Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Sunday, 27 August 2023
“Therefore, since these things cannot be denied, you ought to be quiet and do nothing rashly. Acts 19:36
The words are more closely translated, “Therefore, these things being undeniable, it is necessary for you to be calmed and to do nothing rash” (CG).
The recorder in Ephesus just calmed the crowd and spoke to them concerning their goddess Artemis, claiming her image had fallen down from Zeus. Having said that, he next continues, saying, “Therefore, these things being undeniable.”
He uses a word found only here in Scripture, anantirrétos. It consists of three parts: a – the negative particle, anti – in place of, and rheo – to speak of. Taken together, they signify indisputable or undeniable. Literally, “cannot be spoken against.”
The intent is that Paul had spoken against things made with hands, such as Demetrius’ images. However, the recorder stated that the image of Artemis in the temple was not made with hands. Rather, it had fallen down from Zeus. But Demetrius’ claim from verse 19:26 was against Paul’s words, “they are not gods which are made with hands.”
His words indicate that the crowd had been gathered and stirred up under false pretenses. This is because there was no way Paul’s words could overturn what heaven itself had set up. As this was indisputable, how could such ridiculous worries even enter the minds of those in the crowd? Therefore, he next says, “it is necessary for you to be calmed and to do nothing rash.”
Because they were gathered based on a false and ridiculous argument, and because ridiculous worries end in decisions that are rash, they should lighten up before something arose that they would regret. In the next verses, he will give sound advice for those who may have a grievance, but the crowd itself had no justification for their almost riotous actions.
Life application: Despite properly calming the crowd from taking unjust actions, the words of the recorder were based on a false proposition. He stated that the image of Artemis had fallen down from heaven and that this was indisputable.
If the people believed him concerning this, that is fine, but time has not borne out his words. If what he said was true, the temple and the image would still be standing to this day, but it is not. Anyone can make any claim, no matter how ridiculous. Unfortunately, the more trustworthy a person appears, the more he will be heeded, regardless of how inane his argument may be.
For example, there are scientists all over the world who are highly respected and who teach that the universe exploded itself into existence. Others teach that man evolved from goo. There is not a single shred of evidence for either of these claims, and yet they are believed by innumerable people.
Just because someone in a position of authority makes a claim, it is unwise to accept his words at face value. This applies to those in the ministry as well as the secular world. If someone makes a claim about something from the Bible, you should be well versed enough in Scripture to know whether what he says is true or not, or at least know where to go to check it out.
Don’t just believe what you hear. An entire stadium of people believed the recorder’s nonsensical words that an image had fallen down from heaven simply because they were told it was true by someone in authority. Check, think, and verify. These things are important in all aspects of life.
Lord God, the word we have been given from You is a self-validating book, filled with sufficient evidence that we can certainly trust its contents. Unfortunately, people still take what it says and manipulate it for various reasons. Help us to be diligent in reading it and being familiar enough with it to know when it is being mishandled. Help us in this, O God, so that our walk with You will be sound and proper. Amen.
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