus at about noon, suddenly a great light from heaven shone around me.” Acts 22:6
A more literal translation would be, “And it was to me, traveling and approaching Damascus about midday, suddenly from heaven considerable light gleamed around me” (CG).
In the previous verse, Paul told the gathered crowd that he had received letters allowing him to bring in chains to Jerusalem those who followed the Way in Damascus. He continues now, saying, “And it was to me, traveling and approaching Damascus.
Paul notes a few things here that are of interest. The first is that what occurred was as he was approaching Damascus. This means that it occurred outside of the land of Israel. It is not to simply be dismissed because of this though, as some Jewish commentaries attempt to do about such events.
Daniel and Ezekiel had their visions outside of the land. Moses received the law outside of the land. Elijah was taken out of the land when he spoke to the Lord. Etc. Paul is stating this as a fact, and the people were to receive it as such.
Secondly, he next says it was about midday. This was omitted from the account in chapter 9. Paul is giving a first-hand account of the matter. Stating that it was around the middle of the day is then telling the crowd that what occurred was more intense and brighter than even the sun in its fullest moment.
The glory which he beheld eclipsed the splendor of the sun. This is similar to how Jesus is described in Revelation 1:16 –
“He had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength.”
As for the word translated as midday, this is the second and last time it is seen in Scripture. The word is mesémbria. It is a compound word coming from mesos, meaning “middle,” and hémera, meaning “day.” Hence, it means “midday.” Of the manifestation, he next says it occurred “suddenly from heaven.”
This was not something that could be attributed to man, such as someone in the distance carrying a mirror that reflected the light. Rather, the direction is from above. It wasn’t there, and then it was suddenly there. Continuing, Paul says, “considerable light gleamed around me.”
The word periastrapto is also used for the second and last time. It comes from peri, around, and astraptó, to flash forth. The word astraptó was used in Luke 24:4 to describe the dazzling garments worn by the two men at Jesus’ tomb. This was more than a temporary flash. Rather, there was a gleaming radiance from heaven that suddenly enveloped Paul.
Life application: Paul was chosen as an apostle and designated to go forth to the Gentiles. He was a hard case in his fight against Christianity, and it took a hard lesson for him to understand just who he was persecuting.
The same is true with many of the people of the world today. But it should not be expected that the Lord is going to suddenly reveal Himself to them. Nor is it wise to listen to people who claim this is how they met the Lord. We now meet the Lord through His completed word.
This is stated explicitly in Scripture. Instead of wasting your time reading books about heavenly visitations and watching videos about people claiming they have seen the Lord, it would be prudent to spend your time reading the Bible and sharing the gospel.
It is incumbent on us to tell the world about Jesus. He is not going to go around His word, popping into people’s heads or offices, to make converts. He has entrusted that sacred duty to the people of His church.
Lord God, what a treasure and a gift Your word is. May we be wise in pursuing it and diligent in sharing it. People need this word to know who Jesus is and what He has done. They need it to understand the gospel. Help us to learn the word and then share it with others. To Your glory, we pray. Amen.
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
Thursday Nov 23, 2023
Thursday, 23 November 2023
“as also the high priest bears me witness, and all the council of the elders, from whom I also received letters to the brethren, and went to Damascus to bring in chains even those who were there to Jerusalem to be punished. Acts 22:5
A more literal rendering would be, “as also the high priest bears me witness, and all the elderhood. From whom also having received letters to the brothers, I went to Damascus even to bring those there being bound to Jerusalem so that they might be punished” (CG).
In the previous verse, Paul noted that he persecuted the Way to the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women. He continues that thought now, saying, “as also the high priest bears me witness.”
Scholars enjoy arguing over which high priest is being referred to. Some are adamant that he's speaking of the high priest at the time of his conversion. Others say that he is speaking of the high priest at the time he is speaking.
It could be either, but that is not what is important. Having grown up around these people, they would understand his actions and the authority of the position. Such argumentation distracts from the main point, which is the authority of the office. Along with the high priest, he next says, “and all the elderhood.”
His statement that the high priest, as well as all of the council of elders, knew of his actions could so easily be refuted that it had to be true. Some of them may have been standing there at that moment.
As for the term “elderhood,” it is found only in Luke 22:66, here, and 1 Timothy 4:14. In 1 Timothy 4, Paul uses it concerning the elders of the church. It is a noun indicating an elderhood or presbytery. Of these offices in the leadership of Israel, he next says, “From whom also having received letters to the brothers, I went to Damascus.”
From the body of the high priest and the elders, among whom some were still living at the present time, he received his permission to conduct his persecution of the Christians even as far as Damascus.
In his words about the Jews there, he calls them “brothers.” It is an emphatic way of saying that, even now, he identified himself with the Jewish people as brothers. Implied in this is that the faith he pursued in no way removed him from his status as a Jew.
What he did was with the authority and sanction of Israel’s leaders, and it was in accord with the principles of his Jewish brethren where he traveled. This was specifically, “even to bring those there being bound to Jerusalem.”
One can see that Paul was operating under a greater plan of ending the Way. Those in other locations who believed were bound. Paul went to retrieve them and bring them to the seat of power and authority in Jerusalem “so that they might be punished.”
The word he uses, timóreó, is found only here and in a verse where he again discusses this persecution against the saints, Acts 26:11. Its literal meaning is to assign due retribution. Paul was avenging himself upon the church, and he was working for the elders who would also avenge themselves on it. They believed that the church was committing offenses against their way of life. Thus, suitable atonement through their punishment was necessary.
Life application: Paul never stopped being a Jew when he came to faith in Jesus. However, this does not mean that he had to adhere to everything that he once adhered to. That thinking will be proven completely false in the verses ahead.
Rather than losing his cultural and national identity, he solidified it. As many messianic believers state today, they are now “completed Jews.” They have developed beyond the Law of Moses, having come to the One whom Moses spoke of.
The Law of Moses does not define who the Jewish people are. Their relationship with the Lord, in the context that applies at a given time within His redemptive plans, is what defines them as a people. As the law was fulfilled by Christ, it is by faith in Him alone that defines them as His people. This is explicitly stated in Romans 9-11.
Without national salvation through Messiah, Israel is not in a right standing with the Lord. Pray that they will seek Him out while He may be found. The end times are coming upon the world, and Israel will be here, enduring through that terrible trial because of their rejection of Christ.
The good news, however, is that they shall survive as a people and enter into the millennium with Christ as their Head. God is ever faithful to His faithless people.
Lord God may Your guiding hand be upon Israel during their time of trial and trouble in the years ahead. Open hearts and minds to the truth of who Jesus is before that day comes. And, Lord, we long for the day when You will be glorified through them when they, as Your people once again, hail the exalted name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Wednesday, 22 November 2023
“I persecuted this Way to the death, binding and delivering into prisons both men and women, Acts 22:4
The words are more literally rendered, “Who persecuted this Way until death, binding and betraying to prisons both men and women” (CG).
In the previous verse, Paul refuted the accusations levied against him to the crowd standing before him, noting that he was zealous toward God as all of them were. Continuing now, he says, “Who persecuted this Way.”
Instead of saying, “I persecuted,” he uses a relative pronoun, referring to his past self in a way that highlights his particular role. In essence, “I am Paul, he who did these things.” Adding in the words “this Way,” is a way of revealing that the man standing before them was the same man. It was a part of who he was at the time. He was an enemy of the Way.”
The term Way is the early Christian formula that hearkens back to the words of Jesus –
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6
By this time, it was an understood term used by believers that others also seemed to be aware of. And more, it could have been a term of derision used by non-believers. Like messianic believers today, they may have been accepted in society but considered on its fringe. This is true of any strange sect.
No matter what, the use of the words “this Way” identifies something that the people were aware of. As for his connection to persecuting the Way in his previous life, it was “until death.”
The word translated as “until” is achri. It doesn't necessarily mean that he participated in their deaths but that his actions brought the people to this point. Acts 26 gives more detail on this –
“Indeed, I myself thought I must do many things contrary to the name of Jesus of Nazareth. 10 This I also did in Jerusalem, and many of the saints I shut up in prison, having received authority from the chief priests; and when they were put to death, I cast my vote against them. 11 And I punished them often in every synagogue and compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly enraged against them, I persecuted them even to foreign cities.” Acts 26:9-11
Of this treatment, Paul openly acknowledges his previous conduct, saying, “binding and betraying to prisons.”
This was something already acknowledged in Acts 9, where Paul actively went out searching for those he wanted to be brought before the rulers for trial –
“Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest 2 and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.” Acts 9:1, 2
He was given full authority to not only seize the people but to bind them and bring them in. But his words go further by using the word paradidómi, translated as “betraying.” It signifies close, personal involvement. Translating it as betray instead of deliver is because these were fellow countrymen. There had to be a sense of purposeful betrayal, whether right or wrong. Jesus uses the word often. In Matthew 26:46, He says of Judas –
“Rise, let us be going. See, My betrayer is at hand.”
As for the word “prisons,” it is in the plural, even though not all translations rightly reflect this. It is a note to the people that he didn't just have them arrested around his area but that he actively went out looking for people to be imprisoned. This included “both men and women.”
The man of the house was considered the responsible party for the conduct of the house. However, Paul held women personally accountable for their conduct and arrested them along with the men. He was passionate that anyone associated with the Way was to be rounded up, bound, and taken to prison. He felt there was no room for any such person within the Jewish society.
Life application: Acts 9, where Paul was converted, was a long time ago in the ongoing narrative. It had been many years, and Paul had never lost his zeal to speak out concerning the calling to which he had been called.
It is something that we should reflect on. It is not possible to retain the same level of emotion as we felt when we first came to love someone. But that doesn’t mean we cannot have the same level of commitment to them. Our love evolves and develops in new directions as we learn, grow, and interact. But our commitment can and should remain the same or even stronger.
There should never be a time that one is less committed to his marriage, being a parent, being a follower of Jesus, etc. And yet, though we may stay committed in some of these aspects, we may not be so devoted in others. Let us take time to evaluate how truly committed we are to those things we have a responsibility for.
Are we just as committed to our job as the day we started? Are we as committed to reading the Bible as we used to be? What about church attendance? Have we let that wane? Search out your priorities and refocus if need be.
You may have come to dislike your job, but you should be just as committed to it today as you were when things were going smoothly. Your pay reflects a standard that you should be upholding. Consider and redirect! Be that committed soul that you should be in those areas of life that are a part of who you are.
Heavenly Father, we may have let parts of our lives slacken in commitment. In doing this, it is ultimately a reflection on You because we are called by Your name because we are in Christ. Help us to consider this and to redirect ourselves to be fully committed to those things we are a part of in life. To Your glory, we pray. Amen.
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Tuesday, 21 November 2023
“I am indeed a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, taught according to the strictness of our fathers’ law, and was zealous toward God as you all are today. Acts 22:3
More precisely, the Greek reads, “I am indeed a man, a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia and brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, instructed according to the scrupulousness of the patriarchal law; being a zealot for God, as all you are this day” (CG).
In the previous verse, Luke prepared us for Paul’s words of defense before the people of Israel. He now begins those words, saying, “I am indeed a man, a Jew.”
These words of Paul, spoken in his defense, will answer everything that he was accused of in Acts 21:28. He begins with the fact that he is a man, a Jew. Thus, he has identified himself as one who was legally allowed to be in the temple area, and specifically the area of the temple in which he was accosted. There is the Court of the Gentiles, the Court of the Women, and then it proceeded to where only men could go. From there, he next says, “born in Tarsus of Cilicia.”
Mentioning that he was born in Tarsus might seem unnecessary, but he is speaking to them in their language. Unlike many of those who came and didn't speak the local dialect (as is seen in Acts 2), Paul did. Secondly, noting his place of birth sets the stage for his next words, “and brought up in this city.”
He was brought up in Jerusalem. He was fully aware of the culture and customs of the city. He would have frequently been to the temple, interacted with the people, and was fully aware of what was allowed and what was not.
This is important because it was in Acts 21:29 it was supposed that he had brought Trophimus the Ephesian into the city. Anyone raised in Jerusalem would know that this was not acceptable. He then notes that his rearing was “at the feet of Gamaliel.”
This showed that not only was he a Jew, but that even from a very young age, he was brought up to live as an observant Jew in the home country and even in the home capital where Gamaliel instructed. And more, being brought up under him – one of the greatest teachers in their history – meant that he probably came there at 12 after becoming a “Son of the Covenant.” To be brought up “at the feet” of a rabbi as was the custom of observant families.
Sitting at the feet of a rabbi has a literal meaning. The rabbis sat in a highchair, and their students sat on the ground at their feet. In this honorable study, he next says he was “instructed according to the scrupulousness of the patriarchal law.”
The word translated as scrupulousness is found only here in Scripture, akribeia. It is a noun that gives the sense of exactly adhering to something. There is precise attention and focus.
In other words, he perfectly attended to the law which had been passed down from the fathers, even since it was received by Moses at Sinai. The adjective form of the word is used again in Acts 26:5.
As for the word translated as patriarchal, it is an adjective meaning hereditary, but in the masculine sense. It is that which is received from one’s fathers. Some translations say, “of our fathers,” “father’s law,” “ancestral law,” “patristic law,” etc. However, for an exact match, the word “patriarchal” gives the best sense. He next says, “being a zealot for God, as all you are this day.”
As he continues, he indicates that this strict upbringing made him just as zealous towards God as they were. It is a subtle compliment to them that they at least thought they were acting on behalf of God’s honor through their actions.
As he says this in the present tense, translating it as “was” as in the KJV and NKJV is a poor rendering. It makes it sound like his zealousness was in the past and not necessarily continuing at this time. His use of the present tense indicates that he is just as zealous to what God had presented now as he was in the past.
How could he say this if he was associating with Gentiles? It is because Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law of Moses. In following Jesus, Paul was actually more observant to Moses than any Jew who thought he was pleasing to God by observing the law without Jesus.
Life application: One cannot say he is a follower of Moses while rejecting Jesus. It is impossible because Moses wrote about Jesus (John 5:46). One who accepts the words of Jesus will be willing to come to Jesus (John 5:40).
Moses wrote of the Prophet to come. Jesus is that Prophet. This Prophet would be like Moses. As Moses introduced the covenant at Sinai, Jesus would introduce the New Covenant in Jerusalem. This New Covenant was prophesied during the time of Moses (Jeremiah 31). Therefore, Moses (meaning the Law of Moses) anticipated the end of the law and the introduction of something new.
If one fails to come to Jesus through His New Covenant, he has failed to be obedient to Moses, and his condemnation remains. Only in coming to Christ can one truly be observant of the Law of Moses.
Paul does not say to the people that they are being obedient to the law. Rather, he says that they are zealous toward God. One can be zealous toward God in Islam. It does not mean that he is right with God. One can be zealous toward God in Judaism and not be right with Him. Paul did not mislead the people, and his words will continue to lead them to the truth of who Jesus is.
It will then be their choice to either receive or reject his words. The same is true with each of us today. Choose wisely. Choose Jesus.
Lord God, we thank You for Jesus who has come, fulfilled the Law of Moses, and who has set it aside so that we can worship You in spirit and in truth. Without Him, we are all goners. But in Christ, we are brought near to You for all eternity. Thank You, O God, for Jesus Christ our Lord! Amen.
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday, 20 November 2023
And when they heard that he spoke to them in the Hebrew language, they kept all the more silent.Then he said: Acts 22:2
In the previous verse, Paul noted his desire to present his defense before the people. With that, it now continues, saying, “And when they heard that he spoke to them in the Hebrew language.”
As noted in the commentary on Acts 21:40, the meaning of the word translated as “Hebrew” would be the Aramaic variant of the inhabitants at this time. It would probably have had a mixture of both Hebrew and Aramaic mingled together, drawing on one language or another for emphasis.
Until he started speaking in this particular dialect, the people who were in the mob probably didn’t know who Paul was or what he had done wrong. They simply heard someone say something, and they jumped into the fray, accepting what they heard. The impression of many would be that he spoke one of the languages of the dispersion and was simply a miscreant who had come to the festival and defiled the temple.
However, he is now speaking to them in their own dialect. The sudden understanding that he was one of them caused them to quiet down. As it says, “they kept all the more silent.” They were already somewhat calmed down by his having been taken by the Romans.
There were probably minor cheers or cries for justice, but these would be intermittent by this point. But seeing him turn, wave his hand, and then start speaking in their tongue would have shut up the most boisterous of them.
As he was out of their hands, and because there was no reason to continue to strive against him without ending up in chains, or worse, the natural thing to do now would be to simply quiet down and listen to what he had to say. With that, the verse ends with, “Then he said.” The verse leaves us on a cliffhanger. Exciting words surely lie ahead.
Life application: To get a sense of what the language of Judea may have been like at the time, we can think of how any language is used today. If you ever go to the Philippines, you will hear people talking in their own language. And then, right out of the blue, they will throw in a few words or even a full sentence of English.
In America, we will do the same but usually in a more limited way. Someone may say, “I went to the store today, and the shelves were practically empty. That was no bueno.” Adding in the Spanish is simply for effect.
After the return of the people from Babylon, the Aramaic script had taken over as the written aleph-beth. The returnees would have spoken Aramaic for the most part. Over the years, the Greeks came in, and everything Greek became a fashion to many. Therefore, much of their influence was incorporated into the culture. By the time of Jesus’ coming, the original Hebrew was reserved for reading in the synagogues, but it was not a language that people would have readily spoken.
Everything about languages is in a state of flux. Very few languages remain untainted for very long. As languages evolve, it is important that translations are updated to reflect these changes in order to be relevant to the minds of the readers.
Do you know what the word sith means? Hint: it has nothing to do with Star Wars. How about ensample, besom, blains, or bolled? These are just a few of the hundreds of words that have not existed in the English language for eons, but which are used in the KJV.
As for the word sith, it is an archaic way of saying since. But even at the time of the writing of the KJV, it was an obscure word, uncommon but to a very small section of the UK.
The meaning of so much of the KJV is completely unknown to the modern mind. Why should you need to have a dictionary or use an internet search to translate the Bible just so you can understand it? That is as nutty as a banana split. Read the Bible in the morning, during the day, and at night. Read various versions of the Bible. Listen to audio Bibles.
Fill your mind with the word of God. Let it become a passion for you. It is a love letter from the Lord. Refer to it for encouragement, understanding, joy, peace, contentment, and so much more. READ THE BIBLE!
Lord God, thank You for the precious word that You have given us. It is a delight to our minds and a light to our path as we proceed through life. May we fill our minds with it and be encouraged by it. Yes, thank You for the Bible! Amen.
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Sunday, 19 November 2023
“Brethren and fathers, hear my defense before you now.” Acts 22:1
The Greek reads – “Men, brothers and fathers, hear now my defense to you” (CG).
In the previous verse, which ended Chapter 21, Paul had been given permission to speak to the mob. Therefore, he motioned with his hand and began speaking to them in their own dialect. His recorded words begin with, “Men, brothers and fathers.”
He begins his discourse with the same words as Stephen in Acts 7:2. Andres, adelphoi kai pateres – “Men, brothers and fathers.” It seems like a triple address, but it is intended as simply “Brothers and fathers.” Calling out “men” first is a way of acknowledging the whole, which is then subdivided into a respectful note to the elders and a brotherly note to the others.
It also may have been a standard formula when addressing an assembly that included the leaders of Israel, such as scribes and elders. Either way, he next says, “hear now my defense to you.”
The word translated as “defense” is the Greek word apologia. It is the same word used in 1 Peter 3:15 when speaking of making a logical defense concerning the faith that we possess. It signifies a reasoned argument put forth in a verbal defense of oneself, one’s beliefs, etc. It was a term used when making a legal defense in ancient courts.
Life application: Paul will set forth to his countrymen a defense of himself and the reason for his faith. He will explain how he came to the position he held. He will acknowledge those who were familiar with his life before coming to Christ, his faithfulness to the customs and cultures of his people, and so forth.
We should all likewise be prepared to explain our faith as well. In our explanation, we should be ready to tell what brought us to Christ, how it is logical and reasonable that we hold to our views, the changes that have come to our lives because of our conversion, etc.
Think about your conversion and consider how you can use it to tell others about your hope. Also, take time to continue to solidify why you believe the Christian faith is reasonable and worthy of consideration for those you talk to.
Heavenly Father, Your word is what reveals Jesus to us. The message is sound and reasonable, and it is a message of love for the people of the world. Help us to properly convey this precious message to all we know and to all we encounter. May we be bold in our proclamation that Jesus is the hope for mankind. To Your glory, we pray. Amen.
Saturday Nov 18, 2023
Saturday Nov 18, 2023
Saturday, 18 November 2023
So when he had given him permission, Paul stood on the stairs and motioned with his hand to the people. And when there was a great silence, he spoke to them in the Hebrew language, saying, Acts 21:40
The Greek reads – “And he, having permitted; Paul, having stood on the stairs, shook with the hand to the people. And great silence having come to be, he spoke in the Hebrew dialect, saying,” (CG).
Paul had just spoken to the commander, requesting permission to speak to the people. With that, it next says, “And he, having permitted.”
The commander was probably curious as to what would come about, and so he allowed this unusual request. Paul was safely out of the grasp of the people, the soldiers were obviously in control of the stairways, and the people would be no threat at this point.
Thus, allowing this could possibly control the crowd more. If they remained riled up, nothing would be lost. Therefore, permission was granted, and “Paul, having stood on the stairs, shook with the hand to the people.”
With permission comes action. Paul, being on the stairs, would have been above everyone in the crowd. The perfect participle indicates that Paul first stood, certainly facing the crowd. This alone would have brought the crowd’s attention more firmly on him. With that, he then motioned with his hand.
The word kataseió was also used in Acts 12:17, 13:16, and 19:33. It gives the sense of waving downward with the hand. It is probably the same type of motion we make even today. When someone is being noisy and another person is trying to sleep, we may make the shhhhh sound while motioning downward.
By making this common hand motion towards the people, the crowd would have suddenly become interested in hearing him. With that, it then says, “And great silence having come to be.”
Anyone who could get a Roman commander to stop in the middle of an arrest and allow the supposed offender to speak would certainly have something to say. The mental picture is worth ten thousand words.
He would have been in chains that clanged as he moved. He would have been surrounded by a large number of soldiers bearing swords and shields and fully dressed for battle. He would have been in a traditional Hebrew garment and without any great flash. And yet he is allowed to speak! Who wouldn’t stop and grow silent? The marvel of the moment would have been an attention-arresting sight. With that, it next says that “he spoke in the Hebrew dialect, saying.”
With the coming of the silence came forth speech in their own language. Some translations say “Hebrew,” others “Aramaic.” The lingua franca was Aramaic and this is what he would have spoken to them in.
In other words, the Hebrew language used in Scripture would be taught in synagogues, but the language of the Jews had evolved beyond that in the common speech of the people. This is the same idea as understanding ancient English and reading from it out of the Geneva Bible while normally speaking in the common English of the United States today.
Hints of this Aramaic tongue are found in the gospels, clearly indicating that the original Hebrew was no longer the common tongue of the people. As for what he is about to speak to the crowd, curiously, the chapter ends in the middle of a sentence.
Some use a colon, some a semi-colon, and some a comma. However it is punctuated, it is one of the convincing proofs of divine attention to the chapter and verse divisions of Scripture. A new chapter will commence in the middle of a thought.
Life application: People often get bent out of shape when they are told Paul spoke in Aramaic to the people. It is as if a sacredness has been removed from their thinking and they immediately go on the defense, insisting that the people spoke Hebrew.
Call it what you will. It was not the language used in the Old Testament Scriptures. Today, the people in Israel speak Hebrew, but it is also not the same as in the Scriptures. Just as we find it very difficult to read the English of John Wycliffe, so it is with ancient and modern Hebrew.
The language of Israel at the time of Jesus and the apostles was so infused with Aramaic that calling it Aramaic is probably a better description of the dialect that would have been commonly spoken. The important issue isn’t the exact dialect that was spoken but that what Paul spoke to them was what they also understood.
He was fully capable of speaking in their local dialect. This is the same as what it says in 2 Chronicles –
“Then they called out with a loud voice in Hebrew to the people of Jerusalem who were on the wall, to frighten them and trouble them, that they might take the city. 19 And they spoke against the God of Jerusalem, as against the gods of the people of the earth—the work of men’s hands.” 2 Chronicles 32:18, 19
Here, it does not say “Hebrew.” Rather, it says Yehudith, or “Judean.” The language of the Jews had evolved into its own particular dialect. That dialect was known by some of the attacking army and it was spoken clearly and openly to the people.
The study of languages in the Bible and during biblical times is an exciting adventure. But remember, no matter what language you speak, the Lord understands, reading your heart and knowing what is on your mind. Be blessed in this thought. The intimacy that you share with the Creator because of Jesus is closer than any variations that our languages develop over the millennia.
Lord God, no matter what language we speak, You are intimately familiar with our thoughts as we open our hearts to You. You gave us languages and they have evolved throughout the world. And yet, people from every tongue will sing their praises to You. How great it is to share intimacy with You through Jesus, regardless of which language we speak! Amen.
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Friday Nov 17, 2023
Friday, 17 November 2023
But Paul said, “I am a Jew from Tarsus, in Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city; and I implore you, permit me to speak to the people.” Acts 21:39
More precisely, the verse reads, “And Paul said, indeed, I am a man, a Jew of Tarsus of Cilicia – not an insignificant city. And I beg you, allow me to speak to the people” (CG).
In the previous verse, the Roman commander had asked Paul if he wasn’t the Egyptian who had stirred up a rebellion among the people and who led four thousand Sicarii into the wilderness. In response to that, it next says, “And Paul said, indeed, I am a man, a Jew.”
Where the man just referred to was clearly an Egyptian who led Jews, Paul is a Jew who was being persecuted by Jews. He is contrasting himself to the Egyptian. The intent is surely to reveal to the commander that there was more hanky-panky going on than first met the eye. With that, he continues identifying himself, saying, “of Tarsus of Cilicia.”
This is the second and last time that Tarsus is identified this way. The first was in Acts 9:11. Being from Tarsus meant that he was a part of the dispersion. Thus, he would be familiar with the way Gentiles lived. He would also more than likely speak several languages and dialects (see 1 Corinthians 14:18), including the Greek he is now conversing in.
The particular spelling of the name in Greek is Tarseus. It is also called Tarsus in Acts 9:30, 11:25, and 22:3. James Strong speculates that the name comes from tarsos, meaning a flat basket. If so, it may reflect the layout of the city. It is one of the longest continually inhabited cities in the world.
Paul came from the opposite direction of Egypt, and he claimed to be a citizen from there. If he was found lying, it would only make it worse on him. Hence, there was every reason to believe him. Paul next notes that Tarsus is “not an insignificant city.”
The Greek word used to describe it is asémos. It means “not distinguished.” Vincent’s Word Studies says –
“...without a mark or token (σῆμα [sema]). Hence used of uncoined gold or silver: of oracles which give no intelligible response: of inarticulate voices: of disease without distinctive symptoms. Generally, as here, undistinguished, mean. There is a conscious feeling of patriotism in Paul's expression.”
Ellicott further notes, “In addition to all its fame for culture, the town of Tarsus bore on its coins the word METROPOLIS-AUTONOMOS (Independent).”
Having confirmed his identity, thus demonstrating that he was not a rabble-rouser, he then makes a formal request to speak to the people, saying, “And I beg you, allow me to speak to the people.”
It is a formal request to the man who could allow it to be realized. His boldness in asking demonstrates that he was hoping it would make a difference in the outcome of the situation. Being a Jew and also not an instigator, then he must want to make a defense against their treatment of him.
Life application: As Paul does elsewhere, he appeals to his cultural and national identity. He was willing to work within the framework of the society in which he lived, using his particular identity for the benefit of himself and the ministry.
This is completely the opposite of how many cults and sects treat the national identity they possess. They shun participating in various aspects of society that affect them while actively participating in others. They claim they are not of this world, completely abusing the intent of Jesus’ words, in order to not participate. At the same time, they have driver’s licenses, registered marriages, and (you betcha they do) pay taxes, claiming it is right and responsible to do so.
And yet, they refuse to vote, engage in politics, participate in other cultural events, etc. It is a failed “pick and choose” type of lifestyle that harms the very goals they set forth for themselves in the country in which they live. This is completely the opposite of the biblical model found in both testaments of Scripture.
Don’t hesitate to participate. Your failure to do so may result in the loss of rights you possess or in harm to others (such as the Jews during Nazi Germany). You have a voice as a citizen of your nation. Use it.
Lord God, we are citizens of heaven because of Jesus, but we are also living out earthly lives in the lands which You have ordained for us. May we be responsible citizens of both as we await our departure from here and the trip to our final, heavenly, home with You. Help us in this. Amen.
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Thursday Nov 16, 2023
Thursday, 16 November 2023
“Are you not the Egyptian who some time ago stirred up a rebellion and led the four thousand assassins out into the wilderness?” Acts 21:38
A more literal rendering would be, “Are you not, then, the Egyptian who before these days having upheaved and having led out into the wilderness the four thousand men, the Sicarii?” (CG).
In the previous verse, Paul was about to be taken into the barracks by the Roman soldiers. At this time, he asked the commander for permission to speak. In response, the commander asked if Paul spoke Greek. It can be inferred that Paul either nodded or verbally responded affirmatively. With that, the confusion of the commander arose, asking, “Are you not, then, the Egyptian.”
The conjunction, translated as “then,” reflects an inference on the part of the commander. He must have heard one of the people in the crowd (see verse 21:34) and deduced that what he had heard must be the truth of the matter.
In other words, the claim was so outlandish that he assumed it must be true. “Hey, get him. He’s the Egyptian that you’ve been looking for!” Luke will continue describing this Egyptian in his coming words.
Some scholars, however, look at his words as confirming a suspicion that he had. They say that the commander means, “You art not, then, that Egyptian?” The claim is that because he spoke in Greek, the assumption that he was the Egyptian was wrong.
Two things would argue against this. The first is that he had to defend Paul, not fight against him. Secondly, Greek was well-known in Egypt at the time. The weight of the evidence is that he is now making the assumption that this is the Egyptian, and for some reason, he has fallen into disfavor with the Jews.
Thus, the probable explanation for the words is that someone called out this lie, and the commander accepted it in his mind. Luke explains who that Egyptian was, saying, “who before these days having upheaved and having led out into the wilderness the four thousand men.”
There was a rebellion of some sort that took place. The commander was fully aware of it and was probably even told that his unit should be on the lookout for them. The word translated as “upheaved” has only been previously seen in Acts 17:6. It signifies to turn upside down, upset, unsettle, etc.
HELPS Word Studies says, “properly, turn something over (up to down), i.e., to upset (up-set), raising one part up at the expense of another which results in dislocation (confusion).” Thus, using “upheaved” sufficiently translated the idea. As for this crowd of four thousand, the commander next identifies them as “the Sicarii.”
It is a word found only here in Scripture, sikarios. Thayer’s explains the word, saying, “an assassin, i. e. one who carries a dagger or short sword (Latinsica (cf. Josephus, as below)) under his clothing, that he may kill secretly and treacherously anyone he wishes to (a cut-throat).” It specifically defines a Jewish fanatical group outlawed by the Roman authorities.
Concerning such a band of men, Cambridge notes –
“Josephus (Ant. xx. 8. 6; Bell. J. ii. 13. 5) tells how he was one of many impostors of the time, and when Felix was governor came to Jerusalem, gave himself out as a prophet, gathered the people to the Mount of Olives in number about 30,000, telling them that at his word the walls of Jerusalem would fall down, and they could then march into the city. Felix with the Roman soldiers went out against him. The impostor and a part of his adherents fled, but a very large number were killed and others taken prisoners. The narrative of Josephus does not accord with the account of St Luke, but if the former be correct, we may well suppose that the numbers and the occasion spoken of by the chief captain relate to an event anterior to that great gathering on the Mount of Olives. The fame of the impostor may have grown; indeed, must have done so before he could collect the number of adherents of which Josephus speaks.”
Life application: The account between the Roman commander and Paul shows us the extreme nature of hatred the Jewish people had developed toward Paul and his doctrine. Paul was a respectable Jew, a Pharisee. He was well-educated and well-known during his day.
When he came to faith in Jesus, he began to share the message of salvation to the Gentiles. Because of this, he became hated. The Jews thought that salvation and exaltation in the eyes of the Lord belonged exclusively to them. They were incensed that he would speak to Gentiles about such matters.
And yet, an Egyptian thug was given the lead over four thousand Jews and would have been almost a folk hero among the people in his resistance to Roman authority. If the account of Josephus is correct, even more sided with him eventually.
To these Jews, it was okay to follow a murderous Egyptian if it meant casting off Roman oppression, but it was not okay to follow a Savior who told the Gentiles that they could cast off the bondage of sin and death through faith in Him. To this very day, such an idea of Gentile salvation without conversion to Judaism is repugnant.
Paul’s words in the epistles are words of the Lord. They tell of freedom in Christ, but there are many who want to bring people back into bondage. Be careful to avoid anyone, Jew or Gentile, who preaches a message of works, especially works of the law, to somehow merit God’s favor. Christ has done it all. Trust in Christ alone for your salvation.
How we praise You, Lord God Almighty! Thank You for the freedom we possess from the bondage that once held us. Addictions are gone, legalism is removed, and purity of worship in spirit and in truth is realized when we come to Jesus, accepting the good news of His completed work. Yes, Thank You for Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday, 15 November 2023
Then as Paul was about to be led into the barracks, he said to the commander, “May I speak to you?” He replied, “Can you speak Greek?” Acts 21:37
The NKJV is more of a paraphrase. Although clunky, the Greek reads, “And being about to be brought into the barracks, Paul says to the commander, ‘If lawful to me to say something to you?’ And he said, ‘Do you know Greek?’”
In the previous verses, Paul was picked up by the Romans and started to be carried up the stairs while the crowd hemmed him in shouting “Away with him.” Now, that continues with, “And being about to be brought into the barracks.”
This is still on the stairs, as will be seen in verse 40. He is probably at a much more elevated point by now and thus safely out of the grasp of the people. And yet, he was still not confined indoors.
Therefore, this was the most opportune time to speak to the crowd. As such, it next reads, “Paul says to the commander, ‘If lawful to me to say something to you?’”
If you think about it, the question is a bit ironic. “Can I ask you something?” “I think you just did!” Despite this, Paul’s question is the first time there has been any communication between the two. The commander never bothered to ask Paul what was going on. It shows the abrupt and rigorous military nature of how the Romans dealt with such things. As for the response to the question, we next read, “And he said, ‘Do you know Greek?’”
The irony continues. If Paul spoke in Greek under such dire circumstances, it meant that this was his normal language. By speaking in Greek, the commander’s question makes their exchange almost comedic.
The substance of what has happened in these words is that Paul’s question was to ask for permission to formally address the commander. Despite the irony, it was right of him to ask if he could do so. The commander's response was simply a surprised rhetorical question because he expected Paul to only speak Aramaic or maybe Hebrew at best. Only more learned people or a Hellenistic Jew would immediately break out in fluent Greek. A commoner would go to his default language to speak.
With these questions now asked, Paul will have an opportunity to explain his situation and ask for freedom to address his accusers. These things will be seen in the next few verses.
Life application: In 1 Corinthians 14:18, Paul says, “I thank my God I speak with tongues more than you all.” The meaning of these words is not that Paul was constantly flooded with supernatural gifts of speaking in many tongues. Rather, it meant that he was able to speak in numerous languages.
He certainly knew and spoke Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew. He would have spoken the dialect of his native home of Tarsus, it probably being its own unique tongue. Being a Roman citizen, it is likely he spoke Latin. In his travels, he would have certainly picked up numerous other variations of the languages he already knew.
Paul was grateful for this because it allowed him to communicate the gospel effectively to others in their native tongues. He knew that it was pointless to speak in other languages when nobody in the room could do so. Understanding this, the words concerning tongues in 1 Corinthians 14 make sense. He is not referring to unknown languages at all. The word translated as tongues simply means a known language or a nation distinguished by its speech.
The unfortunate continued rendering of the word as “tongues” in modern Bibles leaves the reader thinking there is more to what is being conveyed than there actually is. Don’t get duped into the nutty teachings of denominations that say you have to “speak in tongues” in order to prove you are Spirit-filled. If you can speak a language, you are speaking in a tongue. If you only know one language, that is fine. If you have accepted the gospel, you are a Spirit-sealed believer. Deal done.
Heavenly Father, the most sensational message of all is that Jesus came to take away our sin through His perfect life, followed by His death upon the cross to atone for our wrongdoing. By faith in that, we are saved. We don’t need to add anything to that to prove our salvation. Thank You for the eternal security we possess because of what Jesus has done. Thank You for the simplicity of salvation, O God. Amen.