The first episodes are from Genesis. Since Feb 2021 we began an exciting daily commentary in the the book of Acts since it is certain that almost all major theological errors within the church arise by a misapplication, or a misuse, of the book of Acts. If the book is taken in its proper light, it is an invaluable tool for understanding what God is doing in the redemptive narrative in human history. If it is taken incorrectly, failed doctrine, and even heretical ideas, will arise (and consistently have arisen) within the church. Let us consider the book of Acts in its proper light. In doing so, these errors in thinking and theology will be avoided. The book of Acts is comprised of 28 chapters of 1007 verses (as in the NKJV). Therefore, a daily evaluation of Acts, one verse per day, will take approximately 2.76 years to complete.
Monday Jul 08, 2024
Monday Jul 08, 2024
Monday, 8 July 2024
The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham: Matthew 1:1
For this commentary, the main verse at the top of each commentary will be from the NKJV. However, at the beginning of the body of each commentary, a personal (literal) translation will be provided as well. This personal translation will be used for the analysis of the commentary.
“Scroll: Genealogy Jesus Christ, Son of David, Son of Abraham” (CG).
The book of Matthew begins with a genealogical record of the lineage of Jesus Christ. This is something that is found throughout the Old Testament as well. Genealogies were meticulously kept by the Hebrew scribes, ensuring that the people were recorded according to their family lines, whether in the nation of Israel or – at times – had a bearing on the nation (e.g., see Genesis 5:1, Genesis 25:12, Genesis 36:1, Genesis 46:8, etc.).
Genealogies were kept, thus ensuring those of the nation were eligible for inclusion in the society (Numbers 1:17-19, etc.), entitled to certain inheritances (Numbers 26:33, etc.), authorized for certain duties (Numbers 3:17, etc.), restricted from various rights or entitlements (Deuteronomy 23:2), etc.
In the case of Israel’s Messiah, certain requirements were necessary. He was to be of the seed of Abraham (Genesis 22:18), of Isaac (Genesis 17:19), of Jacob (Genesis 25:23), of Judah (Genesis 49:10), and of David (2 Samuel 7:12-16). Above all other reasons, the maintaining of the genealogical records from Adam until the coming of Christ were meticulously kept ensuring to us that the Messiah could be absolutely identified when He appeared.
So sure is this, that after His coming, the genealogical records of Israel were destroyed when the temple was burned in AD70. As this is so, the only source for the genealogies of the nation and the world are maintained in the pages of the Bible. And the full genealogical record of only one Jew remains to this day, Jesus Christ.
Understanding this, and because His genealogy is recorded in the pages of Scripture, He alone can be identified as Israel’s Messiah. No other person before or after can make the absolute claim, directly from Scripture, that Jesus can.
Indeed, apart from this genealogy, prophecies were uttered as recorded in Scripture identifying the timing of His coming, the things that He would do, and the events that would happen to Him. The fulfillment of those prophecies is carefully recorded in the pages of the New Testament to definitively identify this One individual as bearing the right to the claim of being Israel’s Messiah.
In Matthew’s genealogy, he begins with, “Scroll.” The Greek word is biblos, “Properly, the inner bark of the papyrus plant, i.e. (by implication) a sheet or scroll of writing – book” (Strong’s). Matthew was making a concerted effort of compiling the genealogy of Jesus in order to ensure that the record was permanently maintained.
Surely, this was inspired by the Holy Spirit to confirm that when all other Jewish records perished, there would be this and Luke’s written account to safeguard – for all subsequent generations – the truth that Jesus did, in fact, descend from those who were given the promises in past times.
Matthew, understanding intimately who Jesus is, then began his recorded scroll with the words, “Genealogy Jesus Christ.”
Matthew was faithfully making a record as so many before him had faithfully done. In this case, the focus is solely on one Person, Jesus (Hebrew: Yeshua, Greek: Iésous). The name means Salvation. As noted in Thayer’s Greek Lexicon – “Jesus יְהושֻׁעַ [Yehoshua] and according to a later form, יֵשׁוּעַ [Yeshua].” This later form was a common name at the time. However, Matthew continues with “Christ.”
The Greek word is christos. The word has the same meaning as the Hebrew word mashiakh, Messiah. Both mean Anointed One. The anointing referred to does not necessarily speak of the coming Messiah. For example, Cyrus, King of Persia, was called mashiakh in Isaiah 45:1. However, in Matthew’s account, he is specifically noting that Jesus is the true promised Messiah of Israel, the Christ of the world. To further establish this, he next records “Son of David.”
It is a reference, as will continue to be seen in this record, to David, King of Israel. His name means Beloved. Matthew is purposefully tying Jesus into the genealogy of King David to begin his narrative in order to establish that Jesus is fully entitled to the rights of the Davidic throne as promised in 2 Samuel 7, referenced above. From there, he next records “Son of Abraham.”
The meaning of Abraham is debated. In Genesis 17:5, it says –
“No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations.”
Though not all agree, his name is said to mean Father of a Multitude or something similar.
Again, Matthew returns to a specific figure from Israel’s past to ensure that the David who was first referred to is the same David who descended from Abraham. It is Abraham who received the promise given by God in Genesis 22:18, also referenced above.
With this overall genealogy set, Matthew will “fill in the blanks” between these three in a unique way, demonstrating a wisdom that was prompted by the superintending guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Life application: When the disciples were disheartened and thought that all was lost because of the crucifixion of Jesus their Lord, they were gathered together. At that time, just after hearing from two men who had seen the risen Lord, Luke records these words –
“Now as they said these things, Jesus Himself stood in the midst of them, and said to them, ‘Peace to you.’ 37 But they were terrified and frightened, and supposed they had seen a spirit. 38 And He said to them, ‘Why are you troubled? And why do doubts arise in your hearts? 39 Behold My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself. Handle Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see I have.’” Luke 24:36-39
“Why do doubts arise in your hearts?” The words speak to us today. Why should we wonder if God is there? Why should we worry that things are out of control? Why should we be dispirited, disheartened, or dismayed as the world spins into chaos around us? And why should we doubt whether God is in control?
One of the main reasons for the word of God is to ensure that we know that He has a plan, that it has been meticulously carried out since the very beginning, and that He will bring us safely to Himself because of what He has done.
The carefully recorded words of Matthew are a part of that book, and they should fill us with the most joyous hope that when we trust in Jesus, we have trusted in the fullness of God’s provision for making that restoration possible. We don’t need to wonder, worry, or wobble in our faith. We also do not need signs or wonders to ensure to us that God is there with us.
Rather, God has given us His word and He asks us to, by faith, accept that it is exactly what it is presented as. We are told by Paul that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Open your ears and listen. Open your hearts and receive. Open your minds and think! Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! He is God’s provision. He is the Messiah of Israel and the Christ of the nations.
Please pursue Him from His word each day and every day of your life. And please continue to join us as we analyze the book of Matthew for the next 2.94 years. We know you will be blessed as you do.
Lord God, help us to spend our time wisely. May we carefully and meticulously research Your word so that our step in faith is not one into a dark tunnel, but one that is directly into Your revealed light. Your word, O God, is a lamp to our feet and a light for our path. May we be willing to use it as such. And may doubts no longer arise in our hearts as we contemplate Your goodness in the coming of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sunday Jul 07, 2024
Sunday Jul 07, 2024
Sunday, 7 July 2024
The Book of Matthew; an Introduction – Part III
With some of the interesting patterns found within the book of Matthew complete, we now return to finish the list of main purposes for the writing of the book.
4) The Pivotal Placement of Acts: The layout of the Bible forms innumerable patterns. One is seen in the order of how the books are placed, with Matthew beginning a key section of this layout –
Tent of Shem:
Genesis - Malachi (Law)
Synoptic Gospels according to the naming of Noah’s sons (OT Law Fulfillment)
* Matthew – Directed predominantly to Shem
* Mark – Directed predominantly to Ham
* Luke – Directed predominantly to Japheth
John (mixture of OT Law and NT concepts/theology)
Acts – Transition / Jerusalem to Rome / Peter to Paul / Jew to Gentile / Shem to Japheth
Tent of Japheth (dwelling in, meaning between, tents of Shem)
Romans-Philemon – to Gentile-led church
Tent of Shem
Hebrews, James, 1 & 2 Peter to Jews (Shem)
John (mixture)
Jude (mixture, final letter of warning)
Summary from John’s time until the end
Revelation - 1:1 - 4:1 (church – Japheth)
4:2 - 19:21 (tribulation upon the whole world)
21 - (millennial reign and final battle – Shem)
22 - (restoration of all things good for all of mankind)
* Matthew begins the section of Law Fulfillment where Jesus’ words and actions are directed specifically to the people of Israel who were serving under the law. During that entire period, no person was able to fulfill the law. According to Leviticus 18:5, the person who fulfilled the law would live. However, all continued to die.
Matthew’s gospel, beginning with Jesus’ genealogy, is provided to show that Jesus was the qualified Messiah, anticipated from ages past. The gospel narrative is then provided to show that Jesus is the capable Messiah who did, in fact, fulfill the law. In His fulfillment of it, the law was annulled, and a New Covenant was introduced.
5) Doctrinal Themes:
Historical – This reveals the actual life of Israel’s Messiah, from birth through to His atoning death and glorious resurrection.
Spiritual – This reveals the fulfillment of the law, God’s standard by which the man who did the things of the law would live.
Apostolic – This begins to reveal the united message of the synoptic gospels even though Matthew has a distinct audience (directed most specifically to the Jews and identifying Jesus as their Messiah/King).
Political – This gospel reveals the truth that Christianity stemmed from Judaism and is the fulfillment of it, thus it establishes faith in Jesus as a legitimate religion (Religio Licita) within the Roman empire.
Prophetic – This reveals the fulfillment of innumerable prophecies within the Jewish writings, some explicitly cited by Matthew.
6) A Very Brief Outline:
The Book of Matthew – Messiah as King
Book Superstructure/
The Son of David**
Book Structure/
Book Outline
Establishing Kingship - The Son of David
Link to Genesis
1. The right to rule.
Link to Exodus
2. The prophesied King.
Link to Leviticus
3. The anointed King.
Link to Numbers
4. The kingdom attained and announced.
Link to Deuteronomy
5. The King’s surprising edicts.
Link to Joshua
6. The King’s surprising edicts (2).
Link to Judges
7. The King’s surprising edicts (3).
Link to Ruth
8. The King’s authority confirmed through word and action.
Link to 1 Samuel
9. Demonstrations of the King’s mercy.
Link to 2 Samuel
10. Loyal subjects of the King.
Link to 1 Kings
11. Exultation of loyal subjects; condemnation of the King’s foes.
Is this the Son of David?
Link to 2 Kings
12. The questioned kingship.
Link to 1 Chronicles
13. The kingdom parables
Link to 2 Chronicles
14. Revalidations of kingdom authority.
Proclamation of Davidic Son-ship from outside Israel
Link to Ezra
15. The King’s authority confirmed through word and action (2).
Link to Nehemiah
16. The Messiah-King acknowledged and His mission identified.
Link to Esther
17. Visual confirmations of divine Kingship.
Link to Job
18. Kingdom compassion.
Link to Psalms
19. The importance of earthly and kingdom familial relations.
Proclamation of Davidic Son-ship from within Israel
Link to Proverbs
20. Prerogatives of kingship and requirements of His subjects.
Link to Ecclesiastes
21. Prophetic fulfillments of the Messiah-King.
Link to Song of Solomon
22. Testing of the King.
Link to Isaiah
23. Woe to disobedient subjects.
Link to Jeremiah
24. Olivet discourse; prophetic passages.
Book Superstructure
Book Structure
Book Outline
Link to Lamentations
25. Olivet discourse; prophetic passages (2).
Link to Ezekiel
26. Passover preparation – dual significance.
Link to Daniel
27. Messiah-King – the Passover Lamb.
Prophetic fulfillment of the Eternal Davidic King
Link to Hosea
28. The Risen King and His Great Commission.
** The chosen super-structure is evident from Matthew’s identifying Jesus with King David, the genealogy in particular sets the mood. In the first chapter, David is mentioned 6 times; 5 in the genealogy. The genealogy is divided into sections of 14 generations each with David as the link. Interestingly, David is written d-v-d in Hebrew – of which the gematria value is 14. d = 4 v = 6 d = 4, or a total of 14.
*** It is certain that chapter and verse divisions were not arbitrary but were divinely inspired. Matthew provides wonderful evidence of this fact (although we can be sure he didn’t realize it was happening). See attached previously supplied patterns as evidence of these things.
Life application: In previous commentaries, the chronologically-snobberous teachings of those who dismiss dispensationalism have been addressed. Just because something new is introduced into biblical interpretation, it does not mean that what is presented is invalid. Suitable explanations for why dismissing dispensationalism is inappropriate were presented.
One of the doctrines that arises because of the dispensational model is that of the rapture. The doctrine is necessary because what happens to the church in Christ’s coming, if it has actually not replaced Israel, is not sufficiently addressed by earlier teachings within the church.
From a dispensational understanding of biblical writings, the coming of Christ in His return to save Israel cannot be the same as the coming of Christ to receive His church. This is because even if the church is a part of the commonwealth of Israel (Ephesians 2:12), it is not the nation of Israel. Paul never hints at such a notion.
Therefore, the writings of Paul in 1 Corinthians 15, 1 Thessalonians 4, and 2 Thessalonians 2 cannot be speaking of matters related to Israel. In dismissal of this, rapture deniers say that the term “rapture” is never mentioned by Paul. However, a doctrine does not need a specific word for it to be valid.
The doctrine of original sin is clearly taught in Scripture, even if no such term is ever used. Likewise, the teaching of the Trinity is accepted by all orthodox Christian teachers of Scripture, and yet the name is never used.
Matthew’s gospel is directed to Israel, under the law and demonstrating Christ’s fulfillment of the law. With that complete, the New Covenant was introduced. With Israel’s rejection of Christ, they were placed under the punishments of the Law of Moses, having remained under that law until a future date.
At that time, the Gentiles took the prominent role in the church while the number of Jews decreased to the point where there was but a remnant left at any time during the church age. When the dispensation of grace ends, the church must be removed in order to refocus the redemptive narrative on the nation of Israel.
Matthew’s gospel has introduced something new into the redemptive narrative, the coming of Jesus Christ. Only in understanding the history of the world from a dispensational viewpoint does the overall scenario of what God is doing make proper sense.
There will be a rapture of the church. After that, the world will be prepared for Jesus’ return to His long-wayward people to rule among them for a thousand years. Matthew clearly indicates that it is up to Israel’s decision to acknowledge Jesus for Him to physically return to the earth and accomplish this –
“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! 38 See! Your house is left to you desolate; 39 for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’” Matthew 23:37-39
Jerusalem refers to the national leadership of Israel, not the church. The church has already said “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” They have done so for two thousand years. However, a day lies ahead when Israel will do this as well.
Lord God, thank You for allowing us to see wonderful treasures in Your word. They give us every confidence that it truly is from You, and it is revealing Your heart and mind to us. Yes, Lord God, thank You for Your precious word. Amen!
Saturday Jul 06, 2024
Saturday Jul 06, 2024
Saturday, 6 July 2024
The Book of Matthew; an Introduction – Part IId
The list of books of the Bible that match the corresponding chapters of the Book of Matthew continues here:
*Jeremiah (book 24) speaks more of false prophets than any other book in the Bible. Entire sections are dedicated to false prophets and false prophecies. False prophets are even singled out by name several times.
Here is a Matthew 24 connection –
“At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people” Matthew 24:10, 11.
*Another fantastic parallel is in Jeremiah 31. Here’s the book/chapter (24)31 –
“Hear the word of the LORD, O nations; proclaim it in distant coastlands: ‘He who scattered Israel will gather them and will watch over his flock like a shepherd.’” Jeremiah 31:10 (NIV)
Now Matthew 24:31 –
“And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other.”
Notice the numbers again (24)31 and 24:31
*Lamentations (25th book) says –
“The tongue of the infant clingsTo the roof of its mouth for thirst;The young children ask for bread,But no one breaks it for them.” Lamentations 4:4
Matthew 25:44 says –
“Then they also will answer Him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not minister to You?’”
Notice again, the immensely accurate verse distinction – (25)4:4 and 25:44!
*Ezekiel (26th book) 5:2 reads –
“When the days of your siege come to an end, burn a third of the hair with fire inside the city. Take a third and strike it with the sword all around the city. And scatter a third to the wind. For I will pursue them with drawn sword.”
Now Matthew 26:52 –
“‘Put your sword back in its place, Jesus said to him, for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.’”
Astonishingly enough is that fact that both books read about the “drawn sword” at the numbers (26)5:2 and 26:52, but also worthy of note is that the term “drawn sword” is mentioned more times in Ezekiel than any other book of the Bible, confirming that this is a valid link.
*Daniel (27th book) –
“A stone was brought and placed over the mouth of the den, and the king sealed it with his own signet ring and with the rings of his nobles, so that Daniel's situation might not be changed” Daniel 6:17.
Now read Matthew 27:66 –
“So they went and made the tomb secure by putting a seal on the stone and posting the guard.”
*Again in Daniel, the 9th chapter –
“ the first year of his reign I, Daniel, understood by the books the number of the years specified by the word of the Lord through Jeremiah the prophet, that He would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.”
Now read Matthew 27:9 –
“Then what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled.”
Notice the intricacy: Jeremiah is quoted in Daniel (27)9 and Matthew 27:9.
*Hosea (28th book) 2:15 reads –
“There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope.” (Achor means trouble.)
Matthew 28:2 says –
“And behold, there was a great earthquake; for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat on it.”
If you look at the comparison, it fits very well. God said in Hosea that He would make the valley of trouble a door of hope, and the ending of all our trouble (in and from death) came as the stone was rolled away from the door of the tomb! As usual, notice the numbers (28)2 and 28:2!
*A second marvelous parallel is Hosea 6:3 –
“Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him.As surely as the sun rises, he will appear;he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth” (NIV).
Now read Matthew 28:6 –
“He is not here; for He is risen, as He said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”
The parallel cannot be mistaken! Just as we were in search of God, He came to us, proving it when He arose and appeared in the morning. And once again, we have the astonishing numerical parallel: (28)6:3 and 28:6!
If you have enjoyed these patterns, we will provide one more fantastic numerical pattern that runs outside of the 28 chapters of Matthew but instead links to the 40th chapter of Isaiah and corresponds to Matthew, the 40th book of the Bible –
Isaiah 40:3 says –
“The voice of one crying in the wilderness:‘Prepare the way of the Lord;Make straight in the desertA highway for our God.’”
Now Matthew 3:3 –
“For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, saying:‘The voice of one crying in the wilderness:“Prepare the way of the Lord;Make His paths straight.”’”
The interesting thing about this is that Matthew is the 40th book of the Bible. The parallel then is Isaiah 40:3. Matthew (40)3:3.
Life application: The issue concerning the matter that the book, chapter, and verse divisions did not exist at the time Matthew penned his gospel was discussed in a previous introductory commentary.
It was then discussed that just because dispensationalism was not properly understood or taught until much later in the church age, it does not mean that it is not a valid teaching. The fallacy of Chronological Snobbery was then discussed, showing that it is not proper to assume something is incorrect simply because it is new.
But why would God allow the church to go through 1800 years of incorrect thinking if dispensationalism is correct? The answer is obvious when thought through. If the church knew that the return of Jesus for His church and the establishment of His earthly millennial kingdom was based on the return of the Jewish people to the land, it would have become the main passion and mission of the church to make that happen.
However, Israel had a time of punishment preset by God in order to fulfill their promised punishments according to the Law of Moses. That needed to be fulfilled. Also, the church’s main mission was specifically given by Jesus in Matthew 28 –
“And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ Amen.”
These words were the Lord’s post-resurrection command to the church. Those so directed didn’t quite get it the first time, and so they asked Him about future matters before He ascended. When they did, He reiterated His directive to them one final time –
“Therefore, when they had come together, they asked Him, saying, ‘Lord, will You at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?’ 7 And He said to them, ‘It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority. 8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.’” Acts 1:6-8
The disciples were looking forward to the kingdom age. The church, if it realized all that God was doing, would have been looking for the resurrection of the dead and the rapture so that they could be with the Lord. If it was understood that Jesus would return when Israel was in the land once again, that is all people in the church would be working towards.An entire planet of people needs to hear the gospel, but the church would be working on reestablishing one little people group into a teeny slice of land in the Middle East. Things would not have worked out well. If you want proof that this would be the case, look at today’s modern rapture-seeking crowd.
They literally spend all of their time reading about the rapture, watching videos about the rapture, calculating the timing of the rapture, scolding others about their mistaken priorities, and never spending a moment of the day doing what they should be doing – as commanded by the Lord Himself.
Don’t be like these people. Read the word! Study the word! Tell people the gospel! And then baptize and disciple those you tell. If you don’t do these things, you are being disobedient to the very words Jesus instructed you to do in the word that you fail to pick up and read!
Lord God, help people (including us!) to have properly directed priorities concerning our duties as instructed by You in Your word. May we be faithful and obedient followers and doers concerning what we have been instructed. To Your glory, we pray. Amen.
Friday Jul 05, 2024
Friday Jul 05, 2024
Friday, 5 July 2024
The Book of Matthew; an Introduction – Part IIc
The list of books of the Bible that match the corresponding chapters of the Book of Matthew continues here:
*Job (18th book) says –
“There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil. 2 And seven sons and three daughters were born to him. 3 Also, his possessions were seven thousand sheep, three thousand camels, five hundred yoke of oxen, five hundred female donkeys, and a very large household, so that this man was the greatest of all the people of the East.” Job 1:1-3.
Matthew 18:1-4 says –
“At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, ‘Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’2 Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, 3 and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.’”
Job was certainly unlike any other man of his time. Read the following description by the Lord Himself –
“Then the LORD said to Satan, ‘Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?’” (Job 1:8).
However, even with such righteousness, Job faced difficulties that he did not understand. In the course of these difficulties, Job questioned God's purposes. Towards the end of the book, God challenges Job with hard questions to which we have Job's response –
Then Job answered the Lord and said:2 “I know that You can do everything,And that no purpose of Yours can be withheld from You.3 You asked, ‘Who is this who hides counsel without knowledge?’Therefore I have uttered what I did not understand,Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know.4 Listen, please, and let me speak;You said, ‘I will question you, and you shall answer Me.’5 “I have heard of You by the hearing of the ear,But now my eye sees You.6 Therefore I abhor myself,And repent in dust and ashes.” Job 42:1-6.
The link is obvious: Job was considered righteous, but yet he - in the end - was humbled like a child before God's majesty.
*A second link to confirm this chapter link is that it states –
“...this man was the greatest of all the people of the East” (Job 1:3).
Matthew 18:1 says –
“At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, ‘Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?’”
Notice the book/chapter and chapter/verse parallel – (18)1 and 18:1.
A third parallel falls in Job 16:19 –
“Surely even now my witness is in heaven and my evidence is on high.”
Matthew 16:19 says –
“Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.”
Notice the numerical parallel – (16)19 and 16:19
*Job contains the three witnesses against Job; Matthew says that “by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.”
*Psalms (19th book) says –
“But the LORD shall endure forever; He has prepared His throne for judgment.” Psalm 19:7
Matthew 19:28 says –
“So Jesus said to them, ‘Assuredly I say to you, that in the regeneration, when the Son of Man sits on the throne of His glory, you who have followed Me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.’”
What’s extra special here is that the parallel from Psalms occurs in the 19th chapter!
*Proverbs (20th book) says –
“A man with an evil eye hastens after riches, And does not consider that poverty will come upon him.” Proverbs 28:22
And the parallel in Matthew 20 –
“Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? Or is your eye evil because I am good?” Matthew 20:15
In fact, an “evil eye” is extremely rare in Scripture. Both of these accounts are dealing with inappropriate use of riches. Something Matthew as a tax collector would be very familiar with.
*Ecclesiastes (21st Book) says –
“The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.” Ecclesiastes 1:1
Matthew 21 records the people of Israel hailing Christ Jesus as the fulfillment of this, He the greater Son of David –
“Then the multitudes who went before and those who followed cried out, saying: ‘Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’ Hosanna in the highest!” Matthew 21:9
*Song of Songs (book 22) concerns the wedding of the king, the son of David.
Matthew 22:1, 2 –
“And Jesus answered and spoke to them again by parables and said: 2 ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a certain king who arranged a marriage for his son.’”
*Isaiah (book 23) is filled with warnings of WOE to the people of Israel. Woe is mentioned 8 times through Isaiah 5.
In Matthew 23 Jesus gives His famous discourse to the teachers of the law and Pharisees –
“But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!” (23:13).
Note that Jesus says this to them 8 times, precisely matching Isaiah.
It’s interesting to note that Isaiah points out all the faults of others in these chapters, but when he has his famous vision of the Lord at the beginning of chapter 6, he cries, “Woe to me.” He had seen the LORD Almighty and suddenly realized his own low state. On the contrary, Jesus finishes His 8 woes and that’s that. As the Incarnate Word of God, all was said and there was no need for more!
*Another interesting point is what it says in Isaiah 1:23 –
“Your princes are rebellious,And companions of thieves;Everyone loves bribes,And follows after rewards.They do not defend the fatherless,Nor does the cause of the widow come before them.”
And Jesus says in Matthew 23:1, 2, 3 –
“Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to His disciples, 2 saying: ‘The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. 3 Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do.’”
Notice the comparison between the leaders of Isaiah’s time and Jesus’ time, as well as the astonishing numerical parallels (23)1:23 and 23:1,2,3!
Life application: The fact that the book, chapter, and verse divisions did not exist at the time of Matthew was discussed in a previous introductory commentary. It was then discussed that just because dispensationalism was not properly understood or taught until much later in the church age does not mean that it is not a valid teaching.
This is a fallacy known as chronological snobbery. Other names for this fallacy are historical elitism, temporal arrogance, time-based condescension, chronological superiority, and history-dismissing arrogance. The idea is that something taught at one time is superior to what was previously taught, or it is superior to what is later taught.
Those who are chronologically snobs towards dispensationalism essentially say, “Nobody ever taught that in the past, and it is therefore a false teaching.” One can see the arrogant, condescending, elitist attitude flowing out of such a claim.
In regard to dispensationalism, the problem with that rests in their misunderstanding of history itself. God promised to punish Israel for their disobedience. However, He clearly and unambiguously promised that they would be restored. He did this explicitly in Leviticus 26, and He alluded to it innumerable times after that.
However, this was done in order to bring in the Gentile-led church. To understand this, and to see what God has been doing, watch ing the sermon series from the book of Judges clearly reveals this is so. The story of the sacrifice of Jephthah’s daughter that is found in Judges 11 gives an exacting portrayal of what God is doing and why.
These marvelous patterns from Matthew provide their own sort of confirmation that God reveals certain things at certain times to ensure that we don’t just get stuck in the chronologically-snobberous attitude that we have everything figured out and that God’s plan fits our own little box and goes no further.
Be willing to put aside your presuppositions, and be willing to allow God to reveal to us those things that should be revealed at their own proper time.
Lord God, thank You for not having rejected Israel. Though the church thought this for so long, it also led to a lot of other bad theology. If You would break Your covenant with them, then how easy would it be for You to break the one that You made with us as well? But we can now see that salvation is eternal. The pattern for it rests in the saving of Your wayward people, Israel, for their own day of redemption. Hallelujah and Amen.
Thursday Jul 04, 2024
Thursday Jul 04, 2024
Thursday, 4 July 2024
The Book of Matthew; an Introduction – Part IIb
The list of books of the Bible that match the corresponding chapters of the Book of Matthew continues here:
*1 Samuel (9th book) contains the following –
“As soon as you come into the city, you will surely find him before he goes up to the high place to eat. For the people will not eat until he comes, because he must bless the sacrifice; afterward those who are invited will eat. Now therefore, go up, for about this time you will find him” 1 Samuel 9:13.
Matthew 9:13 says –
“But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’ For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.”
*The fact that sacrifice is mentioned, in both paragraphs 9:13 shows a pattern by itself, but in a deeper parallel we see the following, again from 1 Samuel –
“So Samuel said: ‘Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams.’” 1 Samuel 15:22
Saul was first shown the importance of sacrifice in 1 Samuel 9, but he failed to make the distinction between mere sacrifice and the more important aspect of following the Lord. Jesus had to again teach this lesson to Israel’s leaders in Matthew 9:13.
*2 Samuel (10th book) says –
“Now therefore, the sword shall never depart from your house, because you have despised Me, and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife” 2 Samuel 12:10.
Here's the parallel in Matthew –
“...and ‘a man’s enemies will be those of his own household” Matthew 10:36.
*1 Kings (11th book) mentions Elijah for the first time in the Bible, and although Elijah is mentioned many times in Matthew, he is first introduced in Matthew 11:14. “And if you are willing to receive it, he is Elijah who is to come.”
Interestingly, in 1 Kings 18:14, it says: “...Elijah is here.”
Notice both occur in the 14th verse.
*A second parallel in 1 Kings is this –
“And he said to them, ‘What advice do you give? How should we answer this people who have spoken to me, saying, “Lighten the yoke which your father put on us”’?” 1 Kings 12:9
Now read Matthew 11:29 –
“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Notice not just the “yoke” parallel from the 11th book and the 11th chapter, but notice the numbers without the word “Kings” – 11:29 and 11:29
*2 Kings (12th book) describes the history of Israel as a divided kingdom, meaning Israel in the north and Judah in the south, each with its own kings and slowly divergent cultures. The chronology continues through the destruction of first the northern kingdom and culminates in the destruction and exile of the southern kingdom.
Matthew 12:25 states the following –
“But Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: ‘Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand.’”
*A second link is found in 2 Kings 1:2 –
“Now Ahaziah fell through the lattice of his upper room in Samaria, and was injured; so he sent messengers and said to them, ‘Go, inquire of Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron, whether I shall recover from this injury.’”
Now read Matthew 12:24 –
“Now when the Pharisees heard it they said, ‘This fellow does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.’”
*A third link is found in 2 Kings 11:5 –
“Then he commanded them, saying, ‘This is what you shall do: One-third of you who come on duty on the Sabbath shall be keeping watch over the king’s house…’”
In Matthew 12:5 we read –
“Or have you not read in the law that on the Sabbath the priests in the temple profane the Sabbath, and are blameless?”
Notice the numerical pattern as both are in verse 5.
It’s interesting concerning the number of links in the books of Kings because Matthew’s book details Jesus as Israel’s King.
*1 Chronicles (13th book) it says –
“Moreover, because I have set my affection on the house of my God, I have given to the house of my God , over and above all that I have prepared for the holy house, my own special treasure of gold and silver” 1 Chronicles 29:3.
Matthew 13:52 says –
“Then He said to them, ‘Therefore every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old.’”
*2 Chronicles 16:10 (14th book) says –
“Then Asa was angry with the seer, and put him in prison, for he was enraged at him because of this. And Asa oppressed some of the people at that time.”
The parallel is what King Herod did in Matthew 14:10, “So he sent and had John beheaded in prison.”
Both occur in verse 10. Prophets of righteousness really had it tough. God bless them!
*Ezra (15th book) 3:5 discusses freewill offerings given to the glory of God –
“Afterwards they offered the regular burnt offering, and those for New Moons and for all the appointed feasts of the LORD that were consecrated, and those of everyone who willingly offered a freewill offering to the LORD.”
This is contrasted with the inappropriate gifts of the Pharisees in Matthew 15:5 –
“But you say, ‘Whoever says to his father or mother, “Whatever profit you might have received from me is a gift to God”’” Matthew 15:5.
Again, notice that the parallels are both contained in verse 5.
*Nehemiah (16th book) is concerned primarily with the rebuilding of the walls and gates of Jerusalem after the exile. In fact, the entire 3rd chapter concerns the gate building. Nehemiah’s efforts were not overcome by the forces of evil.
Matthew 16:18 says –
“And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.”
*Esther (17th book) teaches us the importance of fasting to seek God’s face and His favor, saying –
“Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me; neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!” Esther 4:16
Matthew 17:20, 21 says –
“So Jesus said to them, ‘Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. 21 However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.’”
Life application: As noted in the previous life application, the book divisions, chapter divisions, and verse divisions in the Christian Bible did not exist at the time of Matthew. And yet, most honest Christian evaluators of the Bible would agree that these patterns are real and that they seem to point to more than just random chance.And yet, many of those same people will dismiss various doctrines that supposedly arose later in the church age. For example, dispensationalism is called everything from poor theology to outright heresy by some. Those scholars believe the church has replaced Israel and that the modern state of Israel is an aberration.
They then attack those who originally proposed the doctrine of dispensationalism, saying that it is a new and aberrant teaching that only came into existence around the 1800s. But if dispensationalism is true, it doesn’t matter when it was “discovered,” just as the dating of the discovery of these patterns in Matthew is irrelevant.
But two points should be considered. The first is that many of those who dismiss dispensationalism because it is new teach doctrines that are only one or two hundred years older, such as Calvinism. In the span of the church age this is like the difference between children that are one and two years old. Thus, their thinking is biased, skewed, and flawed.
Second, however, is that Paul taught the dispensational model in Romans 9-11. It is clearly revealed elsewhere explicitly, and it is typologically seen again and again in the Old Testament. A review of the sermons by the Superior Word from Genesis, Joshua, and Judges in particular clearly and unambiguously portray the dispensational model.
Don’t be swayed by people who have not thought through the entire panorama of what God is doing in and through chronological history. God has not rejected Israel! The church has not replaced Israel! And, finally, the modern state of Israel, even if it is not right with God at this time, is placed back in the land of Israel for the fulfillment of God’s purposes, just as the dispensational model reveals.
Lord God, though we are unfaithful, You are always faithful. You will never reject those with whom You have covenanted. And what a blessing it is to know this. Since the day we met Jesus, we have continued to err and stray. But He remains faithful to us every step of the way. Super-duper and Hooray! Praise God for Jesus, our faithful Lord. Amen.
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Wednesday, 3 July 2024
The Book of Matthew; an Introduction – Part IIa
As noted in the first introductory segment, this segment will reveal some of the patterns of Matthew, and how the book fits into the overall structure of how the Bible is laid out. Due to its length, it will be divided into a two-day study.
Main Purposes:
There are several purposes concerning the need for the Book of Matthew as well as its placement in the Bible.
1) A Depiction of Jesus Christ Given to Assure Believers That He Is The One Promised to Come and Restore All Things for the People of God
2) A Carefully Detailed Record of the Life and Ministry of Jesus Christ: Matthew records the genealogy of Jesus, proving that He possessed the right to the throne of David and is the fulfillment of the messianic prophecies in the Old Testament.
He records the things Jesus did, the words He spoke, and the miracles He accomplished. Matthew’s gospel provides a beautiful panorama of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. With a knowledge of the Old Testament, one can pick up this gospel narrative and make the obvious connection to the things prophesied and the things then fulfilled.
3) Intricate Patterns That Reveal the Wisdom of God Through Inspiration of the Text: Each of the first 28 books of the Old Testament has a link to the corresponding chapter in Matthew, forming a notable structure within Matthew. These will be placed here in the introduction for easy reference in the future.
*God speaking to Abraham in Genesis (1st book) 22:18 says –
“In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.”
Matthew 1:1 links to this –
“The book of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the Son of Abraham.”
Here, the first sentence of Matthew is establishing the direct lineage of the Christ, Jesus. It is interesting to note that no other person in history can fulfill this prophecy because the records of Jewish genealogy were destroyed with the 2nd Temple in AD 70.
Secondly, Matthew 1:17 says –
“So all the generations from Abraham to David are fourteen generations, from David until the captivity in Babylon are fourteen generations, and from the captivity in Babylon until the Christ are fourteen generations.”
Interestingly, it is the 17th Chapter of Genesis where God reveals to Abraham that he would receive the covenant and that kings would come from him.
Notice the parallel – (1)17 and 1:17
Another Genesis/Matthew link is to be found here in Matthew 1:20, 21 –
“But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, ‘Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. 21 And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.’”
The parallel in Genesis is this –
“Joseph had a dream, and when he told it to his brothers, they hated him all the more.” Genesis 37:5
Notice that both Josephs received dreams from God.
*Exodus (2nd book) 4:22, 23 says –
“Then you shall say to Pharaoh, ‘Thus says the LORD: “Israel is My son, My firstborn. 23 So I say to you, let My son go that he may serve Me. But if you refuse to let him go, indeed I will kill your son, your firstborn.””’
Matthew 2:15, provides the link –
“and was there until the death of Herod, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, ‘Out of Egypt I called My Son.’”
Another impressive pattern from Exodus is the attempted murder of Moses by Pharoah and Jesus by Herod which was accomplished by exterminating the male children –
“When you help the Hebrew women in childbirth and observe them on the delivery stool, if it is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, let her live.” Exodus 1:16
“When Herod realized that he had been outwitted by the Magi, he was furious, and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem and its vicinity who were two years old and under, in accordance with the time he had learned from the Magi.” Matthew 2:16
Notice that both of these events occur in the 16th verse (2)1:16 and 2:16.
*Leviticus (3rd book) 11:22 reads –
“These you may eat: the locust after its kind, the destroying locust after its kind, the cricket after its kind, and the grasshopper after its kind.”
In Matthew 3:4 is this link –
“Now John himself was clothed in camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist; and his food was locusts and wild honey.”
*Numbers (4th book) begins with, “Now the LORD spoke to Moses in the Wilderness of Sinai...”
In fact, the Hebrew name for Numbers is Bamidbar which means “In the Wilderness.” The book details the forty years of wandering in the desert.
See how Matthew 4 begins –
“Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness...”
Notice the numerical pattern (4)1 and 4:1. Israel’s forty years are in accord with the biblical pattern of a day for a year which corresponds to Jesus’ forty days there.
Remember that the purpose of the 40 years of wandering is outlined in Deuteronomy 8 –
“And you shall remember that the Lord your God led you all the way these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and test you, to know what was in your heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not. 3 So He humbled you, allowed you to hunger, and fed you with manna which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you know that man shall not live by bread alone; but man lives by every word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord.” Deuteronomy 8:2, 3
Jesus used exactly this verse in Matthew 4:10 to refute the devil after His wandering in the wilderness –
“Then Jesus said to him, ‘Away with you, Satan! For it is written, “You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve.”’”
Another parallel between the two is in Numbers 23. Here it shows us where Balaam was tempted three times to curse the Israelites as they camped east of the Promised Land at the end of 40 years in the wilderness.
Matthew 4 matches this beautifully in the three temptations of Jesus by Satan at the end of His 40 days of fasting in the Judean wilderness which is east of Jerusalem.
*Deuteronomy (5th book) 28 starts with Israel's expected blessings from God for obedience. In fact, from Deuteronomy 3-12, the word “bless” in one form or another is mentioned nine times.
Matthew 5 starts with the Beatitudes spoken by the Lord Jesus. In fact, a form of the word “bless” is mentioned nine times from 3-11.
*Joshua (6th book) 7:21 says –
“When I saw among the spoils a beautiful Babylonian garment, two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold weighing fifty shekels, I coveted them and took them. And there they are, hidden in the earth in the midst of my tent, with the silver under it.”
Matthew 6:21 states –
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Notice the parallel in the number – (6)7:21 and 6:21.
*Judges is the 7th book.
Matthew 7:1 states, “Judge not, that you be not judged.”
*Ruth (8th book) 1:14 says –
“At this they wept again. Then Orpah kissed her mother-in-law good-by, but Ruth clung to her” (NIV).
Matthew 8:14 says –
“When Jesus came into Peter’s house, he saw Peter’s mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever” (NIV).
It may seem insignificant, but it is a pattern – (8)1:14 and Matthew 8:14 both speak of mother-in-law. This term is used only 16 times in the entire bible and 9 of these are in the book of Ruth while 5 are in the synoptic Gospels.
Life application: As you can already see, there are patterns hidden within the text of Matthew that correspond exactingly to other books of the Bible. These patterns will continue to be presented in the next few days.
Such patterns can be found in other Books of the Bible, such as Luke, which is filled with them. If one considers that the order of the books of the Old Testament do not match the same order as that used by the Jewish people, that the chapter divisions did not exist until the 1200s, and that the verse numbers did not exist until the 1500s, it is either the biggest fluke in history that these patterns exist, or it is absolutely certain that God superintended over the process of inspiring what was recorded, how it is laid out, and how it continued to be laid out even a millennia and a half later.
Further, these patterns continue to be discovered even today. If you struggle with whether the word of God is really the word of God, consider these things. The guiding hand of God has been involved in the process of inspiration all along as He has slowly revealed His word to His people in a chronologically methodical way so that man can have every assurance that he is putting his eggs in the right basket when he trusts in Jesus because he trusts in the reliability of the word of God.
Lord God, how wonderful it is to read and study Your word. The amount of wisdom and knowledge that is derived from it is beyond our ability to even imagine. Thank You for your sure and precious word that tells us about our great and exalted Savior, Jesus. Amen.
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Tuesday Jul 02, 2024
Tuesday, 2 July 2024
The Book of Matthew; an Introduction
The book of Matthew is comprised of 28 chapters of 1071 verses (as in the NKJV). Therefore, a daily evaluation of Matthew, one verse per day, will take approximately 2.93 years to complete, adding in the introduction to the book will take a couple more days.
Explanation of the Title:
The name, Matthew, is a transliteration of the Greek name Matthaios first found in Matthew 9:9. According to Abarim, the name is derived from the Hebrew word matath, gift, that comes from the verb nathan, to give. That is then suffixed with the divine name of the Lord, Yehovah, to read something like Mattaiah. Thus, the name would mean Gift of Yehovah.
It is almost unanimously agreed upon that the book of Matthew was written by the Apostle Matthew (Levi), a Levite tax collector who was called by Jesus in Matthew 9:9 –
“As Jesus passed on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, ‘Follow Me.’ So he arose and followed Him.”
Luke takes the same account and uses the name Levi –
“After these things He went out and saw a tax collector named Levi, sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, ‘Follow Me.’ 28 So he left all, rose up, and followed Him.” Luke 5:27, 28 (Also see Mark 2:14).
In Matthew 10:2-4, the names of the twelve apostles are provided. In Matthew 10:3, Matthew the tax collector is named in that list.
The literary style of the book is just what one would expect of a Jewish man who was a tax collector. His records are detailed, and he carefully records the words of several of Jesus’ parables that deal with money, as would be expected of an accountant.
Further, being a tax collector, it is probable that Matthew was familiar with writing either very quickly or very briefly (such as in shorthand) so that he could sit and write out the things he heard as Jesus had spoken them. This in no way diminishes the doctrine known as inspiration of Scripture where the Holy Spirit guides the process of providing us with the word of God.
Rather, it explains why the Holy Spirit would have used Matthew to make a word for word record of things like the Sermon on the Mount and the Olivet Discourse. Luke, on the other hand, was a chronicler of events that had taken place. The Holy Spirit used these men’s abilities to obtain the necessary information and to guide them in how it would then be presented.
It is debated when Matthew penned his gospel narrative, but it is believed to be somewhere from the early 40’s to late 50’s. As almost all believers at this time were Jews, it would help explain why his words deal so heavily with events from a Jewish point of view.
Internal Structure:
There are innumerable patterns running through Matthew, and what is recorded there reveals a wisdom that goes beyond a careful human planner of such a book. Rather, these patterns demonstrate a higher wisdom that guided the hand of Matthew, inspiring him to put in place these amazing patterns, many of which have only been uncovered in recent years.
Main Themes/Purpose:
An overall theme and purpose is that it is a written record of the life and events of Jesus Christ, demonstrating that He is mankind’s promised One who would restore all things as first seen in Genesis 3:15. He is Israel’s promised Messiah and the King of the Jews.
Matthew carefully records specific Old Testament fulfillments in his narrative, demonstrating these things. His introductory chapter carefully weaves together Jesus’ genealogy from Abraham to the coming of Jesus, hinging it upon the coming of King David and the Babylonian captivity of the people. Matthew’s words also carefully detail how Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled in the Person and work of Jesus Christ.
Another main purpose of the book, that becomes more evidently apparent when placed side by side with the other two synoptic gospels (Mark and Luke), is that these three gospels are a written record of Jesus’ ministry fulfilling the Law of Moses in order to bring it to an end through the initiation of a new covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah, an event that was prophesied in Jeremiah 31:31-34.
Therefore, it is important to understand the context of what is recorded in Matthew. It provides the life and words of Jesus as spoken to Israel under the law of Moses. Understanding this context removes many of what would otherwise seem contradictory statements between the synoptic gospels and the epistles.
The words of these synoptic gospels, then, must be carefully considered in this proper context. When they are applied to New Covenant believers, as sadly is often the case, it brings an incorrect theology to the mind of saved believers, as if Jesus is speaking to them about things they must do. Only with the introduction of the New Covenant do the words of Scripture truly begin to convey things intended for the church.
Jesus has done the work! Jesus has fulfilled everything necessary to reconcile us to God! And Jesus now offers His people grace and entrance into God’s promised rest.
Life application: With this all too brief initial summary of the book of Matthew presented, and with more introductory comments to come, it is hoped that you will be blessed by this in-depth study of the book of Matthew. It is a book that must be considered carefully. The intended context must be maintained. Jesus is dealing with Israel under the law and in anticipation of the coming New Covenant.
By maintaining this context things will be properly understood. It is certain that if this is not done, many major theological errors will be introduced into one’s walk with the Lord. The church age is the dispensation of grace. It came about because of Christ’s finished work.
If Matthew is taken in its proper light, it is an invaluable tool for understanding what God is doing in the redemptive narrative of human history. If it is taken incorrectly, failed doctrine, and possibly even heretical ideas, will arise within the church.
Let us consider the Book of Matthew in its proper light. In doing so, these errors in thinking and theology will be avoided.
Heavenly Father, how we thank You for Your precious word. Help us to consider it carefully, handle it with respect, and be filled with joy as we search out its treasures. May we find Your proper purpose and intent for us in it, and may we apply what we learn to our lives. Yes, may it be so to Your glory. Amen.
Monday Jul 01, 2024
Monday Jul 01, 2024
Monday, 1 July 2024
preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding him. Acts 28:31
A more literal rendering is, “Proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching these about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness – unrestrictedly” (CG).
In the previous verse, it was noted that Paul dwelt two full years in his own rental while receiving all who came to him. With that remembered, we now come to the final verse in this marvelous book called Acts. It finds Paul busily doing what he was called to do so many years earlier by his Lord. Luke notes he was “Proclaiming the kingdom of God.”
It is a certainty that if there is a kingdom, then there must be a king over that kingdom. This final verse of Acts dispels the false teaching that Jesus is not a reigning King over the church and that the kingdom only refers to an earthly kingdom that Jesus will reign over during the millennium.
Paul teaches the present reality of the Christian kingdom numerous times, and he also speaks of it as a future reality. This is not unlike salvation itself. We are saved for a future state of eternal existence that we do not now fully possess. And so, salvation is both a present reality as well as a future hope. This is true with sanctification, etc.
As for the kingdom being a present reality, Paul says elsewhere –
“He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, 14 in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.” Colossians 1:13, 14
Such doctrine as this concerning the kingdom constitutes what Paul would have said to those in his rental in Rome. With that, Luke next records, “and teaching these about the Lord Jesus Christ.”
Again, if there is a kingdom, there is a king. In the case of the Kingdom of God, its King is the Lord Jesus Christ. This precept is not to be ignored. Jesus fills innumerable roles for His people. He is their Savior, Redeemer, Hope, Lord, Passover, Shepherd, etc.
Each of these roles helps us to better understand and appreciate what God in Christ has done. Paul would have spent innumerable hours explaining these things to anyone who came by to hear the good news or to receive doctrine concerning these.
But considering that Paul was proclaiming this kingdom right in Rome, it is telling us that despite having real human governments and authorities placed over us and to whom we are to be subject (Romans 13:1-7), we have a higher allegiance and an eternal hope that is grounded in Jesus Christ.
Paul’s words could have caused a lot of trouble if they were taken out of the greater context of his teachings. But with a Roman guard standing right there, the context would have been maintained and any accusations against him could easily have been cast aside.
The guard could testify that Paul’s proclamations concerning King Jesus were a future hope as well as a present state that called for him to yield to the authorities over him at the same time. Thus, Paul was safe in his proclamation. And it was a proclamation that he made “with all boldness.”
Paul never shied away from saying exactly what was proper and appropriate. In Galatians 2, it was seen that Peter was stepping back from the gospel and being led astray by the false teachings of the Judaizers. When that happened, Paul gave him an earful –
“Now when Peter had come to Antioch, I withstood him to his face, because he was to be blamed; 12 for before certain men came from James, he would eat with the Gentiles; but when they came, he withdrew and separated himself, fearing those who were of the circumcision. 13 And the rest of the Jews also played the hypocrite with him, so that even Barnabas was carried away with their hypocrisy.14 But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Peter before them all, ‘If you, being a Jew, live in the manner of Gentiles and not as the Jews, why do you compel Gentiles to live as Jews? 15 We who are Jews by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles, 16 knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law; for by the works of the law no flesh shall be justified.’” Galatians 2:11-16
This is the type of boldness that defined the apostle Paul. He was unashamed to stand against those who would compromise the gospel, even if it included an apostle who had lived with and experienced the first-hand workings of the Lord Jesus. When Peter shied away from what he was called to proclaim, Paul boldly corrected him.
To this day, Paul’s epistles continue to do this for us. If we, as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, are willing to hold to the word faithfully, we will proclaim what God has inspired through Paul, never waffling on what he has set forth for us.
Luke next finishes the book of Acts with true flair. His writings have introduced an enormous number of rare words, some are only found within the pages of Scripture. Of Paul’s bold proclamations, Luke finishes the book with the word akólutós, unrestrictedly.
It is an adverb found only here, coming from the negative particle a, and kóluó, to hinder, prevent, debar, etc. Thus, it signifies unhindered, unrestricted, etc. A single adverb to appropriately carry the sense would be “unrestrictedly.”
Paul was not forbidden to speak, and he faithfully used his privileges to boldly proclaim the goodness of God by sending Jesus to do all things prophesied, even from the earliest pages of Scripture.
Life application: In his own hired quarters, Paul could preach of the kingdom of God and teach from copies of the Scriptures that he surely possessed. His words would speak of all of the things which pointed to and spoke of Jesus.
The fullness of this message, however, has not yet been fully searched out. Paul merely opened up the eyes of the Gentiles to the Word of God and to the power of His salvation. He proclaimed it with confidence because he was a Jew who was regarded as a Jew, teaching a valid interpretation of the Jewish religious system which was considered legitimate under Roman law.
Because of his place and position, John Gill states -
“...not the Roman emperor, nor the Roman senate, nor any other magistrate; nor could the Jews hinder him, nor was his mouth to be stopped by any; nor could the open door of the Gospel be shut, or its course be impeded; for though the apostle was bound, the word of God was not.”
Paul was left unhindered in his speech and teachings. In reality, it was the sweetest spot for the man to be in. He was doing what he loved most, and he was doing it in the very center of the Gentile nations that he had been called to minister to.
With this, the book of Acts has come to its completion. For those who have participated in the original publication of this commentary, it has taken you through 1007 verses, one per day, equaling a time of study and contemplation of 2.76 years. Your time with me has been most appreciated.
For those who came in later or who will read this in the future, thank you for sharing in the book of Acts. May God bless you as you read and study it and the rest of the body of Scripture all the days of your life.
This work would not have been possible without the following people who voluntarily assisted in ensuring it would make it to those who have followed along, doing this every single day over the past 1007 days:
Joey D’Andrea
Bob Hart
Daniel Higgins
Mike Konrad
Wade Nolan
May the grace of God be with you always.
Lord God, thank You for the book of Acts, one of the sixty-six best books in Your precious word. And above all, thank You for Jesus Christ our Lord who is the center and focus of Acts, and indeed all of Scripture. Thank You for our precious Lord Jesus. Hallelujah and Amen.
Sunday Jun 30, 2024
Sunday Jun 30, 2024
Sunday, 30 June 2024
Then Paul dwelt two whole years in his own rented house, and received all who came to him, Acts 28:30
The Greek more literally reads, “And Paul remained a whole biennium in a personal rental, and welcomed all coming unto him” (CG).
In the previous verse, it was seen that as the Jews departed Paul’s house, they had a disputation among themselves. That leads into the next verse which leaves out Paul’s name in some manuscripts. For example, the ESV reads –
“He lived there two whole years at his own expense, and welcomed all who came to him.” ESV
Other than that, the various manuscripts generally agree. And so, after the Jews departed, this verse commences, beginning with, “And Paul remained a whole biennium.”
The word dietia is used for the second and last time here. It was seen first in Acts 24:27. It signifies a period of two years. A single English word to describe it is biennium. However, the Greek word is defined by Strong’s Concordance, saying, “according to ancient practice this means any period between one and two years.”
Therefore, Luke includes the word holos, whole, to ensure that a full biennium is what is being conveyed. As holos is the etymological root of our modern word “whole,” the translation “whole biennium” is as literal as one can get.
Of this time frame, it next lets us know that Paul remained “in a personal rental.” Again, we have words that are exactingly translated from the Greek idiō misthōmati. The word idios is an adjective signifying “one’s own.” Thus, a single adjective to translate would be “personal.” The next word, misthóma, is only found here in Scripture. It signifies a rented house or a hired dwelling. Thus, the single word “rental” fits perfectly.
Luke’s use of words tells us that while awaiting his trial, Paul rented his own place. He wanted to have the liberty of engaging with others in a decent accommodation. This is reflected in the next words, “and welcomed all coming unto him.”
The verb is imperfect indicating that people came and kept coming. He freely welcomed those who wanted to know about the things of God in Christ, and he did so repeatedly.
As for the word “welcomed, it is the Greek word apodechomai. This is its seventh and last use. It literally means “received from.” It is a way of signifying a glad reception. Paul was excited about people’s interest in his apostleship and message, and he never failed to heartily receive them.
Life application: At first, and from the brevity of these words, it might appear that these two years were wasted as far as true evangelism goes. But this is the furthest thing from the truth.
The often-seen theme of the Book of Acts was Paul winding his way throughout the nations and being quickly expelled from many localities by hostiles, particularly Jews opposed to his message. By being in his own rented house, he was able to receive any and all who wished to talk to him about the message he proclaimed.
The word “all” is to be taken all inclusively. He could freely talk to Jew or Gentile, male or female, slave or slave owner, etc. He would be free to speak clearly, without interruption, and to substantiate his words by turning to Scripture.
Whatever this house was, be it a small room or a larger full house, it would certainly have been filled day and night by any who were curious to learn from this immense storehouse of wisdom concerning God’s word. As the Geneva Bible comments on this verse, “The word of God cannot be bound.”
How willing are you to welcome people into your life when a matter concerning the gospel or proper doctrine arises? Will you open your time up for them, or will you simply tell them to check with your pastor or Bible teacher and be done with it?
The more willing you are to share what you know, the more you will learn yourself. The old adage that you never learn as much as when you become a teacher is true. Once you start telling others about Jesus and about proper biblical doctrine, you will find yourself searching out answers and learning more than you ever thought you would.
So be welcoming! Take people into your life and be willing to instruct them on what you know.
Lord God, help us to be giving of ourselves and our time, especially when it comes to sharing the good news about Jesus. May our homes be open, and may our embrace be welcoming as we encounter those curious about our faith. We pray this to Your glory. Amen.
Saturday Jun 29, 2024
Saturday Jun 29, 2024
Saturday, 29 June 2024
And when he had said these words, the Jews departed and had a great dispute among themselves. Acts 28:29
More literally, it reads, “And he, having said these, the Jews departed, having much disputation among themselves” (CG).
In the previous verse, Paul proclaimed to the Jews who had heard his presentation of Christ Jesus, “Therefore, be it known to you that the salvation of God was sent to the Gentiles, and they will hear” (CG).
Now, Luke records, “And he, having said these, the Jews departed.”
This verse is omitted in some manuscripts, and it is missing from some modern translations because of that (such as the ESV). Doctrinally, it doesn't change anything either way.
However, if it belongs in the Bible, and it seems unlikely that such a verse would be arbitrarily added, it shows that some Jews were convinced of the truth of the matter concerning Christ, or they at least wanted to search out the matter further. That is indicated in the next words, “having much disputation among themselves.”
In this clause is a word found only here in Scripture, suzétésis. It is a noun referring to a disputation or a mutual questioning. These Jews found themselves questioning what Paul had shown them from Scripture and there was not an agreement fully decided among them.
Such a dispute would lead, as it always did, to a dividing of the people. There would be some coming to salvation while others continued on the path to condemnation. As Romans 11:5 says that there is a remnant of Jews saved by grace, and as Romans was written for the maintenance of the entire Gentile-led church age, then it remains true that the Jews have not been rejected entirely.
The dispute among them remains to this day, but the movement of the Spirit among the Jews is expanding almost exponentially. The truth of salvation through the shed blood of Christ is finally taking deep roots among His long-wayward people. Healing for the nation is coming and Christ is coming to reign among them.
Until then, this dispute continues on. Many who come to Christ are shunned by family and friends, but Jesus told them that such a cost was to be expected.
Life application: In a society where Christ is openly accepted, one can expect less trouble coming to salvation through faith in the gospel. In fact, exactly the opposite is the case. When a person makes a commitment to Christ, the family rejoices, but when Jesus is rejected, there is true sadness at the anticipated loss.
However, even in openly Christian societies, there are those who come to Jesus out of Islam or Judaism and the family is often angry. Depending on the family, it may even mean excommunication or death.
Muslims, in particular, have a written code that calls for those who leave the faith to be killed. It is not always carried out, but that is because they are not fulfilling the writings of their own religion. For example, this is what it says in Wikipedia concerning this matter –
“Death penalty is the traditional form of punishment for both male and female apostates for leaving Islam. Jaʿfari or Imāmī school – Male apostates must be executed, while female apostates must be held in solitary confinement until they repent and return to Islam. Apostasy from Islam is considered a hudud crime.”
This leaves people with an obvious dilemma. Will they be true to the false religion they were born into, eventually being cast into the Lake of Fire for rejecting Christ, or will they take the chance of being killed for the sake of Jesus but find eternal life through His shed blood?
Judaism doesn’t have any such written code to kill those who depart from their faith, and quite often, Jews don’t profess any faith in God at all. And more, Jews can become Buddhists, Muslims, etc. without losing their status as Jews. However, many Jews say that when a Jew converts and accepts Jesus, he or she is no longer a Jew.
This is a problem that must be considered. Messianic Jews, however, say that they become “completed Jews” when they come to Christ. They now possess the fulfillment of what their ancient culture always hoped for. In coming to Jesus, they are reconciled to God and are on the heavenly path to glory.
So, choices must be made at times. But the right choice is always to come to Jesus. Only He is the path that God has given for fallen man to be saved. This is the Christian message because it is the message of the Bible.
But that brings us to another sad development within the broader label of “Christian.” Liberal churches have now largely rejected what Scripture says. They now say that God accepts people from many paths and that Christ is not the exclusive way to be saved.
Unfortunately for them, they are not true Christians who proclaim this. They will find themselves taking an eternal swim in the Lake of Fire along with all who reject Jesus. Be sure to get the boxes right. There is the “Jesus is the way to be saved” box, and there are all others that lead to condemnation. Be sure to find yourself in the right one.
Lord God, You have sent Your Son into the world to bring us back to Yourself. He paid a high price to redeem us. How can we tread upon the precious blood of Christ through rejecting the offer or diminishing the act by saying that there is another path? We cannot! We proclaim that Jesus is Lord and that every knee will bow to Him. Some in salvation and others in condemnation. But we proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord! Amen.
Friday Jun 28, 2024
Friday Jun 28, 2024
Friday, 28 June 2024
“Therefore let it be known to you that the salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will hear it!” Acts 28:28
More literally, it reads, “Therefore, be it known to you that the salvation of God was sent to the Gentiles, and they will hear” (CG).
Paul just completed citing the words of Isaiah, noting the hardened state of the Jewish nation. A time will come when they will hear the gospel, but at this time, they are in a state where they are unwilling – as a nation – to accept it. Therefore, Paul next says, “Therefore, be it known to you.”
He is speaking to his people, the Jews who had come to hear his words as was recorded in the previous verses. They had asked to hear Paul on the subject, he appointed a day for them to come and meet, and he had spent the entire day going over the evidence that Jesus is the Messiah. However, they could not mutually agree on his words.
It was because of this that he cited his words of Isaiah to them. With that done, he continues his words to them now, saying, “that the salvation of God was sent to the Gentiles.”
Unlike many translations, the tense of the verb is aorist, not present. Paul has been proclaiming the message of Jesus to the Gentiles for years. He would continue to do so as well. With that stated, he next changes to the future tense, saying, “and they will hear.”
The message was sent. Paul knows personally that they had received it openly. However, he also knows that even in the future, the Gentiles will hear and respond. This then is set in parallel to his citation of Isaiah in the previous verse –
And I will heal them [the Jewish nation].
And they will hear [the Gentiles].
God’s plan will come about for both Jew and Gentile. His foreknowledge of these matters is on prominent display.
Understanding that the Jews were now going to be healed of their stubborn refusal, a “healing” which would mean being cut off from God’s family and mercy for an unknown duration, God would do a new thing during that period.
It actually began at the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch as recorded in Acts 8. It was then especially highlighted at the house of Cornelius in Acts 10. From there, it had been growing in movement since that time under the auspices of Paul's amazing apostleship.
The salvation of God in Christ would go fully to the Gentiles of the world. The new thing then is a prominent focus of the plan of redemption being worked not through and for the Jews, but through and for the Gentiles. This is painstakingly explained by Paul in Romans 9-11.
The result of the salvation of God being sent to the Gentiles is that they will hear it. But this means more than having audible sounds resonate in their ears. The word is used figuratively “to hear God's voice which prompts Him to birth faith within” (HELPS Word Studies). They will hear the message, and they will respond in faith, believing and being saved.
Paul’s words in the future tense, then, were more than an assertion of expectancy. They form a prophetic utterance. He had seen the hope and joy of the Gentiles as they heard the message of Christ proclaimed. He was aware of the prophecies of Scripture which told of their coming trust in the Lord and the resulting blessing upon them (Isaiah 49:6, e.g.), and he was filled with the Spirit of God as he uttered the words which would secure for God a church led by the Gentiles and which has endured for almost two thousand years.
As we approach the sure end of this dispensation, the words of the previous verse are now ready to come true. He said He would heal them. At this time, Jews are now turning to Christ in an immense way. Someday the nation as a whole, as identified in the singular during Isaiah’s quote, will come to pass. The plan of the ages is coming to its fulfillment now in our very lifetime.
Life application: The first chapters of Joshua, especially Chapters 3 and 4, typologically anticipate the time when Israel will, as a nation, finally come to Christ. Throughout the Old Testament, both in typology and in clear prophetic utterances, the national salvation of Israel is clearly seen.
It is hard to imagine how people in the church today cannot accept this. There was a time when the Jews were so scattered as a people that it seemed impossible that they could ever be regathered as a nation.
And more, the land of Israel was so barren and useless that nobody thought it would ever have any value again. Though inhabited by some, it was a land of utter desolation, heat, and almost no productivity at all.
However, God began to stir the heart of the Jewish people. They began to return there and work the land so that it began to be productive. During this time, those in the church who accepted the words of Scripture concerning the return of the Jews to the land as being literal began to support the process.
The modern Zionist movement is not an aberration. Rather, it is the fulfillment of God’s utterances, found right in His word. Let us accept that God is doing something great in the world. Despite Israel’s unfaithfulness to Him, the Lord is demonstrating His faithfulness to them. In doing so, He is showing us that His word is true and that He can be trusted in the greater promises He has given to us.
The hope of eternal life is not a pipe dream for people to relieve their sadness concerning the futility of existence. Rather, it is a principle tenet promised to the people of God as is recorded in His sacred word. He is faithful and He will do it. Thank God for Jesus who has made this possible.
Lord God Almighty, You have spoken and Your word is true. What it proclaims will come to pass. We can be absolutely certain of this. You have shown us time and again, right from Your word, that You can be trusted. Why should we not consider that the future promises are equally reliable? We do! Praise to You, O God. We trust Your word because we trust You! Amen.
Thursday Jun 27, 2024
Thursday Jun 27, 2024
Thursday, 27 June 2024
For the hearts of this people have grown dull.
Their ears are hard of hearing,
And their eyes they have closed,
Lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears,
Lest they should understand with their hearts and turn,
So that I should heal them.” Acts 28:27
A literal rendering of the Greek is:
“For has fattened, the heart of this people,And the ears, sluggishly they hear,And their eyes, they have closed – Lest when the eyes: they should see,And the ears: they should hear,And the heart: they should understand,And they should turn.And I will heal them” (CG).
Paul began citing Isaiah in the previous verse. He continues citing the prophet now. He begins with, “For has fattened, the heart of this people.”
The word heart is singular. The nation had a national fattening of its collective heart. The word he uses is seen for the second and last time, pachunó. It signifies to fatten, thicken, and thus become stupid, dull, and/or unfeeling.
In Scripture, the heart is the seat of reason and understanding. HELPS Word Studies says, “the affective center of our being" and the capacity of moral preference (volitional desire, choice; see P. Hughs, 2 Cor, 354); ‘desire-producer that makes us tick’ (G. Archer), i.e our ‘desire-decisions’ that establish who we really are.”
Israel’s collective heart, which controlled their very center of being, had grown fat like a man about to keel over from a heart attack in a moral sense. This was true at the time of Isaiah, but Paul says that it continued to be true in them those many hundreds of years later.
Next, it says, “And the ears, sluggishly they hear.” It is a word used for the second and last time in the New Testament, bareós. It signifies heavily or with difficulty or something done in a sluggish manner.
The words are still speaking of the people of Israel collectively, as if they had two ears. Their hearing became heavy, like a person who was sleepy and no longer listened to the sound around him.
The Lord was speaking, but they were not listening. With their moral compass fattened over, they could no longer hear the difference between right and wrong when it was spoken. It next says, “And their eyes, they have closed.”
In their slumbering state, because of the moral degradation that they were tolerating, they could no longer see the difference between right and wrong. They simply closed their eyes and failed to acknowledge wickedness or holiness.
Therefore, as is always the case when in such a state, they took the carnally appealing path of wickedness and rejected the right and moral path found in Christ’s coming. Now because of being in such a depraved state, Paul continues with Isaiah’s words, providing four subjunctives to explain the state they were in. The first is, “Lest when the eyes: they should see.”
Instead of speaking of the people directly, he speaks of their faculties. The first is the eyes. Essentially, Isaiah is saying, “What would be the case if the eyes start seeing? They don’t see now because they are closed. But what would happen if they were opened?” But it will not happen. It next says, “And the ears: they should hear.”
It is the second subjunctive. “What would be the case if the ear suddenly opened up and started hearing – no longer being heavy and sluggish? What would happen if the ears started listening?” The Lord knows it will not come about. From there, he turns to the third subjunctive, “And the heart: they should understand.”
It is the single heart of the nation. What would be the situation of the heart of the people if their eyes started seeing and their ears started hearing? It would begin to understand. Israel had done this to themselves, and the Lord speaks of that as being the case. He knows that their heart will not understand.
Therefore, the Lord through Isaiah speaks of their state, knowing that within them it is an impossible thought. From there, the Lord asks, based on such an otherwise impossible change in them, “And they should turn.”
It is the fourth subjunctive, and the meaning is, “What if Israel should come to himself?” But they can’t because they have placed themselves in such an impossible state that on their own, it simply cannot happen. However, despite this state, the Lord’s response through Isaiah is, “And I will heal them.”
Many translations continue translating these words as a subjunctive, “and I should heal them.” This is incorrect. The words are future indicative, “And I will heal them.”
To understand what is going on, the verse needs to be looked at from a higher perspective. It has a most important chiastic structure to it which reveals a marvelous truth in the last clause.
First it notes hearts/ears/eyes; it then turns around and notes eyes/ears/hearts. As seen, the dullness referred to comes from the idea of becoming thick through fatness. Thus, the fat around their heart caused them to fail to understand.
Collective Israel was numbed to the things of God. The people had shut their ears to His word, and they had closed their eyes completely, shutting out anything but what they wished to see.
These actions are laid solely at the feet of the people. It is not the Lord who closed their eyes, which might somehow be inferred if only evaluating verse 26. Rather, this was a voluntary act of the national free will. This is perfectly evident from the beginning word “For” (Greek: gar), and the interim word “lest” (Greek: me).
It is Israel that turned from the Lord, and it is they who would suffer the consequences. However, the last clause, “And I will heal them,” is explained by Bengel –
“... in Isaiah the Hebrew accent makes the fullest stop of the hemistich after ἐπιστρέψωσι [epistrephosi], should be converted [and so ἰάσομαι [iasomai] becomes distinguished from the contingent relation of the previous verbs, and is made a positive assertion].”
Note: epistrephosi (should turn) is the last word in the Greek of the previous clause.
What Bengel is saying is that translators tend to make the last clause contingent upon the rest of the verse: “If they did this, then I will do that.” However, the clauses are actually not connected at all in this way. Rather, it should be read as -
“For has fattened, the heart of this people,And the ears, sluggishly they hear,And their eyes, they have closed – Lest when the eyes: they should see,And the ears: they should hear,And the heart: they should understand,And they should turn.And I will heal them.”
In other words, this is a prophecy based on the hardness of the hearts of the Jewish people. Their hearts have grown dull, their ears are hard of hearing, their eyes have closed. Now the Lord will take action to heal them.
In the previous clauses is found the truth that if they did see, hear, and understand, they would be healed. But on their own, this won’t happen. The “WILL” of the final clause being in the future indicative makes it a positive assertion, kai iasomai autous – “AND I WILL HEAL THEM.”
This then means that the Lord's plans for Israel are judgment leading to repentance. Explained differently, a second exile leading to restoration. It has never been the purpose of God to reject the nation of Israel who rejected Him. Instead, it was, is, and continues to be the purpose of God to bring about their healing and restoration.
The chiastic structure of the verse is a vital clue that shows that the last clause is independent of the others.
The Expositor's Greek Testament notes, “It is significant that Luke the physician should thus cite as almost the last words of his record a prophecy ending with ἰάσομαι [iasomai] = I WILL.”
The great Physician will heal in His own perfect timing. He, through Isaiah and as cited by Paul, notes that it will come about.
Life application: It is not hard to see our own nations as resembling that of Israel. This is especially so watching the liberal left conduct their affairs. Their hearts are totally fattened to the plight of the unborn, those harmed by crime, and the injustice of over-taxation.
Their ears cannot hear cries for justice or right conduct. Their eyes are closed to anything moral and upright, instead they alight upon wickedness and perversion, drawing it into their mind and becoming more depraved with each day that passes.
There is a point where this state will no longer change. The people become so depraved that nothing will change them. When this state arrives, only judgment is left for them. This was the state at the time of the flood. It is the state that Jesus says the world will be like before He returns. And this state includes Israel ever since they rejected Jesus.
The prophecy, as it is recorded in Acts, shows that they will not voluntarily turn to the right path, meaning calling on Jesus, until the Lord acts. This is exactly what the Bible says is coming. The prophets proclaim it and the book of Revelation places His actions on prominent display.
The purpose of the tribulation period is to bring Israel to the point where they will finally turn and call out to the Lord. This will not be an action initiated by them. Rather, the tribulation and resulting judgment is His action that then results in their turning.
We do not save ourselves. Jesus did the work, we then turn to Him, and in our turning, we are saved. The process is of the Lord. We acknowledge that and He heals. This is how it is at all times.
The Lord is the One to receive the credit for salvation. There are no works involved. Rather, there is an appeal for mercy based upon His goodness. When the turning comes and the appeal is made, God heals.
Lord God, help us to understand that we cannot work our way back to You. We are corrupt and incapable of doing what is needed to please You. But Jesus has done it all. When we realized that our judgment was laid upon Him, how can we not turn to You? Thank You, O God, for Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.