The first episodes are from Genesis. Since Feb 2021 we began an exciting daily commentary in the the book of Acts since it is certain that almost all major theological errors within the church arise by a misapplication, or a misuse, of the book of Acts. If the book is taken in its proper light, it is an invaluable tool for understanding what God is doing in the redemptive narrative in human history. If it is taken incorrectly, failed doctrine, and even heretical ideas, will arise (and consistently have arisen) within the church. Let us consider the book of Acts in its proper light. In doing so, these errors in thinking and theology will be avoided. The book of Acts is comprised of 28 chapters of 1007 verses (as in the NKJV). Therefore, a daily evaluation of Acts, one verse per day, will take approximately 2.76 years to complete.
Sunday Apr 28, 2024
Sunday Apr 28, 2024
Sunday, 28 April 2024
Nevertheless the centurion was more persuaded by the helmsman and the owner of the ship than by the things spoken by Paul. Acts 27:11
More literally, the Greek reads, “But the centurion rather trusted the pilot and the shipmaster than these spoken by Paul” (CG).
In the previous verse, Paul noted from his personal experience and deduction that disaster lay ahead for the ship and the crew if the voyage to Rome was continued at this time. However, Paul’s views were not shared by all. As it next says, “But the centurion rather trusted the pilot and the shipmaster.”
This is not a failing on the part of the centurion. He may have surmised that Paul wanted to delay his trip to Rome for some reason. Further, the ship was under the authority of these other two. It would seem illogical for them to risk everything if they didn’t know what they were doing.
However, he probably ignored the fact that these men may have had a lot of loss by simply staying in port and waiting for the season to turn more favorable in order to continue the journey. He had to weigh out the matter and come to a decision. In the end, he accepted the words of these above those of Paul.
Both of these positions are new to Scripture. The first is the kubernétés, or pilot. This is derived from the same source as a similar noun found in 1 Corinthians 12:28, kubernésis, someone who steers, which is then applied to one who governs or administrates. Thus, the kubernétés is a steersman, helmsman, or pilot. This word is only found here and in Revelation 18:17.
The next word is the naukléros, or shipmaster. It is found only here in the New Testament. It is derived from two words signifying ship and lot (as in a lot that is cast), and thus a clerk. Therefore, it is the ship owner or ship master who hires out his ship.
Both of these men would normally be considered experienced enough to know what would be proper concerning the vessel they were in charge of. Therefore, the centurion accepted their words more “than these spoken by Paul.”
It will be an unfortunate choice. Paul will be sure to remind them of the consequences of not listening to him when disaster has fully come upon them.
Life application: The centurion, despite having sympathy for Paul, as was previously seen, was more willing to trust the judgment of the helmsman and the ship owner. He didn't consider the fact that the owner of the ship was surely under financial constraint.
The cargo was susceptible to being ruined if it sat too long and the shipmaster was paid by the owner. They would be more willing to take the chance of moving on because of this in order to find a more suitable harbor, or even make the entire journey to Rome, even with the associated dangers.
As noted, the centurion had to make a decision and he could not get inside of the heads and lives of the men who were making their arguments before him. He will, however, find out that Paul was a straight shooter. This is something that is important for us as Christians.
We need to be so trustworthy in what we say that people can take our words at face value. This is actually a charge for us from both Jesus and the apostles. We are told to let our yes be yes and our no be no. In other words, we are to speak and then perform according to our words. In this, we will be more reliable than even the steersman on a ship who must venture into the sea, risking life and/or property loss as he heads forth into the unknown.
As an interesting side note, the etymological root of our modern word cybernetics is from this same word, kubernétés. The word was first explained by Norbert Wiener, in his 1948 book of that title, noting it concerned the study of controlling and communicating in both the animal and the machine. This is true with the other word, kubernésis, as well. One can see the etymological root of cybernesis. Fun stuff, right out of the Bible.
Lord God, may we be careful to include You in our major decisions of life. When we are faced with something that has more than one important avenue to take, and which could lead to unhappy results if we take the wrong one, may we remember to pray to You and ask for Your guidance. In this, we will at least know that we have Your hand with us as we continue down the path we ultimately take. To Your glory, we pray this. Amen.
Saturday Apr 27, 2024
Saturday Apr 27, 2024
Saturday, 27 April 2024
saying, “Men, I perceive that this voyage will end with disaster and much loss, not only of the cargo and ship, but also our lives.” Acts 27:10
More literally, it reads, “saying to them, ‘Men, I discern that with damage and much loss, not only the cargo and the ship but also our lives – the voyage is going to be’” (CG).
The words of this verse continue the thought from the previous verse. There, it said, “And much time having elapsed, and the sailing being already dangerous – and the Fast already passed by – Paul admonished.” Now, Luke continues with “saying to them, ‘Men, I discern.’”
His words are based on what he just said. In other words, Paul is not speaking some type of prophetic utterance. Rather, what he says is based on his perception of the situation in which those on the ship were in. The words “I discern” show this.
The Greek word theóreó is one that is based on observation “where people concentrate on the meaning of an action (performance)” (HELPS Word Studies). It is where our English word theater is derived from.
For several relevant examples, see John 4:19; John 12:19; and Acts 17:22. Each of these verses shows an inference made based on observation. Paul notes in 2 Corinthians 11:25 that he had been shipwrecked three times. He was aware of the winds of the Mediterranean after a lifetime of experience as well.
Therefore, it cannot be assumed that his comments are a prophecy. Instead, they are those of experience. As such, he continues with, “that with damage and much loss, not only the cargo and the ship but also our lives – the voyage is going to be.”
The “damage” that he speaks of is a new word in Scripture, hubris. It is where our modern term of the same spelling comes from, and it is normally applied to violence or rough treatment between people, but it is transferred in a metaphorical way to the inanimate here. It is only found three times, here, in verse 21, and then in 2 Corinthians 12:10.
Along with that, another new word is introduced, zémia. It signifies a loss. HELPS Word Studies says “a ‘bad deal’ (unsuccessful b usiness transaction) which results in a fine (penalty, forfeiture).” Taken together, the words are Paul’s way of sternly warning them.
This damage, according to him, will be for all concerned, including the ship and the people, meaning their very lives. However, and as already noted, he is speaking from his knowledge of the circumstances and not from prophecy. Their lives will be spared, but the ship and cargo will not be.
Life application: In the case of Paul’s words in this verse, he clearly knew what was ahead for those who would venture into the sea at this time of year. And more, he is certainly basing his conclusion on the difficult sailing they had already faced. The prevailing winds were against them, and the time of the year meant that they were likely to get much more pronounced, even violent, in the days ahead.
If Paul’s words were to be taken as under inspiration, he would have included the thought that the Lord or a messenger of the Lord came to him. He does this elsewhere at times, thus providing unambiguous testimony to his words. He does not do this here.
Unfortunately, it is as common as burgers at McDonald’s for pastors, preachers, and teachers to claim a word from the Lord today. They speak as if they have a direct line to Jesus, and they act as if they receive texts and updates from Him regularly.
Assuredly, they do not. Jesus is not speaking to them. The word is written, and it is what we need to conduct our lives, direct our feet, and guide ministries. An astonishing thing to witness is to see a pastor tell of a word from the Lord, have it not come about as he claimed, and yet people continue to attend his church.
The same is true with people who predict the rapture (or something similar), claiming they are led by the Spirit or have received a message from the Lord, and who are then shown to be wrong, and yet their ministry suffers no harm in attendance. This reveals a cult-like attitude in those following the false teacher. Excuses are conjured up and accepted and everything continues as if nothing ever happened.
Watch yourselves. Be careful what you will accept. And be sure to reject anyone who claims they have had communication with God or one of His messengers outside of His word. This is especially so when what they claim turns out to be untrue.
Lord God, give us wisdom to know what is from You and what is from the doctrines of men. We can know this by reading and knowing Your word. So, help us to be about that, taking it in and applying it to our lives and thoughts throughout the days of our lives. Amen.
Friday Apr 26, 2024
Friday Apr 26, 2024
Friday, 26 April 2024
Now when much time had been spent, and sailing was now dangerous because the Fast was already over, Paul advised them, Acts 27:9
A literal translation would be, “And much time having elapsed, and the sailing being already dangerous – and the Fast already passed by – Paul admonished” (CG).
With the ship at Fair Havens, near Lasaea, Luke next says, “And much time having elapsed.”
This is referring to the constant delays experienced by the contrary winds while sailing and the time stopped in the harbor. All of this brought about a delay in the expected arrival in Rome, which was rather important at this time of year. The reason it is so is explained in Luke’s next words, “and the sailing being already dangerous.”
The word translated as dangerous is episphalés. It is found only here. It is derived from epi, upon, and sphalló, to trip or cause to fall. Thus, it means “upon the falling.” Thus, inevitable danger is to be expected.
The time of year brings about changes in weather. This is true in most parts of the world. For the sailors on the Mediterranean Sea, this change in season can become a matter of life and death. Just as in many parts of the world, storms arise that can bring about immense waves and contrary winds.
Where the men are now, this is the case. One marking of time to understand this is given by Luke from a Hebrew perspective, saying, “and the Fast already passed by.”
This is speaking of the Day of Atonement. It is called the Fast out of respect for the weighty nature of the day. Leviticus 23:32 says –
“It shall be to you a sabbath of solemn rest, and you shall afflict your souls; on the ninth day of the month at evening, from evening to evening, you shall celebrate your sabbath.”
This day corresponds to the end of September or early October each year. Sailing at that time, and because of the nature of the ancient ships in particular, was considered very hazardous from around this feast all the way until the time of the Passover in the spring.
The routes, however, would be busy from Passover until the time around the next Day of Atonement. Luke, being the excellent chronicler that he was, made a mental note of the time of year and Paul’s insistence concerning what it meant. As he notes, because of the late time of year, “Paul admonished.”
His words are ahead, but the fact that he is giving counsel on sailing to experienced sailors makes it evident that he himself knew exactly what he was talking about. His words are surely from personal experience, having traveled extensively. It may even be that this is what he refers to in 2 Corinthians 11 –
“Three times I was beaten with rods; once I was stoned; three times I was shipwrecked; a night and a day I have been in the deep; 26 in journeys often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils of my own countrymen, in perils of the Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren.” 2 Corinthians 11:25, 26
One more point concerning these words is that Paul uses a new word in Scripture here, paraineó, translated as admonish. It means to exhort or advise. However, HELPS Word Studies notes that it is “to urge acknowledging what is praiseworthy, i.e. "recommend, advise, urge.” It is an up close and personal form of admonishment. This word will only be seen again in verse 27:22.
Life application: There are things that we need to do in life. Not doing them can be costly. However, there is also the truth that it might become more costly to attempt to do them as well. Thus, one must choose between two difficult situations.
There are some who are risk takers. Such people can easily lose everything, but they can also become quite rich because others are holding back while the opportunities are available. There are those who are more conservative and who will generally save what they have, even if it doesn’t bring about larger gains, and even if it means short-term losses.
Both types are needed to run the world and no matter what we do, there will always be 20/20 hindsight to kick us and tell us we did the wrong thing, or to comfort us that we really were wise to act or not act.
But at the time of looking forward, what is the best option? The answer is, “Whichever includes the Lord.” He is not here to interfere in our decisions. Rather, what we should be doing is praying to Him, asking for His direction, and then deciding once we have included Him in the process. With that, we can be confident that what we have done was with Him having been consulted.
Whatever the outcome, we will know that we at least had Him in our decision-making process. As with all things at such times, we can then say, “The Lord’s will be done.” It is a truth no matter what the outcome and whether we pray or not. Therefore, we can be satisfied that we have done the right thing with no added regrets.
Heavenly Father, help us to include You in our life’s decisions. We often get ahead of ourselves and jump into decisions without first petitioning You. In doing so, we cannot be satisfied with a negative outcome. And in a positive outcome, we may become boastful. Rather, let us not fret over losses when we first came to You, and may we never be arrogant in what You have blessed us with. May it be so, to Your glory. Amen.
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
Thursday Apr 25, 2024
Thursday, 25 April 2024
Passing it with difficulty, we came to a place called Fair Havens, near the city of Lasea. Acts 27:8
More exactingly, it reads, “And laboriously lying beside it, we came to a certain place being called Fair Havens, which was near Lasaea City” (CG).
Luke just detailed the slow and difficult sailing they had encountered on the Alexandrian ship since leaving Myra. He continues that now with the words, “And laboriously lying beside it.”
This is referring to sailing under the shelter of Crete off the shores of Salmone. The word translated as laboriously was just used in the previous verse. Luke repeats it here, providing extra emphasis concerning the immensely trying voyage they were on.
He also uses another new word seen only here and then again in verse 13 for “lying beside it,” paralegomai. It is another nautical term, coming from para, beside, and legó, a word that originally meant “lay down to sleep.” Later, it was used in the sense of “laying an argument to rest.” It is as if the ship were lying beside the coast, struggling to move on as the contrary winds and waves fought against them.
After this laborious time of trial, Luke says, “we came to a certain place being called Fair Havens, which was near Lasaea City.”
It was with great difficulty that they were able to pass the promontory. Eventually they made it and came to Fair Havens. This is found on the southeast part of Crete. It was a place where the ship could be harbored temporarily.
The word translated as “havens” is the plural of the Greek word limén. It is found only here and twice in verse 12. It signifies a harbor, port, or haven.
Barnes notes, “It is called by Stephen, the geographer, ‘the fair shore.’ It still retains the name which it formerly had. It is called in ancient Dutch and French Sailing Directions ‘the beautiful bay.’”
The city of Lasaea appears to be otherwise unknown by this spelling, but Luke records it as a place that was well-known at his time.
Life application: Luke’s detailed record of the sailing continues to allow the modern reader to follow along with a map and see exactly where the voyage went from and to. One can almost imagine the laborious efforts of fighting wind and water as the sailors worked to get the ship forward.
An interesting part of what Luke has written is noting the city of Lasaea. As stated, Luke’s spelling of it seems to be otherwise unknown, however, Wikipedia notes –
“Lasaea or Lasaia (Ancient Greek: Λασαία) was a city on the south coast of ancient Crete, near the roadstead of the ‘Fair Havens’ where apostle Paul landed. This place is not mentioned by any other writer, under this name but is probably the same as the Lisia of the Peutinger Table, 16 M.P. to the east of Gortyna. Some manuscripts have Lasea; others, Alassa. The Vulgate reads Thalassa, which Theodore Beza contended was the true name. According to the Stadiasmus Maris Magni, which calls the place Halas (Άλας), it had a harbour and was located 50 stadia from Leben and 80 stadia from Matala.”
A Hellenistic gravestone was found at this location which is pictured in the Wikipedia article. For much of history, since Luke penned his words, even until more recent times, the city was more or less unknown to scholars. And yet, Luke’s record of it meant that it was there. By people getting out a spade and setting out in the area to search for it, evidence of it has been obtained.
If you are ever questioning the accuracy of what the Bible says because someone argues against it, be sure to do your own research. Don’t just take people’s arguments at face value. It is certain that there is a world full of people who are intent on destroying your faith.
Luke was a careful chronicler of the places and events he encountered. So, give him a nod of trust as you continue your search for validation of something he has stated. Eventually, it will present itself. Someday, we will be able to thank him personally for his detailed writings that helped us know the story of how the church and the message of Jesus Christ spread out from the land of Israel to the inhabited world.
Lord God, what a treat it is to read Your word and to consider the people and places that we read about. The word comes alive as we think about their struggles, their trials, their victories, and the hope that they possessed because of Your promise to the people of the world. What a wonderful record of Your guiding hand upon the process of redemption of mankind! Thank You for Your precious word. Amen.
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Wednesday, 24 April 2024
When we had sailed slowly many days, and arrived with difficulty off Cnidus, the wind not permitting us to proceed, we sailed under the shelter of Crete off Salmone. Acts 27:7
The Greek more literally reads, “And in many days, having sailed slowly and laboriously, having come against Cnidus, the wind not permitting us, we sailed under Crete against Salmone” (CG).
The previous verse noted that the centurion had found an Alexandrian ship sailing to Italy. Therefore, Paul and the others were put on that ship. It now says, “And in many days.” What defines “many days” is left unstated. However, it gives the sense that either things are going well, or things are going poorly. It isn’t until the arrival of the next words, “having sailed slowly and laboriously,” that the intent is drawn out.
The ship had left Myra on the way to Italy, but things began to devolve once at sea. The word translated as “slowly” is found only here in the Bible, braduploeó. It is a verb derived from bradus, meaning slow or slow of understanding and pleó, to sail. The other word, molis, is an adverb that HELPS Word Studies says gives the sense of “what barely happens.” It comes from mogis, or “laborious toil.” Thus, it is something that comes laboriously.
The intent here is to show how cumbersome the journey was at this point. The western winds continued to be too strong to work against and it was with real difficulty that Luke next says, “having come against Cnidus.”
This is a city which stood on a promontory bearing the same name located in Asia Minor. It is a little bit northwest of the island of Rhodes. Once they were off the shores of this place, Luke says, “the wind not permitting us, we sailed under Crete against Salmone.”
Because of the contrary winds that would not allow them to continue on as planned, they had to sail under Crete, just as they did with Cyprus. This would help break up the heavy winds and allow them to proceed, even if slowly and cumbersomely. It was in this leeward spot that they traveled close to Salmone which is “the name of a promontory which formed the eastern extremity of the island of Crete” (Barnes).
Life application: A journey that should have taken a short time has suddenly become one that has taken an extended period as well as one that has come with a great amount of effort on the part of those in charge of the ship. In today’s lingo, we might say they were out there spinning their wheels.
How often this happens to us as well! Everyone understands the metaphor because it is something we all experience. We are all gassed up, the tires are new, there is nothing wrong with the transmission, and yet, when we step on the gas, there is no traction. What was supposed to be a simple day with various achievements suddenly becomes a day where there is more to do at the end of it than there was at the beginning.
And more, the things we planned on doing have all failed to come about. This is frustrating and it can cause us to want to just climb into bed and forget the day. It is at times like this that we should step back and consider things from a greater perspective.
It says in Galatians 4 –
“But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.” Galatians 4:4, 5
God has a plan laid out. Certain things have transpired at key moments just as He has determined. And more things will come about at the exact moment He has already decided. For those in the church, there is the hope of the rapture –
“Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15:51, 52
This event is more fully described by Paul in 1 Thessalonians 4. This is one of the “times and seasons” referred to by Jesus in Acts 1:7 and then by Paul in 1 Thessalonians 5:1. In other words, God has a plan that is set out, it will come about at the exact moment He has already pre-determined. As such, our own days of seeming waste and wheel spinning are all factored into what He has already decided.
Therefore, let us not get overly frustrated. Instead, we can say, “Lord, today was a day of futility to me, but it was a day that has met Your expectations for Your plan nonetheless.”
When we have this perspective, we can then let go of the frustrations and accept that we are exactly where the Lord wants us and we have done exactly what He knew we would do in order to continue the stream of human existence as it is prepared for His next big event in the unfolding redemptive scenario. Yes. God has a plan and the things we do are a part of it. Rest in that at the end of a seemingly difficult day.
Lord God, thank You that what we do is a part of Your great unfolding plan for the ages. Nothing is overlooked, nothing is unimportant, and all is coming about as it should. We can rest in that, knowing that You have it all under control. Amen.
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Tuesday Apr 23, 2024
Tuesday, 23 April 2024
There the centurion found an Alexandrian ship sailing to Italy, and he put us on board. Acts 27:6
More precisely, it reads, “And there, the centurion having found a ship of Alexandria sailing to Italy, he placed us in it” (CG).
Having arrived in Myra of Lycia in the previous verse, it now says, “And there, the centurion.”
Luke had previously given the name of the centurion, Julius. However, he now reverts to using his official rank rather than his name. His identification was established, but it is appropriate to the narrative that Luke refers to him according to his capacity and rank as a soldier. Of him, Luke next says, “having found a ship of Alexandria.”
An Alexandrian ship most probably means a large container ship which was used to transport wheat from Alexandria to Rome, which was a regular occurrence during this period. As it is out of a direct route for this, the thought is that it was caught up in the same contrary winds that necessitated the ship Paul and Luke were on to also travel under the lee of Cyprus.
However, Ellicott notes “A local inscription describes Myra as a ‘horrea,’ or store-house of corn (Lewin’s St. Paul, ii. p. 187), and the Alexandrian ship may therefore have gone thither to discharge part of its cargo.” Either way, the ship was heading in the direction they were going, which was that it was “sailing to Italy.”
As has been previously noted, traveling at the time was not unlike taking a bus or plane now. Although we normally have tickets to our final destination, that is not always the case, especially if we are on a walkabout on the way to our final destination.
The final destination for the centurion and those he was conducting was Italy. Whatever ship would get them closer with each stop is the one they would take. In this case, the Alexandrian ship was going all the way there to drop off the remaining portion of its cargo. This would avoid changing ships again. Therefore, “he placed us in it.”
Here is another word found only once in the New Testament, embibazó. It is also found in the Greek Translation of Proverbs 4:11. It is a nautical term used concerning embarking men on board a ship, but it is also a medical term used to indicate “placing patients in a bath” (Pulpit). Again, we see Luke’s mastery of words and the connection between his medical experience and his knowledge of nautical terms as well.
Life application: As noted, the word embibazó is also found in Proverbs 4:11. There it says –
“I have taught you in the way of wisdom;
I have led you in right paths.”
In Proverbs 4, Solomon is writing as a father to his children, giving them words of instruction. The Lord included these words in Scripture, indicating that the wisdom to be drawn from them is universal in its application. Every person in every culture and time will benefit from the words found there.
Today, the progressive mindset is to reject things written by various people groups, such as anything from a white person, saying is biased and finds its roots entrenched in racism. This is taught in schools, government, and business alike.
Even though the Bible was received by people in the Middle East, because of its heavy influence upon the white people of the world, and because they have used it to evangelize people groups around the world, progressives treat the Bible as a book derived from a concept of white supremacy.
But this is nonsense, and deep down they know it is. The Bible clearly claims in Acts 17 that all people are derived from one man. Skin color is something that changes throughout regions of the world. It even changes in some people as their skin goes from black to white because of vitiligo.
Although rare, a couple with a certain skin color may have a child with a completely different skin color. These things don’t determine what a person is thinking or where he or she stands on a particular issue.
When it comes to the Bible, it is ultimately derived from God. Therefore, it is a book that exists as a manual for all people in order to conduct their lives in a manner that is right and pleasing to God. It is not a Jewish book, even if it was mostly Hebrew in its being transmitted and maintained.
It is not a Greek book, even if its concluding books were written in the Greek language. It is not a Western book, even if it was first accepted and most widely studied and passed on by Western societies after it was finally completed.
These ideas are incorrect. The Bible is a divinely inspired and God-centered book. It is that which brings about restoration between God and man. It is for this reason, not some other distractionary concept, that the progressives of the world hate it. They hate God, despising His moral character and being, and therefore, they hate the book that He has given to man.
Be aware of this when dealing with people who attack the Bible or the Christian portion of society. You need to address their disconnect between God and them first. Only after this is realized, will you have a chance to then correct them concerning their understanding of the importance of Scripture.
Lord God, the world is so at enmity with those who love You and who uphold Your word as the message from You. Help us to correct their thinking about You. Help us to be wise in how we approach others as they challenge You, Your word, and those who love You. May we be able to open eyes that are dulled over concerning their need to see clearly. Amen.
Monday Apr 22, 2024
Monday Apr 22, 2024
Monday, 22 April 2024
And when we had sailed over the sea which is off Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came to Myra, a city of Lycia. Acts 27:5
More literally, it reads, “And having sailed through the depth against Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came to Myra of Lycia” (CG).
Luke just noted that when they put out from Sidon, they had to sail under the lee of Cyprus due to contrary winds. This brought them between Cyprus and the main continent. He now notes, “And having sailed through the depth.”
Here are a couple of rare words. One is found only here, diapleó. It comes from dia (through) and pleó, to sail. Thus, they are sailing through the deep. The next word, translated as deep, is found only in Matthew 18:6 and in this verse, pelagos. In Matthew 18:6, it says –
“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth [pelagos] of the sea.”
It signifies the high seas, meaning the deep. In this case, it is the depth of the waters north of Cyprus and south of the mainland. Thus, Luke says this is “against Cilicia and Pamphylia.”
These would have been the two major regions on which the sea borders. They would have been to the starboard, or right side of their ship as they crossed through this deep area of ocean. From there, using the first-person plural, he says, “we came to Myra of Lycia.”
Myra was a city in the province of Lycia. This is in the southwest area of Asia Minor. It has “Phrygia and Pisidia on the north, the Mediterranean on the south, Pamphylia on the east, and Carla on the west” (Barnes).
Life application: Luke is specific in his use of wording. A lot of this information seems unnecessary, but by providing it, we find things that are verifiable. As such, we can reasonably conclude that the events recorded by him really took place. As such, Paul really left to be taken to Rome.
From there, they really were caught up in the storm that will be described. They really were stranded on a particular island, and so forth. As these things seem certain to have occurred, then we can be more assured that the details concerning the spread of the gospel, the writing of Paul’s letters by the apostle, the accuracy of how the church was established, etc., actually occurred as well.
Luke’s careful attention to particular words and details gives us a really confirming sense that all of this is reliable and accurate. Therefore, let us hold fast to the idea that Paul’s epistles are exactly what is inspired by God for our edification and instruction during this church age. Luke and his writings stand as a reliable and exemplary witness to this fact.
Lord God Almighty, when we look into the contents, structure, and reliability of what is found in Scripture, it sure helps us to be confident that what it proclaims about Your plan of redemption is also sure and reliable. Thank You for those who have compiled it, preserved it, translated it, and evaluated it for us. Thank You, above all, for Jesus, the Subject of this wonderful gift. Amen.
Sunday Apr 21, 2024
Sunday Apr 21, 2024
Sunday, 21 April 2024
When we had put to sea from there, we sailed under the shelter of Cyprus, because the winds were contrary. Acts 27:4
A literal rendering of the Greek is, “And thence, having gone up, we sailed under Cyprus, because of the winds being contrary” (CG).
Luke just detailed a stop at Sidon where the centurion, Julius, gave Paul the liberty to visit friends. With that stop complete, it now says, “And thence, having gone up, we sailed under Cyprus.” Luke meticulously described the events as they occurred. They left Sidon where it says they went up. Just as they had “brought down” at Sidon, meaning having gone from the sea to the land, they now go “up” from the land to the sea.
Once they had gone up, they headed for their next destination. However, to get there, Luke then says that they sailed under Cyprus.
In other words, it means to sail under the lee of Cyprus. The word used is hupopleó. It is only found here and in verse 7. It is apparently a very rare nautical term. This shows Luke’s great mastery of words and their proper use. He was a grand recorder of events. The reason for having sailed under Cyprus was “because of the winds being contrary.”
If the winds were agreeable, they would have gone on a direct course heading from Sidon to Mysia with the island of Cyprus on the left side. However, with a contrary wind, they went with Cyprus on their right side. Any violent winds would have then been broken off by the island and their travels would be much less dangerous and not as difficult as well.
Life application: Word studies are a marvelous way of getting the flavor of a passage from the Bible. There are many commentaries that are focused solely on word studies. These not only give mechanical information, like the types of words, the form in which they are presented, and so forth, but they will also often include so much more information, such as details about the secular use of those words at the time the Bible was written. They may also include how the word had previously been used and how it changed after biblical times, etc.
These things will give a much better understanding of what was on the mind of the biblical writers. Earlier uses of a word may still be applied in various ways, but later uses would not. So those later uses should be excluded from translations.
To take a word out of its contemporary context without a valid reason, is not sound. So, learning these things as you study will bring details to life in one’s mind in a way that almost sets your feet in the room with the writer.
This is true with visiting the places where these things occurred. Seeing the land of Israel or going where Paul and the other missionaries went can really bring things to life. Today, with much of this available right online, you can even go on journeys through photos and videos.
Take advantage of what is out there. You will find that there is no end to new and exciting ways of interacting with the Bible.
Lord God, what a blessed age we live in, where we can participate in so many things that relate to Your word. Without ever leaving our home, we can journey to Israel, we can learn what the contextual meaning of a particular word meant at the time of the prophets and apostles, and so much more. Thank You, O God, for the exciting resources we have to lead us to understanding Your word so intimately. Amen.
Saturday Apr 20, 2024
Saturday Apr 20, 2024
Saturday, 20 April 2024
And the next day we landed at Sidon. And Julius treated Paul kindly and gave him liberty to go to his friends and receive care. Acts 27:3
A literal rendering of the Greek is, “And another day, we brought down at Sidon. And Julius, having treated Paul philanthropically, permitted him, having gone to his friends, to receive care” (CG).
Luke is in the process of describing the ongoing voyage from Caesarea to Rome. He continues that now with, “And another.”
The meaning is “another day.” Luke is highlighting what occurred on this particular day, which was like any other, except upon arrival, there will be friends of Paul at this location. Luke next says, “we brought down at Sidon.”
After this day of sailing, which was about 70 miles, it says they “brought down” at Sidon. The word is katagó. It comes from two other words, kata (down) and ago, (to lead or bring). It gives the idea of bringing the ship down from the deep water of the high seas to the land. It is used in Luke 5:11 concerning the Lake of Gennesaret.
The seas, even in the smaller body of water like the Sea of Galilee, are considered elevated above the shores where they meet the land. At this stop in Sidon, it says, “And Julius, having treated Paul philanthropically.”
The word is found only here in the New Testament, philanthrópós. It literally means in a man-loving way, thus humanely. Vincent’s Word Studies notes the fault in the KJV translation, which says "courteously" rather than kindly – “Courteous, from court, expresses rather polish of manners than real kindness.”
In other words, this wasn't an act of polished manners on Julius’ part. Instead, it was a true act of humanity. Luke notes it as such with this special word. The regard by Luke for Julius is evident in the term used. The philanthropic way in which he dealt with Paul is next stated. He “permitted him, having gone to his friends, to receive care.”
Julius was under no obligation to allow his charge to be allowed this. In fact, if Paul took off, he would be in serious trouble. It is obvious that this was not the result of an exchange of money or some other such thing. The use of the word philanthrópós excludes such a notion. Rather, Paul probably said, “I have really good friends here.” Julius responded by allowing him to visit them.
Finally, one other unique word is used in these words. It is translated as “care.” It is the noun epimeleia. The Pulpit Commentary notes that it is a word “frequent in Xenophon and other classical writers ... It is in very common use among medical writers for the care and attention required by the sick. It is very probable that St. Paul was suffering from his long confinement at Caesarea, and that the [epimeleia] here mentioned has reference to his invalid state. This explains Julius’ humane concern for Paul.”
Life application: Luke is recording details of the interactions between Paul and Julius as they arise. As he continues, he will simply be called “the centurion.” However, Luke has specifically given his name to set the tone for the narrative. He is one who faithfully considered his duties, and yet, he will be seen to truly care for his charge, Paul.
If someone were to detail your interactions with others, how would the record reflect who you are? Are you faithful in doing your daily duties, honestly giving your employer a fair trade for the pay he gives you? If you are responsible for others, would the record show that you had concern for them or were you a jerk towards them?
Even if nobody is detailing your life for a book, the Lord is aware of your treatment of others. This is noted even under the law –
“You shall not oppress a hired servant who is poor and needy, whether one of your brethren or one of the aliens who is in your land within your gates. 15 Each day you shall give him his wages, and not let the sun go down on it, for he is poor and has set his heart on it; lest he cry out against you to the Lord, and it be sin to you.” Deuteronomy 24:14, 15
What we can infer from this is that the Lord is not only displeased with an uncaring or mean demeanor, but the opposite must be pleasing to Him. Each thing we do, each interaction we are involved in, reveals to the Lord our heart and intentions. Be careful to watch your life and conduct. The Lord surely is doing so.
Lord God, help us in our times of interaction with others. May we be careful to treat them courteously and with respect. It is often the case that we let the trials and troubles of life get in the way of how we deal with others. So, Lord, be with us and keep us from being gruff, unfriendly, uncaring, and so forth. Help us to be good and faithful to those we interact with. Amen.
Friday Apr 19, 2024
Friday Apr 19, 2024
Friday, 19 April 2024
So, entering a ship of Adramyttium, we put to sea, meaning to sail along the coasts of Asia. Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica, was with us.
The Greek closely reads, “And having boarded a ship of Adramyttium, intending to sail unto among the regions of Asia, we headed out. Aristarchus, a Macedonian, being with us” (CG).
Chapter 27 began with a note concerning the anticipated departure of Paul, prisoners, and a centurion named Julius to Rome on a ship. That now continues with, “And having boarded a ship of Adramyttium.”
The word translated as “boarded” is epibainó. It is now used for the sixth and last time. It comes from two words meaning “upon” and “step.” Thus, it means “to step upon.” However, for simplicity and clarity, “having boarded” gives the proper sense.
Saying it is a ship of Adramyttium could mean either a ship originally built there or a ship that found its home harbor there. It is probably the latter. The ship was sailing on trade and was now returning to its home port which happened to be on the way to Rome.
Adramyttium was a town on the coast of Mysia, opposite the island of Lesbos. It was on the Roman road which went from Assos and Troas to the cities of Pergamos, Ephesus, and Miletus. At the time, it was apparently a considerably important city.
With that noted, Luke continues the narrative, saying, “intending to sail unto among the regions of Asia, we headed out.” This is referring to the course of the ship as it set out, not the intent of Julius and those with him. Their intent was to get to Rome. However, the ship was a ship of business.
Rome would pay for the passage of Julius and the prisoners, but the ship would follow its own set course. If one were to hitchhike on the highway and a big rig stopped, the driver might say, Climb aboard! I’ll get you to Tupelo, but we’ll be making several out-of-the-way stops as we travel. This is the idea of Luke’s words now.
Verse 6 will note the change in ships for the continued journey to Rome. Transferring from one ship to another was common and it was seen in Paul’s earlier travels. This is no different than taking several buses, trains, or planes today in order to get to a final destination. Understanding this, it next says, “Aristarchus, a Macedonian, being with us.”
Aristarchus is now mentioned again. He had come to Jerusalem with Paul as was seen in Acts 20:4. It can be inferred that he had stayed with Paul, just like Luke did, for the entire time that he was in Caesarea. He is probably going to head back to his home in Thessalonica now, but it is also possible that he wanted to continue on with Paul in all of his travels.
Either way, he will end up in Rome because of what lies ahead. Concerning this guy, there is speculation about his status with Paul at other times. In Colossians 4:10, he is called Paul’s “fellow prisoner.” That seems obvious on the surface, but in Romans 16:7, Paul calls Andronicus and Junia “my countrymen and my fellow prisoners.”
However, Paul wasn’t in prison when he wrote Romans. Further, in Philemon 1:23, 24, he calls Epaphras his “fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus,” but he doesn't say this about Aristarchus who is also named.
For this reason, there is speculation as to what Paul is referring to, whether it is being a prisoner either at that time or at some other time and being noted as a badge of honor, or of some other implied meaning in the word “prisoner.”
No matter the intent, Luke is careful to mention Aristarchus as a part of those who traveled with himself, Paul, and any others despite him not being mentioned again in the book of Acts.
Life application: The idea that is being conveyed in the verse is that Rome is the ultimate destination of those heading out. However, they already know that the ship they are on will only go so far. As it goes, there may be stops along the way. Eventually, they will have to find another ship and continue on towards Rome, repeating this until they finally arrive.
For the Christian, we are on a journey. Our ultimate destination is decided, but we cannot get there directly at this time. However, each day that passes and each place we find ourselves brings us that much closer to our place of rest.
Let us suppose that each point along that trip has bearing on the quality of our time in our ultimate destination. If we fritter away our stops along the way, we will reduce the gain we might receive. If we live by faith and act according to that faith at each stop, we will increase the gain that comes to us when we finally arrive.
Is sightseeing really so important at each stop? Is marking out temporary pleasure what we want? Or is what we will receive at our ultimate destination our target with each passing day? Remembering that the good we receive is something that also pleases the Lord, let us use our time and location each moment of our days with our eyes directed to Jesus and our thoughts always considering Him. May it be so, to the glory of God who sent His Son into the world to bring us safely home to Himself.
Lord God, help us to evaluate the time and place we find ourselves from day to day from a heavenly perspective. May we be faithful to do what is right, honoring You, and worthy of reward with each step we take on each new day. Help us to look at this life from a heavenly perspective. May it be so, to Your glory. Amen.
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
Thursday Apr 18, 2024
Thursday, 18 April 2024
And when it was decided that we should sail to Italy, they delivered Paul and some other prisoners to one named Julius, a centurion of the Augustan Regiment. Acts 27:1
Much more literally, the words read, “And when our sailing away to Italy was decided, they delivered both Paul and certain others, prisoners, to a centurion by name Julius, of the Augustan cohort” (CG).
Chapter 26 ended with the words of Agrippa noting that if Paul had not appealed to Caesar, he could have been released. However, he did appeal, and so Chapter 27 begins with, “And when our sailing away to Italy was decided.”
The narrative includes the first-person pronoun “our.” This connects the account all the way back to Acts 21:17. What we can infer is that Luke was probably there with Paul the entire time that he was in Caesarea. He may have even used this time in the compilation of the Gospel of Luke.
As for the travel to Rome, how the decision to sail was made isn’t explained. It could be that it was cheaper, quicker, safer, requiring less manpower, or for some other reason. Probably it was just the common way of delivering prisoners from this area as it was a seaport.
The fact that other prisoners were on board with him lends itself to the thought of traveling by ship. They could be more easily contained than going by land. The word apopleo is used here. It is from a compound word exactly meaning “sail away.” This is the fourth and last time it is seen. All have been in Acts in connection with Paul’s travels. In preparation for this sailing away, it next says, “they delivered both Paul and certain others, prisoners.”
The word translated as “others” as in “certain others, prisoners” is heteros. It means “another of a different kind.” In other words, Paul is singled out from the rest. Translating this as “certain other prisoners” as the NKJV does, fails to provide any distinction. However, in saying “certain others, prisoners,” it helps the mind consider that there is, in fact, a distinction.
The choice of words used by Luke carries a note of his being conducted to Rome for a different reason than the others. His innocence has already been established, but his appeal made his appearance before Caesar a requirement, regardless of his innocence or guilt. Understanding that, it next says, “to a centurion by name Julius, of the Augustan cohort.”
In the Greek, Luke uses four nouns and an adjective – centurion name Julius cohort Augustan. Therefore, a bit of insertion needs to take place for clarity. Julius is introduced here, and he is noted as a centurion of the Augustan Regiment.
There is much dispute as to exactly what this regiment is. The Greek reads, speirēs Sebastēs, or the cohort of Sebastos. Sebastos means venerated or august. It is a title of the Roman emperors. Thus, secondarily, it signifies Augustan, imperial. Albert Barnes gives his thought on this band, which is as logical and probable as any other view –
“It was a division in the Roman army consisting of from 400 to 600 men. This was called ‘Augustus’ band’ in honor of the Roman emperor Augustus, and was probably distinguished in some way for the care in enlisting or selecting them. The Augustine cohort or band is mentioned by Suetonius in his Life of Nero, 20.”
Life application: Bible study is something that doesn’t just have to happen on Wednesday night at church. It can happen right in your own home each day as you pull out a commentary and read it along with the passage you are presently reading in the Bible.
As for Acts 27, there are 44 verses in the chapter. Following along for the next 44 days with this commentary will provide insights into the contents of the chapter, the original Greek context of various words, the intent of the author, the life of Paul as he heads to Rome – including getting lost at sea in a great storm and getting shipwreck on an island – and so much more. After that, Chapter 28 is comprised of just 31 more verses.
Be sure to spend the next 75 days with us as we search out the wonderful words of Scripture concerning the adventures of Paul as he shares the gospel to the Gentile world.
Lord God Almighty, what a wonderful gift Your word is. Thank You for the exciting details of people who have gone before and of stories of times past that lead us to a better understanding of Your great work of redemption as it is revealed in and through the Person of Jesus Christ our Lord. Yes, Lord, thank You for this precious gift. Amen.
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Wednesday, 17 April 2024
Then Agrippa said to Festus, “This man might have been set free if he had not appealed to Caesar.” Acts 26:32
In the previous verse, those gathered after the trial had said, “This man is doing nothing deserving of death or chains.” Next, it says, “Then Agrippa said to Festus.”
Festus had asked for advice and an opinion on the matter of Paul. That has now been rendered by Agrippa and it will give Festus the statement he needed to include with Paul’s continued evaluation in the Roman court. The mutually agreed decision was that he was innocent. And more, Agrippa next says, “This man might have been set free if he had not appealed to Caesar.”
Paul was innocent and should be walking free at this very moment. That could not yet happen, however. But at least Festus had something to include in the letter that would accompany Paul’s case as it went to Caesar. He could say exactly what Agrippa had stated, thus excusing Paul’s being sent to Rome as a legal technicality based on the appeal to Caesar.
Obviously, the appeal was the right thing to do for several reasons. The first is that it kept Paul from being released and put back in peril of the Jews. Second, it allowed for this very trial of Chapter 26 to have been held. Third, that will now allow for the continued spreading of the gospel along the way to Rome as well as into the areas of Rome by Paul (as will be seen in the next two chapters). Fourth, the trial brought the issue of Christianity to the forefront of the courts in the land of Israel.
No Jew could come forward and accuse the converts of being a subversive heretical sect in a Roman trial. The precedent has thus far been set and the Christian way of faith has found a legal footing in the courts of Rome. It would likewise be found legal in the final court of Caesar.
Any later Caesar who persecuted the Christians would be found to be persecuting an established and already accepted faith within the empire. The work of Paul, by the direction of the Lord, ensured that everything was set to proceed in the most marvelous way for the expansion of the faith which is found in Jesus Christ.
Life application: When we see Christians persecuted for their faith, we might ask where the sense in their persecution rests. How could God allow them (or us!) to be treated so shamefully? Although it is a completely different context in which Jesus was speaking, the words remain true in other contexts as well when He said, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing.”
In the end, if we are saved, it may be troubling, painful, terrifying, and so forth to see Christians persecuted and tortured, but what happens to our bodies is actually very temporary and passing. In the end, the Spirit has given true believers life. They will be raised, and they will be given eternal joy in the presence of the Lord.
Paul is one such example, but the record of faithful martyrs for Christ has continued on unabated for two millennia. Those who truly are to be pitied are those whose faith is misdirected in heretical sects and false religions who die for their faith. They are the ones who will be eternally separated from God.
When a true Christian is persecuted, we can know that their troubles will be temporary and, in the end, he will be vindicated by the Lord who watches over those who are His. Let us take heart in this and remember that God has a plan that is being worked out. Paul’s trials are leading to a furtherance of the gospel. Ours, if they come, will serve their own purpose in meeting God’s plans and purposes.
Heavenly Father, may our lives be used to glorify You at all times, even if suffering comes. Help us to keep our thoughts on what is eternal as we pass through this troubled and fallen world. We have a job to do in sharing the gospel and in being a witness to Your presence in our lives. Be with us and sustain us through our days. Amen.