The first episodes are from Genesis. Since Feb 2021 we began an exciting daily commentary in the the book of Acts since it is certain that almost all major theological errors within the church arise by a misapplication, or a misuse, of the book of Acts. If the book is taken in its proper light, it is an invaluable tool for understanding what God is doing in the redemptive narrative in human history. If it is taken incorrectly, failed doctrine, and even heretical ideas, will arise (and consistently have arisen) within the church. Let us consider the book of Acts in its proper light. In doing so, these errors in thinking and theology will be avoided. The book of Acts is comprised of 28 chapters of 1007 verses (as in the NKJV). Therefore, a daily evaluation of Acts, one verse per day, will take approximately 2.76 years to complete.

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Acts 25:16

Tuesday Mar 05, 2024

Tuesday Mar 05, 2024

Tuesday, 5 March 2024
“To them I answered, ‘It is not the custom of the Romans to deliver any man to destruction before the accused meets the accusers face to face, and has opportunity to answer for himself concerning the charge against him.’ Acts 25:16
Although a tad clunky, a more literal rendering is, “To whom I answered, ‘That it is not Romans’ custom to grant any man to destruction before that the accused may have the accusers to face, and he may receive place of defense concerning the accusation’” (CG).
In the previous verses, Festus explained Paul’s position to king Agrippa and noted that the Jews were asking for a judgment against him. With that, it next says, “To whom I answered.”
It is Festus’s answer to the Jews that he is now explaining to Agrippa. His words to them were, “That it is not Romans’ custom to grant any man to destruction.”
The words “to destruction” are not found in some manuscripts. Despite this, the Jews had asked for a trial and a sentence based on their charges. If granted, it would have led to that being the sentence. However, Roman custom did not simply allow its citizens to be handed over willy-nilly, especially “before that the accused may have the accusers to face.”
Paul had already been tried before Felix, but no sentence was given. Instead, he punted and had Paul remain incarcerated under his authority until his departure. The Jews now wanted Paul charged based on their same accusations as if the charges were valid against him.
Instead, Festus noted to them that there would need to be a trial where his accusers came and presented to his face what their claim against Paul was, “and he may receive place of defense concerning the accusation.”
Once their charges had been presented to his face, Paul could then respond to each charge individually or collectively. Either way, he was allowed under Roman law to have a trial that any citizen of Rome was allowed to have.
In his words, Festus clearly noted the obligation of his office to the king, demonstrating that he was bound to Roman law and that his judgment was not because of any bias against the Jews. If Agrippa were inclined to the ruling decision of the leaders of Israel, it could cause tension between the two unless he understood that Festus’s hands were bound under the fair principles of Roman justice.
It seems that this comment is less one of arrogance or Roman superiority than one of attempting to show harmony between his office and his rulings over the Jewish people under his jurisdiction.
It is of note that the same verb translated as “to grant” was used by Paul in verse 25:11, which was after the meeting with the leaders of Israel and Paul in Caesarea. Festus uses the same term now as if it were his idea all along to be Paul’s defender as a citizen of Rome. He uses the word as if it were spoken to the Jews before the meeting!
Paul’s words were convincing enough, and his appeal to Caesar was valid enough, to justify where he was. The advice of Festus’s council supported Paul’s words, and so he, in turn, now uses them before Agrippa. Paul has proven his verbal and analytical prowess concerning the matter.
Life application: The Greek word noted above as “to grant” means “to show favor.” In other words, it is more than simply delivering Paul to the Jews. Rather, it is doing so as a grant. In the case of the law, Festus couldn’t just grant a favor without a legal reason behind his actions.
This is how it should be anywhere. Laws are put in place to keep the playing field level. Each person who is authorized to have those laws apply to him has a right to appeal to that law. Unfortunately, many people don’t know what the law states in a particular matter and their rights are trampled.
This happens with unjust prosecutors and judges all the time. They grant things that they should not grant. They also withhold charges against people they are aligned with. This is the fallen world in which we live. The safest course of action against this is to have proper legal representation, but that is not always a guarantee.
Having said that, when we stand before Jesus, our judgment will be absolutely fair in all ways. There will be no underhanded dealings, and there will be no favoritism. Everything will be perfectly just. Knowing this, let us live for the Lord in a manner that will always be honoring Him and demonstrating faith through the things we do. In this, our judgment will be a positive one.
Lord God, we know that when we stand before You for judgment, things will be handled fairly and in a just manner. Thank You that we will be treated with the favor of Jesus because we are now in Christ. The punishment for our failures came at the cross. Thank You, O God, for Jesus Christ our Lord and for what He has done for us. Amen.

Acts 25:15

Monday Mar 04, 2024

Monday Mar 04, 2024

Monday, 4 March 2024
“about whom the chief priests and the elders of the Jews informed me, when I was in Jerusalem, asking for a judgment against him. Acts 25:15
In the previous verse, Festus laid Paul’s case before Agrippa the king, noting that Paul had been left by Felix. He continues the thought now, saying, “about whom the chief priests and the elders of the Jews informed me.”
The words of the verse are rather clear. The entire body of the leaders of the Jews, both chief priests and elders, had a united voice against Paul. Even if they couldn’t agree on sound theology, such as their arguments concerning the resurrection of the dead, they could all agree that Paul was an enemy of their way of life. He was telling the Gentiles that they were on the same level with God as the Jews if they were in Christ.
Further, anyone not in Christ stood condemned before God. To them, this was intolerable, and it was worthy of being excommunicated from the temple and the nation. And more, in their eyes, it was worthy of death. Therefore, Festus next says, “when I was in Jerusalem.”
As Festus had just become governor, and as he had made one trip to Jerusalem, what was presented to him must have been of the highest importance to the Jews. It wasn’t like the topic was something that could wait until they had established a good working relationship.
Rather, right from the moment of his being introduced to them, they brought the issue of Paul up as an absolutely important diplomatic matter. And the issue was that they were “asking for a judgment against him.”
The Greek word is dike. It speaks of a judicial hearing, an execution of a sentence, punishment, justice, etc. It is only found elsewhere in Acts 28:4, 2 Thessalonians 1:9, and Jude 1:7. Some older texts actually have a stronger word in the Greek, katadikazo, a word implying “condemnation.”
Either way, the Jews were intent on getting their hands on Paul, and they did this through the pretext of a trial leading to judgment. However, their true intentions were to have him killed during the passage to or from Jerusalem.
Life application: The Jews wanted Paul dead. Extrabiblical writings reveal that Paul and most of the apostles were eventually martyred for their faith. The fact is, however, that we are all going to die. And that could happen at any moment.
We have no control over stopping that aspect of our existence. However, we can control what we do while we are alive. Each of us must work out our own salvation. This doesn’t mean working out getting saved or remaining saved. Rather, it means working out what we will do with the salvation we received based on faith in Jesus.
The older one gets, the more he realizes how short this life really is. A young person will look at old people and think, “Wow, they are really old.” An old person will look at a young person and think, “It was only moments ago when I was like that.” Because of this, we should consider our days and be willing to use them wisely, to the glory of God.
This is especially so because of what was already noted. We have no idea when our day of death will come. Therefore, let us be about the business of the Lord while we can. It should not be our attitude to say, “I will start living for the Lord tomorrow!” Rather, we should say, “I will live for the Lord today!”
Demonstrate the wisdom that the Bible proclaims and live out your days, starting right now, for the sake of the Lord. Each moment is a new moment to dedicate to Him. May it be so in our lives!
Lord God Almighty, help us to be wise and discerning about the lives we lead. May we forget what is past, put what we cannot change behind us, and go forward with a new and right attitude from moment to moment, honoring You and bringing glory to You all our days. Amen.

Acts 25:14

Sunday Mar 03, 2024

Sunday Mar 03, 2024

Sunday, 3 March 2024
When they had been there many days, Festus laid Paul’s case before the king, saying: “There is a certain man left a prisoner by Felix, Acts 25:14
In the previous verse, it noted that Agrippa, the king, and Bernice came down to Caesarea to greet Festus. That continues now with, “When they had been there many days.”
The term “many days” is a comparative term. The Pulpit Commentary says, “The number indicated by the comparative degree, πλείων, depends upon what it is compared with. Here, it means more days than was necessary for fulfilling the purpose of their visit, which was to salute Festus.”
It may be that they were enjoying the time by the ocean, had found things that interested them, or they may have been avoiding going back to their regular lives for some reason. Luke doesn’t explain why they continued, nor does he tell what the number of days was. However, with any office dealings and other formalities complete, it was an opportune time to then enter into his talk about Paul. Therefore, it next says, “Festus laid Paul’s case before the king.”
Festus probably thought that Agrippa, being a Jew, would be interested in the case. Further, he might have thought the king may be able to shed some light on Paul’s belief and what course of action should be taken with him.
The words “laid” and “before” are separated by the NKJV, but in the Greek, it is a single word, anatithémi. That comes from ana and tithémi – “to set before.” It is used only one other time, in Galatians 2:2, where Paul said he “communicated to [anatithémi: literally “set before”] the apostles the gospel which he preached among the Gentiles. Of Festus’s words, he was “saying: ‘There is a certain man left a prisoner by Felix.’”
Festus is careful to note this fact. He had assumed charge of Paul from another, and he desired to ensure that the case was handled properly and in an expeditious manner.
Life application: Paul had a particular calling concerning the gospel. He faithfully carried out his duties before the Lord. Eventually, he went to those in Jerusalem and laid before the leaders what he communicated to the Gentiles. They accepted his presentation of the execution of his duties.
One of the main points of Paul’s apostleship was that the law of Moses was fulfilled in the coming of Christ. A New Covenant was introduced, which superseded the Old, rendering the Old obsolete. This message went forth to the Gentiles who were never under the law. In accepting the good news of Jesus, they were sealed with the Spirit and saved.
Judaizers, however, came in and tried to infect the believers by insisting that the Gentiles had to adhere to the Law of Moses to be saved. This is not what Paul laid before those in Jerusalem, and it is not what Jesus had instructed Paul to communicate. Rather, we are saved by grace through faith. Law observance has no part in the equation.
And yet, to this day, the same wicked spirit of the Judaizers continues in the world. Do not budge on grace. Do not mar grace. And do not diminish the glory of the cross of Christ by trying to earn what is provided freely by God through the giving of His Son.
Trust that Jesus has paid the debt and that nothing more is needed. This is what gives God the greatest glory. Our pitiful attempts to merit His favor apart from the cross are like a slap in His face. Yield to the notion that Jesus is fully sufficient to save you and keep saving you. All glory to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!
Yes Lord God! We give You glory and honor and praise for what You have done for us. We receive the completed work of Jesus, accepting by faith that what He has done is fully sufficient to save us and to keep saving us forever. Hallelujah and Amen!

Acts 25:13

Saturday Mar 02, 2024

Saturday Mar 02, 2024

Saturday, 2 March 2024
And after some days King Agrippa and Bernice came to Caesarea to greet Festus. Acts 25:13
A more literal rendering is, “And some days having passed, Agrippa the king and Bernice came down to Caesarea, having saluted Festus” (CG).
In the previous verse, Paul was told that because he had appealed to Caesar, to Caesar he would go. Now, the narrative continues with, “And some days having passed.”
While Paul was awaiting his transfer to Rome, an indeterminate amount of time elapsed. However, during that time, the narrative introduces two people, “Agrippa the king and Bernice.”
Lengthy commentaries on these two abound if you want to learn more about them. In short, however, Agrippa is Herod Agrippa, the son of Herod Agrippa I. He was a brother of Drusilla, the wife of Felix, seen in Acts 24:24. The Pulpit Commentary lists some of the facts about him and Bernice –
“He was only seventeen at his father's death, and so not considered by Claudius a safe person to entrust his father's large dominions to. But he gave him Chalets, and afterwards, in exchange for it, other dominions. ... He was the last of the Herods, and reigned above fifty years. Bernice was his sister, but was thought to be living in an incestuous intercourse with him. She had been the wife of her uncle Herod, Prince of Chalets; and on his death lived with her brother. She then for a while became the wife of Polemo, King of Cicilia, but soon returned to Herod Agrippa. She afterwards became the mistress of Vespasian and of Titus in succession (Alford).”
Of these two, it says they “came down to Caesarea, having saluted Festus.” This would be a formal introduction to the new procurator. If they were already acquainted, it would be a congratulatory visit to his appointment. Either way, they have come to acknowledge his being placed in his role as the new governor.
Life application: One can see the same formalities today when dignitaries come to the office or residence of a newly appointed or elected official. Luke carefully records these events, describing what occurred when it is relevant to the ongoing narrative.
The visit of these two, and their interactions with Paul, will be carefully noted and detailed. The Lord is setting out His word so that we can see how the message of the gospel went forth and what were some of the workings that made it possible.
As you read the Bible, think about what is presented and why. We are being given insights into how the transfer from the Jewish-led to Gentile-led church took place, why it was so effective, and what will occur, even into the future as the words of Paul’s epistles are fulfilled.
Look at the minute details and also look at the wider picture. A beautiful panorama of history is taking place before our eyes as we read and contemplate this precious word.
Heavenly Father, thank You for including us in the process of what occurred in the past so that we can know how we got to where we are now as Christianity spread in Israel and then beyond, even to the furthest extents of the world. We can see Your guiding hand in all of it. Hallelujah! We are seeing Your word fulfilled, even before our eyes. Amen.

Acts 25:12

Friday Mar 01, 2024

Friday Mar 01, 2024

Friday, 1 March 2024
“Then Festus, when he had conferred with the council, answered, ‘You have appealed to Caesar? To Caesar you shall go!’” Acts 25:12
In the previous verse, Paul had appealed to Caesar as was his right as a Roman citizen. With that, it next says, “Then Festus, when he had conferred with the council, answered, “You have appealed to Caesar? To Caesar you shall go!”
Festus had a body of legal counselors, just as anyone in such a position today would have. It would be unwise to render any decision without going through them because they were schooled in the law.
To bypass them in a legal matter would show incompetence, especially if the ruling turned out badly later. After the legal counsel explained the law, Festus then rendered his decision to Paul – to Rome, he would go, and to Caesar, he would be brought.
Some translations state his words as an acknowledgment, “You have appealed.” Others, as a sarcastic question, ask, “Have you appealed?” The first is probably correct because the words are said after the consultation with his council, not before.
If he were being a wise guy, he would have first asked it sarcastically and then conferred with his council. But without having been in the room, it is impossible to say for sure. Either way, he would have probably been more than happy to have this out of his hands. The Jews could not say that they had a new governor who wasn't willing to hear them, and Paul couldn't make a complaint as a citizen of Rome about Festus’s faulty care for his rights.
Life application: In the book of Proverbs, it says –
“Where there is no counsel, the people fall;But in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” Proverbs 11:14
It is unwise to make decisions without being properly informed on a matter. This is why there are lawyers and legal advice. It doesn’t matter if it is a matter concerning estates, being in an accident, or being charged with a crime, there are lawyers to meet these and many other needs.
But there is also counsel for the more weighty and important matters of life as well, meaning the matters concerning one’s relationship with his Creator. In Proverbs, and while speaking of attaining wisdom, it says this about that –
“A wise man will hear and increase learning,And a man of understanding will attain wise counsel.” Proverbs 1:5
Overall, the Bible is a book of wisdom. It is also a book that contains books of wisdom within it, such as Proverbs. Taking time to read the Bible, think about what it says, and even going into deeper personal studies demonstrates wisdom.
Along with that, attending studies with someone who is properly trained in theology and sound biblical hermeneutics is important as well. Today, one doesn’t even need to drive across town to do so. You can watch a study a day on YouTube. You can listen to a podcast while jogging. You can have a study going while driving to work. Such avenues of learning demonstrate that you are being wise with your time.
To not seek out your Creator and to not try to have a proper relationship with God is unwise. Don’t be unwise. For best happy in the afterlife, read and study your Bible!
Lord God, forgive us for those times where we get distracted in life and misdirected from what is important. Help us now and always to be responsible with our time and to carefully pursue a sound relationship with You. Thank You for Your precious word. With it, we can seek its truths in order to gain a heart of wisdom. Amen.

Acts 25:11

Thursday Feb 29, 2024

Thursday Feb 29, 2024

Thursday, 29 February 2024
“For if I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying; but if there is nothing in these things of which these men accuse me, no one can deliver me to them. I appeal to Caesar.” Acts 25:11
Paul just corrected Festus’s request by noting that he stood before Caesar’s judgment, where his judgment should take place. He also noted that he had done no wrong to the Jews. Therefore, it would be inappropriate for him to be sent to a judgment by the Jews. Continuing his words, he next says, “For if I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death.”
Rather, he ties the two thoughts together, “For, indeed, if I am an offender and have committed anything deserving of death.” It may be that he was an offender. That was the point of a trial. But the trial for such a thing did not belong to the Jews whom he had not wronged. Instead, Paul understood that if he had done something wrong within the confines of Roman law, that he would be judged and punished according to that law. If found an offender, he says, “I do not object to dying.”
A citizen of Rome bore the responsibility of being Roman. They were to live according to the laws of Rome and uphold the principles, values, laws, and statutes of Roman society. Those who offended were to be charged and punished in the manner set forth by the laws of Rome. That included the death penalty. He would comply with the law, even if found guilty of a capital crime. However, he next says, “but if there is nothing in these things of which these men accuse me.”
Paul’s words are more succinct, “if, however, there be none of which these accuse me.” The charges were made by the Jews. He has demonstrated that their case has no merit because he did nothing that violated Roman law. But even if he did, they had no authority over such things.
He was in the court of Rome. Therefore, it was completely unnecessary and unlawful to send him outside of that court for a trial. Thus, asking him to go to Jerusalem was a pointless venture. Therefore, he notes, “no one can deliver me to them.”
The meaning of this is “no one can legally deliver me to them.” Festus could have done so, but it would have been a violation of Paul’s rights. If discovered, Festus would have to face the consequences of such a bold violation of Roman law. It is something he would not even consider.
With this stated, Paul could have stopped and waited for a response from Festus, which certainly would have been after a consultation with his lawyer, a note of feigned apology to Paul’s accusers, and then a “You are free to go” to Paul.
However, Paul still had the words of Jesus from Acts 23:11 in his ears, and he probably felt sure that by his next words, they would come to pass. And so, without waiting for Festus to give his response, he used his rights as a Roman citizen and said, “I appeal to Caesar.”
This appeal, stated before the court with any witnesses in attendance, could not be denied. Making this appeal meant that Jesus’ words would now come to pass. Paul would be sent to Rome.
As a side note, this verse is one the Bible’s surest proofs that the death penalty of the Old Testament was never set aside in the New. Paul, the apostle of our church-age doctrine, acknowledges that Rome had a right to execute people and that there was nothing contrary to Christian ethics that he could or would appeal to. If there were, it would be in one of his epistles. It is not. Paul takes it as the norm that the death penalty was acceptable and expected for crimes as determined by the government.
Life application: It is always good to either know the law or have someone who knows the law represent you concerning legal matters. The way the laws of most nations are structured, one must tread carefully in such things.
Even when someone has not committed an infraction and also has proper representation, those who sit in judgment are often completely flawed in their thinking. Judges are elected or appointed by politicians. Therefore, there is usually already a bias involved in how they will judge.
Because politics is involved, some of the least astute people are appointed, all the way up to the highest courts in the land. In the United States, a recent appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court could not provide a definition for what a woman is. This demonstrates either an amazingly flawed social and political bias or a level of mental retardation never before seen in this court. And yet, because of her gender, race, and political persuasion, she was appointed to this highest court in the land.
In other words, just because you have done nothing wrong, it does not mean that you will not be found guilty of a crime you did not commit. In such an instance, you may then appeal your sentence to a higher court. If they carry the same bias as the lower court, which is commonly the case, you may then appeal to the highest court in the land.
As long as there are a sufficient number of truly impartial judges, you may have a chance of being exonerated. If not, and it is becoming more likely by the day, you may find yourself punished. As Christians are the most recent societal punching bags to be targeted, this can be expected more and more as the future unfolds. Be prepared for such a time.
Lord God, we long for the day You come for Your people. It is an unfair world, and the wickedness in it is increasing daily. We know You will judge all wrongdoing, but until that day, be with Your people as we face the onslaught of increasingly hostile governments against those who hold fast to Your word. Amen.

Acts 25:10

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024

Wednesday Feb 28, 2024

Wednesday, 28 February 2024
So Paul said, “I stand at Caesar’s judgment seat, where I ought to be judged. To the Jews I have done no wrong, as you very well know. Acts 25:10
The words are more literally rendered, “And Paul said, ‘I am, having stood upon the bema of Caesar, where I should be judged. I harmed Jews nothing, as you also know very well” (CG).
In the previous verse, Festus asked Paul if he was willing to go up to Jerusalem to be tried. In response, Paul speaks firmly and directly: “And Paul said, ‘I am, having stood upon the bema of Caesar.”
The verb is a perfect participle, active. In essence, “I have stood and continue to stand upon the bema of Caesar.” As such, it is not surprising that Paul declined the invitation to be tried in Jerusalem. He had nothing to gain, and it was evident that neither Rome nor Jerusalem had any basis for a conviction against him.
Therefore, it was to this that he made his appeal. He was brought to a Roman setting for alleged crimes against Rome. The religious crimes of which he was charged went unproven, and so to send him back to Jerusalem would be a mockery of his time spent under Roman imprisonment. Because of where he was brought and where he continued to stand, he next notes it is “where I should be judged.”
Barnes paraphrases Paul”s thoughts by saying, “I am a Roman citizen. I have a right to justice. I am under no obligation to put myself again in the hands of the Jews. I have a right to a fair and impartial trial; and I claim the protection and privileges which all Roman citizens have before their tribunals - the right of a fair and just trial.”
This, then, is almost a rebuke to Festus for leaving the justice of Rome and a Roman citizen in the hands of those who had failed to make a case against him, despite many weighty accusations which were obviously false. Regardless of Festus being in attendance in Jerusalem or not, the trial would be a travesty. With that understood, and to make the point perfectly clear, he next says, “I harmed Jews nothing, as you also know very well.”
Although the tone of his voice is lacking, we can guess that the words were courteously stated while still being cutting in their meaning. The “you also” indicates quite clearly that Paul feels Festus has overlooked his rights as a Roman to accommodate those he will have to face during his tenure as governor. The stand is inappropriate, and Paul reminds him of this.
Paul also uses a word, kallion, found only here in Scripture. It means “very well.” Paul not only says “you also,” but he adds in this direct and bold statement that what Festus was presented, he was completely aware of it, despite not acting on what he knew.
Life application: When Jesus was tried, John records a part of His time before the leaders of Israel –
“The high priest then asked Jesus about His disciples and His doctrine.
20 Jesus answered him, ‘I spoke openly to the world. I always taught in synagogues and in the temple, where the Jews always meet, and in secret I have said nothing. 21 Why do you ask Me? Ask those who have heard Me what I said to them. Indeed they know what I said.’
22 And when He had said these things, one of the officers who stood by struck Jesus with the palm of his hand, saying, ‘Do You answer the high priest like that?’
23 Jesus answered him, ‘If I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil; but if well, why do you strike Me?’” John 18:19-23
Jesus’ words were truthful and were stated in a way that told the high priest that what He had previously spoken could be verified by others. If this made the high priest look biased in his judgment and incomplete in his actions that led to Jesus’ arrest, that was his problem. Jesus said nothing evil or malicious.
This is something we must consider in our own speaking with others. People may not like how we respond to them, but as long as our words are truthful, any offense taken by those who hear us is their problem. Jesus and Paul were brought forth for trial. In Jesus’ case, it was to bring false charges against him to eliminate him.
In a similar manner, the Jews falsely accused Paul. The previous trial had demonstrated that. However, Festus' actions only exacerbated the problem by not acknowledging Paul’s innocence and immediately calling forth a not-guilty verdict.
Therefore, they both stated what was true concerning the trials in which they stood. Should you find yourself accused of wrongdoing, if you are innocent, be sure to speak out firmly about what the situation is. If the law is on your side and the judge is fair, you will suffer no harm from your words. However, if the trial is unfair, it will not make any difference from the start.
Either way, saying what is true and standing upon the truth is always the best option in such matters.
O God, it seems more likely each day that those who are willing to boldly proclaim the truth concerning Jesus will face increased persecution. The world has quickly taken a stand against the message of sin, our need for redemption, and that it is only found in Jesus. Instead, people want to work out wickedness without being bothered by the thought of facing judgment for their actions. Therefore, they increasingly want to do away with the messengers who proclaim this. And so, O God, give us boldness to stand firm on this truth no matter what the consequences. Amen.

Acts 25:9

Tuesday Feb 27, 2024

Tuesday Feb 27, 2024

Tuesday, 27 February 2024
But Festus, wanting to do the Jews a favor, answered Paul and said, “Are you willing to go up to Jerusalem and there be judged before me concerning these things?” Acts 25:9
The Greek more literally reads, “And Festus, intending to lay the Jews a favor, answering Paul, said, ‘Are you willing, having gone up to Jerusalem, to be judged there concerning these before me?’” (CG).
In the previous verse, Paul gave his short defense concerning the charges against him. Now, with that complete, it says, “And Festus, wishing to lay the Jews a favor.”
In this clause is the second and last use of the word katatithémi. It signifies to lay or deposit a favor, probably with the view of receiving one in return. It was first seen in Acts 24:27. Both uses are tied into the sitting governor’s relationship with the Jews.
Festus was probably asked, in advance, that after the initial presentation of the charges, the matter could be brought to Jerusalem for evaluation there. Because it involved non-Roman religious matters, such a request would seem innocuous but satisfactory. Otherwise, he would certainly have just rendered his judgment and been done with the matter.
But he was an appointed diplomat and wanted to tactfully handle matters between himself and those he would have to deal with. Therefore, he “answering Paul, said, ‘Are you willing, having gone up to Jerusalem, to be judged there concerning these before me?’”
What seems apparent is that Festus found nothing wrong in Paul from the standpoint of his Roman jurisdiction. However, being the new governor, such a request would help maintain a friendly relationship with those now under him.
As such, and in order to obtain that standing, he asked Paul if he was willing to be judged, with him in attendance for his protection as a Roman citizen, by the religious court of the Jews. For him, it was a win-win move. If Paul declined, Festus would still be shown to have tried for the sake of the Jews. If accepted, then Festus would have allowed what was unnecessary from his seat of judgment but favorable in the eyes of the leaders of his subjects.
Life application: Politicians are generally people who are looking out for themselves. They desire power, recognition, and the ability to enrich themselves. The larger a city becomes, the more power and ability to influence others at higher levels they wield. For example, the mayor of Chicago will have more power and political influence than the mayor of a city of twelve hundred people.
As cities increase in size, the electorate generally tends to become more liberal. This means the people are less godly, more inwardly focused, and their attitudes about political issues increasingly do not align with Christian values.
For this reason, biblical Christianity becomes less and less acceptable to those in power. They do not want to be reminded of their sinful ways. Instead, they replace God with corruption and wickedness. However, these local leaders will have more sway with the next level of authority, such as the governor. Therefore, his policies will naturally align with those who can keep him in power.
From there, the governors have sway with the federal authorities and the corruption continues to expand. The ones to suffer the consequences of this are those whose ideas and goals do not match those of the people in power. Eventually, true Christians begin to be considered the enemy within. One can see this in almost any country on earth where there is a sizeable Christian population.
Their calls for holiness and right living stand at odds with the extreme levels of corruption and perversion that continue to be brought forth. Soon, there is a dividing wall between the two. Thus, the two ideologies are completely at odds. Those with the power will eventually act to remove this supposed infection from their site.
It is a pattern that has repeatedly occurred in the nations of the world, and it is one that is coming to a head throughout the world today. Christians must be willing to stand on their values and speak out, even if it means trouble lies ahead. Paul did this, and many faithful throughout the ages have done so as well.
Evaluate yourself. Strengthen yourself. Be ready to stand up for what is right, even if it will cost you greatly. The Lord will return a great blessing upon you when you stand before Him.
Wonderful Lord God, Your way is right and just and holy. Help us to stand up for it in this world of ever-increasing wickedness. May our lives and actions be found pleasing in Your sight as we face the enemies of perversion and corruption head-on. Strengthen us for this battle, O God. Amen.

Acts 25:8

Monday Feb 26, 2024

Monday Feb 26, 2024

Monday, 26 February 2024
while he answered for himself, “Neither against the law of the Jews, nor against the temple, nor against Caesar have I offended in anything at all.” Acts 25:8
More literally, it says, “He, making defense, ‘Neither toward the law of the Jews, nor toward the temple, nor toward Caesar, have I sinned anything’” (CG).
The previous verse noted that when the Jews had come down from Jerusalem, they stood about and made many serious complaints against Paul. In response, it now says, “He, making defense.”
Paul states his defense very precisely and without any ruffles or flourishes. If he said more, Luke did not record it. That, however, is unlikely. Luke’s record is usually very precise, and such is probably the case here. Paul simply states his side as a fact. There would be no need to expand his words because the burden of proof rests with his accusers. Therefore, his words say, “Neither toward the law of the Jews, nor toward the temple, nor toward Caesar, have I sinned anything.”
Paul specifically makes his defense against the three main charges, any of which could cause him to be punished. He had not violated the law, desecrated the temple, or offended Caesar. In his words, “not...have I sinned anything,” the English seems odd, and it is usually paraphrased to get the sense across. However, it would have been a perfectly clear and understandable statement to Festus.
The word he uses is hamartanó. It can refer to an offense against man or God, including sin. It most especially means “to miss the mark.” Paul had stayed on course and not strayed from soundness in any of these areas. He had not offended in any manner that could be considered a violation worthy of trial.
He may have offended the Jews by going to the Gentiles to proclaim the saving message of Jesus, but that would only be something that offended them emotionally. It was not something that could be avoided in normal human interaction. They would have to get over it apart from legal charges.
Life application: In today’s world, there is an attempt to regulate personal offense, as if nobody should be allowed to harm the emotional state of others on even a basic level. The problem with this is that by passing such ridiculous laws, those who are targeted by them are emotionally offended.
It is not possible to avoid offending others because every person experiences life differently. Some enjoy one thing, others another. People can get upset by simply hearing that another doesn’t like to do what someone might find completely enjoyable – 
“I just love going to the beach. It is my place of refuge and relaxation.”
“Oh my, I can’t stand the beach! The sand gets everywhere, kids running around are so annoying, and the water is so salty... I just hate the place.”
*And the first person is suddenly offended, going home to cry.
Despite this, people in power want to somehow legislate control over emotional distress. This approach caters to the weakest as if they have an absolute right to never be offended. It is an impossible avenue to follow, and it will only continue to degrade society as the end times approach. Be sure when you vote to not cast a vote for anyone who promises to eliminate such ridiculous things. This is not the purpose of the government.
The Bible does not focus on such petty issues. Rather, it focuses on offenses that are truly harmful to others. As for the emotional state of others, like the Jews in Paul’s time, they must simply grow up and get over their emotional insecurities.
Lord God, help us to be respectful and responsible in our interactions with others. At the same time, help us to understand the fallen nature of the world in which we exist. May we be sound in our thinking about what it means to accept personal responsibility for things that may offend us, but which are not truly offensive. Help us to understand our own limitations and not attempt to impose ourselves unnecessarily on others. Amen.

Acts 25:7

Sunday Feb 25, 2024

Sunday Feb 25, 2024

Sunday, 25 February 2024
When he had come, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem stood about and laid many serious complaints against Paul, which they could not prove, Acts 25:7
In the previous verse, Festus had returned to Caesarea and sat on the judgment seat the next day, commanding Paul to be brought forward. With that remembered, it next says, “When he had come, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem stood about.”
Saying that they “stood about” seems to imply that there were quite a few who came down. It was a grand show that they put on for Festus. This was certainly intended to make it appear that all of the Jewish leadership was in complete agreement concerning the need to have Paul judged and removed from society. Therefore, it next says that they “laid many serious complaints against Paul.”
These allegations would have been the same as before and which Paul will refute, such as him being a defiler of their religion, which was the sanctioned religion of the province. They would accuse him of being a defiler of the temple, which Rome had sanctioned as an acceptable edifice for worship by the Jews.
They would also certainly accuse him of being one who disturbed the peace. As such, he was supposedly a threat not only to Jewish society but Roman rule as well. Further, they would certainly note him as one who would question the rule of Caesar because he claimed there was another king.
These, and any other such accusations, would be proclaimed against him, things “which they could not prove.” They could not prove them in the past, and they were not able to prove them at this time either.
Life application: The reason they could not prove the charges against Paul is because what they charged him with was not true. If he was tried in Jerusalem, this would not have mattered. They would have unjustly found him guilty and dealt with him accordingly. However, at the Roman judgment seat, reliable evidence of guilt would be needed.
Assuming that you were to be given a fair trial today concerning a matter, would you be found innocent or guilty? Paul had done nothing wrong because he lived his life in a manner that was in accord with the laws of the land.
This is what is expected of Christians. If we do wrong, we can expect to be judged according to our wrongdoing. If we act responsibly and in accord with the laws of the land, as long as a trial is fair and impartial, we can expect to be judged accordingly and be exonerated.
Obviously, not every trial is fair. In fact, fair trials are becoming less and less likely in the world because of biases, political agendas, a perception that Christians are somehow wrongdoers, etc. At such times, there is not much that can be done about it. However, for normal conduct in life, we should be obedient to the rules and laws that govern the society in which we live.
Lord God, regardless of what comes about in our lives, as long as we are living for You in a manner that is in accord with Your word, we can expect You to judge our lives accordingly. In this life, that may not be the case, but what happens now is just a temporary blip on the way to eternal glory. So, Lord, help us to live lives that honor You now. Amen.

Acts 25:6

Saturday Feb 24, 2024

Saturday Feb 24, 2024

Saturday, 24 February 2024
And when he had remained among them more than ten days, he went down to Caesarea. And the next day, sitting on the judgment seat, he commanded Paul to be brought. Acts 25:6
A literal translation would be, “And having stayed with them more than ten days, having gone down to Caesarea, the next day, having sat upon the bema, he commanded Paul to be brought” (CG).
In the previous verse, Festus had told the leaders of Israel to come down to Caesarea with him and to accuse Paul there instead of him being brought up to Jerusalem. Next, it says, “And having stayed with them more than ten days.”
Depending on what Greek text is used, there is then a difference in translation. Some variations are: “more than ten days,” “no more than ten days,” “eight or ten days,” or “not more than eight or ten days.”
Why the texts read differently isn’t sure, but it could be that “no more than eight or ten days” is an idiom for a short amount of time. From that, different scribes wrote it as they felt was intended. This is speculation, but for whatever reason, different texts do read a bit differently. Regardless of the actual time, it next says, “having gone down to Caesarea.”
During his short trip to Jerusalem, he probably would have been quite busy, possibly visiting all of the main soldier areas, the houses of the dignitaries, and the like, just like any such governor’s visit today.
From Jerusalem, he then returned to the governor’s station in Caesarea. And, notably, there was no delay in his commitment to bring the matter forward for the Jews to make their accusation. Therefore, “the next day, having sat upon the bema, he commanded Paul to be brought.”
The béma, or judgment seat, was normally an elevated place ascended by steps, somewhat like a throne. A literal explanation is “tribunal chair.” It is derived from the same root as the word basis, a step. Thus, it is a foot-breath. By implication, then, it is a rostrum.
Life application: In Romans 14:10, Paul says that we will all stand before the béma of God. In 2 Corinthians 5:10, he says that we must all appear before the béma of Christ. These are one and the same judgment, Christ Jesus being God.
This judgment will be for rewards and loss based on our lives in Christ. The judgment for salvation or condemnation for believers was determined at the cross of Calvary. By faith in what Christ did there, we are saved. We have moved from death to life and from condemnation to salvation.
The doctrine that says one can lose his salvation is actually heretical because it means that our salvation after coming to Christ is up to us. As this is so, it means that His salvation was not fully effectual for the purpose it was intended. Further, it means that our salvation was not of grace at all but of works.
If, at any point after being saved, that salvation can be removed because of our actions, it means that we are responsible for our salvation. But salvation is a gift, and it is of grace. Be sure to not let people trouble you with their incorrect ideas about salvation.
Having said that, what we do with our salvation is up to us. How will we be judged by Christ at the béma we must appear before? What we do today has consequences. Therefore, let us consider what we do and act in accord with the salvation we have been granted. May the Lord smile upon our lives and actions that we live now!
Glorious Lord God, thank You for the salvation You have granted to us through the shed blood of Jesus Christ our Lord. May we be faithful to live out our salvation in a manner that is pleasing to You. Help us in our weaknesses, O God. Amen.

Acts 25:5

Friday Feb 23, 2024

Friday Feb 23, 2024

Friday, 23 February 2024
“Therefore,” he said, “let those who have authority among you go down with me and accuse this man, to see if there is any fault in him.” Acts 25:5
A literal translation would be, “‘Therefore, those able among you,’ he says, ‘having descended together, if anything is wrong in the man, accuse him’” (CG).
The previous verse revealed Festus telling the Jews that Paul was kept in Caesarea and that he was going there soon. Because of this, his continued words begin with, “‘Therefore, those able among you.’”
Depending on the translation, various versions say something like “those who are able,” while others essentially say, “those who have authority.” The Greek could mean either. In one case, it would be considered “someone who could personally come and testify against Paul” like Tertullus.” In the other, it would be a leader who could speak for the charges against him.
Whichever is the intent, the outcome will be the same. Charges will be made concerning Paul in Caesarea during a trial. From there, a judgment from Festus can be expected. Next, “he says, ‘having descended together.’”
Just as a journey to Jerusalem is an ascent, so a journey from it is a descent. In his statement, a word not found elsewhere in Scripture is seen: sugkatabainó. It is derived from a word meaning “with” and another meaning “to descend.” Thus, it signifies “to descend together.” Finally, to finish the sentence, he says, “if anything is wrong in the man, accuse him.”
Once the descent to Caesarea is made, charges can be laid before Festus for consideration. It would be determined if there was any fault in him. The matter that should have been settled two years earlier when Felix was governor must once again be considered. This time, it will be before Festus.
Life application: In Psalm 122, it says –
“Jerusalem is builtAs a city that is compact together,4 Where the tribes go up,The tribes of the Lord,To the Testimony of Israel,To give thanks to the name of the Lord.” Psalm 122:3, 4
The tribes of Israel ascended to the place where the Lord dwelt among them. For the believer in Jesus Christ, something new has taken place –
“But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5 even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), 6 and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” Ephesians 2:4-6
In Christ, we are, even now, positionally seated in the heavenly realms. The reason this is so is because we are, in fact, in Christ. As Christ is in heaven right now, and because we are in Him, in God’s view, we are there too. Therefore, Hebrews 4 says –
“Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession. 15 For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. 16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:14-16
Though this is written specifically to the Hebrews, it is a truth that applies to all believers. We do not need to first ascend to meet with God. Rather, we simply need to enter His presence, coming through Jesus as our Mediator to make our petitions and praises.
As Jesus said –
“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:24
We don’t need to physically be anywhere particular to worship God. We just need to be in Christ. If we are, then we have access to God. Let us not get so caught up in rites and rituals that we forget this truth. The church is not a place. It is the people of God in Christ Jesus. Live out your life in this understanding. There is no lack of access to God when you access Him through the Lord Jesus.
Glorious Lord God, all praises, honor, and glory to You for what You have done in and through Christ Jesus our Lord. We come boldly before You today in His name, praising You for who You are. You are the God who has received us because of Your own goodness toward us. How can we withhold our thanks and praise? We shall not! Yes! All thanks and praises to You, O God. Amen.

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