The first episodes are from Genesis. Since Feb 2021 we began an exciting daily commentary in the the book of Acts since it is certain that almost all major theological errors within the church arise by a misapplication, or a misuse, of the book of Acts. If the book is taken in its proper light, it is an invaluable tool for understanding what God is doing in the redemptive narrative in human history. If it is taken incorrectly, failed doctrine, and even heretical ideas, will arise (and consistently have arisen) within the church. Let us consider the book of Acts in its proper light. In doing so, these errors in thinking and theology will be avoided. The book of Acts is comprised of 28 chapters of 1007 verses (as in the NKJV). Therefore, a daily evaluation of Acts, one verse per day, will take approximately 2.76 years to complete.

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Acts 24-19

Saturday Feb 10, 2024

Saturday Feb 10, 2024

Saturday, 10 February 2024
“They ought to have been here before you to object if they had anything against me. Acts 24:19
This verse completes the previous verse. A more literal rendering is, “...who ought to appear before you and accuse if they may have anything against me” (CG).
The previous verse reads, “In which they found me purified in the temple, not with a crowd, nor with a tumult. And who, Jews from Asia...” (CG). That now continues with, “who ought to appear before you and accuse.”
Paul’s words cut to the heart of the matter. The very people who could testify to the situation had not come to do so. It is a hint that either they would have to perjure themselves or that they would have to admit that he had done nothing wrong.
However, if the excuse was made that these witnesses had gone back home after the feast, it would still show that there were none to accuse him. As such, any charges against him would have to be dropped for lack of evidence.
As for any others who would testify, it would be hearsay, not firsthand witness. The logical end of his words is that the charges were unsound and should be dismissed. He finishes the thought with, “if they may have anything against me.”
The obvious meaning is that there were no valid accusations, and thus, the charges were invalid. This was a religious matter that had nothing to do with Rome. And more, it was Paul who was wronged simply because of his interpretation of the law and the prophets.
Life application: Paul was an apostle. As such, the words of Jesus found in Matthew 10 certainly apply to him –
“But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; 20 for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.” Matthew 10:19, 20
Although it is not uncommon to occur in the church today, those words were not spoken to us as a general rule we can apply to ourselves. They were spoken by Jesus to His apostles. Evidence that the Lord was with Paul in the same manner is found throughout Acts, where the Lord appears to him and tells him that He is with him.
As this is so, and as those words of Matthew 10 do not apply to us today, it is the best policy not to speak out of turn. If we have a legal matter, it is a sound strategy for us to hire a lawyer. The Lord wanted Paul’s ministry to continue because it was a part of the unfolding actions that would lead to the compilation of His completed word.
We now have that completed word and should not expect the Lord to appear to us and tell us what to do. Nor should we expect visions, dreams, or revelations of things that are not recorded in the word.
Having said that, we will get out of the word just what we put into it. The more we read it, the more clarity we will be able to obtain about the mysteries God has tucked away in it. New insights, types, and pictures are found every day by people who study and evaluate the word.
It is truly an inexhaustible word, so filled with wisdom that we will be searching it out and finding new insights until the day the Lord takes us home. So be sure to get into the word and read it daily. You will be blessed as you do.
Lord God Almighty, how wonderful it is to read Your word, come to something we don’t understand, and then take the time to read commentaries or try to work through it until we find a resolution to our questions. It is a delight because we are filling our minds with what You have given us to guide us all our days. Thank You for this wonderful treasure, Your superior word! Amen.

Acts 24:18

Friday Feb 09, 2024

Friday Feb 09, 2024

Friday, 9 February 2024
“in the midst of which some Jews from Asia found me purified in the temple, neither with a mob nor with tumult. Acts 24:18
The verse is incomplete without the next verse. For now, a more literal rendering is, “In which they found me purified in the temple, not with a crowd, nor with a tumult. And who, Jews from Asia...” (CG).
In the previous verse, Paul noted that after many years away, he came to bring alms to his nation, and offerings. Now, he says, “In which they found me purified in the temple.” This is a key point concerning his right to be in the temple area that stems from Chapter 21. Upon his arrival, he was exhorted by the elders of the church to pay the expenses of those who had taken a vow. In compliance with that, and going further by joining them in purification, it said –
“Then Paul took the men, and the next day, having been purified with them, entered the temple to announce the expiration of the days of purification, at which time an offering should be made for each one of them.” Acts 21:26
This was something that could easily be validated and which proved he had the right to be in the temple area, and he was obviously there for proper religious purposes. He continues further, saying, “not with a crowd, nor with a tumult.”
It would be improbable that a person who was bringing alms and making sacrifices after an extended absence would suddenly decide to start a tumult. As his words could be proven on those points, his innocence in the matter logically follows.
As for the introductory words to the verse, “in which,” they mean that he was actually in the process of performing his sacrifices. At the very time he was conducting his religious affairs in a purified state, he was interrupted. To support that, he then begins his next thought. His words will continue into the next verse. For now, he begins with, “And who, Jews from Asia...”
These are those mentioned in Chapter 21 –
“Now when the seven days were almost ended, the Jews from Asia, seeing him in the temple, stirred up the whole crowd and laid hands on him, 28 crying out, ‘Men of Israel, help! This is the man who teaches all men everywhere against the people, the law, and this place; and furthermore he also brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place.’ 29 (For they had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the city, whom they supposed that Paul had brought into the temple.)”
It is these Asian Jews who certainly saw him among the Gentiles in the past and who had hounded him all along. When they saw him in Jerusalem, they realized it was a perfect opportunity to cause him grief.
Life application: When people are ideologically at odds with others, it is hard to come to a reconciliation over those differences. It is human nature to not “live and let live.” Muslims, particularly because of the words of the Koran, feel it is a sacred obligation to kill or enslave unbelievers. Those who hold to this are not the extremists but rather the fundamentalists.
They hold their writings as sacred and feel it is their duty to act in this way. Likewise, the Jews, depending on how they interpret Scripture and their later writings, feel that they are God’s chosen people – above and apart from all others. When Paul went among the Gentiles and communed with them, it was taken as a great and blasphemous thing.
His actions were seen as defiling and worthy of death. This is not so much because he associated with Gentiles, something all of the diaspora Jews did to some extent. Rather, it was because he taught that Jesus was the Messiah and that His message accepted Gentiles on an equal footing with Jews. To them, this was intolerable. This totally nullified the “above and apart from all others” attitude that still permeates Jewish society today.
Christians are not expected to have such an idea about themselves. Rather, we are to acknowledge that we are sinners in need of a Messiah who alone can save us. But this is a problem that the world doesn’t understand. Instead, they look at the result, not the process.
In other words, true Christians believe that Jesus is the only way to be saved. This is because Jesus said it, and it is also logically true. As such, the meaning is that only true Christians are saved. This is the result of faith in Christ. It is what the world sees, and they perceive this as a point of arrogance – “How dare you say I am not saved!”
The process, however, is that we first acknowledged that we were sinners and that we understood Jesus could save us. This excludes all arrogance. Rather, it is a point of extreme humility to stand before the Creator and say, “I leave myself totally at your mercy. Without you, I am lost. I trust in Your grace alone to save me.”
If the world more fully understood this, it may relieve the tension to some extent. However, much of the world refuses to simply acknowledge that they are sinners. If they are, they have a need for a Savior. But this would then require them to have the same humility saved believers once demonstrated. As such, this is still a great cause for a feeling of contempt towards Christians.
In understanding this, we can then understand why Christianity is so quickly becoming aberrant to the people of the world. With each new “freedom” that governments proclaim, there is a new wall put up. If people are free to be homosexuals, then they cannot be “sinners” for their conduct. If people are free to murder their unborn, then they cannot be “sinners” for aborting babies.
As wickedness increases, a hatred of what you stand for will logically increase. Be ready to focus on the process of your salvation when talking to others. Some of them may get it. But to focus on the result, I am saved, and you are not, is a point of theology, though true, that we now find is almost completely impossible to state without being hated all the more. Until people see their sin as something God cannot accept, they will never believe that they are in need of a Savior.
Heavenly Father, we, as believers, came to You with empty hands, realizing our fallen state before You. We believe that because of the cross of Jesus Christ, we are saved. Help us to properly and faithfully communicate this truth to the world around us. May we not waffle in our proclamation that it is sin that separates us from You. We are saved because we were first sinners who needed to be saved. Thank You, O God, for Your saving grace that is found in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Acts 24:17

Thursday Feb 08, 2024

Thursday Feb 08, 2024

Thursday, 8 February 2024
“Now after many years I came to bring alms and offerings to my nation, Acts 24:17
More literally, the Greek reads, “And through many years, I arrived to bring alms to my nation, and offerings” (CG).
Paul just said to Felix that he always strove to have a conscience without offense toward God and men. In support of both of those thoughts, he next says, “And through many years.”
Rather than saying, “And after many years,” he uses the word “through.” Paul expresses his thoughts as if he is on a journey through time, much of it being separated from Jerusalem and the religious life and offerings that are continuously conducted there.
As for the duration away, it had only been about four or five years at this time. His last visit was in Acts 18:22. His use of many is to be taken in light of the “many years” of verse 10. If he was asked what “many years” was, he could say “four,” and it would then be a note of approval towards the comment he made about Felix’s service.
Now, to fill those years apart from Israel, he says, “I arrived to bring alms to my nation.” His note concerning the “alms” is otherwise not mentioned in Acts, and yet it appears prominently in his epistles, such as Romans 15:25, 1 Corinthians 16:1-4, and 2 Corinthians 8:1-4. Along with the alms, he adds “and offerings.”
The “offerings” (or sacrifices) were those prescribed by the law when one would come for a feast day celebration and those associated with vows as well. As can be seen, he says the alms are for the nation, but the offerings being set apart in the sentence were for his personal relationship with the Lord. Also, as noted in the NKJV translation, they and other translations lump these together as “alms and offerings to my nation.” However, this is not the intent of Paul’s words.
As for the word “nation,” he uses the term ethnos. It most properly indicates “people joined by practicing similar customs or common culture” (HELPS Word Studies). He uses this word rather than identifying them with a more commonly used word for “people.” It is a hint of courtesy towards Felix by avoiding a term that could be interpreted as a note of superiority over the Gentiles.
Life application: Paul carefully divided his words, as noted above, to indicate two separate acts that have a different purpose. His alms were something he was doing for his nation and people. The offerings were those things that were intended to keep him on a personally sound footing within the religious sphere of life that connected him to the Lord.
Obviously, being in Christ meant that he had immediate access to God through Jesus the Mediator. But for the sake of propriety, he continued conducting his religious life while in the land of Israel as an observant Jew. There is no contradiction here. Today, there are messianic Jews in Israel who observe the Sabbath even though Christ Jesus is their true rest (Hebrews 4:3).
It is culturally appropriate that they conduct themselves in a manner that keeps them in the favor of their nation while also understanding that they are free from all such observances because of Christ. This is not a hypocritical approach to worshipping God. Rather, it is a respectful way of doing so.
If a Pentecostal were to attend a Presbyterian church, it would be wholly inappropriate for him to get up and start yelling in the false gibberish that he yells out when in his own church. If that is how Pentecostals want to conduct their relationship with the Lord, they need to do it in their own church.
Be sure to use tact when you attend services with other Christians or when you are visiting other countries. See what they do first and then conduct yourself accordingly. This is right and proper. We, as Christians, worship in spirit and in truth in our hearts and minds. What we do externally should be courteous and with proper decorum in the particular setting we find ourselves.
O God, there are innumerable ways to worship You while still staying within the boundaries of our faith in Christ. Some like organ music, while some like a band. Some worship on the beach, while others do so in ancient buildings. Wherever we are, may our conduct be appropriate to the setting in which we find ourselves. May our worship be to Your glory and for the mutual benefit of those around us. Amen.

Acts 24:16

Wednesday Feb 07, 2024

Wednesday Feb 07, 2024

Wednesday, 7 February 2024
“This being so, I myself always strive to have a conscience without offense toward God and men. Acts 24:16
More precisely, the text reads, “And in this, I train myself to have an inoffensive conscience toward God and men through all” (CG).
In the last verse, Paul noted his hope in God, affirming his belief in a resurrection of dead, both just and unjust. Because of this, he next says, “And in this, I train myself.”
Here, he uses a word found only this one time in Scripture: askeó. It is a verb signifying to train, practice, or exercise. Despite it being found only here in the New Testament, it was a common medical term of the time. It is another indication of Luke’s authorship. It gives the idea of working raw material to form something. A kindred adjective to this is where our word ascetic comes from. Next, Paul says, “to have an inoffensive conscience.”
The word translated as “inoffensive,” aproskopos, is new. It will be used only three times in Scripture. Here, it is used in a passive sense. This is the same as in Philippians 1:10. However, in 1 Corinthians 10:32, it is used in the active sense. In essence, he attempted to always be blameless in his conduct, looking forward to the hope found in the promises of God.
Because of his hope in God, and because of his firm belief that there would be a resurrection, he endeavored to keep his conscience clear, knowing that a judgment lay ahead for all men. This sentiment, now being expressed by Paul to Felix, is more fully explained in 2 Corinthians 5 –
“Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him. 10 For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad. 11 Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are well known to God, and I also trust are well known in your consciences.” 2 Corinthians 5:9-11
With that stated, Paul completes this verse, saying, “toward God and men through all.” Paul’s conduct was not just directed toward God. Rather, he conducted his affairs in this way towards his fellow man.
It is true that before his conversion, he likewise lived in this manner, but it was misdirected. He thought he was doing a service to God by destroying Christians. Further, if his actions were correct, they would have been a service to his fellow man by removing the heretics of the world. However, he found that attitude to be faulty when he met Christ.
Therefore, there is a disconnect between his actions and those of his accusers. They did not accept the work of Christ Jesus. They, therefore, remained at enmity to the goals and purposes of God as revealed in Jesus’ life and work.
Life application: Later in 2 Corinthians 5, Paul says –
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:17-19
As this is the state that we are now in because of faith in Christ, we should do our very best to live in accord with it. It is contrary to a holy life in Christ to continue to conduct ourselves in a manner that is at odds with this new life.
This doesn’t mean we cannot associate with those of the world. Paul makes this clear in 1 Corinthians 5. However, when we are engaging the world, it should be in a manner that sets us as examples of a right and proper walk in Christ. If it is our job to share the message of reconciliation, and we are acting as if we were never reconciled, then where is there to go for those we are sharing such a message with?
Think on this and be willing to share the truth that God is holding all people to account for their lives either apart from Christ or our lives in Christ.
Lord God, we have been redeemed through the precious blood of Christ. May we remind ourselves of this and live in a manner that is holy and acceptable to You. May our conduct be appropriate to lead others to understand their need to act likewise. Yes, Lord, may our lives and actions be pleasing to You and glorifying of You. Amen.

Acts 24:15

Tuesday Feb 06, 2024

Tuesday Feb 06, 2024

Tuesday, 6 February 2024
“I have hope in God, which they themselves also accept, that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and the unjust.  Acts 24:15
Note: You can listen to today’s commentary courtesy of our friends at “Bible in Ten” podcast. (Click Here to listen)
You can also read this commentary, with music, courtesy of our friends at "Discern the Bible" on YouTube. (Click Here to listen), or at Rumble (Click Here to listen).
A more literal rendering would be, “Having a hope toward God which they themselves also embrace: a resurrection of dead shall be, both just and unjust” (CG).
Paul, speaking to Felix, noted that he worships the God of the fathers, believing all things written in the Law and the Prophets. Now, in order to explain that further, he says, “Having a hope toward God.”
This confirms his stand on the authority of Scripture. The belief was that their Scriptures were from God through His chosen prophets and holy men. As this is so, then what the Scriptures said, when believed, demonstrated a hope toward God concerning what Scripture proclaims.
The connection is that if the God of Scripture is who Paul serves, then his hope must be in that God. This hope is the same one that his accusers accepted in part or in whole. Other than the Sadducees, this hope was one “which they themselves also embrace.”
The word here rendered as embrace is prosdechomai. It is translated by some as allow or await. It can also have the meaning of looking for. Thus, it is a hope that is anticipated, even eagerly. Thus, because this is a future hope that is eagerly anticipated, the word embrace suits the meaning well. And what is being embraced is the thought that “a resurrection of dead shall be.”
The word translated as “dead” is not in all manuscripts. In those manuscripts where it is used, there is no article before dead. Because of this, the words seem vague, but Paul is making a distinction between physically dead and living people. Not all dead are, however, dead in the spiritual sense of the word.
This is probably why Paul states the word without the article. The resurrection is a hope that permeates Scripture. From the implicit words of Eve when she named Cain, to the hopes of Job, and to the explicit promises to Isaiah and Daniel of the Old Testament (e.g. Job 19:23-27, Isaiah 26:19, Daniel 12:2).
It is also something that was known to the common people of Israel at that time (John 11:24). However, Felix may or may not have been aware of this. Therefore, Paul gives him an explanation of what his faith consists of. Comprised within that faith is not just that the just shall be raised. Instead, he next says, “both just and unjust.”
This is an all-encompassing explanation of a resurrection of physically dead people. No article was necessary because the words are qualified now by “just and unjust.” This thought from Paul must be taken as a point of evangelism for Felix and a continued defense for himself.
If he were to believe in such a resurrection and there was a distinction between the just and the unjust, then it implies that he must surely be living according to the law that told of the coming resurrection. Only a fool who believed in such a resurrection would willfully be disobedient to the God who promised a different end based on one’s standing before Him.
Life application: The physical, bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is a central point of theology found in Scripture. His physical body died. It went into the grave. And that same body rose to life again.
This was not a rapture (an exchange of one state for another), a spiritual resurrection, or any other such event. It was also not simply a reward for right living. Instead, it was a necessary outcome for having lived in sinless perfection. Man dies because of sin. He is condemned the moment he comes into existence (see Psalm 51:5 and John 3:18) because he inherits Adam’s sin (Romans 5:12).
The Lord God united with human flesh in the womb of Mary. This is the incarnation of Jesus Christ. Because He did not have a human father to transmit sin to Him, He was conceived in sinless perfection. He was born in that state, and He never sinned in that state. In His death, He could then atone for the sins of the people of the world. The physical, bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is the proof of this.
To deny the physical, bodily resurrection of Jesus is to deny what God in Christ has done. As this is a part of the gospel (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4), no person who denies the resurrection of Jesus Christ can be saved. It is that simple, and it is that profound. Be sure to tell those who believe someone can be saved in any other way that they are espousing heresy. There is one path to restoration with God and one alone.
To God be the glory for what He has done in and through Christ Jesus!
Heavenly Father, thank You for the sinless perfection of Christ Jesus our Lord. All glory and honor belong to You for what You have done. May we boldly proclaim the truth that He alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Only through Jesus can man be restored to You. Thank You, O God, for Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Acts 24:14

Monday Feb 05, 2024

Monday Feb 05, 2024

Monday, 5 February 2024
“But this I confess to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect, so I worship the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the Law and in the Prophets. Acts 24:14
The words are more literally rendered, “And I confess this to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect, so I serve the father’s God, believing all throughout the Law and that has been written in the Prophets” (CG).
In the previous verse, Paul noted that those who stood against him could not prove the things of which they now accused him. As a concession to his position in relation to them, he next says, “And I confess this to you.”
The reason he is doing this is to show the true reason why they have brought charges against him. They have a personal beef against him that has brought about their false charges. Without directly saying it, he is calling into question their integrity and honesty before Felix. With that, he next says, “that according to the Way which they call a sect.”
The word translated as “sect” is the same as was used in 24:5: hairesis. It is etymologically connected to the word heresy that we use today. Therefore, some versions incorrectly translate it as “sect” in verse 5 and then “heresy” here. However, this makes no sense.
Paul explains that what they call a “sect” is what he calls the Way. They should both be translated as sect because the word specifically means “a strong, distinctive opinion” (HELPS Word Studies). To say verse 5 should be “sect” and verse 14 should be “heresy” causes a logical contradiction in thought because Paul now says, “they call.”
If they called it something in verse 5, then all he is doing is repeating what they called it, not stating something new. The word “is used in the NT of individual ‘parties (sects)’ that operated within Judaism. The term stresses the personal aspect of choice – and hence how being a Sadducee (Ac 5:17) was sharply distinguished from being a Pharisee (Ac 15:5; 26:5)” (HELPS Word Studies). 
It is this “sect” that he now calls “the Way.” In doing so, he elevates it in a manner of protest against any degradation of the term to something less disrespectful. Instead, the term has been brought to a level of distinction and honor. Understanding this, Paul next says, “so I serve the father’s God.”
The word translated as serve, latreuó, is not the same as in verse 11, proskuneó. It would be better translated as serve. Worship is encompassed in this word, but it also carries a further signification than merely worship. It is derived from the word latris, which means a hired servant.
The fact that he was in the temple, serving the God of his fathers, was sufficient proof to show that he was not engaged in heresy, which is the second charge made against him. With that understood, Paul next says, “believing all throughout the Law and that has been written in the Prophets.”
The words are a direct denial of him being the leader of an aberrant sect. By stating that he believed all things in the Law and the Prophets, it is a way of acknowledging that he was no different than any Pharisee.
What is being argued then is a matter of interpretation of the Law and Prophets, not whether they were authoritative or not. He affirms that they are, in fact, authoritative. The question is whether Christ is the fulfillment of them.
As this is so, then Felix would have no ability to even handle this charge, being unschooled in what the Law and Prophets claimed. This would be no different than asking a secular judge to determine whether replacement theology or dispensationalism is correct. Both claim that the Bible is the inspired word of God. How that word is to be properly interpreted is the matter. Having said that, dispensationalism is correct 😉.
Life application: If you want to know if the church has replaced Israel, you need to read your Bible. If you want to know if dispensationalism is correct, you need to read your Bible. If you want to know if God approves of abortion or if divorce is acceptable to Him, the way you will find out is by reading your Bible.
Just because a pastor, preacher, or priest says something is correct, it does not mean it is so. One must go to the source of a matter to find out whether what is said is true or not. It doesn’t matter what the issue is. If someone says that drinking water in Guatemala is safe, until you check it out, you will never know if that is true.
And you can check it out in various ways. You can follow the scientific method and have the water tested. You can test it observationally by going to Guatemala with a friend and having him drink it while you watch. Or you can test it experientially by going there and drinking it yourself.
The scientific method is only as good as the process and materials that are used. What is more, some people may be affected differently than others. The people of Guatemala drink their water all day long and suffer no ill consequences.
Having a friend test it may not work either. Depending on his stomach and other variables, it may not affect him at all. However, if you check out the water for yourself, you will certainly find out whether you should have done so or not. Montezuma’s revenge probably awaits ☺.
The point is that until you personally check things out, you can never know if what you believe to be true is actually true or not. The Bible will not cause you harm, but it will certainly keep you from it. Therefore, even if you have a pastor you trust to be honest, he may not be well-versed in the Bible. Are you willing to receive incorrect instruction on a matter that could affect your standing when you appear before the Lord?
Rather, read and know your Bible! This is the defense against potential problems that will be far worse than a case of Montezuma’s revenge.
Thank You, O God, for the precious contents You have carefully laid out in Your word. We can know what You expect of us, and we can know what doctrines are sound and which are incorrect. May we be responsible concerning our interactions with You by knowing what You expect of us. Thank You that the word makes this possible. Amen.

Acts 24:13

Sunday Feb 04, 2024

Sunday Feb 04, 2024

Sunday, 4 February 2024
“Nor can they prove the things of which they now accuse me. Acts 24:13
Paul just said to Felix that he was neither found in the temple disputing with anyone nor inciting a crowd. He then added that this was true in the synagogues and in the city as well. He now adds in an almost challenging note to his accusers, saying, “Nor can they prove the things of which they now accuse me.”
His words here, especially the word for “prove,” are actually a calling and a challenge to his accusers to come forward with evidence. He is the plaintiff and, therefore, they are under the burden of the law to stand behind the charges they have made.
The word he uses, paristémi, means to place beside or to stand beside. In other words, those who have made the accusations should now be ready (standing near) to present their proof. As there is none, the charges against Paul cannot stand.
Life application: As discussed in the previous verse, the world is getting more wicked and depraved daily. This, unfortunately, includes accusations being made against people that are wholly untrue. A lack of evidence or manipulated evidence, even when found out to be such, no longer matters.
In fact, evidence that exonerates people who have been charged is often completely ignored. Police have been arrested for simply doing their jobs. When evidence proves their innocence, it is ignored when what they were charged with carries political value.
Peaceful protestors are being arrested, and bogus charges are leveled against them when they are of a particular political party. This has gone even to the level of bringing innumerable charges against former leaders, not only in the US but in other countries as well. Anyone who bucks the globalist agenda is being targeted openly and flagrantly.
Conservative journalists are harassed and sued to silence them. These things will continue to get worse. Be wise and discerning as you go out into the world. Your stand as a Christian will be one that brings you under the watchful eye of the government. In China, this is now ubiquitous. Other countries of the world are quickly following that same path.
Wonderful Lord God, we are grateful to You for the honor of carrying the name of Jesus our Lord. Help us to be faithful to exalt Him, no matter what challenge is brought against us. The world is temporary, but what You have promised is eternal. May we be prepared to face the eternal, having never denied the Name that we now bear. To Your glory, we pray. Amen.

Acts 24:12

Saturday Feb 03, 2024

Saturday Feb 03, 2024

Saturday, 3 February 2024
“And they neither found me in the temple disputing with anyone nor inciting the crowd, either in the synagogues or in the city. Acts 24:12
A more literal translation is, “And neither found me disputing with anyone in the temple, or making a crowd revolt, nor in the synagogues or in the city” (CG).
Paul, in giving his defense to Felix, just noted that he just told him that it was only twelve days since he went up to Jerusalem to worship. He continues now, saying, “And neither found me disputing with anyone in the temple, or making a crowd revolt.”
These words introduce another new word to Scripture: episustasis. It signifies a conspiracy, concourse, tumult, etc. It is found only here and in 2 Corinthians 11:28, where Paul says, “I face daily the pressure (episustasis) of my concern for all the churches” (MSB).
What he says completely contradicts the words of Tertullus. Either one is true, and the other is lying, or both have fabricated a portion of his words, but both cannot be true. He never disputed with anyone in the temple, and there will be no proof of him making a revolt because such an event never took place.
The only ruckus that arose was because of accusations leveled against him, not because of his agitating anyone. This was carefully detailed by Luke in Chapter 21 –
“Now when the seven days were almost ended, the Jews from Asia, seeing him in the temple, stirred up the whole crowd and laid hands on him, 28 crying out, ‘Men of Israel, help! This is the man who teaches all men everywhere against the people, the law, and this place; and furthermore he also brought Greeks into the temple and has defiled this holy place.’ 29 (For they had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the city, whom they supposed that Paul had brought into the temple.)30 And all the city was disturbed; and the people ran together, seized Paul, and dragged him out of the temple; and immediately the doors were shut.” Acts 21:27-30
His words to Felix mean that he never got into either a civil or a religious dispute, contradicting Tertullus’ accusations. Further, he claims that he incited no one, and he adds in an all-inclusive “nor in the synagogues or in the city.”
This could be easily substantiated by those Paul stayed with, if necessary. Unless the Jews were ready to present false witnesses, the matter would have to be decided based on who Felix believed was telling the truth. At this time, and based on Paul’s rebuttal, the Jews had neither a civil nor a religious claim against him that would stand up to eyewitness testimony.
Life application: The world is not normally a fair place. In many places, that is becoming more so as each day goes by. The corruption of the human heart is steadily taking over humanity, just as it did in the days of Noah. Soon enough, there will be no remedy, and God will remove His restraining power.
Sometime after that, the antichrist will come upon the scene, and the world will devolve into utter chaos and turmoil. But, as just noted, the world is on a path to that time now. If you are expecting to be protected from the power of wicked people, that may not be the case. Therefore, it is best to live your life quietly and not cause any trouble.
And yet, we are obligated to be bearers of the truth of God in Christ. Therefore, if you are faithful to this calling, you may be in the same position Paul found himself in. Be ready to stand on the truth as revealed in the word.
Paul and the other apostles, and so many since their time, have chosen that right path, even to the point of death. But a crown awaits them as it will you. So don’t fear what man can do to you. A better Day is ahead. The promises are sure, and the One who has given them is reliable. In this, you can safely trust.
O God, the world in which we live is quickly turning away from any semblance of right morality and holy living. Christians will inevitably be marked out as miscreants because of their refusal to acknowledge the depravity and wickedness that will be openly condoned. Until You call us home, give us the fortitude and courage to continue to proclaim Your truth. Amen.

Acts 24:11

Friday Feb 02, 2024

Friday Feb 02, 2024

Friday, 2 February 2024
“because you may ascertain that it is no more than twelve days since I went up to Jerusalem to worship. Acts 24:11
More literally, the verse reads, “You, being able to know that there are not to me more than twelve days from which I went up to worship in Jerusalem” (CG).
Paul had just presented his opening words of defense, beginning with an acknowledgment that Felix was the duly appointed judge for the matter. With that, he next says, “You, being able to know.”
The meaning is that Felix has the means at his disposal (the verb is a present participle) to readily ascertain if what Paul says is true or not. Each thing he will say can be searched out and verified. Therefore, it would be the mark of a truly corrupt person to attempt to make a claim that was untrue. Understanding that, he says, “that there are not to me more than twelve days.”
It is a specific amount of time that is so short and precise that retracing the steps would take almost no effort at all. Considering that several of those days were spent under Roman guard, the events preceding that are condensed even more.
As the timeframe can easily be corroborated, Paul’s words bear the mark of either total honesty or a loony desire to be incarcerated. To assist in the verification of his claims, he specifically notes that those twelve days were “from which I went up to worship in Jerusalem.”
What he says here and in the coming verses are given to challenge the three charges made against him by Tertullus, which are sedition, heresy, and profaning the temple.
Concerning sedition, he implies that it would be impossible to form a party and act in a seditious manner because it was just twelve days earlier that he arrived in Jerusalem. Five of those days were in Caesarea, two were on the journey, and the rest were in Jerusalem, where he went to worship and was subsequently incarcerated. If he were there to worship, he could then not be a heretic. He was obviously following the customs of Jews who came for exactly this purpose. 
The Pulpit Commentary divides the 12 days in this manner -
(1) arrival at Jerusalem (Acts 21:15); (2) Visit to James and the elders (Acts 21:18); (3) first day of purification (Acts 21:26); (4) second day of purification; (5) the third day; (6) the fourth day; (7) the fifth day, when the tumult took place (Acts 21:27); (8) Paul brought before the Sanhedrim; (9) the conspiracy of the forty Jews, Paul leaves Jerusalem for Caesarea - the first of the five days mentioned in Acts 24:1; (10) arrival of St. Paul" next day" at Caesarea, and lodged in the pretorium - second of the five days (Acts 23:32, 35); (11) Paul in Herod's judgment hall - third of the five days; (12) ditto - fourth of the five days; (13) the current day, being also the fifth day of those mentioned in Acts 24:1. The mention of the brief time of twelve days shows the narrow limits of time within which the crime must have been committed, while the adroit mention of the purpose of his visit, to worship, would show how unlikely it was that he should have gone with any evil intent.
All of these could be supported by eyewitnesses if necessary.
Life application: Paul’s words directly challenge the accusation against him. He doesn’t waste a lot of time with superfluities, and he refrains from any verbal attacks on those accusing him. He is calm, cool, and collected in his address.
And more, he understands the process of what is going on around him. It is important to remember that if you don’t have the same demeanor, or if you are unaware of how to properly navigate such things, it is a good idea to have someone skilled in what you are involved in assist you. If it is a legal matter, a lawyer is a good idea, if it is a financial problem, a certified accountant can help, and so forth.
The world is there trying to trip you up. Being ready to defend yourself with the right people around you. This is always a good idea.
O God, the world in which we live can be a complicated place. Governments exist that often heap burdens upon their people that require a lot of attention, without which all kinds of trouble can result. Help us to be wise in our actions and interactions regarding such things. May we live rightly and peaceably in our societies, honoring You with the lives we lead. Amen.

Acts 24:10

Thursday Feb 01, 2024

Thursday Feb 01, 2024

Thursday, 1 February 2024
Then Paul, after the governor had nodded to him to speak, answered: “Inasmuch as I know that you have been for many years a judge of this nation, I do the more cheerfully answer for myself, Acts 24:10
A literal translation would be, “And Paul answered, the governor having beckoned him to speak, ‘Knowing from many years, you, being judge to this nation, cheerfully these concerning myself I make a defense’” (CG).
Tertullus presented the charges against Paul, and the Jews assented to what he said, maintaining that his words were true. With that complete, it next says, “And Paul answered, the governor having beckoned him to speak.”
There is a sense of order and decorum. The plaintiff was allowed to speak in an uninterrupted fashion. Upon completion, the governor acknowledged Paul’s right to defend himself, and so he nodded or made a sign of some sort that indicated Paul could begin his defense. Paul then answered, beginning with, “Knowing from many years.”
He avoids the unnecessary words of flattery used by his opponent. He also defends himself without using a lawyer. Instead, he appeals directly to the justice of his case, stating that he knew it would be upheld because of Felix’s lengthy service.
The “many years” that he refers to is actually six or seven at this point. However, it is noted by Tacitus that Felix had already been a joint procurator with his predecessor Cumanus. Also, scholars note that many in his position were recalled after a much shorter period and so from that perspective, “many years” is a good description.
He would be well educated in how to conduct such affairs and also well-versed in the Jewish rites, customs, and laws. Understanding this, Paul’s words continue, saying, “you, being judge to this nation.”
Again, there is nothing superfluous or unnecessary stated. Paul simply acknowledges that the governor had a right to judge the matter set before him. It is an implicit acceptance of the position and, thus, the judgment that will be rendered. Also, knowing that he is now under Roman jurisdiction, he will get a trial that fairly acknowledges his state as a Roman. Therefore, he continues with, “cheerfully these concerning myself I make a defense.”
The word Paul uses, translated as answer, is apologeomai. It is a word that is related to the “apology” or defense one would make for the Christian faith. In this case, it is a rightful defense against charges brought against him.
In all, the words Paul uses show a person who is bold in his words because of his belief in his personal innocence concerning wrongdoing. There is nothing smug, flattering, or superfluous in his opening statement. And more, he has the fact that a plot to kill him was initiated by the leaders of Israel to bolster his defense.
Whether those leaders knew that their plot was discovered or not, the governor did. It is a stain on their actions, and it weakens any charges brought against Paul, making them suspect and biased.
Life application: It can be difficult at times to restrain oneself from blurting out a defense against false charges. This is true regardless of the size of the offense that is being accused. Little things can be just as annoying to listen to as big ones. However, it is best to allow people to speak in an uninterrupted manner.
To see this type of thing in action, watch reporters who are designated to conduct interviews or debates for political positions, like those running for Congress or even the presidency. It is not uncommon for a question to be asked by the reporter, and then a lucid, rational, and well-thought-out answer is given. Because the response does not fit with the reporter’s worldview, he or she immediately begins to interrupt the candidate.
This is both unprofessional, and it demonstrates a weakness in any supposed impartiality of the reporter. And yes, it is as common for those on the left to do this as it is for dogs to pant. Don’t be like a panting dog in your own time of defense. And don’t be like one if you are asked to impartially judge or oversee a matter such as an interview or debate. Let your words be few, directed, and spoken at the proper time without interrupting others in the process.
Glorious Lord God, may we be careful to speak clearly and thoughtfully when there are words that may affect our standing in the eyes of others or even our freedom in society. Help us know what to say at such a time, give us grace and patience in our responses, and may we honor You in our presence. Amen.

Acts 24:9

Wednesday Jan 31, 2024

Wednesday Jan 31, 2024

Wednesday, 31 January 2024
And the Jews also assented, maintaining that these things were so. Acts 24:9
The previous verse completed Tertullus' words to Felix. With that, it next says, “And the Jews also assented.”
They agreed either collectively or individually, but they stood behind the substance of his words, affirming that Paul was a plague that needed to be eradicated. One can see them seated behind Tertullus nodding in agreement and maybe vocally assenting to the presentation. It is likely that they were all in agreement before they even arrived and were thus satisfied with Tertullus’ presentation. As such, they were “maintaining that these things were so.”
A new word is introduced: phaskó. It will only be seen again in Acts 25:19 and Romans 1:22. It is a prolongation of a more common word that signifies to say. Thus, it means to affirm, allege, profess, or something similar. Its use in Romans gives a sense of one of its intended meanings –
“Professing to be wise, they became fools.” Romans 1:22
One can see scientists haughtily proclaiming that the universe exploded itself into existence and man arising over billions of years out of goo and thus proclaiming, “We don’t need God. We are free from His rule over us! Look at how wise we are!” God says they are fools.
These Jews had come together, affirming that Paul was guilty and needed to be punished for his transgressions.
Life application: The Bible makes many proclamations about how the world was created by God, is governed by His power and sustaining hand, is guilty before Him for failing to acknowledge Him, and so forth.
Either what it says is reliable and true, or it is not. If the first chapters of Genesis are not literal history, then the rest of the Bible is suspect as well. Jesus cites those chapters and proclaims they are literally true, acknowledging the events really happened.
We cannot allegorize the creation account without falling into great error. If we are saved, we will not lose our salvation. But if we fail to accept God at His word, we will be judged for our lack of faith in regard to what He has proclaimed.
There are abundant videos and teachings available that give reasonable explanations that fully support the Genesis creation account. If you are unsure if the word is reliable in these chapters, test them by watching or reading what is out there. In the end, the Lord asks you to use reasoned faith in your relationship with Him. You cannot do this without checking things out.
Be wise and discerning. What can you skip in your normal routine that will allow you sufficient time to investigate such things?
Lord God, Your word is written, and it makes certain proclamations about who You are and what You have done. Help us to be willing to research and investigate these things and come to reasonable conclusions about the claims that are made there. May our faith be grounded in reality as we seek the mysteries of the world around us. To Your glory, we pray. Amen.

Acts 24:8

Tuesday Jan 30, 2024

Tuesday Jan 30, 2024

Tuesday, 30 January 2024
“commanding his accusers to come to you. By examining him yourself you may ascertain all these things of which we accuse him.” Acts 24:8
A literal translation, even if a bit clunky, is, “having commanded his accusers to come to you, from whom you will be able, having examined, to know yourself concerning all these things which we accuse him” (CG).
In the previous verse, it said, “And Lysias, the commander, having come with great force, led away out of our hands.” That now continues with the words “having commanded his accusers to come to you.”
This was seen in a portion of Claudius Lysias’ letter to Felix, as recorded in the previous chapter –
“And when it was told me that the Jews lay in wait for the man, I sent him immediately to you, and also commanded his accusers to state before you the charges against him.” Acts 23:20
Not only did the commander send Paul safely to Caesarea, but he told the leaders of Israel that if they wanted a meeting with Paul in attendance, they would have to do so in the presence of the Roman governor. In fact, they were not given the choice. Instead, he commanded that they should appear before Felix. From there, Tertullus next says, “from whom you will be able.”
A relative pronoun is used, “whom.” Some translations, like the NKJV, say “him.” To our ears, using “whom” it sounds like he is asking for the accusers to be allowed to be examined. However, the pronoun is singular. And so, it is most probably speaking of Paul. But it also could be speaking of the Roman commander.
If so, and because he is not there, it may be that Tertullus is hoping that Felix would take this statement at face value and say, “No, there is no need to call him over this.” Either way, Tertullus continues, saying, “having examined, to know yourself concerning all these things which we accuse him.”
Either way, it is unlikely that either the Roman commander or Paul would agree that the things Paul had been accused of were true. The Roman commander would have insufficient evidence to substantiate the charges, and he would disagree with portions of the claims made. If he is referring to Paul, his words in the coming verses will completely refute the charges against him.
Life application: In this verse, Tertullus does what people continue to do today. He brazenly sets up a false narrative and then claims that when those who are interviewed are brought forward, they will agree with his position. We might call this the Shifty Schiff approach.
By boldly and brazenly lying, such people are openly mocking the integrity of the accused so that when they speak, they appear to be liars. It is a position that people will take when their side of an issue or argument has no substantiation at all.
This is a fallacy known as Poisoning the Well. The first person to speak will do so in an attempt to undermine the integrity of the next speaker, impugning his character in one way or another. They may imply he is manipulative, a liar, and that his words will be highly persuasive and thus must not be trusted, and so forth.
Even if the water in the well was perfectly good and drinkable to begin with, by poisoning the well, it is no longer to be trusted as safe. This tactic has been constantly used throughout the ages as a means of destroying someone of integrity before he even gets a chance to begin his presentation. It is highly effective because most people trust those they align with, even if their words are completely false.
Be aware of this fallacy, especially around voting season. You will see it constantly employed by those whose political position is one that has nothing of value to present to the people. It is also seen among Christian leaders and speakers at times. Be aware of this and call it out as soon as you identify it.
Lord God, help us to consider arguments clearly and responsibly that we see arise between people. May we not be sidetracked by fallacious thinking but instead consider what is said based on its adherence to the truth. It is a world full of confusion, but with Your wisdom to guide us, we will not be led astray by those who speak falsity and introduce error into their words. Yes, Lord God, help us in this. Amen.

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